Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 16, 2014

U.S. Continues to Target Sinaloa Cartel

Borderland Beat DEA Press Release
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Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent in Charge Doug Coleman announced today that the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) reported the designation of Jose Guadalupe Tapia Quintero, a Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico based senior lieutenant of the Sinaloa Cartel.  Jose Guadalupe Tapia Quintero was designated for his role in the drug trafficking activities of Ismael "Mayo" Zambada Garcia and for playing a significant role in international drug trafficking. 
"DEA and its OFAC partners will not allow these dangerous cartels and their associates to exploit the U.S. financial system," said DEA Special Agent in Charge Doug Coleman.  "We're relentlessly following the financial trail to deprive these traffickers of their assets, draining the lifeblood from their criminal enterprises."
Tapia Quintero oversees the transportation of cocaine and marijuana for the Zambada Garcia drug trafficking organization and is responsible for coordinating the purchase and transportation of cocaine and methamphetamine from Sinaloa into the U.S., specifically Arizona and California, on a monthly basis. 
Tapia Quintero also transports methamphetamine on behalf of a drug trafficking cell affiliated with Joaquin "Chapo" Guzman Loera from Sinaloa to Tijuana, Baja California via tractor trailers.  The President identified Joaquin Guzman Loera, Ismael Zambada Garcia, and the Sinaloa Cartel as significant foreign narcotics traffickers pursuant to the Kingpin Act in 2001, 2002 and 2009, respectively.
Pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (Kingpin Act), this designation generally prohibits U.S. persons from conducting financial or commercial transactions with Tapia Quintero, and also freezes any assets he may have under U.S. jurisdiction.
"We will continue to target all aspects of the narcotics trade," said Treasury's Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Adam J. Szubin.  "Our actions will focus on their financial nerve points as well as the underlying logistics which are essential to their day to day operations such as the transportation network that we are taking action against today."
Today's action would not have been possible without the support of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), specifically the Phoenix Field Division, and the multi-agency OCDETF Strike Force.
Since June 2000, the President has identified 103 drug kingpins, and OFAC has designated more than 1300 entities and individuals, pursuant to the Kingpin Act. Penalties for violations of the Kingpin Act range from civil penalties of up to $1.075 million per violation to more severe criminal penalties. Criminal penalties for corporate officers may include up to 30 years in prison and fines up to $5 million. Criminal fines for corporations may reach $10 million. Other individuals could face up to 10 years in prison and fines pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code for criminal violations of the Kingpin Act.

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  1. Mayo's days seem to be coming to an end!!! They are taking apart his whole organization piece by piece. He should retire while he still has the money.

    1. Puro Badiraguato!!!

    2. Shut up bish!!!! Lmfao!!!!!

    3. This shit goes so hard it makes me want to be a paisa!

    4. 2:48 pm You are a paisa.

  2. Wow, someone applies pressure to a zit or two, cough, cough hackserafin, cough hack hack chino...and the contents come spilling out..

    1. Couldn't agree more with you ^^

  3. But hes not that sexy, so no one will pay much attention

  4. If the cartels think they can use their ill-gotten gains to showboat in the U.S. they've got another thing coming... the U.S. government isn't mexico, they'll seize everything homes, cars, cash, planes they don't care everything is fair game businesses family members assets and they will keep going. They seized the zetas farm and over 400 horses some horses which were worth millions

    1. Wrong just plain wrong I watch sinaloa hang one of those narco banners in Houma Louisiana about 4 block from the state police headquarters and the did nothing visit some towns and cities on the I-10 corridor and youll see them they ride around some of these places with their cartel affiliation emblazoned on their vehicles they buy bars launder money corrupt local trucking outfits to smuggle drugs the bribe their ways into legitimate business sectors like the gulf coast oil and gas industry and use its ports to smuggle drugs and engage in all manner of racketeering and extortion from labor corruption to extortion and human trafficking all right out in the open at least they do in texas and Louisiana theres a political aspect to what theyre doing in much the same way china is at war with the us in cyberspace and money markets its a concerted effort to subvert American culture and dominance in the region same thing the brits did to the chinese ive known some of these people and believe me its not just about profit they are literally hell bent on our destruction they are bitter about the past and bitter about their place on the world stage you can easily look and see that everything west of the Mississippi and south of our borders is polarizing back to a latin hegemony Venezuela peru bolivia etc mexicos ethnic borders are expanding past their political borders to mirror there pre- mexico/American war territorial claims at the height of its sovereignty just look at it cali az nm nevada tejas its a concerted effort to recover what was lost through manipulation and indirect conflict these people are not all apolitical why do think their own government turned a blind eye for so long ..

  5. Alfredo Arzate Arteaga, "El Aquiles detained

  6. Thank Crist. There finally going after the cds

  7. there just doing this because ex dea agents have recently varrified that there was a contract with sinaloa

  8. Tenie algun corrido?

    1. Lupe Tapia-Arley Perez

    2. Arley Perez is a horrible singer. Sounds like he's bout to die in all his songs. Like if he's gasping for air

    3. Por que Si not tiene corridos , no son gente importante.. Jaja

    4. Hahahaha you have to love the haters...hating on the music..the life style...dammm its by choice not by
      Who do you like to listen to in regards to the narco corridos genre ?? Lmao

  9. The US isn't targeting a damn thing! Of course they have to have it "on record" that they are TRYING to combat the cartel. When more than likely, they are profiting off of the Cartel more than anyone .

    1. Yeah then point fingers and hide... Like the scarface ending sene speach

  10. Follow the money trail ... it leads all the way to Pena Nieto.

  11. That is what El Chapo gets for snitching.

  12. So much for loyalty.. it all started with Serafin now these guys are giving each other up and falling like dominoes

  13. "DEA and its OFAC partners will not allow these dangerous cartels and their associates to exploit the U.S. financial system," LOL, its official, the DEA and OFAC live in la-la land.

  14. Formalities... Then nothing is done. These people run free and live large. We all must play by the rules and these monsters laugh and game the legal system (on both sides of the border) which coddles these assholes in every way possible.

    1. aw man! Thats cause u dont have the balls u wish u had to do what u want.. If u did u would have bin doing the same shit! So all u can do is masure up ur balls to talk shit on here. Cause if not u wouldnt be paying close attn to shit that doesnt afect u in any way..

    2. And what they call u big bola?

    3. @1:09 they call me sow ass, why?
      From 3:23

    4. Their a subjugated people who dare not risk open conflict in our country keep it in perspective subversion is as far as they will go they have no military might to speak of and end up mimicking the society they stood aloof from they have been converted to american consumerism in a since which greatly diminishes the threat they pose no man so accustomed to extravagance is any kind of threat on a large scale for in their perversion and decadence envy and bloodlust they are their own worst enemies take one look at Mexico and the state its in as you can plainly see the are only a danger to themselves in the big picture .on top of that in their own society by elevating and memorializing the worst kind of men the put a hard ceiling on their on growth as a nation they cannot aspire to achevice because they live in barbarism their growth is hard capped by the shadow leaderships(I.e. drug lords,corrupt official) inferiority to that of first world nations like germany france england america russia its the same reason the communist regime in china will fail it is run by average people automatons not given to excellence.

  15. Serafin giving everyone pajarito

  16. "Fast and Furious." That's it. U.S. law enforcement when it comes to drug interdiction lost all credibility after this. And this is coming from a staunch law and order Republican of over 30 years.
    Thank you chivis. Your guy's website has opened my eyes to the damage we are doing here and in Mexico. Nobody is without blood on their hands.

    1. I never understood the preoccupation with this in the grand scope of things they wouldve gotten the guns anyway its no worse than the stingers we gave the mujihadeen media sensationalism over something of negligible consequence really when you look at it in the grand scope of things coulda been tracking devices in those guns why would they make that public to you it just look foolish until they started taking down the barons one by one

  17. Chivis anoche they killed armando el mandy moreno el encargado de la plaza de agua prieta sonora for marcos paderes el m100 any more news this guy was very important in sonora..

    1. El chapo trini,el señor de la T viene con todo. Les VA partir Su Madre! La gente del 2000 estan al Tiro;!!!!

    2. Last Night ther was another shooting in agua Prieta thers a video on youtube called "batalla por la plaza agua prieta" n there is talk in the social networks of a last stand off n for citizens to try to stay of the streets

    3. Estas muy equivocado. Ni sabes de lo que hablas

    4. Esta noche se va aser un desmadre en agua prieta se dice q el Chapo mando 40 camionetas blindadas se están arrimando al charco en apoyo a la
      GN para Dakar a los q quieren la plaza all this tonight I dont know ehh diz sin news bit will b keeping n up date

  18. did the USA also target Citibank for money laundering?

  19. Aquiles has been detained .. anyone know if its true??

  20. Hahahaha good try guys ... El chapo pretty much owns the american U.s and its so obvious they should just stick to finding out whats going on with the Russians there the ones making the american life a living hell with their indetectible sonic boom technology there changin our weather and are even controlling your mind making u lazy and stupid hahahahah come on americans u guys are spreadins so much chemtrails (battle imaging) trying to find out what there up to that your killing your own people ... Att El Fantasma del Olvido

    1. First off chapo is just a drug trafficker one of many.He dont own shit over here he doesnt even control the state where hes from.Second the russians technology lags far behind the west.Everything you say sounds stupid.

    2. Tas pa olvidarte guey.

    3. You're an idiot. Get a life.

    4. Actually,its not sonic boom,ha,ha,technology,but energetics weapons,also called scalar weapons,tesla howitzers,and the most/ powerful,dangerous is the russian quantum potential weapons,according to,yet another guy a british tim rifat says that the british pstchic weapons,psycotronic generators are more powerful than the russian stuff but in a different way.the sonic booms are them target practising,also the meteors are their em missles,balls of plasma,plasmoids.the same stuff that ate that big space rock that came down in russia.the russians are very advanced.

    5. 5:25 am, quit dreaming and talking about something you don't know, all the weapons you are talking about, but one are mentioned in the movie 'Star Wars'. The Howitzer however was a short range 110 mm cannon used during the Vietnam War. When used to defend the firebase was loaded with a flechette round(thousands of darts) and fired at point blank range. Thanks Army Veteran 1968-1990.

    6. Ok buddy you wrote an entire book and i still dont kno what ur talking bout nor this people. 11:19

    7. 7:59 you are just a grunt,no disrepect intended.the term tesla howitzer refers to the russian energetics weapons also called intererometers.these use non hertzian longitudinal em waves which meet at the zone of interference,releasing all sorts of em effects,electricity.they can release electricity fast resulting in a electrical explosion more powerful than a atomic explosion,or slowly,heating areas and influencing the weather.also the reverse can be done,cooling slowly,or fast,a cold explosion which freezes entire armies,cloths cannot protect.this info is tube on soviet secret tesla weapons,which also was briefed to cohen the u.s. SECRETARY of Defense.the sonic booms are where the beams.come together creating a zone of interferometry with a focused spot where a plasmoid in dark mode is exploded.think ball lightning with liw electricity so its makes a boom when it releases the energy expanding th he air like a thunderbolt.when at higher levels its those blue green meteors that are all over . The us.the quantum potential russian qeapon could kill all the templars,and ONLY the templars silently ,all at the same time ,in the whole earth.

    8. To the nam vet, lieutenant colonel tom bearden,navy,ret. Is the us scalar weapons expert.he said th he russians downed your f118 several times by interfering with electrical flow in the cockpit.this was undetected by regular instruments.its called energetics and has 3 ,parts.1 is energetics,2 is bioenergetics,3. Is psychoenergetics.and yes the russians can create a mind condition,in an entire you people who laugh at this ,qull be suprised when it cranks up.seen any blue green flashes lately?pray it dont go BOOM!

    9. 4:44 am please post the link, I don't think the F118 has been built yet, I know about the F117 Stealth Fighter, but none of those have ever been shot down, only one crashed during a training exercise many years ago in the California desert of us Highway 58.

    10. 4:22 am if you have any military knowledge, then you should know that the Russia no longer exists, that nation broke into several smaller countries and they are so poor that must be feeding on cabbage or noodle soups right now. And yes I was a grunt, served with the 82nd Airborne Division, the 75th Ranger Regiment and the 7th Special Forces Group, Operational Detachment Alpha, from 1968 to 1990, what about you.

    11. Russia doesn't exist since the early 1980 's , what Russia are you talking about?

    12. The f118 is not a jet, it' nothing else that the f118 turbofan jet engine designed by General Electric specially for the F18 Hornet fighter jet.

    13. 4:22 am You say that the all weapons you are talking about are Russia's most secret weapons but you can watch all the videos about them in You Tube? Top secret weapon videos on YouTube? Quit dreaming. And yes I was a grunt, a Special Forces, served with the 7th Special Forces Group, Operational Detachment Alpha.

    14. Serbs shot down an f117 in the balkans pilot was rescued plane was obliterated f117 is last gen kinda like a nokia cellphone

    15. Yes russia exists the its soviet union that dissolved but if you have half a brain you know thats debatable

    16. No russia is not poor they have vast mineral wealth and are emerging as an innovator in technology its the news you dont here coming out of russia thats troubling like bio-engineering and such that makes you wonder its the population of russia that lacks wealth noth the nation .

  21. Is there truth to El Aqulies getting captured. If so Woooow there really letting mayo take hits

  22. They have been saying this since since the start of the supposably drug war like mayo said si me Matan Nada cambia.

  23. The U.S. is the biggest cartel in the world.

  24. @ January 17, 2014 at 1:50 AM
    Alfredo Arzate Arteaga, "El Aquiles detained PROOF???

  25. @January 17, 2014 at 1:50 AM

    Got any more info on that? No one I know has heard anything yet, as far as is known he is either in San Luis Rio Colorado or in Sinaloa.

    One of his men was captured with several kilos of meth, heroin and coke thou. That´s all I´ve heard.

  26. They have been ,after cds since i remember They well never finish them .

  27. tijuano como esta espero que bien es cierto ah sido detenido el alquiles pero no creo que sea tan buena noticia porque el que sigue no va coperar con el caf como lo ah sido el rana y el alquiles se eschucha que su detencion fue por sonora y esto me suena como una limpia de cds por hacer tratos paraser su propia cosa en mexicali y coperar con el caf

  28. how come they dont have any corridos for this guy? how come we dint know about him?

    1. Idiot,Chapo has hundreds of operators that you've never heard of...menso

    2. *@4:10 YOU'VE never heard of.

    3. Actually there is one corrido, it's called 'El Chapo bananas' because when Chapo was a kid he used to sell bananas and corn on the cob at the culoican main square.

  29. he actually was arrested in los pinos de tijuana i just heard right know were they got him in tijuana with his two body guards its heavily guarded el alquiles went down but i really dont see this as a victory cause el alquiles worked with el ingeniero and the next guy up is not as reliable in business as el alquiles la rana is not has smart as his brother but el caf is fully restructed but this sounds more like a cds cleaning everything from prieto and chino and know alquiles it seems they were all starting to form there own little independent group

    1. El R1 limpiando

    2. El R1 que se limpie la cola, pinche chúntaro nalgas flacas y cagadas.

    here is a good news video with crash footage
    and print with fotos

  31. Why is it that no matter what story is posted there is some moron on here saying chapo snitched! It could be a story saying tweety bird layed an egg and some dufus would say chapo snitched!

    1. Hahaha!!! So fkn true there's always that one fool that has to say that...

    2. That is the only English the he/she knows.
      Bless BB,all of the Lord's trolls, big and small, deserve some room somewhere, once in a while,Thanks on behalf of the little troll that don't have much else to say.

  32. why hasn't the sinaloa people raised up in arms and try too capture all cds members??? are the people from sinaloa cowards?? son agachones?? do they give them their torta and coca cola so they don't talk??? why hasn't chivis or an american journalist interviewed china anthrax and questioned him yet??? forget about ct members these are the players that need to go down in order for mexico re establish decency
    peace: el chicano

    1. Cause the Sinaloa narcos are not extorting,kidnapping for ransom,or taking the people's lands(because they're not making any money from drug trafficking)...and the CT are,menso Chicano baboso.

    2. Its not about homie, its a cultura and so entrenched in the way of life. Its normal in Sinaloa, and also esos que se pasan con la raza ellos mismos los
      tumban, que crees que le paso al MP, Torres, y al mas reciente. Se les da la opcion te pones vien o te ponemos.
      Al que arrestan es porque se le dio chansa de arreglar su jale, si no its 187.

    3. Decency or Democracy.

    4. 7:46 RESPECT, FOR OTHERS.
      That is the magic key,without it nothing goes on for long...

    5. Because the Marcos in Sinaloa don't extort the empresarios/la gente. Then again, the narcos are the business owners in Sinaloa.

  33. No mamen, pinche cartel.. EU tiene años disque señalándolo y en Sinaloa todo sigue igual.. exactamente igual... fue como esa tontera del chino.. que el depto. del tesoro prohibió tener negocios con el y congelo sus bienes.. hasta donde se el chino ni siquiera tiene casa propia.. son puros pantallazos de los gobiernos.

    aquí tienen como 20 años señalando a la lechera santa monica.. . y hasta hace unos meses los zambada la vendieron... igual los demás negocios tanto de ellos como del azul etc.. siguen funcionando normalmente.

    1. Posiblemente, pero hacen negocios solo en México, no en Estados Unidos, y las compañías americanas por órdenes del gobierno americano no pueden hacer negocios con ellos, y si lo hacen también los clausuran o pagan multas altísimas.

  34. The us is pissed off at cds for having vicente say that the us had their back the us said you fukn talked now not only were supporting you but were taking you down their pissed off lucky bush aint president he wouldve sent in the seal team six obamas soft like baby ass. But thats whats going on

  35. About 5 years ago Guadalupe (Lupillo) Tapia had a private party in the sierra madre somewhere where El General (Manuel Torres' son) and El Potro were the honorary singers accompanied with banda. That was to celebrate new gates that opened abroad(internationally) that would soon be flooded with USD to be laundered and turned into GBP, EUR, ZAR, CHF, JPY, etc. He has a few corridos which don't mention his name but those that do are Los 3 Enamorados (El Niño Zambada, El Güti, Lupe Tapia) and the self titled one by Arley. He is very high in the chain hence heavily protected. He also goes by "11." Let's not confuse him with GonzaloMP as he also was 11. Two different roles in the organization, not to mention Lupillo is loyal and part of Zambada's close family as opposed to MP. CYA 818-661 AREA

  36. Twenty bird did lay an egg

  37. January 17, 2014 at 11:00 AM "Hahahaha good try guys ... "

    You're a fucking moron. Get a High school before you go around posting shit you know nothing about.

  38. Chivs ther was a big shoot out in Agua Prieta fallowing the murder of the plaza boas thers avideo where yu can se trucks marked GN X full of holes n blood in differnt points of el charco

  39. What goes up must come down !!!


  41. Zetas will be running Sinaloa soon...

  42. @ 3:21 re agua prieta I wrote a comment on the actions speaks louder post about this.

    what the hell is going on? there have been so many balaceras but not a lot of info about the situation. obviously a plaza struggle

  43. pinche Chapo ni Mayo tienen CURP. jajaja

  44. Chivis have you guys heard anything about aqua prieta plaza boss getting killed and crazy gun battles my brother was there yesterday and hear guns as like they were fighting and really loud shoots that was probably grenades any info from our BB friends would be great thks


  46. a lot of you are so naive as to think that the drug trade will come to an end, as long as there a human beings in this planet, there will be all sorts of markets, they need to be controlled, they do not operate by themselves. ALL of them sooner or later cooperate with higher authorities, their business model has to be that of a revolving business as far as employees go, they recycle, regroup and work for another term and as soon as someone starts doing things other than trafficking activities, they get replaced, just like a a manager would get replaced the moment his management funds don't make the board happy.

  47. 6:54 January 17 este PENDEJO dijo si no tiene korrido no es nadien....mi opinion es si el señor es De negocios komo el SEÑOR DE LOS CIELOS aganle su korrido no komo las basuras de hoy que valen pura VERGA....para mi esta gente si son de HUEVOS .......Aqui esta mi NOMBRE komo siempre

  48. There's comando x and g.n trucks all over the place they say they confiscated high caliber weaponry from the shooting scenes and they killed a dude named Armando Moreno Apodo Mandy I wonder what's going on I wonder if it's infighting because the trucks where across from each other someone is saying that there is a comando disguised as g.n or comando x maybe chapo trini ???

  49. I miss Jesus Zambada Reyes. He's my love.

  50. 10:10 and everyone else writing about agua prieta thank you very much. violence has exploded but nothing is clear from reports. Sonora Is one of those no pasa nada states.

    BTWwho was after Mandy?

  51. Mandy aka el 20......maybe m100 gave him up

  52. Never heard of this character before but goodjob keeping low-key.

  53. U make so much sense. When im kushed. Like right now. DEATH TO THE KING LIZARD y mean REPTILIAN.

  54. no tiene link de descarga?


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