Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mystery woman arrested with Chapo Guzman is identified as his wife

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat

The leader of the Sinaloa cartel, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman , was not alone in the condo when  he was arrested by special forces of the Navy, in Mazatlán, this past Saturday, he was with his wife Emma Coronel Aispuro.
Officials of the Office of Security and Justice confirmed that the navy found the wife of the capo at his side, the  woman was  retained shortly,  but the absence of a warrant or investigation pending against her, she was released, reports Milenio.
Guzman Loera, however, now held in the Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1 "Altiplano" maximum security prison, where he faces various criminal charges, handed down on Monday, but is expected to be extradited to the U.S..

"Altiplano" No. 1 is the prison he was incarcerated in after his 1993 arrest, but was transferred in 1995 to Puente Grande prison in Jalisco.  It was from the Jalisco prison that he managed his escape in 2001.

There has never been an escape from Altiplano No.1 
Emma Coronel is the niece of the late capo Ignacio Nacho Coronel. In 2013  the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Treasury Department of the United States placed her father,  Ines Coronel Barrera, father in law of the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, on the kingpin list.
Coronel Barreras(in foto at right)as arrested in Sonora on May 1, 2013.  He was taken without a shot, but displayed his displeasure by a bombardment of cursing that continued for what was described as incessant.  While writing his body and jerking his head, he continued the "Chi ... ma ...” barrage.
August 2011, Emma, a U.S. citizen, gave birth to twin girls in the Antelope Valley of Los Angeles.
Emma is the third wife of El Chapo Guzman and niece of Nacho Coronel Villarreal, who was killed by the military in Zapopan, Jalisco, in July 2010.
As for the twin daughters, depending on which report one accepts, either they were at the condo at the time of arrest, sleeping, or one was at the condo, or neither at the condo.
In the video showing footage of the condo interior, one can clearly see at least one portable crib in the second bedroom.
portable crib revealed in condo interior video

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  1. Latest reports indicate that Chapo's twin daughters were in the condo at the time of his apprehension along with their nanny. The capture of Chapo is a major news story all over the world and is turning into a phenomenon. People are appearing at the Miramar condo building indorder to take pictures of the place where the infamous Chapo Guzman was caught.

    Another top CDG capo caught. EPN is doing some early spring cleaning. He is trying to tidy up Mexico just in time for the oil corporations to begin investing, oil drilling.

  2. Extradited to the u.s? Buh bye! He will get life without parole for the kind of charges hed be facing! Look what they did to john gotti and he was nowhere near the level of chapo!

    1. Don't start sucking the us government d1ck just yet. El Chapo will never step foot in the US. Then again I wouldn't mind seeing a Federal agent head blown off while trying to escort El Chapo in out of court

  3. Coronel barreras used to be a PFP? It shows him escorting a prisoner. Unless they meant he is on the left and not on the right.

    1. That's him being arrested. He's the big guy on the left

  4. Wtf she should be arrested to for harboring a criminal. So should that other hore

  5. news sites are saying its gone to be hard to get chapo extradited to u.s

    i was reading that chapo allready has the best lawyers ready for battle

    if chapo doesn't get ....... you know what that means

  6. Maybe he wants to get extradited ? so he can go into the witness protection program maybe it's all part of a master plan? maybe chapo is gonna run his empire on this side of the border while he gives el lic and chapo jrs orders on what to do? you wouldn't even know what would happen you may think they would lock him up and have him in a high security prison ?? What if they just say that's what's gonna happen to him but in reality hes living in a nice home some where in Oregon or Maryland or somewhere in the u.s calling shots. What if chapo and his people start a revolution in mexico by investing all the money he has in weapons and starts giving them to everyone in Sonora Sinaloa chihuahua everywhere to all the pueblos and the fed up people ? with all the information chapo has in his head about the corrupt people he could do massive damage. Remember the element of surprise is a fool.

    1. Oh My.... You my son need some sleeeppp to clear that head of yours!!! Lol

    2. Dude chapo was not even the big guy in the sinaloas cartel according to dr eduardo buscaglia el mayo zambada has a better position in the cartel than chapo . And what about el azul no one talks about him but in my opinion his is the real leader above mayo zambada.

    3. Heyy chivis what do you think about chapos captured you think this was all planned out i mean come on there was not even a single shot fired ? Mmmmm

    4. You are correct. None of it makes sense. If you are being hunted you go into hiding. You dont go to a condo in a holiday resort lol. He gave himself up. No shots fired. It was staged. He wants retirement and with that will come revenge. This is not over atall

  7. This is a nightmare we still have hope he would escape .mexico needs u .and i need my coke

  8. @ 11:49
    You sir, are delusional. You are better off with your, "what ifs" if you ask Chivis for some enchiladas. What if Chapo goes to jail and just ends up rotting there until the day he days? I think that sounds more plausible.

  9. is it out of the realm of possibility that a guy with all the money in the world and who's on the run and paranoid enough to build tunnels everywhere, would also think of arranging a for a double of himself, and also pre-arrange a bribe with who ever does the dna testing ect? couldn't he have gotten some cooperation from very high levels of government u.s. and mexican, in order to pull it off?

  10. at 1:00am what if chapo is actually brad pitt who happened to be just researching a movie role for a movie based on Whitney Houston life
    .. that's how stupid you sound.

    1. Hey,thats very possible,but maybe its Joe Pesci.hired by Chapo to play him,and when he gets to jail he reveals himself,and that would give the real Chapo enough time to get away...think abouy,makes sence.

    2. @3:04..could be true,maybe brad Pitt wanted to get down to the source of where the drugs that killed Whitney came from,so he flew down to Mexico where he was supposed to meet with some CDS members,and when all this went down,the sicarios threw a wig and a fake mustache and told him to play this could probably get him an Oscar for sure...crazy shit huh.

    3. True,just like when Robert Downey Jr played a black guy in tropic thunder...he was good too,at first I didn't even know it was him.

    4. Chapo used a double,so he can go to new york,sponsored by coca cola,to reinvent himself as a rapper called Lil Fizz.its been a secret passion of his since tupac came on the scene.the guy arrested is a double,the dna is chapos but chapo is already working on his first album as Lil Fizz called Got ta be Real!

  11. If Chapo does get extradited the first warrant was for chicago , but Federal charges will take precident over other charges US side of the border. He will get locked up in federal supermax. NO visitors at all apart from human rights and attorneys. No contact with anyone inside the prison for the first seven years. 4 concrete walls , no mirror no direct view of the sky other than the north.
    Within seven years he will be reduced to a shadow of a human being. That kind of isolation WILL send you mad. Specially people like the suposedly humble chapo , and even more for Show Pony dickheads who thrive on media attention like barbie and brolly banderas.

    If I was EPN id be extraditing the whole lot captured to USA , let them pick up the huge cost of keeping these guys in supermax. No champagne or a la carte menu , no chance to run your cartel as the cell blocks are electro-magnetically proofed for any type of radiation, including radio and microwaves ( all cell and satellite phones use this type of radiation).

    Just twenty five years plus , with four concrete walls, to reflect on all the people he has killed. No drugs to fend off the nightmares , all the faces of those he killed personally revisiting his mind. YOU MAKE YOUR BED , THEN LIE IN IT , ENANO!

  12. Chapo has no body to look after him, hes done

  13. I don't believe Chapo will ever be extradited to the U.S. Mexico has already said he will have to serve the remaining 12yrs of his sentence he bailed on. Also it makes Mexico look very weak to extradite the biggest fish in the so-called war on drugs. Any of these females that harbored chapo are scum of the highest order and need to be subject to any and all prosecution including extradited to the U.S. for punishment.

    1. Martial Law and Fema Camps that's all got to say to you..
      God bless the U.S. huh buddy

  14. El Senor Chapo turned himself .CDS still making more money than google and facebook combined.Los jefes Senor Mayo y Senor Azul al mando .Senor Chapo still the CEO will run the business behind bars.This is just show for Obama and to continue the flow of Meridia funds.Gringos dont worry la merca wikl continue to flow

  15. Rumors have it no Extradition to USA and minimal sentence in exchange for his corruption network with the govt.....will not give up in on his cartel only govt network that protected him........oooohhhhhhh

  16. February 25, 2014 at 1:00 AM
    Say what ?

  17. Something smells like pescado!


  18. The secretary of government has said that El Chapo will remain in México and not be extradited to the US. Their big fear that Chapo jailed in the US would drop the dime on many people at the highest levels of government. If it is true that Chapo helped finance EPN in his presidential bid he might really feel spurned now that the EPN government arrested him. One must remember when the Guatemalans turned Chapo over to the Mexican authorities his testimony given to the ministerio publico on the flight back to DF was a bomb shell. He basically told the story of exactly who was on his payroll. Upon his arrival after his testimony was read someone sent the message he was obviously tired and would be give a second shot at rethinking his testimony which he did. This time his testimony proved to be less incriminating to the higher ups in the government. It has been said that the original testimony was written and if anything ever happened to him that his original reading would make its way to the media. For a guy with a supposed third grade education the short time he did attend school hi mother did not send him there just to carry his lunch. I bet for many politicos the pucker factor his running fairly high at this time. The good news is they now have El Chapo and the bad news is they now have El Chapo. Truly a potential hot potato for many people. Vamos a ver que pasa.

  19. Im sorry to tell all of you but looks like this time its really over for chapo. The U.S. Corporations have billions and billions invested and about to be invested all over the Country of Mexico. Hedge funds and corporations are just sick and tired of investing so far away in china and other countries that in reality hate America. Mexico is proven to be a great place to invest the new money and people are alot more friendly. Seems the only problem was the narco violence and groups like templarios fkn with
    U.S. corporations but as you have seen everything ia being taken care of at an amazing speed.

    1. Your a fucken idiot,the main ones creating all the violence are the filthy zetas,this will just make it worse

  20. Beauty Queen?
    She's ok, but I see many better Mexican girls right here in New York and God knows Mexico is full of girls much more beautiful than this girl.
    Money can buy you titles I guess...

  21. Donde estan todos los millones. Ta jovencitas esta ruca. Aver con quien se pasea el mundo y disfrutan la feria del Sapo mientra el se la pasa todo depremido en la supermax

  22. lol @ 1 AM you crazy

    I'll tell you what happens. Guzman goes down. Someone else fills his shoes. business as usual. Its not as cool of a story as you'd like to see, but it happens every day. No rising up, no revolution. Just people moving drugs across the border.

  23. Narcos' wives are the worst. They just gobble up resources and contribute NOTHING to society (except dozens of kids who they don't have the maturity to raise, and who become narcos when they're teenagers).
    Problem is 90% of women in Mexico aspire to be like this!

  24. the whole story the media is giving us is all crap they are adding to make their story believable now he had kids ak47s and this and that do yall take us for fools cause yalls story is not believable FREE CHAPO saludos desde austin tx

    1. Why do u want chapo free? Does he pay your bills? Are u his family member or close friend?

    2. Wether you like it or not. He prob did help pay a lot of ppls bills. Those that bought and sold his product...fuck it! Free

  25. I know this is a curve ball of the subject but Caro Quintero has close family members living in Monterrey that are also related to the Treviño-Morales Family tree Los Zetas from Nuevo Laredo. This will be interesting to see what will happen.

    1. How do u know this retard,this is not possible,they're from 2 totally different parts of Mexico...unless by marriage,but doubtful..Sinaloa narcos usually like to marry among themselves,even as far as marrying amongst cousins...but if you have proof of that I commend you,but if not your just a plain pendejo

    2. Its a little complicated but let me explain this. Caro Quintero relative move to Monterrey then he got merrey & had kids & then moved to Central California then he moved back to monterrrey because The police & DEA aggents put out a warrent for his arrest due to his involment with kike camarena, but any ways back to point one of his daughter got marry to some guy from Monterrey who is a relative of Los Treviños Morales from Nuevo Laredo. I know its not a big thing but thats why i said a curve ball.

  26. @9:44
    well..I think all this speculation in interesting. BUT, Chapo, like it or not, maybe illiterate but highly intelligent and calculating.

    But even the most well laid plans are reliant on other humans. Humans that miss cues, and make mistakes.

    Just look at his tunnels along the border and interior of places like Chih and Sin. They are incredible.

    Myself I think of questions like, "where did he find the technology knowledge and deign knowledge? " that would require a slew of experts to access, design and build. and no area is the same.

    and how did he build the tunnel network in the middle of a city "unnoticed?"

    Those are the types of questions I ask, and I don't focus on the small stuff. There are things that happen that are unexplainable, surprising, or even added to the story for interest, who cares?

    like him going down without a shot. give me a break. He is smart, it is stupid to realize one is surrounded and think you can fire your way out. Lay down arms, surrender, and war in court. That tactic is thought out well ahead.

    He knew if the feds came through his security barrier, he was surrounded, check mate, time to go. and he had his family with him.

    As for the hiding, he thought he had escaped now safe out of Culiacán. in Mazatlan there was a sea of people for carnival. I would think they felt cushioned by the activity, the deployment did not occur until they were in the city. Too late to run. the neighbors said they were there only 2 days. His limit anywhere coming down from the mountains.

    BTWare translating (I asked Vato) the televise expose of Chapo of yesterday, it will be up today...

    1. It's stupid to you Chivis but to Some of em it's ticket way out they would rather die rather than to spend there whole life in prison in a small ass little room..

    2. Finally someone states the obvious. Of course Chapo wouldn't 'fire a single shot' - why would he! He has plenty to live for--his children, especially the toddler twins. Sure, the argument of not wanting 'to spend their whole life in a prison' is valid for some, but Chapo is not just the typical yahooey cowboy going out in some blaze of glory. He has something to live for-family.
      _Canadian girl

    3. Thats very true Chivis, right on Point. Keep up the good work at BB...

    4. @12:17

      Yes pendejo but didn't you read? He had his family with him. Why get your newborn babies and their mother killed

    5. Nomas dije unos prefieren morir que andar en la carcel por toda su vida estupido/estupida read my shit more clearly, I was talking about some of the mentalities of some sicarios and capos that do go out fighting..

  27. I think the PRI are going to put a whooping on everybody till the violence simmers down a bit. Too much is on the line to have cartels holding Mexico back. Those billion dollars Chapo has is nothing compared to the money the banking cartels are about to loan out to mexican oil investors. Think interest rates.... TUTA you're next buddy!

  28. It's already been said on the news chapo gave himself up for caro Quintero there's a connection there.

  29. No pictures no proof. All this seems to be puro propaganda.

  30. @ Chivis
    I remember reading about how thorough and deep Chapo's security system was. Something about 200-300 men, layers of security etc. The circumstances of his capture sound nothing like that. I'm assuming it's one of the following possibilities, but please let me know what you think:
    1) He thought he could get away with travelling to a resort with lax security, because he was paying off the hotel employees etc.
    2) His security system isn't as militaristic as we might assume, and consists more of low-profile halcones and less on visible armed guards. Maybe if his security entourage were as beefy as Obama's, it would be easy to know where he is?

    Please let me know what you think.


    1. Feynman

      The rings of security were used on certain occasions but, I speculate, for practical reasons he didn't use them on the daily.

    2. Well if you are hiding u wouldn't want to attract that much of attention from having a convoy of cars right and plus there were alot of civilians out on the streets

  31. Everyone's got to stop talking. Find reason in your thoughts before posting.

    To all the idiots saying he lost against the law. 1, he's escaped their clutches before. 2, his fugitive streak lasted 13 years. 3, he's been successfully above the law for half a century.

    Despite being rich, and according to the ideal laws that have been designed to serve and protect corrupt businessmen, he is a criminal. What makes a drug trafficker a criminal? To be honest, the only crime is tax evasion. The Government's jealousy for a man who doesn't pay the extortion taxes can be seen by a majority of commentors on these pages.

    Hating on him for murder is fair. Hating on him for being a drug baron is absolutely idiotic. I see drug trafficking as an honest living. If you don't harm others (addicts will harm themselves, just like cigarette smokers and alcoholics), then you are earning an honest living (honest, because you don't pay into the threats of Government, an organized crime syndicate in itself)

    Chapo kept his head down. Concentrated on business. Not massacres like other cartels. Yet the US and Mex crack down on him.

    It shows where the priorities lie with Governments. They clearly don't want to see peace. They want power vacuums. Interior cartel wars. Innocent people to feel more terrorized about merely existing.

    Western Governments have never shown any desire to make people feel less threatened. They have only flexed their muscle upon us, fellaciated the capitalistic devils and given us less and less will to live.

    I admire people like Chapo. He will have more respect now and in the future, than any world leader, President or Prime Minister.

    And if you don't agree with me, I must assure you that I don't care in the slightest, and it really doesn't matter.

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly my man. The corporate elite/powers that be/trillionaires/billionaires don't pay taxes, yet they create central banks and enforcement wings(IRS) to make everybody else pay their extortion fees(taxes). The oil cartels don't pay taxes yet they make the average customer pay sells taxes, fed., state on their products.That's b.s. Who pays for the infrastructure that benefits their businesses? Of course the tax payer. The reason we are in a $18 trillion national debt is due to the arms spending, to the tune of $700 billion a yr., that these tycoons, approved by their political puppets, make to pay for their armies from the money they. extort from the working men/women of this country. If they want to fight wars, then these corporate/Wall Street need to pay for their own armies and quit fleecing the common people for their mischievous plans. When their businesses fail,, it is the extortion fees they acquire from tax payers that they use to rescue their failing banks/auto companies; to add insult to injury, their CEOs pay their salaries/bonuses with the same extortion fees(taxes). The list is endless of the schemes the corporate elite and their political enablers carry out inorder to dwindle the extorted(exploited) of their hard earned money. The same people who drive the small business out of business with their monopolies. If Chapo was a drug trafficker and a money launderer, so are presidents and banksters. So you say Chapo is a murdereru. So are our presidents/govt. agencies leaders/corporate elite. If you Chapo is a womanizerand rapist, so are our presidents/corporate elite. Chapo's creation of a multi-billion dollar empire and subsequent escape/fugitive status was a big middle finger to the REAL BOOGEYMEN OF THE WORLD. Pretty good for a third grade education. ¡Animo Viejon!

    2. You sir, are an idiot.....I have an igloo in Phoenix that you may be interested in purchasing, very spacious and cool, solid construction

    3. That's cool! Make sure you leave Tour girlfriend in their with me

    4. 8:52 AM is nothing but a sheep haha
      MIKE RUPPERT that's all I got to say to you..

    5. You bith mak me sick

  32. a good thing chapo has going for him is he did not rob, kill or kidnap poor illegal immigrants, and his people got paid, so they did not have to go and exact a living from their victims.
    el chapo escaped at the same time osiel cardenas guillen started recruiting ex-gafes, policia federal and other ex-military for his special guard, with both organizations getting finally fucked up at about the same time, both were in the run for about 12 years on PAN party rule, is the PRI going to install a new drug trafficking organization for the next 5 years looking to 6 more of priista run dto's, that want to run things more peacefully?
    the dirty wars the pri has been carrying on against the mexican people, letting its sicarios run amok, kidnapping, murdering, torturing, posting videos and pics of their evil deeds, have the people so fed up, that they voted again for the motherfucking pri, not that the opposition was much better, but at least they tried to appear to be a little more for the people.
    now the people do not care about pemex, or public corruption, mexicans just want crimes agains the people to go away! the bad part is, it is not happening, when all the present goals habe been achieved, it's baaack to the depopulation program, i know it's getting old, but all the symptoms are there, and it is not about birth control, it is about extermination of the inferior races, the disabled, the retarded, the unclean, the non-white, the arian way, famine, war pestilence, the surplus peoples of their world, who all they do is eat, must go...

  33. If history has taught us anything is that he will give up his money to the US in return for a lighter sentence, than his underlings.

  34. People Please Don't Believe Everything you Read !!!

  35. Why go after Chapo?? El mencho, la tuta, z42, are still out there and far bigger threats to the people of Mexico. You can catch ALL the capos and it means absolutely nothing... until the demand stops.. the supply continues!-Gio

  36. @ February 25, 7:38pm, BRAVO, Standing ovation brother! Couldn't of said it better myself!

  37. February 25, 2014 at 7:38 PM
    "Hating on him for being a drug baron is absolutely idiotic. I see drug trafficking as an honest living"
    Dude,that is very prescient of you,and knowing.Most here wouldn't know,many people call it easy money?What a joke.People like Chapo and many others took their chances,chances that are very few and far between coming from where he and others came from.

  38. From what I'm hearing from friends and family in Mexico is a majority of people have been saddened over El Chapos apprehension. IMO he represented the dude that stuck it to the man here and there. I agree though this is far from over..

  39. idiotic people !!! so sad wat sociaty has created , the guy a killer he might not do it him self but people died for 100 dollars , kids wan n familys, its weired how people defend the work of the Devil, good n bad has been on earth since the Lord walk this grounds, to defend evil its sad , my grandpa knew him as a boy n even my granpa as a bad guy (growing weed) told him not to get n the game he chose evil so fuk him the devil has to die


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