Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Apatzingán: Federal government confirms arrest of Chayo's Brother

Original post follows this update:
Federal Police confirmed the arrest of Antonio Magaña Pantoja, "el Tony",  cousin of Enrique Kike Plancarte and half-brother of Nazario Moreno aka  El Chayo,  leaders of the Caballeros Templarios..

According to authorities, El Tony was arrested along with 13 others, and is under investigation for drug distribution and extortions.
Original post:

On Saturday defense groups had reported the capture of a brother Enrique Plancarte, but in reality it is a half-brother of Nazario Moreno.
Mexico, DF. Federal government tonight confirmed the arrest of Antonio Plancarte brother Enrique Plancarte, a premier  leader  of Caballeros Templarios, in raids conducted in Apatzingán.

 According to the feds the apprehension transpired before the arrival of the autodefensas group.
With support from the citizens, the federal forces managed to arrest 15 others in the town along with halcones, (lookouts) extortionists and members of  the Templarios in its stronghold city.
Following the admission of the autodefenses into the city,  the federal forces in Apatzingán, allegedly made ​​several raids and in those raids they  arrested Antonio Plancarte, whom local authorities have also considered as part of the criminal organization.
One of the founders of the Templarios,  Dionisio Loya Plancarte,  aka El Tío,  [above foto]was formally charged and imprisoned in the high security prison of the Altiplano.  He is accused of carrying firearms exclusive use of the Armed Forces,  as yet he has not been charged  for organized crime.
FB-Jornada and Universal

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  1. This goes to show you that Knights Templars are nothing but a bunch of cowards. The auto defensa is kicking their asses.i hope they get la puta next

    1. @8:22pm

      I couldn't agree more.

    2. Yes they are but they are just as much as zetas remember they kick the zetas out of michoacan so zetas have to be less than cts

    3. They are only getting caught because of former TEMPLARIOS turned narcoratas and they trying to take over like the TEMPLARIOS did in a matter of months but it won't happen

      att:: CTGM

  2. This proves how corrupt and in affective the Mexican government really is. Citizens must rise up and fight for their rights, government can't and won't do it.

  3. Arrested 16 people in a stronghold lol what a load of crap.

  4. I love that picture of el tio. He looks like he just smelled something! LOL.

  5. My last comment was skipped. The amount of arrest or deaths for taking a stronghold city seems to be off. 17 arrest no dearhs?

  6. Wait so the capture of el tio wasn't just a rumor this time? Please can we get concrete article on his capture if possible?

  7. How convinient to pick him up before the autobots got toem first can you be more corrupt should od let them go to town on that guy

    1. They had to arrest him before the A.D ' s. He has too much info!

  8. Andale puto con el pueblo se la pelan bien culero. It's really shocking that the government can easily capture all of the cartel bosses within a month but they take their time to execute them just in the right time that fits in with their policies. All pure politics. The people of Mexico should really start pushing the federal government to do it's job and start protecting the people or the people will do it for them. It's really eye opening how the federal government thinks that they have power over the people and that the people serve them and not the other way around. The Mexican people should start standing up more and demand basic human protection and other needs. If the people of Mexico were like the ones in Michoacan. Mexico would quickly progress and become a more safe and posperous country. But it's all to the people too bad the vast majority of the people are.really ignorant on what the Mexican constitution says. Ignorance is the best weapon of the Mexican government. Hopefully the emerging importance of the internet will change this vicious cycle of ignorance. As we can see the rapid growth and popularity of the Auto Defensas. If it wasn't for the age of the internet I doubt the AD would of been as succesful as it has been. Saludos desde Laredo, Tejas.

  9. BB is biased, by only posting the ugliest photos of the ugliest mofos, it is disgusting, could we get some more photos of the templaria senator, and her beautiful narco-associates?, with all the goodwill she has put into her plastic surgeries, she must be very busy trying to get her multiple partners released. maybe the comandante bonita would like to blast her ass full of lead...that would be nice to see.

  10. Everyday they keep taking high level a bunch of low level hits.if they get tutu and kike this cartel could collapse.

  11. These r two very handsome men. Especially the one on top. He must be a model.

  12. In my opinion its a ugly cituation but we will see where this goes...hope fully the US is not behind all this bs but they usually are its the people we dont read about that are the threat... the world is a corporation where the laws of business are will always be greater than life sad but true! QUE VIVA MEXICO ENTERO!


  13. you are an idiot 5:53 these are the latest photos and both were released by federal agencies when they were arrested

  14. 10:20 why were these beautiful models released? were they found not guilty or did they make bail?
    anyway, la senadora templaria and her connections with the kabelleras cagadas deserve a good looking to, how can a federal senator be so tight with a criminal organization like that and so openly? el toro, one of her boyfriends recently arrested, must be expecting her senatorial help to get out of jail soon...

  15. the only drugs ct are involved in is meth so the us drug market will not take a big hit.

  16. Wanna know who is really kiking templarios ass??? U.S. Corporations that could no longer distribute their products to Michoacan and other Mex states because of templarios. They are the financial power behind the ADs.

    Usa Tu Mente.

  17. @8:12am, 10:20 saw them first, and he is choosing antonio magaña pantoja "el tony" for first digs.
    the dirty tricks of arcelor-mittal, the steel maker in michoacan that took over and privatized the government owned and operated steel making plant, the cheap prices paid, the failure to pay to independent miners, the killing of their executive virgilio camacho, the trafficking of iron ores to china for about 2 million usd per vessel, or 72 million a year, the illegal competition that benefitted china, who paid in part with meth precursors, may and must be behind the trashing the ct are taking, but whatever the reason, the ct asked for it, and they are not going to win.hopefully.


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