Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Autodefensas Leader Papa Smurf: How are Journalists able to Locate Tuta, yet the Government is unable?

Borderland Beat
I previously posted the video, if you missed it or want to revisit it, link on here.

Estanislao Beltran, one of the leaders of the self-defense groups in Michoacán, mocked what was said by  Servando Gomez, alias "La Tuta", premier leader of Caballeros Templarios,  with  British television, in a long his interview with Channel 4., that I posted on January 28th.
Beltran particularly criticized the complaints Tuta made against the autodefensas, as Tuta held them responsible for the violence that prevails in the state.
"It's a lie, he is a person who has been engaged in extortion, kidnapping, and murderer, Who lacks value and civil courage, "said the autodefensas leader in an interview with Radio Formula.
The community leader, who also questioned why the government has not yet arrested the Templarios leader, when journalists have access to him for interviews.
And last Tuesday, the Chanel 4 News in Britain released a video of their interview with La Tuta.  Although he admitted to being  a criminal, he blames the autodefensas for the climate of violence prevailing in the state, and calls on the federal government to be responsible for law and order and not self-defense.
In this regard, the community leader who is nicknamed Papa Smurf, said:
 "We know he (La Tuta) is found in the mountains of Michoacán, with Apatzingán”.  “We need to push harder, the government should bring in helicopters, search the mountain area, and find him, if that doesn’t work, we then implement alternatives.”
Regarding the current situation in the Tierra Caliente, on Monday, after signing the agreement between authorities and self-defense, Beltran said the town of Tepalcatepec Wednesday enlisted their self-defense and today  Buenavista will enlist, and that they are preparing to deliver required records.
He said they are executing what was agreed in the pact.
In an interview with Milenio TV, Beltran confirmed that the confrontation recorded last Wednesday, in coordination with the Federal Police, in the town of Los Reyes, they captured several Templarios.  "One of them is an enforcer leader”.
He noted that they will be inspecting, assuring that it is the people and not criminals, who use the name of the autodefensa.
"The peoples protest by themselves. There are towns that rise up without the presence of the self-defense forces. What we do, is go to verify for legality. Assuring, that it is  the town which is rising up, and not groups of criminals who are using the name of autodefensa", he explained.

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  1. Los Caballeros Templarios, for a better Michoacán. 1C3RL0WK

    1. Vete a la verga u and ur cool signature. Ur pathetic. Are you 13 or somethin?

  2. Maybe smurf does not know that the journalist did not just stumble onto him. If he actually believes that then he is a moron. They had to get connections inside the group and then were contact by the Templars and then taken to him with hoods over their heads till they were in a place that they did not know where they were. Then because he is a extremely important man he was put in front of the cameras and asked what he thinks of these so called movements that are turning from self defense into political groups that have seized power wherever they are. They are just like the criminal groups because once they have power and the weapons they can do what they want and tell people how to live or accuse you of anything or prevent you from coming home.

  3. These guys are some brave men!

  4. Contact is made via video call.

  5. Any news on autodefensas en Tamaulipas? Armed groups rise in arms in Tamaulipas. Movimiento armado Pedro J Méndez. Peña Nieto, it's about time you quit.

  6. They should post a video of la tuta once he's captured. Hopefully by el chapo.

    1. Get off chapos nuttz!! He ain't paying you

    2. you kids think chapos some kind of saint or good guy like vic mackie from the tv dhow The Shield lol. hes just as ruthless as the rest

    3. Seriously wtf does chapo have to do with this article

  7. Good question they couldnt find waldo much less tuta! Good for the autodefense group.keep your guns at all costs as those bastards dont like getting shot at back!!

  8. I borrowed a couple bones from teach little while back. Should i start paying this bum or wait it out?

  9. The journalists are usually invited into the terrorist enclaves, normally brought to the interviews of insurgent leaders hooded or blindfolded.

    The Army, the Federal police, are not so invited. Neither is the AD.

    There is still a way forward, regardless.

    It is outlined by Mauricio Fernández Garza, the former mayor of San Pedro, Nuevo Leon.

    Citizens, he stressed, can organize and form a large network of intelligence that will help, through complaints, so the authorities can react.

    "It is the participation of the people. In San Pedro many intelligence networks remain, and what we need is that everyone is intelligence, the whole world reports

    Without actionable intelligence, helicopter patrols of the countryside will prove to be fruitless. Fuel and man hours will be spent with little to show for it. The military knows this, even if' Papa Smurf' Beltran does not.

    Then, again, he was never a student at the School of the Americas, was he?

  10. I just saw Tuta selling elotes at the park!

  11. I have that very same question? Why is it that these are so easy for reporters to find and it's not only La Tuta, the US government has the same problem of not being able to find people they say the are looking under every stone for. In the end it's just more lies given to the people because their not looking for these guys that's all for public consumption.

    1. It's just excuses and propaganda for the people tk eat up. It's just all play and games for the gpvernment machine.

      el wero lero de tu mero.

  12. Its Chapo's people who are supplying Autodefensas. Chapo wants Michoacan and what Chapo wants Chapo gets..

  13. 7:56 jayhawk,we don't know the background of every player,la puta tuta is said to have been in guerrero for a while, , that don't necessarily make him an ezln zapatista, and the school of the americas can not be blamed for all the ills of the world, surely quite a few, and not all americans are guilty of
    the crimes of a few mafiosi that take advantage of their positions to personaly enrich themselves,likeba certain ivan gomez,aka max gomez,aka el gato felix better known as felix ivan rodriguez, famous cuban friend of george herbert walker bush since the 60s, participant of the bay of pigs, acused of setting up bases to train contras in el salvador and instigating all civil wars in latin america,(el salvador 200 000 estimated death toll), participant of the drug trafficking to the US to finance the contras, movement that failed miserably, because the patriots running the operation were stealing most of the money obtained from the sale of weapons to iran, the selling of weapons to iraq,including poisonous gases. the trafficking of iranian oil onthe black market in spite of being forbidden by law. i am still waiting for the lawsuit felix ivan rodriguez "el gato" was going to bring against hector berrellez for linking him in the murder of kiki camarena; of course one guy may be guilty of everyting,but the boss is to be blamed for the sins of his sicarios that he and others trained and directed,which include private and military pilots for the cia and school of the americas trainees, history may be late jayhawk but it usually comes with a sharp judgement, by the way, daniel ortega is still the president of nicaragua, evo morales is now the president of bolivia, rafael correa in ecuador, the spirit of hugo chavez still rules venezuela,nand el che is and will always be the hero of many more people than felix ivan rodriguez can kill, murder, asassinate, by himself or by proxy; i would swear, but i don't know, that none of those people went to the school of the americas or any of their sophysticated satellite schools in other countries...

  14. 2 men found decapitated in Antunez, Mich said to be Communitarios... more than likely just innocents!! Yes communitarios will get rid of the CT.. real question is... whats next? Whos really behind the movement? EPN? Sinaloa? CJNG? The people of Michoacan? What happens when the plaza of Michoacan is left without the CT? Who will try to move in to take over? Can the communitarios really keep mich safe? - Gio

  15. After the Auto Defensas take their towns back lets pray to God they can maintain their region free of any cartel influence. The people of Michuacan have suffered enough!

  16. Porque no le busqen


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