Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Melissa Plancarte on US Television

Borderland Beat

Talk on the BB forum:

By: Siskiyou_Kid

Melissa Plancarte on US Television

Mexico City ( Grupero Singer Melissa Plancarte, daughter of Enrique "Kike" Plancarte Solís, one of the main leaders of Caballeros Templarios cartel, appeared this week on a Hispanic television channel in the United States, where she performed and conducted an interview.

"Do you worry that this comes at a time when everyone wants to ask you about your father and your relationship with him? Asked one of the hosts of the program  “En Vivo” on channel Estrella TV this Friday, January 31.

"I feel sure and prepared, and whatever comes," said the self-described "Princess of the Band."

Plancarte performed the song "Amor de piratería", accompanied by her band.

Later the singer was interviewed by journalist Enrique Gratas of the same channel.

Melissa said she feels proud to be Michoacana (from the state of Michoacan) and she wants peace for her home state, that has been hit by so much violence.

She added that she had to flee from Michoacan because she received threats that she was going to be abducted, and that message came from the community guards (auto defensas).

Melissa admitted that Enrique "Kike" Plancarte is her father, as a picture of Kike Plancarte was shown, who is the leader of the Caballeros Templarios.

However, she said that she has not had contact with him and she does not know where is.

"I miss him" said the singer.

She said that her parents had a construction business and she does not know if her father was engaged in something illegal.

She said she is not familiar with Servando Gomez "La Tuta", another of the main ringleaders of the Templarios.

Regarding the photo spread in social networks where Melissa appears with an outfit with the Templar cross, she said that she was actually dressed as a nun for a Halloween party.

January 23 Melissa Plancarte stated that her musical career has been "transparent and honest", and "she is not responsible for" acts of her father and that is "I am innocent of the allegation I am accused of".

In a post on her Facebook page, "the self-described" princess of the band stated that "she loves her father" but that she is nobody "to judge".

The item of Melissa and her brother Enrique, "The Prince of the band," went viral on social networks when photos of items related to the Knights Templar were discovered, as well as photos taken at the residence of Kike Plancarte, which was "seized" by self-defense groups.

By: TexcocoDeMora

She denies everything, but wow, what a house she has for someone who doesn't do anything.

She claims she doesn't know la Tuta but here she is with la Tuta's son and daughter.

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  1. The last photo ... Now where oh where have we seen that exact room before?

  2. What does she say at the end when he asks her about the CT costumes? The interviewer seems to be incredulous...

  3. I feel so bad for her she is a victim, boo hoo hoo waa waa waa! I didn't fall for her sob story a bit! She lied and had her story down to the tee! She cried and totally acted innocent. She stated that Auto Defensas had her move out of her home and that her mom had that house built without any help of of father! If it had been the other way around and the Templarios were the ones to kick somebody out of a house from a top leader of a rival. First they would have raped the mother and daughters then killed them probably by hanging them from a bridge in the town square. Just like they have done countless times to families of men they were looking for and could not find!!! Then her wearing that short miniskirt with the Templarios logo on it and her saying it was her dressed as a nun for Halloween. Are people that stupid to believe that, c'mon people wake up!!! There are countless victims in Mexico and she is not one of them! Her dad is alot more involved in her life that she plays it out to be!

  4. Alot of innocent families in Michuacan had their daughters raped, families killed on orders by her father KIKI PLANCARTE. Those are the real victims!!! Anybody that buys her sob story is either very ignorant or stupid. She is just a spioled girl that has had a silver platter handed to her since she was born!!! And now she has to live with the fact that her cold blooded murderer daddy will no longer be able to provide that privileged life she had before.

  5. Of course she's going to attend a television show and say she had to flee from Michoacan bc the AD were going to kidnap her. She's playing a role for the CT, trying to play the victim & make the AD look like the bad guys. She was never going to be kidnapped. She was going to be captured. Huge difference.

  6. Quiero ver el video cuando les corten la cabeza, pinches ratas,!!!

  7. that picture next to el putas kids, makes me want to reach into my phone and fucking tear all their faces apart!

  8. i wonder what flagrant lie would she say if you were to show her that picture and ask her who are those people ... that pic of her and la putas kids

  9. Estrella TV.... Television, for idiots.

  10. Is she a US citizen? If not, I do not know how US would allow someone like this to enter the US knowing that her father has killed so many people.

    1. Dad hasn't killed anyone he isn't getting his hands dirty,how about you stop spreading rumors,I'm just saying

    2. Dad has not killed anybody? Are you kidding me!!! If people kill on his orders, yes he has blood on his hands. The saddest part is most of the Templarios victims are the poor defenseless people who just want to make a living to survive!

    3. Rumors??? Ha Ha Ha that is funny!!! So now the dad is a little innocent angel, and Madonna is a virgen right!

  11. She is grande LIAR!
    Hope she fully reaps what her family has sown!

    1. Yeah the have sown death throughout Tierra Caliente !!! Maybe she needs to see pictures of the poor innocent lemon pickers who defied to pay a small quota and got hanged as an example!!! WHAT ABOUT THE PAIN THAT HAS CAUSED THE FAMILIES!!! WHAT ABOUT THW FEAR THE CITIZENS HAVE TO LIVE WITH ON A DAILY BASIS!




  14. Gee how nice! Living off the,misery of others.Complicit Mexican Media helps promote her.

  15. I bet you she wishes she had a restart button, she's tripping over her lies.

  16. chivaaa! el chapo fotoshopped that. done.
    aaight she is not to be blamed for the sins of her daddy, and being an airhead is still not a crime , but she needs to know where the money that supports her and her brothers careers and lifestyles of the rich nacos came from; she needs to know about the kidnapped and the murdered, she needs to learn to shut the fuck up about the autodefensas,she needs to know that the women his father's sicarios hung recently, had family other than the ones that got hanged wit them, and she needs to know that the daddy she loves so much is a motherfucking crook, with a lot of associates in the US and mexico, that can't cover it up anymore, i have been wondering how come many people come from michoacan and promptly find nice jobs with government contractors... for a looong while now.
    nothing about the good people of michoacan, but mexicans well connected from all over the country, come to the US to have real cushy lifes without a reason for it, certainly not intelligence or hard work, i wish those women hanged lately had found asylum in a concentration camp in the US, at least they would still be alive.
    having the gall to blame the AD shows the ignorance of poor little melissa, who i am sure knows a lot more than she lets us know, boycott!!!

  17. LIAR!!! Accusing auto defense of threatening her She's obviously taking orders from Daddy

  18. I've never seen any nuns dressed like that! Must be one of those Non-Orthodox, progressive type nuns.

  19. Head in the sand like an ostrich. All lies.

  20. Didn't see also say that her CT costume was really a Halloween costume and she was oblivious to the sybolism? For someone in a cartel infested part of Mexico to be oblivious to the symbols of the local infestestion is laughable. She tells one lie after another, so what's the point in listening to her other than getting a good chuckle? CTs don't seem to interview well when having to explain themselves to an audience other than third graders.

  21. she clearly thinks people are retarded.

  22. Anoni at 8:11 AM, seems to suffer from a touch of xenophobia.

    Wonder what part of Europe his family tree has roots in?

    Coming to America with their small pox and measles, causing the deaths of millions of people when they did.

    Causing the destruction of entire cultures, in what became known as the Mississippi River Valley

    Creating a culture that stylizes death and destruction, in video games and movies.

    Those who ignore history, well, they're just ignorant folk.

  23. Replies
    1. I agree.. won't be long before her beheading is televised in sabado gigante...Arriba Mexico

  24. She is a horrible singer. Also she is on low budget spanish shows. When she is on Don Francisco's Sabado Gigante....then its a big deal.

  25. Leave her alone she so beautiful and so sweet look like an angel we would make love in her dads house she knows him i cant belive she would lie on tv about that she has not seen him since she was 15 que mentiras pobre que dios te quide mi amor no te rindas

    1. callate hija de juan gabriel no seas lambiscon seguro si el tuta se kita las chanclas le besarias las pinches patasjediondascon cayos!

    2. Por miedo porque asi operan Todos los culos Templarios!

  26. All she speaks is lies

    Pica picaaaaaa

  28. hope they torture this slut just like her father has done to many

  29. Replies
    1. It's hard for people not to hate her when her wealth and luxury is not only at the expense of the people of Michuacan that she claims to love. Did she love the people gruesomely murdered on her fathers orders! You know most people in Tierra may not have much wealth, but least they have their dignity. She and all the cartel scumbags make me sick!!!! Shes making the situation worse for herself and digging a bigger hole by playing the part of miss innocent. The apple does not fall to far from the tree!!!

  30. Senior Plancarte (KIKE) is a crazy old man who took over when the "Craziest One" supposedly got killed and they never found the body! I have to laugh at this bitch 1st she can't sing 2nd without her makeup she has a face that would stop a clock! They did have everyone in the village scared shit though.

  31. I have seen photos of this person with tigers, which on her interview in Estrella Tv channel 62 in Los Angeles, has said that she has never had any of these creatures. She has been taking down videos and info on YouTube and other social sites which had evidence of her enjoying all of her father's blood money comforts. On her Facebook account,she had a lot of people critize her and for some reason, all those critiques disappeared and only has "likes", someone posted another critique that said that all the people that had put up something against here there, were threatened, (including her). ShE posted this all over melissa plancarte's Facebook but only lasted a few hours there before it got deleted also.

    A few days ago, I went into her record label's social network accounts (PLAN RECORDS ENTERTAINMENT) and saw that there were links to tv shows from ESTRELLA TV CHANNEL 62 (one of the links was for "EL SHOW DE PLATANITO") we'll, all of a sudden, those social accounts and other sites from this record label disappeared! And also, it seemed strange that ESTRELLA TV, all of a sudden, interviews her over the phone and then live at the TV STATION in Los Angeles Ca.

  32. Bunch of haters, La Princessa de la Banda laps over Pelukas Rivera. Primetime here we come.

    1. La Princessa? La chiquiada del Diablo Narco Templarios!

    2. You must be damage control for her! Its too late! She not to hard to figure out! She can't even keep a straight face when shes lying, and can't even hide her smirk! Does she play dumb and act like she doesn't know where all of dirty money comes from!

    3. If she had lived an honest life and not lived a life of luxury posted all over the Internet, when it's so obvious that it was all made possible by her father maybe people would not care and even have sympathy for her! When the CT was its height she had no problem wearing their Logo and hanging out with Tutas children, but know all of sudden with the CT in a downward spiral she is in total damage control distancing herself. VERY CONVENIANT!

    4. She should be careful of the many parents of the unarmed teenage girls the "brave" caballeros templars murdered.

  33. why did she bother dressing like a nun ? all she had do was put Dracula teeth in.

  34. I loved that they showed the pictures of innocent people who had been hanged by the CTs right behind her... they should have left that photo up the whole time.

  35. As I was this article at about 3:45p.m., It was that "La Barbie Grupera", Melissa P., would appear in the popular Univision entertainment show El Gordo y La Flaca. Their in lies the negative part of this interview by the distinguished journalist Enrique Gratas. M. Plancarte is getting puplicity for her no-talent career. She questions the intelligence of the public when she says she was wearing a nun costume, and not a costume with the emblems of the CTs that happens to be the cartel which her dad happens to lead. So she is unaware of the massacres and serial murders her dads cartel has carried out under his orders. The wealth and tour buses just happened to fall from the sky. If my dad were a CT leader the last thing I would pursue is a highly public musical career. OFAC might want to look into her business dealings. I'm sure she has some connection to the CTs money funds somewhere in there. Went she gets on stage to sing those no-lyrical talent songs, she should think about those innocent girls her dads cartel hanged at the entrance to a town in Tierra Caliente.

    1. you seem to know a little to much for not liking her music are you sure your not the president of her fan club no eres el vato ke te dimos una coretiada ise te kebro el tacon th te diste un torcidon de pata

  36. @1200 AM I've seen that picture somewhere too. It was the same exact room except the photo has some dude sitting on the couch using a cell phone. Pretty sure it was here on BB.

  37. Because of negative comments like the ones portrayed above Mexico doesn't progress,this girl is innocent,she has built a name for herself legitimately.on top of that,ya"ll can keep yapping your gums,too only give her more shine

    1. How much are you getting paid for this comment. She doe not fool anybody! She's lucky the Auto Defensas are not cold blooded like her Devil dad!

  38. She is now in the US and Her promoters from PLAN RECORDS ENTERTAINMENT are scheduling events for her to perform in. Plan Records was and still is the way they wanted to launder money for pop's business. I think they figure that they would start scheduling events here and become a credible business.

    If the US lets her and her record label do business here, they will be contributing to narco,murderers, extortionists, rapists, and a whole lot more.

    On the record label in question, which all of a sudden disappeared from the Internet, there were LINKS TO SHOWS from ESTRELLA TV CHANNEL 62 which for some strange reason had an interview with melissa plancarte over the phone and then another one live at the Chanel's TV station in Los Angeles Ca.

    1. They should expose this beneficiary of rape on their news show so that they don't have to pay her for an appearance. Now Estrella T.V. Is supporting the rape cartel. I guess Hitlers daughter was not available so they got the next best thing.

  39. Everything she has is from drug money, extortion prostitution kidnapping slavery killing innocent people what a big time hoe

  40. She will not be on another US television again.

  41. Low-budget shows, she describes her self as la princesa de la banda, i doubt she will make it to be a great artist unless she sucks the right ones. Anyways they became wealthy from robbing the poor; self describe that.

    G(-)057 saludos Chivis

  42. ESTRELLA TV CHANNEL 62 - All You Need to Know

    Former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to advise Spanish-language broadcaster Estrella TV.

    "We feel that Antonio Villaraigosa — who really does represent the Hispanic community across the country, as well as economic success and contribution to the community — could help us get the word out about Estrella TV," Lenard Liberman, chief executive of Estrella TV, said Monday.

    "We are well known to our viewers but not as well known among advertisers or in corporate board rooms," Liberman said. He declined to say how much Villaraigosa would be paid.

    Estrella TV is a division of the privately owned Liberman Broadcasting, the country's largest minority-owned Spanish-language broadcaster.

    The company owns KRCA-TV Channel 62 in Los Angeles and stations in San Diego, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Salt Lake City, Denver, Chicago, New York and Miami. Liberman Broadcasting also owns 18 radio stations, including seven in L.A.

    Oaktree Capital Management, the largest shareholder of Tribune Co., parent of the Los Angeles Times, owns about 26% of Liberman Broadcasting.

    Villaraigosa served as mayor from 2005 through June 2013. Prior to that, he was the speaker of the California State Assembly.

    Lenard Liberman

    He served as Chief Financial Officer of Liberman Broadcasting Corp. from April 2002 to April 2003, since April 2005 and until March 24, 2008. Mr. Liberman managed all day-to-day operations including acquisitions and financings. He has been a Director of LBI Media Holdings Inc. and LBI Media Inc. since 1987. He has been Director of LBI Holdings I Inc., since 26, 2007. He served as a Director of Liberman Broadcasting Corp. since 1987. Mr. Liberman is a member of the California Bar. He received his Juris doctorate degree and masters of business administration degree from Stanford University in 1987.

    Oak Tree Management ...

    Oaktree Capital Management is a global asset management firm specializing in alternative investment strategies. Oaktree emphasizes an opportunistic, value-oriented, and risk-controlled approach to investments in distressed debt, corporate debt (including high yield debt and senior loans), control investing, convertible securities, real estate and listed equities.

    As of December 31, 2012, the company managed $77.1 billion,
    primarily on behalf of pension funds, foundations, endowments, and sovereign wealth funds. On April 12, 2012, Oaktree Capital Group LLC became listed on the NYSE: OAK

    1. I hate channel 62 I got fired on my day off but they.havent heard the last of me wait till villaragosa exposes them

    2. So when I bash Estrella TV my comment doesn't get posted, but when joke ass jack opens his mouth, it gets posted. WTF.

  43. Bueno espero que el govierno de estados unidos tome acsion legal sobre esto esta putita no uviere salido a relusir si michoacan no estubiera en la mira del mundo por pelear encontra de la mana o ct...lo mismo como con los zetas el amarillo no lo uvieran arestado sino uvise calentado con lo de los migrantes ejecutados el estaba encargado de eso desde chiapas para aka..el mamito igual si no uvise el piolin matado a jaime zapata el mamito aun. Estuviera asiendo de las suyas el piolin trabajaba para mamito que estaba encargado de sanluis i otros estados.....creo que para que el govierno tome acasion aii que cagarla bien cagada

  44. Damn she's sexy as hell !!! Especially in that templarios dress !!!

    1. What wears nun outfits like that? Oh yeah the Devil Templarios Church!!! They worship by murduring innocent people!!!

  45. Ya ni pa donde se aga kike le dijo que lo mejor fuera salir ala luz diciendo mentira traz mentira ya en la luz publica talvez se siente segura no se loca ade volver a michoacan sabe que aii gente molesta que la cago con alguien i por su prepotencia i sierto poder que tenia o tiene en michoacan por se plancarte hija de kike de puro gusto la matan

  46. @4:17 p.m like hell he hasnt killed anyone! Hes just as guilty as the murderers themselves cause he ordered those deaths so that makes him a murderer! This gals b.s u can dry that shit out and fertilize your lawn in the spring!

  47. She lied on every question the dude asked hahah she gets kinda nervous in some...

  48. You are so beautiful Melissa love your songs and they're inspirational hope you keep going strong and pave the way

    1. Pave the way for what? No talent!

    2. We are all bashing this young lady. She is paying for all of her fathers sins! If she found it in her heart to donate all of her proceeds to the families of the people murdered by her fathers orders. Then maybe I would kinda believe her!

    3. Maby some templars can torture murder,hang your sister and mother when they dont give the big templar drug cartel their money from their tamale cart.maby you can really understand then you asshat.

  49. Paraphrasing former Texas governor Ann Richards: Poor Melissa can't help it. She was born with a silver foot in her mouth

  50. no mames no vale verga para cantar esta werka.. honestly her singing sucks. and she doesn't even know how to act in interviews. she looks awkward and out of place. sorry but she will never ever be a respectable accomplished singer. and she ain't even that pretty. her boobs are aren't well done and look like they belong to a low rate cheap transsexual

    1. Give her a little credit! She doesn't have an adams apple!

  51. Enough!!! Somebody please kill all the CT members

  52. Ugly... she needs to choose a better side for pics.. Can't wait till she goes back to Mexico so the zetas can chopp her up. Please lord take her out her misery. .

  53. jajajjaja no te da verguenza vivir ayi as de decir ke vives en los hills del centro jente pioja no sea presumido

  54. I think I figured out why she's claiming she was 15 years old, the last time she saw him. She's trying to distance herself from her father and the only public picture of them together is from her Quinceanera? that was on her instagram.

  55. Jack Hawkins, I’m not sure if your comment was directed at the "LIAR" comment or the "Nun" comment. But, I don't detect any xenophobia in either. A better observation would be pistanthrophobia or monachousaphobia. Good Day.

  56. Quit hating on her she bad!!

    1. You must be same guy defending her throughout this post. How much are you getting paid by The C.T.?

  57. Poor girl she does not know the difference between the crosses used by nuns and crosses used by the Templars. "The Pattée Cross was created and used only by the Knights Templar"

  58. Melissa Plancarte is a U.S citizen according to the interview.

  59. Esta buena but cant sing,la tutas daughter is freakin ugly, tutas son looks like a young derbez

  60. WHAT ?? arrest this Bitch , until her Bitch ass daddy turns himself in..

  61. Here we go with all the fucking CT haters

    1. Quite right, nuthugger. Your ct scum spend their time raping innocent girls and women, while extorting decent working people who are struggling against poverty and corruption just to try and put food on the table.

      May you and your ct scumbag buddies and their bitches die of anal cancer. You all deserve far worse.

    2. I guess you should wear a C.T. chearleader outfit for Halloween, with innocent peoples blood all over yoi sick bastard!

  62. Vieja mentirosa y farsante si tenia fotos con su papa asco de mujer de las lagrimas pasa a la risa con su vocesita de pendeja cantas igual de feo q la chiquis jajajja

  63. 11:01 jayhawk where did you go wrong? you racist comment was for 8:10?
    that is ok,no problem there, the problem is i was trying to illustrate a situation about the strange connections of melissa with plan records, that probably needs RICO ACT investigation, and about stranger connections between newly arrived people that quicly find cushy well paid jobs, without no other merits than strange connections, very probably drug related, US war veterans can't get jobs that nice, not even dream about them. i have seen it all in action. i am as much of a mexican indian as anybody else, but among my many defects, greed and drug dealing never found a place.
    a friend of mine told me a while ago that somebody that gives you a gun to blow your brains is a better friend than one that gives you your first toke, or your first pass or your first needle, and i believe it, from his experience and my witnessing, we should read twice or a few more times before picking on the wrong scent, including me of course...

  64. When does she start in the US?
    I bet you have nothing to say when shes surrounded by paid off US cops

  65. 6:14 maybe, just maybe, your complant is more entertaining, you blew your chance, if you had posted again instead of bitching it would be in, see?

  66. If she comes back to mexico she's dead.I think she will even get killed in USA. Somebodys go pay for a hit on her ass.

  67. CHIVI'S!!!!

    We are sitting here at work having lunch and we just heard on the radio that she has been reported missing and could possibly have been kidnapped here in the USA. Supposedly she had been reported missing in December but that was due to being on the run.

    I wonder if she is just hiding and keeping appearances to a minimum? I cant find anything on the Internet. Keep us posted if you find something.

    -Pol Barerra


  69. esta rata de dos patas es tan culpable como la mierdha de su madre a parte de mentirosa es cinica la hija de poota .I just hope you and your piece if shit dad pay for your crimes

  70. The kidnapping rumors were around mid December...and only posted on blogs. I have heard nothing since then...paz, chivis

  71. Any punk ass CT Fans should kill themselves :)

  72. That fucking liar bitch, daughter of a fucking MURDERER. ROT IN HELL!!!!

  73. Not once has she acknowledged the brutality of her father and Templarios. Or made a statement asking for peace and felt sorry at all for all of the innocent killed in her homeland!!! The most innocent don't have internet or modern technology and are just struggling to survive yet they live in constant fear barely struggling to survive. All this time the Cartel leaders daughters were living a life of luxury. The Cartel Leader father now has to live the rest of his life mentally tortured knowing if it was worth it. He created this environment and now hes has to live with it. It was all good through all the crooked years, bit everything has its price. His so called empire is crumbling before him and his family will pay the price in one way or another! The best thing I can say is for him to repent, turn himself in, collect all of the money he has made through, and give it to all rhe families he has hurt. Maybe that way GOD may have some forgiveness for him.

  74. If CDS were to take over michoacan it would probably be a peaceful place, other than rivals coming into to get themselves wacked trying to heat things up, it would be peaceful. That's the only reason I favor CDS. Sure they're evil, all cartels are, but they are not zetas, and US AND MEXICO are clearly working with them for a reason! QUIT PEACEFUL BUISNESS! Drugs will always be here no matter where and who brings them, I'd rather it be chapo and mayo then some fucking zeta retard.

    1. You may be right, but the Auto Defensas goal of a clean government is y he best and only option for the peace and stability of society. Any cartel will eventually leaf to the same cycle of violence.

  75. @6:14 outta your frustration, we get that joke ass, i guess you will not get a response, unless you are qualified military seal or special forcers above sargent or somping.
    Regarding mr villarraigoza, the rightista teaparty flush with money is just trying to get as many latino and black distinguished personalities to their side, to prove how inclusive they are,after the tar and feathering they took from the 47% and associated freeloaders, and some of us are eating it up hook, line and sinker, especially future candidates for political office that will then be working for their new masters, the people behind the neo-nazi party putschistas of the ku-klux-klan owned teabagger nation, spearpoint of the neo-colonistas that once before corrupted another great hero of the american revolution...benedict arnold, the man GEORGE WASHINGTON himself came to hate most in his life and after, having banned his name for ever from history, allowing his spawn to encroach in the political life of the US until ready to strike again, now!

  76. Esta pendeja said on el gordo y la flaca she is 21 and working on her ged lol! She is really shooting for the stars lol! Viva michoacan !

  77. She's a nun guys. Stop hating on "the bride of Christ" and show some respect!

  78. I say that Mexico needs another revolution to clean up the whole country from top to bottom! All government institutions! Mostly every Mexican knows that the whole system is corrupt but the reason the people of Michoacan WERE WORKING TO PAY THE CT IN ORDER TO LIVE was because THE GOVERNMENT NEVER DID ANYTHING ABOUT THIS PROBLEM and WE, THE MEXICANOS, NEVER DID ANYTHING ALSO. Better days for Michoacan coming soon, BECAUSE THEY DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  79. These place is full of haters let the girl do what she is going to do wgaf


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