Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Coahuila's Clandestine Grave Body Count Rises to 500


The remains of at least 500 people have been found in just 10 days in which an operation started searching for missing people of at least 11 municipalities of northern Coahuila.

The Assistant Attorney General for The Investigation and Search of Missing Persons in Coahuila (Subprocuraduría para la Investigación y Búsqueda de Personas no Localizadas de Coahuila), Juan José Yáñez Arreola, reported that the remains of around 500 people were found in northern Coahuila.
“The majority of the remains are nearly whole bone units, some of them were found burnt because someone had tried to disintegrate them by incineration”, reported Yáñez Arreola to the newspaper El Siglo de Torreón.

Among the remains, skulls, bones, and charred barrels were found.  The barrels were used to dissolve the bodies, of which only fragments were found.

Yáñez Arreola stated that the remains will be analyzed by forensics experts and that the DNA results of the bones will take four months and later be compared to those with missing persons cases.

The human remains were found in various narco ranches and farms in the municipalities of Zaragoza, Allende, Acuña, Piedras Negras, Guerrero, Monclova, Morelos, Jiménez, Hidalgo, Villa Unión and Nava.

The search was part of a macro operation in which more than 250 military troops, federal police, and state security corporations, the support of a helicopter, four dogs, and specialized radars to detect bodies up to eight feet under were used.  The team was responsible for looking for more than 300 missing persons.

The investigations included 20 statements of former officials who were summoned to testify about the disappearances of people in the northern part of the state.  Former mayors and police chiefs of the 11 municipalities mentioned came to testify. 

The majority of the 300 people who were being sought for by the authorities disappeared in 2011 in the municipalities of Allende and Nava, in the region of Cinco Manantiales (Five Springs), when an organized crime group kidnapped around 80 families.

According to eyewitnesses, on that occasion, members of Los Zetas took the towns of Allende and Nava and destroyed dozens of homes, where they used heavy machinery.

More accurate data on the tragedy was revealed by Mario Alfonso, "Poncho" Cuéllar, accountant of Los Zetas, and his accomplice Héctor Moreno, during the trial that followed against José Treviño Morales, brother of Miguel Ángel, "Z40", in Austin, Texas.

The accountant and the head of drug trafficking in Piedras Negras pointed out to U.S. prosecutors that they smuggled between 500 and 800 kilos of cocaine per month, generating revenues of approximately $16 million.

The money, he said, was sent to Mexico in airtight plastic bags hiding in the fuel tanks of vehicles.  On one occasion, he added, United States agents seized $800,000.

According to Héctor Moreno, in 2011, Miguel Ángel Treviño and his brother Omar, “Z-42”, accused him and Cuéllar of passing information to the DEA.  After that, they determined to escape with about $5 million, which angered “Z-40” and “Z-42”.

The bosses warned them that if they didn’t return the money they would kill all of their family and friends.

The threat was carried out.

At that time, dozens of gunmen arrived at Allende and Nava in search of family, friends, and acquaintances of Cuéllar and Moreno.  With heavy machinery, they destroyed around 80 houses and took at least 80 families; they took advantage of holding the municipalities for rape, blackmail, murder, and to steal properties from entrepreneurs and farmers.

“They started killing the families belonging to Allende, Piedras Negras, Múzquiz, Sabinas…Because of this, they killed 200-300 people in Allende, Coahuila”, said Moreno.

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  1. Time to declare war on the zetas, enough is enough!

    1. Carteles unidos, CDG , CDS, CJNG, PUCD, rey de reyes y Comandante Diablo, Familia Michoacana, templarios, have declared that war since 2010 and they still can't get the job done

    2. And the crooked hero of Mexico Felipe Calderon declared war on all Cartels in 06 and still can't get the job done..
      - El Wyno

    3. zetas are weak! now at monterry they had it lock down and now look cartel del golfo came and took over even chapo people are in monterry hittin zetas up

  2. Holy sheep shit why is this not on mainstream media? Horrible !!!
    Has anyone gave these people post mortem last rites?
    500 from mass graves ? BB you've exceeded news reporting again.

  3. BB readers and administrators its time to bring this to the attention to the U.S govt marches/rallies/protest

  4. your first sentence says it all. in 10 days! wow with only 200 elements. as a reader posted on my post of the same subject, " wow Coahuila so f'ing Talented"

    I remember it took 8 months with 10 times the men and every agency in Mexico, with the world watching, searching in one spot in san Fernando to find far less bodies, and Durango,

    that search was in one confined area lasting 8 months in total and combined with 331 in DGO and 183 in SF equaling what Coahuila claims s to find in an area of 50,000 sq kilometres with 200-300 men in 10 days.

    in dgo and SF there were hundreds of fotos to support findings and nothing in Coahuila. pretty strange.

    Moreiras lies are nothing new in Coahuila, they own the major raido and newspapers, including zocalo, but what incenses me on this huge farce, is the families of the victims being screwed again for a PR ploy.

    FUUNDEC and the other major foundations have only made one comment on this search. But one can imagine how they feel. They knew the government would "find" a huge amount of remains to slash the official and bogus tally of missing. 1300? 500 "solved puts a huge dent in that sucker. I predicted they would find remains, say they are doing DNA study and come back solving many of the missing cases. that remains to be seen, but looks like I am going to be right. What sucks is that the families will never know, and subsequently will never get answers. that is a shame.

    Yesterday the government said the remains they found are not classified as being human, and of course DNA has not been done, so how did they determine there are the remains of 500 people? In three of the named cities there was no search, yet they found bodies.....magical

    1. Chivis there is a big trial in el paso about the consulate killings. You guys need to post it. Very interesting details on the aztecas.

    2. I believe American drones are helping in these searches.

  5. Human rights commission Email:

  6. U.N. Human Rights (Geneva)

  7. jajajjaa las fosas nunca la las van allar

    1. Whats so funny about people getting murdered?

  8. nomas para taparle el ojo al.macho

  9. stayed up just for you 12:04 :)
    to finish my week 1 round up.....Paz & Buenas Noches BB

  10. 2:26 i'm jealous...

  11. When the Mexican authorities need to show progress on a case by making an arrest, they sometimes grab any convenient 'suspect'. When they need bodies they may be grabbing the nearest convenient bodies. They can probably produce as many or as few bodies as they want and can do it right on cue. Need a body that has been buried for 1 year? 5 years? Ten? Hold on a minute, I'll have to check with my associates.

  12. nothing new, it is acceptable now. Its normal, happens everyday. Guys just accept it has a way of life. What the hell is Human Rites going to do about, they have no power, the cartels probably use human rites

  13. El PRI at its best...lies,lies,lies.Saludos chivis dsd Guadalajara.

  14. The zetas went to great lenghts to make sure that bertie boy moreira found and saw his son dead, in true style of most assasinations by cartel crooks.
    The dissapeared, can't be found, no burial grounds, no bodies to identify, no records, no investigations, in true federal police influenced kidnappings and murders.the dr jekylls and mister hydes of the mexican government, the mexican federal police that corrupts all other police departments all over the country, that should be banned to the capital or killed when seen anywhere else in the country, the ones that serve and protect themselves and their own and maybe each other, but always fuck the mexicans in the ass while kissing the ass of their government bosses, the mexican government so full of sonofabitches that the US supports because they are their own sonafabitches, with weapons and money, laundered or not...

  15. How the authorities allowes this? They were the accomplices!

  16. nobody believing this, no big media having this story. just coahuila paid media. you are correct 500 in 10 days is a miracle. in 2012 they find parts of hair and bone they say from 4 people after 2 weeks in same area. this time they decide the story has to be breaking records. title should be different no stating like truth.

    1. It's been in the Mexican news for almost two weeks, since the military caught a Zeta guy that snitched, check Proceso news.

  17. This is awful. RIP all those people. I also hope the families and loved ones of those concerned can find some peace and closure.

  18. Just amazing?! And when does moreira get tried for this? In the US I can't build a patio without building and safety asking for proof of permits. Now imagine burying 500 humans and no one noticing is ridiculous.

  19. Only 20 comments so far. SMH Goes to show how far desensitized we have become because of this war. Imagine if this was found in the United States there'd be worldwide out-pour of support and exposure. These type of things are only seen in places like Syria and Iraq. Not even Afghanistan is this bad. Sad sad times we are going through people.


  20. 10:43 am, because they're all the same shit.

  21. Bunch of animals. May the killers rot in Hell.

  22. Chivis do you think this will affect the charges against Z40? Or if he's extradited to the US, would he just be charged for the murders committed there?

  23. @February 8, 2014 at 10:17 PM your question is so true. How can an atrocity like this happen?

    Poland WWII ?
    Serbia / Bosnia ?

    1. Lol.... open your eyes, stuff like this is going on in other parts of the world.

  24. No it will not affect '40' at all.

    first of all I don't believe this story, it is ridiculously illogical.
    secondly many of the disappeared happened when CDG and Zs were together, and before 40 took control of Coahuila plazas

  25. When approached in the U.S. or Europe . People just cannot believe this happening or just the attitude is accept it because they were "Bad" people. As for February 9, 2014 at 6:49 AM The rule of law and justice will prevail. Sooner or later it will happen. This is the hope of humanity. Not just Mexico. But anywhere atrocities happen.

  26. for 4:29
    you are wrong. the big media is not running the story. this is proceso last story on it

    see what is missing? when there is a fosa with more than 100 bodies it is front page every paper not this time.

    so one guy would know where 500 bodies are? are you insane or just gullible? don't feed into Moreira bullshit

  27. El gobierno debe saber que el poder sin justicia sólo genera violencia". - El Mas Loco

  28. Chivis,
    So the story that the Cuellar guy said about Z40 and Z42 going on a killing spree in Coahuila, do you think that's true? What I'm getting from this article is that the event may have happened, but what they're putting out in the news now about the 500 people etc might be (at least partly) made up, and in any case doesn't give more evidence that 40 and 42 had anything to do with it. What do you think?

    1. 12:03 why are you trying to diminish the quantity of the murdered?
      What is needed is an investigation of disappeared and presumed killed, the areas involved, the police chiefs on the areas, on the dates, do not try to mitigate any zeta's involvement,especially when they are and have been enjoying the perks of being "the big bad bosses" of their motherfucking gangs, it makes them even more responsible for the cowardly deeds of their henchmen, and the zetas have been the worst of the worst with their military "bearing" and callous disregard for the common man and woman, to the grade that their non military associates got the idea that being even worse was the way to go, even getting rid of the ex-military zetas.
      History will exonerate the zetas and their bosses or it will not, but you and me are not history yet...

  29. Pinches puercos pasados de lance..Quema a toda la mugre esa. Ya que ni para garrar oxygeno es mucho. Vallen por todos los zetas que estan loyal a la famila Trevino. Alchile este jale de matar innocentes por la culpa de un marrano no va.

  30. these investigators and their cadaver locating dogs would not find cadavers in the municipal graveyards, they are real smart. no police chiefs or agents would pass lie detector tests, and no tests get carried out on any of them for the very same reasons...GUILTY!!!

  31. I dont know what to believe. Is this really a "win" for the Mx government? Finding 500 bodies buried in your backyard?

    And all thousands of disappeared, they have to be somewhere right? But the whole thing sounds fishy. What a country

  32. you only get to the top of a criminal organization by being one of the worst criminals in the organization, add to that being a cunning conniving judas and voilà, z40 pops out of the devil's brew, no apologies needed.

  33. 12:03
    yes it is true. at least for the most part. He was not the only one who testified about it. remember we, me and Havana covered the trial and havanas notes were impeccable but we could not include all of the testimony.

    That said, the search story should not have even been linked to the Allende massacre. because the government were to search for bodies in the north, not bodies of the massacre, it just confused people, and makes me think they want to expunge the issue off the record books and call the massacre solved as far as finding the remains.

    the Allende massacre resulted in apx 150-175 people taken and another 100-125 from Nava.

    That is not bogus, that is reality, as well as the number of missing at 1600 is bogus, it is much higher. Coahuila did not even record numbers of narco deaths or missing until recently, or agency collecting data until a couple of years ago.

    let me be very clear there are thousands of missing (dead) in Coahuila BUT

    What people in Coahuila and most people educated in the corruption of Coahuila, and lets throw in logical people conclude there is no way they found human remains without photographic evidence as you have seen everywhere in Mexico.

    It is the 500 bodies found that we called bogus. no way. I do think they may have found some fragmented remains on the Zaragosa ranch because that was a Zeta ranch, so one would assume so, But even the government acknowledges it wasn't much and the remains were not classified, meaning human or animal and they based it on the barrels they found. SO from that report to now the number went to 500 without any progressive reporting . that never happens.

    People report seeing no search operations in those cities other than outside Nava and Zaragosa, and that was very limited.

    1. Dear chivis, we have been too busy for a long time wondering about the daily kill, counting the dead, and not taking into the account who were the disappeared, where were they from, who was the police chief in charge, the mayor of the city,how come they can't see the big long caravans of narco-trucks, that would be a better start by now, let start chasing the guilty parties, and stop trying to find exonerating evidence for the zetas, let's try to expose who really was behind the zetas and how far up the food chain are their puppet masters, that would help the dead rest in peace, I guess...

    2. I don't know what number to believe ... But if not for the Nazis being meticulous record keepers ... 6 million Jews, 3 million ethnic Poles., thousands of German union members & the disabled, Romas, plus thousands of others ... quietly.

  34. The parties that should be charged with criminal acts are the politicians and military officers who should have had their men on the streets at the time of these perverse crimes to stop them from happening!

  35. It wasn't even a battle.Just alot of murders that happened.Whoever did it,probably has better credit than you.

  36. @8:27 it happens on many places all over the world, it's true, that is why each community is responsible for their neighbors next door,for their own good,police and soldiers owned by criminals need to be expelled from every region, and each communi should deal with teir home grown criminals, who would not last long left to their own devices.
    chivaaa! on new mexico, some bodies were discovered by accident, but an aerial search exposed areas that clearly had been disturbed, and there were bodies on each and every one of the places wgere the earth had been disturbed, i am sure that people from the US would gladly assist on finding burial grounds anywhere in mexico.
    @ texas grandma, have you seen ginger baker over there in south america? i've been wondering if you ever were a fan of cream, and since eric clapton cleaned up his act, and being the groupie that you are, well i was wondering have it nice granma, send one postcard at least and watch out for lions and elephants, one is hungry and the other heavy, and we want you back in one piece, aaight? good luck with cream.

  37. @GueroDeLaredo
    Mexico owns every facet of this ongoing horror.The insular macho government that only allows what it wants,when it wants(as with its people)We can say all we want about US drug consumption,,but that is a huge cop-out.Mexicans are trying to make and tap into drug markets in Asia,do we now blame Asian countries for our problems in our countries?Of course the countries are connected and dirty little games are played from the US,but Mexico is a sovereign state,the oligarchs who run it couldn't care less about its people,as is evidenced all the time much the same way as most leaders of countries,only in Mexico it is somewhat"out of the ordinary"

  38. February 10, 2014 at 8:27 AM
    "Lol.... open your eyes, stuff like this is going on in other parts of the world"
    Really?Right now?Where might that be?Mass graves being found all the time,1000s of disappeared,many innocent?I HOPE NOT

  39. Don't go to Mexico is not worth the risk

  40. boatloads of weapons used on the iraqui war getting trafficked to mexico among other countries "benefitting" from the magnanimity of the lords of war...

  41. 500 bodies in 10 days? Easy. Shoot an a arrow into the air with your eyes closed. Start digging wherever it lands. Presto; at least 500 bodies.

  42. Chivis I sent you a long explanation of the occurances in Allende and you didn't post, I wonder why???

  43. BLB please lost this. Everything on it is 100percent true. Everyone in the area knows it. I've posted twice and you have yet to post. Not sure why...

    Chivis, yes there was a day of terror in Allende. Z40 ordered Z42 to pick up all of Ponchos associates. The main dealer in Allende at the time was Quicho Garza. A upper middle class kid who started as a gofor for Luis Zamarripa who was also from Allende.

    When the zetas first entered Coahuila they killed Vicente Huereca "el licenciado" who used to control northern Coahuila for chapo. They murdered him outside of Allende in 2003 And put Luis Zamarripa in charge.

    Luis had tractor trailers and connections from michoacan for years. He came from a family known as los coyotes who had all been arrested or murdered. His compare was a man named Luis also from michoacan who lived in Allende. They were kidnapped and murdered in 2009 in a smaller clean up of drug dealers of that area. Victor Triana another big dealer from Zaragoza was picked up in that round up. I do t know why they were picked up but I know for sure it was around the time LFM broke away from the zetas in michoacan so it may be that. Also 9tons of coca in were seized near Guerrero around that time as well so they may have been blamed for failure as well. I know all these men went without a fight because their families kept their fortunes and still own several businesses in the area.

    Quicho Garza was put in charge from then on and when things with Cuellar went south quicho and his right hand man of the villarreal family did not then themselves in like the men before them had. They fled to the US so in retaliation zetas kidnapped and murdered all their family members. People don't mention this but many children were taken as well. As young as 3 years old.

  44. 12:07AM I don't know, please send again. Or is that yours @3:48AM?
    if so thank you!

  45. Yes that's it. Thanks

  46. flood nueva rosita coah,displaced hundreds of tombs forever lost this was almost 20yrs ago masomenos lets hope this another case of the floods

  47. Chivis, I also sent u some confirmation on observations & u never posted it? You've got to have faith & understanding when it comes ti ur reader's & their findings "@ times not easy "also about the allende, 5 manantiales situation which u had certain doubts about what was going on. When we the reader's have insight, u @ times do not post?? Making me wonder why??

  48. 7:52PM I have no idea. Please remember sometimes it is just because there are too many comments and we may not have time to mod all of them, also they are no in sequence. just try again is all I can say.

    My little grandson is in the hospital and I had much less time for BB. Sorry; just try again if you think its important . I am still moderating right now, but only have another 5 minutes....paz

  49. This story is a joke in my honest opinion. U.S. intervention? Por favor gente tenemos que abrir los ojos. Se pelea la violencia con violencia, tu familia se protege con un rifle y un cinto lleno de municiones. Del los gobiernos no es de esperarse nada bueno. Cuantas decadas de confiarles nuestra proteccion, y nos estan acabando. Estados Unidos no va intervenir y Mexico no va hacer nada por nuestro pueblo. Es momento de tomar ley por nuestro propio pais.


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