Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Operation Gargoyle: Pursuit, capture and confessions of El Chapo

Noticieros Televisa (2-24-2014) By Carlos Loret de Mola Fuente

Respectful, using no bad language, and in an even voice, Chapo 
 confessed to having killed between 2,000 and 3,000 persons"
Translated by unvato for Borderland Beat (parts of the text interlinks to the video found at bottom)

CIUDAD DE MEXICO, Mexico, February 24, 2014.- On January 19th of this year, 200 elite Mexican Navy marines landed in the Culiacán, Sinaloa, airport.

It was the start of Operation Gargoyle.

This is the story of how Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera, the most wanted man in the world, was located, pursued, surrounded and captured, according to the testimony of the Navy soldiers who arrested him, their commanders who coordinated the operation, and the elements of the PGR (Attorney General) who assisted. 
This is the building.
This is the apartment.
This is the room.
This is the bath.
And behind this door, the last hideaway of 'El Chapo' Guzman.
Here, he was apprehended by an elite commando, made up of six marine troops.

To locate him, they tapped his phones, they used aircraft to spy on him, they intercepted his radio communications, they had recent photographs of him, they figured out he had three weaknesses (money, women and candy), that he was a fan of Tutsi-Pop and peanuts, that he frequently ordered good food from restaurants, that he never spent more than two days under the same roof, that he dyed his hair and mustache, that he had exercise walking machines in all his safe houses, that he had recently lost weight, that he didn't use a cell phone, that many times he would make his men eat the food they took him to make sure it wasn't poisoned, that he didn't use drugs any more, that he was so mistrustful that he allowed only four people to be with him at all times: Chaneke, his chief of security; Condor, his chief of communications;  Nariz, his main errand boy, all three former members of Army Special Forces, and his cook.

It was 6:00 a.m., Mazatlan, Sinaloa, time, 7:00 a.m. Central Mexico time, this past Saturday, February 22, when Joaquin Guzman Loera showed his face through the bathroom door of the main bedroom in apartment No. 401 in the Torre Miramar (Miramar Tower) on the Mazatlan coast.  Then he showed his unarmed hands and, on being firmly told to surrender because he was surrounded, he responded four times: "OK". 

But to be exact, the story of the arrest of the most wanted man in the world began 120 miles from here, a month ago, in a place in the middle of nowhere.

There's nothing to see anywhere. Wherever one turns, it's swamp, dirt and bushes; for "El Chapo Guzman", his new jewel, the ranch in the community of Sanchez Celis, in the municipality of Culiacán
Chapo's 'Miramar' condo is now rendered a tourist attraction
For the authorities, Plan 'A'.

Here's where they wanted to capture him. It looked like an ideal place to them because there were no civilians around, because it is much more difficult to escape and get lost.

In addition, government intelligence reports pointed out that Guzman Loera visited the property only with his family, to spend time with his children, and for that reason, he preferred that there not be a lot of weapons and bodyguards around.

This is the access to the ranch. With mosquito netting that covers the garage completely, so that if somebody were lost around there, taking pictures or getting ready to shoot, he would not have a target, would not be able to see him, could not photograph him.

He would get down from his vehicle parked here, knowing full well that they could be spying on him from the air, with the use of satellite systems or aircraft. The route remains covered all the way, roofed until you get to the house. This is the main ranch house, which, according to what they tell us, was still under construction, and here, outside, we can see a new platform in this swamp, and the paradise he had constructed to visit with his family; Joaquin Guzman Loera.

The ranch is a complex of bungalows with a main house that surround a jacuzzi, a wading pool and a swimming pool with a bar.

It's all new.

The guest room is a luxurious suite of 150 meters square, with glowing furniture and with all the amenities.

The main house includes a principal bedroom, where presumably the leader of the Sinaloa cartel slept, and two adjacent rooms for the children and the nannies, joined by a dining room and an open kitchen.

One bungalow is a play room still being furnished, another one has space for ladies' and men's rooms; another is a kitchen that can cook for a banquet.

Government technology also allowed observation of last minute work and detected when "Chapo" got there, much earlier than they had expected him.

That's why Plan 'A' was aborted. Government agents weren't prepared to proceed against such a powerful objective. And 'Chapo' Guzman never went back to the ranch.

Chapo's new ranch
Plan 'B' was located 21 miles to the north. In the very heart of the city of Culiacán, his bastion.

Authorities say that discretion his strength. He didn't use sports cars or showy pickups, but he did use high quality pickups and automobiles with Level 7 armor, the highest grade available.  He would travel in one vehicle, two at most.

His safe houses, in middle or upper middle class neighborhoods. Government reports describe the homes as attractive, safe and with escape routes. Joaquin Guzman would jump from one house to another, and he felt at ease in Culiacan. The Navy's strategy was to double its presence in the city; patrols, roadblocks, searches, operations. They wanted 'El Chapo' to feel harassed so he would leave the more populated zones and they could capture him in outlying areas.

That was Plan 'B': If Culiacan was his bunker, they wanted to get him out of there.

But he never left. It appears that he did not feel insecure. They understood why on Monday, in the early hours of February 17, when they tried to open the door to his house.

It was Plan 'C'. Take him wherever he was. 200 men went after him.

The intelligence work by Mexican authorities had determined the areas where 'Chapo' Guzman was located. In the early hours of February 17, around 3:00 a.m., they managed to capture a man called "Nariz" ("Nose"), one of the men closest to Mexico's most wanted man, when he was on his way home. "Nariz" was his personal assistant  and would run errands and satisfy his whims.

"Nariz", when he was captured, tried to mislead the authorities. He lied to them about the house where "Chapo" was staying, but the authorities were able to disprove it immediately because their technical abilities has already allowed them to locate precisely the area, the street -- Rio Maya Street --, where "El Chapo" was hiding, so the authorities went there and parked their vehicles.

They parked them right in front of the house where he was staying. With their weapons, a tight group of Marines lit up the windows of the house where they were minutes away from catching "Chapo" Guzman. The moment they shone their lights they saw a light turned on and off, and they were certain that there was somebody inside, probably the most wanted capo in Mexico. The windows closed automatically, so the Marine used special equipment to try to go in through this electric garage door.

Now, let's look at the doors from the inside. They went in through this one, because it didn't have any bolts; they had forgotten to slide the bolts. But this one, this one had two large locks. They didn't open this door, but we're going to go in through here to learn about the house where they were minutes away from capturing "El Chapo" in Culiacan, Sinaloa, and also about what we talked about a little earlier.

This is the door, this is commonly found in any house with an electric door. But what is not common are these security rods that, upon closing, prevent any person from opening  the door. But they had forgotten to close these, they were not locked, and that's where Marine elements went in. They thought they were done, that they had him, that it had been a relatively quick operation.

What they had not counted on was that this door is doubly reinforced with steel.

With a large hammer, called breaching equipment, they began to pound, pound on it. The hammer broke, but the door didn't open. They had to use another hammer, because this door had three ... see how heavy it is. It had three of these pieces of steel placed across the door in such a way that if somebody broke off a piece of the door, only that piece would break off, the rest would not.

Not only that; the four metal compartments were filled with water. What's that for? What they tell us is that when one is hammering on metal, the heat that it generates causes it to bend until it breaks. But when it is filled with water, one, the shock is absorbed, and two, the metal stays cold and won't bend. According to the reports, it took eight minutes to open this door. It normally takes three seconds. Those eight minutes allowed "El Chapo" to escape through a complicated system of tunnels installed under this and other homes in the area.

Let's go inside the house. This is the route the Marines took on Monday, the 17th, just as the sun was coming up. They had waited until that time -- 6 a.m.-- so that in case "Chapo" came out in a vehicle, on foot, or whatever, the helicopters could track him. There's a small storeroom, it has one of these... Christmas trees. There's a bath, and a complete kitchen.

They told us that he kept several homes completely furnished so that he could sleep in the one he would choose at the last minute. He was so mistrustful that he wouldn't tell anybody where he was going to sleep. He simply sent his most trusted people ahead and everything was ready.

Remains of a meal, vegetables. This is the kitchen. One of the characteristics that authorities reveal about "El Chapo" is that he was a very paranoid man. The authorities say that he maintained a television monitor that showed everything that was happening outside and inside the house, so he was always on alert. According to the marines, when they got inside the house at 6:00 a.m., the monitors were switched on.

Let's go back to the house, where we'll find the key point, the escape point.

Peanuts to eat while watching TV, and again, the security monitor. The house has two floors; on top, there are living areas and a lot of security equipment. There are bathroom supplies, clothing on the floor, this is the bedroom, and again, the TV and the monitoring equipment. The government followed "Chapo" Guzman's activities very closely. They say that Buchanan's '18' was his favorite drink. People close to him said he no longer took drugs, like he did before.

And this was the key. The marines got inside and they felt very frustrated because they thought they had him, but those eight minutes gave "Chapo" the advantage.

Let's see how he escaped. This is the bathroom in the bedroom that is located on the first floor where they almost got Guzman Loera. And this is the tub, in reality the tunnel. A hydraulic system lifts the tub and opens a stairway. Don't think it would open the way I just did it. In reality, they discovered that you have to move this plug with a connection tied to a cable so that it completes a circuit, then the mirror here causes the tub to lift automatically. This is the escape route.

The marines who had studied "El Chapo" said that his most important weapon, what he had counted on more than money, more than weapons, was time. That's what allowed him to get away on February 17, in the early morning hours in Culiacan, Sinaloa: time.

(Photo of reporter in tunnel)  (Caption: this tunnel is approximately 1.8 miles long and reaches the river. Let's look at it.)  

The tunnel is approximately 1.4 meters in height (4.5 ft. high), and there's places where it gets much narrower. The first stretch of the tunnel is completely wired for electricity. The tunnel connects farther down with the rain drainage system for the city of Culiacan, and from there on, of course, conditions change. This escape route had steel compartment doors, and this is the drainage system for the city of Culiacan.

The escape took approximately 1.8 miles in these conditions. The Marine troops followed his footsteps thanks to an expert tracker who managed to find signs on the tunnel corners and turns that told him they had gone that way, for example, spots where they had sat down to rest. Because the posture is very uncomfortable -- one has to walk bent over --, for a 57 year old man in "Chapo's" condition, that's how it was.

It was 1.8 miles until he got to the river and there the Culiacan plaza boss, whom he had called by phone, picked him up and took him away.

According to authorities, "Chapo" presented lacerations on his shoulders and on his head, the result of that escape. Because a few meters beyond the first part of the tunnel there is no light. He himself told authorities that he did not have a flashlight, that he was bumping things and hurt his shoulders, his head. This is verified in the investigation report.

Eight minutes. That was the head start that the most wanted capo on the planet had on the authorities who wanted to capture him. Eight minutes and a tunnel that connected with the rain drains, a dark labyrinth of clear and dirty water.

The elite team of marines that followed him through the entrails of "Culichi" reported that "El Chapo" and his men, most probably exhausted by the long race in the dark and bent over forward, left stuff behind, first a suitcase with clothing, then some grenades, farther ahead, bulletproof vests, then, finally, at the opening of the drain, right on the Humaya River, a grenade launcher that, had they fired it at their pursuers, would have killed every one of them.

According to the official report, they took advantage of drain openings to call for help with their cell phones.

When they came out of the main drain, a few yards from the Sinaloa Government building, the escape was not finished.

He ran about a quarter of a mile along this dirt road, passed to one side of the National Water Commission offices and stopped in the shade under this tree, where "El Picudo", his plaza boss in Culiacan, picked him up, this according to the testimony of both "El Chapo" and "El Picudo".

The PGR investigation establishes that Manuel Lopez Osorio, "El Picudo", took him to Kilometer 24 on the Culiacan-Mazatlan highway, where he switched cars to one driven by Alejandro "Bravo" Aponte, his security chief  in the area around Culiacan.

"El Chapo" vanished.
Chapo did not resist arrest-his injuries were from slamming into tunnel walls
while escaping two days earlier in Culiacán without light of any source
If he planned his escape for years, if he connected five homes with tunnels to the drainage system, if he bought homes around him for his men, it worked. He bought time. Eight minutes, to be precise. Time in the shape of reinforced doors, hydraulically lifted bath tub, tunnel, walls, partitions, compartment doors. Because of those eight minutes,  he escaped from them.

In the media, it was erroneously reported that authorities had been close to finding Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, partner and "compadre" of Guzman Loera, the true target.  It took only one day for the members of Operation Gargoyle to regain hope. They arrested "El Picudo". He revealed details about the escape and gave them a new clue: "El Chapo" is in Mazatlan.

On Februry 19, they captured the brothers Kevin Alonso and Karim Elias Gil Acosta, communications operators for the Sinaloa Cartel. They provided the addresses of some of his favorite hideouts. And they kept interrogating Mario Hidalgo Arguello, aka "Nariz".

The first information that the government intelligence agencies received was that he was hiding out in a luxury hotel spa called Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay Resort, north of Mazatlan. On February 21, the guest register at the Miramar building shows the arrival of new guests to Apartment 401. They leased it for three months at 40,000 pesos ($3,077.00). A young man by the name of Allon signed the lease. In reality, he was "Condor", the only man he had left.

A few hours later, at 5:45 a.m., Mazatlan time, on February 22, a hand-picked team of 30 Navy marines, who had arrived one by one from Culiacan so as not to attract attention, parked on the coast highway, entered the Miramar, secured the surrounding areas, placed a guard on an adjacent swimming pool in case the capo decided to escape by jumping from his window, questioned the watchman, broke first into Apartment 602, detained two apparently intoxicated persons, decided they weren't their targets and went down two floors to the fourth floor.

This is building 401 of the Miramar building on the Mazatlan, Sinaloa, coast highway. Inside this place, "Chapo" Guzman was arrested. According to the statements that authorities have given us, they got to this point thanks to their technical capabilities for locating persons.

Once inside, they were going to try to open the door with a key, a lock pick, but through the door they heard, so they tell us, the sound of an AR-15 being cocked. So they decided to bust the door quickly and the first thing they see in the entry room is a man called "Condor", "Chapo" Guzman's chief of security. 

"Condor", according to the narrative, hides behind this door holding a weapon. The marines come in with a bulletproof shield and tell him, "Give up, Condor", and, according to this part of the narrative, he drops the weapon and is immediately apprehended.

A group of six marines go through this hallway in the apartment of  a little over 100 meters square, where there is a wheelchair that, according to the building administrators, was ordered by "El Condor", who gave a false name when he registered, because he said he was going to bring up his grandfather. They don't eliminate the possibility that, as a disguise, they may have used the wheelchair to bring "El Chapo" up here in the elevator.

When they get here, according to what they tell us, the marine team breaks up into three parts. Two men go to this first room where there are two women and the two youngest daughters of the total of 16 children that  "El Chapo" has fathered. The nanny was there, along with the cook that always traveled with "Chapo" wherever he went because they say he likes good food, and here were the two daughters. These two persons are secured.

Two men go through this door, not knowing it was a bathroom; they don't find anything.   

And two men go on to the main bedroom, which is this one. According to the narrative from the Navy marines, they got to this point and saw a woman that was, shall we say, in a sleeping position, awake at 5:45 local time here in Mazatlan, 6:45 Central. She stands up and says there's nobody else, please don't touch her.

Then the marines go into (the room) to search. The closets and the bathroom door were closed, and when they cannot open it completely, that's when they call out to Joaquin Guzman to surrender, who, according to this part of the report, was hiding behind the bathroom door.

It's not until the third time they order him that he agrees to surrender, they bring him down, and that's where they handcuff him and he is secured. According to the report, the operation in the apartment took two minutes, and 17 minutes from the time they entered the building. According to the official report, they twice yelled at him to surrender, but he didn't respond. The third time was louder. Also, they told him the entire building was surrounded. And they called him by his nickname, "Chapo", using "tu" (you), the familiar form of address.

He stuck his head out and pulled it back. He showed his two empty hands and pulled them back again.

The marine trooper told him there might be gunshots. "Give up, Chapo," he yelled at him. The soldier recalls that the capo answered with an "Ok", repeated four times. He showed his body and they subdued him.

The operation took 17 minutes.

They placed all the detainees in armored pickups. "Chapo" and his associate "El Condor" were driven around the block to a dirt football field, where a Blackhawk helicopter flew them to the local airport. From there, a Learjet 60 took them to Mexico City.

An hour and ten minutes of flight time.

Those that traveled with him describe a calm man, respectful, who always responded by referring to his questioners as "boss", charismatic, frank, with a heavy Sinaloa accent accompanied by gestures and facial expressions, but no bad language, in an even voice, who confessed to having killed between 2,000 and 3,000 persons, among them Ramon Arellano Felix, but not Cardinal Posadas.

He said that when he escaped from prison, he hid out in Nayarit and then in his ranch in Badiraguato, Sinaloa. He said that at first, the Beltran Leyvas treated him well, like the chief that he was, but later he found out that they wanted to kill him, that's why they split up.

He told them about a dinner that he had recently with Rafael Caro Quintero, who he said was in the mountains and was not interested in going back into the drug business. They asked him about "El Mayo" Zambada and he told them he was also in the mountains. They asked him about his other partner, Juan Jose Esparragoza, "El Azul", and he answered that he might be in Guadalajara. They asked him about "El Lazca", the former leader of "Los Zetas", and he said he was his enemy, but that he was a gentleman.

They asked him about "La Tuta" and "Los Templarios", and he described them as filthy thieves.

They asked him if he had money and he told them: "I don't have anything, it's a myth of Forbes (magazine)", but they reminded him that they had just seized three watches worth $115,000.00 each, 16 houses and 43 vehicles, 19 of them armored.

When the plane landed in the Federal District International Airport, the news had spread around the world.

Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera was arrested in the bathroom of the main bedroom of an apartment that has a view of the ocean in front, and to the rear, the offices of the local police.

Thanks to Texcoco of NarccoNoticias for the video

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  1. In thr first photo there is a soldier in a diffrent uniform a black grey camo hes the only one i have notice isnt masked does any one have any insight to what group/division of govt he belongs to he must have reason to not fear identification thanks. -3030Tejas

    1. He's a US MARSHALL

    2. I wondered the same thing...that is a lifetime picture and if they want to retaliate against them they will. Which is sad because all they are doing is their job.

    3. Where it says that he is a US Marshall? I don't know much about military so if someone can confirm this just looking at his uniform it will be great. Other than that just making assumptions dosn't do it.

    4. I doubt hes a us Marshall. Im talking about the guy with the beret hat and has an assault gun in his right hand. Hes sitting next to chapo in the Blackhawk. As far as I know US agents cant carry firearms in Mexico.

    5. Indeed it is a US MARSHAL. If you notice while they were walking chapo to the helo , there is an unmasked man that walked over to speak to a Mexican official. That my friend is DEA special agent who's name I cannot give out. I was part of a team of American photographers. Authorized photographer for AP.

    6. I know on top of that, he looks mexican as hell. Maybe he just wanted the world to see him next to el chapo. Haha

    7. Hes from the Mexican Air Force

    8. There are numerous Hispanic DEA agent's working in Mexico. Remember agent Zapata who was killed by Los zetas?

    9. Indeed He IS NOT a US Marshall, get your facts straight.

    10. And how do you get your facts? Indeed he is a US marshall

    11. How do YOU get your facts? He is not, indeed, a US marshall.

      - retired agent

    12. He is not a marshall he is Mexican air force.

    13. How do I get my facts? Without getting in to details. I am an AP reporter and photographer and lucky to be one of the few authorized to be at location. I spent 24hrs OSST. I understand why you would stand by your statement about anyone at the scene because your retired. And thanks for your service.

    14. He's part of the mexican navy.the mexican marines have green camouflage and the mexican navy has blue camouflage

  2. Damn I don't think I've ever read a B B article with such interest, the tunnel escape description was awesome! We'll to be honest I'm not surprised Chapo was captured, I was more surprised when El Lazca was killed by far! That fucker was elusive for sure! The other one I can't wait to be captured is La Tuta. That one is gonna be even better than this one! How long till he gets caught???? Any guesses??? I say 6 months or less. From El Monte, CA. Remember I said 6 months or less! ;)

  3. The wartches were knock-offs bought at the compton swapmeet during a visit to el potrero nightclub in south gate ca.

    1. Chapo was a nobody compared to el quinto mes

  4. Thanks for all your hard work! Great research!

  5. LOL i thought his injuries to his face was because he tried to get an AK and the police hit him 4x? LOOOOL

    1. I know! There's different stories of how all this went down. One story said that when he tried to reach for an ak47 they took him down and kicked him 4 times before arresting him. There's another story that said the marines use some high tech shit to check if everyone was sleep. Another story on CNN said that when the marines stormed inside the room they caught by surprise cooking breakfast. Who knows wtf really happened, All we know is El Picudo is dead meat.

    2. Same thing i was thinking. The article is full of contradictions and of information not mentioned on other articles. Who is saying the truth and who is being told what to say is whats messing with my head. Stop lying. Lol

  6. mexican marines motto "mess with the best then lose like the rest"

  7. I wanna know the real story, and what Chapo did to make Mexico finally apprehend him.

    1. Yes me too. Did he missed his monthly payments or what?

    2. Lol he missed some payments and the plaza went into foreclosure

  8. Gotta give credit where credit is due.VERY GOOD wish they would of asked him his opinion on other top organized crime figures of the past not just lazca n ABL,ACF and osiel n barbie.

  9. im mad because it should be El Mayo who is in prison not El Chapo.

  10. Azul is the Number 1 now, he is the one with the connects. Mayo is the muscle for defense and offensive purposes.

  11. this is a great story, makes me feel what chapo has to go through on a day to day basis. really tough way to live for the boss.

  12. his last escape in the tunnels in pitch darkness sounds crazy. grenades bullet proof vest, a RPG left behind. chapo was serious

  13. I wish El Chapo would write a book, it would be a best seller.

  14. All that money he could of had some better furniture And thats why I dont snitch because one way or the other your name pops up government / police biggest snitches of them all motto of the story dont snitch i give those snitches a week feel sorry for there family's who are gunna pay

  15. Damm, chapo had his shit on lock. Quite impressive


    1. Foreals bro i miss my chirp phone. I had the .motorola i 1...You had to make a call just chirped and that was it. Now i have prepaid phones all.the.time.. arriba durango. Hopefully chapo before.everything gets out.of hand. Chapo helped many people.

    2. They can tap any device I know lots of people who got caught with that dame chirp phone are yall that dame dume

  17. Future chapos of the worldFebruary 27, 2014 at 1:35 AM

    Some wise words for all you future chapos stay off social media & keep your kids off social medial dont have songs made about you never give out your real name only your mom dad brothers & sisters should no your government name. And most important rule no one should ever no where you live.

  18. Isn't it?
    This was out a couple days ago, and Bjeff posted the small extraction at the end, I had begun translations the entire article and either I stuck to it and did nothing else on BB on do my thing and asked if my friend Vato, (our best translator IMO) if he would be able to do it. (a couple of others began to translate and were overwhelmed )

    So BIG appreciative thank you to Vato.
    The fotos I used were different than the original article, I will post the link tomorrow.

    Texcoco gave me the link to the vid

  19. Im gonna go on a treasure hunt, for Chapos billion dollars.

  20. They were looking for both! They just happen to catch a whif of Chapo's trail and that's all folks! I'm sure Mayo rolled back up in the mountains and ain't comin down for awhile. That's fo sho!

  21. Chivas and all, this is great. Much appreciated from here in the UK.

    Maybe you can help me out with a few things:

    Ok, I am confused. Every single person they apprehended flipped and snitched? It mentions that his 4 trusted guys are ex special forces. The navy arrest them and they are telling them the houses he stays in??? What is going on?

    Are they waterboarding them? Offering them freedom? Witness protection? Tickling them?

    Every single one flipped for seemingly no reason giving away Chapos position. What did they have on these guys? Most were just errand runners, or security. It's hard to put them through a court for being an errand runner.

    More importantly what did Chapo think of this??

    Chapo also could have kept quiet. He probably has not killed anyone directly and it's hard in a court to pin murders on a boss, he simply would have gone to jail for some trafficking charges. Sure he would never get out (unless they let him) but it could have helped his cause in the public sense.

    Anyone inside knowledge here would be great.

    The similarities between how Pablo Escobar lived on the run and how Chapo lived are astonishing. This is clearly the method. Stay low profile, never use a phone, and don't sleep in the same house two nights running.

    1. When you have lots of money, you pay the best hit man to do the dirty work. Murder

  22. Did everybody noticec how he described the templarios?

  23. 12:28, Chapo did not 'do' anything ...

    Obama, Pena and the powers that be ...
    Needed him gone.

    To get the New York money, into Mexico, they have to project an aura of security and stability.

    Drug running, illiterate, contrabandistas, that are so successful as to get on the Forbes 400, do not send the proper message. Mexico is joining the 'civilize world, that is why Chapo went down, why el Profe Tuta is on the run.

    Powers greater than Mexican Contrabandistas, more powerful than the Mexican governemt, itself, are on the march.

    Walmart and Carlos Slim, there is the future of Mexico, amigo.
    As part of the 'North American Union', as soon the Mexicans get up to standard, when they meet the qualifications of membership, prove they are capable and worthy of a seat at the big table.

    Then the 'real' money flows to the coffers of those that are large and in charge. Those folks, they are not illiterate contrabandistas, from Sinaloa.

    Never have been, never will be.

    1. I do really agree with your point if view, corporate USA is taking over slowly but surely

    2. Jack, nothing but non sequiturs with you, interesting but illogical the way you present it.

  24. "They asked him about "La Tuta" and "Los Templarios", and he described them as filthy thieves."
    Tuta the lowlife Puta and his garbage parasite gangbangers should be killed.

  25. im from south africa cape town been following bb since last year, i dont support the cartels but what ive noticed el chapo is a more bussiness sensed boss compared to some of the other bosses who kidnapp and kill innocent people like la tuta even el chapo admited they filthy im not supporting just my 2cents.

  26. all you people that talks shit about the man check yourself..don't be mad because none of you can't get where he is,don't hate the player hate the game because your internet gangsters would piss yourself if you were to cross that man path..whores....

  27. Not a mention of the 5 millionUS Chapo was carrying.
    Crime does pay!

  28. Heyy chivis there are people in culican and guamuchil sinaloa protestting chapo arrest , asking to free chapo , not to be extradicted to usa

  29. I guess id tell them i had no money too if i thought i had a chance of getting extradited to the u.s cause u know damn well the gvt and i.r.s would take it! ALL OF IT!

  30. Chapo went down like a dog and he got his ass beat

  31. BLO Is going to come back

  32. Operación gárgola. Yes, i had to look it up.

  33. El mayo is chapos dad

  34. Everyone in sinaloa is happy chapo is caught

  35. super -interesting article !

    by the way, you wrote:
    "he would make his men eat the food
    they took him to make sure it wasn't poisoned"
    this is exactly the same like Hitler and Stalin in Soviet Union.

  36. Esta bien 4x and he gave up like a pussy hahahahahaha

  37. El chapo will never be a legend

  38. Where are all his people hahahahahahahaha

  39. BB you should be proud of all your work leading up to this, and also for articles such as this that give insight no other news organization is providing. Thank you for your tireless work.

  40. What a great read, hopefully there is a book that written that goes deep into the life of Chapo.

  41. Chapo the capo is just a puppet for the REAL MASTERS of the drug business: those COLLECTING BILLIONS in BRIBES.

    Wake up people! The "Kingpin Act" and similar efforts are designed to NOT go to the top of the food chain where the real profiteers from the drug trade sit.

    The politicians, the military, the lawyers and the police are the makers, creators and winners of the illicit drug business. The producers, the smugglers, the sicarios and the innocent public are the loosers!

  42. Very good read. Thank you Vato and Chivis! Saludos desde el desierto de California!

  43. 5* Article. This is why I keep coming to this site. Thanks a lot. Your work is much appreciated.

  44. No está fin de nosotros! La gente aquí en Culiacán están con nosotros!...I am of Culiacán and there are to be marches for support of us and of el Chapo. This changes nothing! GN por siempre.....el lobo

    1. U GUYS have no class... Its like Baribas the murderer n Jesus. U perfer a man that murdered 2000 , 3000 people by him self then a righteous man... Culiacan esta lleno de pendejos

    2. En vez de star protestando como una viejaS porque no se.ponen aser un equipo i ir a tratar de escaparlo porque protestando no va ser nada culos.

    3. El pendejo eres tu. Lee y escucha las noticias. Las marchas fueron patrocinadas por unos cuantos y atendidas por pocos. No generalizes no seas tan baboso. La mayoria de los de culiacan y sinaloa quisieran que no existiera el narcotrafico pero gracias a la demanda que ejercen drogatictos como tu siempre habra un chapo que te las venda. Pendejo! Aparte aprende a escribir bien en ingles. Your fucking grammar sucks!

  45. Thanks for the long translation! Really in-depth and compelling.
    Isn't it interesting how much less glamorous his living conditions are than what we might imagine, and also how his security entourage isn't some small army, but rather just a group of guys on the run, who make mistakes like the rest of us.
    It makes me wonder what the end goal of guys like Chapo are. Was he hoping to retire eventually and find a way to live a life of luxury in which he didn't have to be looking over his shoulder? Did he just enjoy the day-to-day experience of being in power? Did he think that the life of a capo would be easier, and just fail to anticipate all the precautions he'd have to take?
    The article mentions he's a paranoid guy. I wonder if it was all worth it to him?


  46. pardon me for posting off topic... here's a good read from NY Times

  47. any plans on capturing chapo ysidro?

    1. Chapo Isidro is going to go gun blazing when they try to catch him

  48. I wonder if he knows who killed colosio..

  49. Yea a rich person would describe people that give to the poor as Filthy Thieves. Just like the american bourgeois. The all have the same mentality. The templarios fight for the protection of the poor. Everyone else is in it for them selves.

    1. Lmao templario troll???

    2. De lo mas pendejo

    3. I agree with you la tuta helps out all evidence is on videos not like the midget of chaputo who didn't let out one shot

    4. @2:43 you are probably the same asshat that wrote the original comment. The poor people starr defending themselves your tuta and his cronies run away.

  50. Awesome read. Thank yall for yalls hard work and keeping us informed.

  51. Appreciate it Vato.
    Even men Chapo had worked with for years started giving him up?Why,why do it,he gave many men good paying jobs and we all know what the repercussions are if they collar you that's part of the trade off?They all know what their into,dont they feel no kind of loyalty or thanks,this kind of loyalty translates to all of us,forget about so-called criminals.If extradited hes done?

  52. @ February 27, 2014 at 8:31 AM
    You forgot Al Capone, Muammar Gaddafi, Justin Bieber, and Miguel Trevino Morales.

    1. And Chabelo, El Chavo del 8 and el Chacal de la Trompeta.

    2. @10:03 a.m if theyd lock him up with beiber chapo would hang himself rather than be stuck in a cell with that little geek!

  53. Here is the link to the Spanish article

  54. About the FREE CHAPO MARCH there was not enough for a post, so I added a foto onto the zetas narcomanta post see at bottom.

    At first I thought it was a citizen effort, now, not so much. It was highly organized with food and drink booths, etc

    1. Yeah my primo probably organized it, they are the ones who hadle shit like that in Culichi.

  55. A march for chapo... OMG I'M EMBARRASSED TO BE MEXICAN. You got to be kidding. That's why the world is the way it is... Sinaloa is a shame. I've even herd some of the call el mayo n chapo dios. Even in coriddos. There pathetic... N yes I am mexican. My state isn't the best by far but u people r idiot sheep

    1. Mexicans are kept ignorant by the government and teachers union. It's all a ploy so they can stay in power. Mexican elite are all educated abroad whether the U.S or Europe. Mexican teachers union is just as Currupt as the other government agencies

  56. "el Licensiado" took over Chapos spot CDS is no where finished.

  57. Where's. Was all those retards"
    Claimin to protect their CAMOTE"
    With antitanks, basukas y 500 jotos ONDEADOS""!! Pura puta FANTA,SIA"

    1. LOL! And his Talibán battalion. Los trescientos talibanes ahorita andan disfrazados de pirujas en la zona en Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

    2. Mas repetos pal Senor Guzman ...putulito......Los talibanes andan al 100 con El Bravo y pura Gente Nueva .

  58. I take back everything I've ever said about chapo that fuckin punk hiding behind the bathroom door and giving up information to investigators ...Mayo is my new guy now .yeah I like him the best out of all of them .

    1. People like u is the why mexico is the shit hole that it is today, idolizing narcos and making them overtake part of our culture. Hopefully u don't reproduce cause more asshats like u will continue to allow the status quo and negate a good future for the rest of our mexican children. For shame

    2. What info did he exactly give? That mayo was hiding in la sierra, that azul was probably in guadalajara? Whatever he said dont mean shit and much less cause it cant be used in a court room. 3000 muertitos cualquiera jajaja

    3. 10:53am
      Ahi si Mayo mi nuevo camote...

    4. Just wait until your new hero is caught, he is going to snitch out everyone, and after that your new hero will be Bugs Bunny.

  59. Same time 12 years ago in the same place and under very similar circumstances R.A. was killed. Ahuebo que estabas pensando en Ramon cuando te agarraron vea'. La ironia.

  60. His escape through the tunnel etc. would make for a great drama film, but I think overall Z40's story is way more interesting (and f*cking intense).

    1. Seriously, only a sick fuck would eat the hearts of their enemies...

    2. I agree with you amigo

    3. Se te entojaron unos taquitos de unas golfas o un menudito de chaputas?

  61. Chapo snitched out everybody mayo,azul and caro. I hope this article is true. I wish we had info on why he started with juarez

  62. Tambien cuanto mataron al 50 en culiacan el chapo ahi estava. Pero se fugoo...sanchez celis es a un lado de donde es un LICENCIADO.

  63. i think chapo was just throwing em off , by saying the different places his boys were at.....far as him confessin to the murders.....chapo not dumb , he kno what he doing..... we are forgetting people , this is still mexico.... dont be surprise if chapo dont get bout a year in jail

  64. I really enjoyed reading this translation. Well assembled. I am familiar with the condo building where he was caught and the adjacent neighborhood. I always wonder about that building because mostly in the area are hotels and this as just a plain wall in front, no signs, and a door to enter the property. I stay a lot at the hotel nearby, Los Tabachines. From there I walk to the central bus station on the street behind the condo tower where the cop shop is located. This neighborhood is totally familiar and I would have never guessed it would become such a famous place someday. Nearby is a real good liquor store... I bet he wished Nariz could run and get him some cacahuates y Buchanans 18 jajaja. And, when I saw the video elsewhere the first time I didn't understand why. Now it is clear... they smuggled in el abuelo. What a great story... the story of legends. If not felled in a hail of bullets why not get caught on the run using devices worthy of James Bond.

  65. Either the cartel did him dirty or the government did. So that means he's gna rat on one of those two right?? I'm sure one of those two wants to keep him quiet. Unless this was all planned then he won't talk. Right?

  66. so, for a sense of proportion...

  67. Chapo Guzman and Toto Rina , like they are same guy, both short 160cm something, both arrested when there main aid betrayed them, they had a thing for tunnels, and have the same story when arrested "Just a farmer", the only difference is mustache

  68. @10:58 z40 was more 'intense', don't run out of batteries now.
    the intensity of z40 was more like complete contempt against any other mexicans that had not moved up like him and become carwasher in texas, his value as an english speaking connection to texas gangs, due to his brother in jail, was given to him too, his position was earned through snitching on other better qualified candidates, even at the expense of lazca,
    the rebelion in the zeta organization was caused by him too for stealing all the money for his horse ranch, leading the lower members to have to kidnap and extort for the maruchan, many people would rather have chapo than mlguel angel treviño around, even in tamaulipas, now is time to pay the devil's tax, except for the big high ranking businessmen and politicians that really benefit from the drug trade, as from the murders and pestilence they bring to latin-america with their dirty wars, not to fight for freedom , but to steal the present and the future of the latin-americans, for the greater benefit of their imperial aspirations, maybe some day one, at least one big rat politician/narco-businessman comes down, one please, one...

    1. I totally agree about the dirty wars, Mexico and Central & Latin America should Legaliiize Marijuana like the u.s. is doing making millions.

  69. Very good video and reporting. A rare one I must say

  70. Only one comment asked "what did Chapo do to get the Mexican government to act?" That is why he'll never be extradited. He deserves hell.

  71. @6:23am you FUCKING moron what was he to do shoot his gun and start gunfire that can possible kill one of his kids and or babies you tard

  72. I wonder howmany governors, mayors, police chiefs are destrooying evidence right now...LOL!

  73. if only.... if only chapo had a few of these....

  74. El dia de manana sale la directora del cereso embarazada y enamorada del chapo..... no se sorprendan .. asi y el chapo bailando en la sierra yo te lo juro que yo no fui

    1. Hahahahaha ta buen esa...


  75. Chapo didn't go out like a rat and if you think he did then you are an idiot. At large for over 13 years isn't easy and if you look at his safe house that's some dope shit. Connected to seven other houses thru tunnels and sewer systems...steel reinforced doors, cameras everywhere, freaking hydraulic operated bathtubs that the marinos wouldn't have found if not left open by chapos ppl when they took off. Also, if you think he should've gone out sshooting and guns blazing, you my friend, dont have kids. He was accompanied by his twin babies, wife and nanny as well as a cook. If he or his bodyguards would've shot a single bullet the mmarinos woulda shot that place up like when they killed Arturo beltran and so his two babies and wife would have been in danger. Chapos was and still is a badass man.. why didnt the marinos try and catch him when he was at his rancho in Sanchez Celis? Cause he had all his ppl with him armed to the teeth and would have put up a fight and probably till the death. Marinos were scared of him too...dont think that causehe ddidn't shoot he is a pussy..he's just a smart man. Now he can run his empire from the comfort of altiplano and have guachitos as bodyguards, again, and drink Buchanan's 18 cuando se le pegue la gana.

    1. Damn right!!! Arriba El Chapo. Mi Apa y La Chona..Chapo still Boss...Like it or not!!

    2. Man you sound like a cry baby. Tell me this what did chapo do for you????? Because of people like you mexico is in ruins your the type they give mexico a bad name your a chapo helmet polisher get out of here scum bag

    3. Puro Chapo Guzman !!!! Sige al mando
      Att El Bravo

    4. @7:08 Chapo is a business man just supplying the Anglos some Snow.

    5. You could'nt have said it better my man! What that marine holding his neck makes in a yr. Chapo G. makes in a minute. La empresa isn't going anywhere. His sons, brothers, and grandsons will now take over. La neta!! México is the way because the U.S.A./elite aid and abett the Mx. elite/PRI!

    6. Hey 7:08...if it aint chapo it will be someone else doing it today, yesterday, tomorrow and the end of times. Politicians, bankers, insurance companies etc are worse than chapo cause they fuck you over without you having a say in it. With drug capos like him, you can choose not to use drugs. But when politicians make you have to get insurance or writr up some stupid law you have to abide. Bankers stole over 25 billion dollars in the housing market crash and thousands of people lost their home, actually got stolen, by these bankers and loan writers. So fuck off and if you have any complaints call management.

    7. Buchanan 18 cuando se le pegue la gana? Lo van a poner a mamar. Su lechita y a dormir.

  76. You people really think he told them that he did all they're saying? Why didn't they ask about crooked politicians? It's all Bullshit.

  77. More nonsense smh lol.

  78. Next.
    Enrique Pena Nieto and The PRI Cartel

  79. I can't imagine the torture that all guys had to endure. That's the only way they would've gotten the information out of them. Maybe they used the famous tehuacanaso.

  80. People hat hold this information true do not know anything about the Cartels in Mexico. This article was written by TELEVISA a Mexican TV station control by Mexican government and his flunky Carlos Loret de Mola Fuente 95% of Mexico knows he is the biggest sell out and calls himself a reporter. Great job on the translation but please consider your sources. El Chapo cut a deal with the Mexican government and they created this CIRCUS and people eat all of it! Sure I going to run to a city instead of running to the mountains with Zambada

    1. He cut a deal with the Mexican Government? You say this with the utmost certainty. Like you're absolutely positive this is true. Were you there present when he cut the deal? Think about it. Why would he cut a deal and part of the agreement means he gets aprehendeded. He is now under custody of the Mexican. This means the USA government also has a very close eye on him at all times. And believe me they will also push for the extradition. That means Florence.. Sounds like a lousy deal..


  81. If he would have been reaching for an AK, they would have filled him full of lead

  82. Tu Sancho:

    The Black phone is badass! Self destructing if anyone tries to tamper with it.
    I want one, but they are not available to the general public, only government agencies and related to defense and security.

  83. Very informative.. Glad you all do what you do. Keep up the awesome work.

  84. Mayo is just cleaning house..startin with his hench men..and chapo was the biggest 1..just like pablo was to his cartel..chapo was just the face of that cartel..who do u think funded his escape..same people that organized his capture...

  85. FYI,
    I read this on a website after I read this article..

    The Spy Tech That Might Have Kept El Chapo Invisible for So Long
    According to senior law enforcement officials, Guzman used some of the latest counter-surveillance gadgets to keep out of sight. "He didn't spare any expenses when it came to protecting himself," one official told the Associated Press. "It was top-notch."

    Spectrum Analyzer
    Chances are that Guzman wasn't trusting a Wi-Fi password to keep his cyber activity hidden. "There's no way you could make that secure, so more likely, all of his computers were Ethernet connected," Morris said, referring to the hard-wired connection to the Internet. But in the case that someone planted a bug to turn the computer into a surveillance device, Guzman could buy a spectrum analyzer to scan his connections.

    "The spectrum analyzer looks for unknown signal and voltage changes," he said. If the computers are shut down but the analyzer continues to detect a signal, then odds are that the connection has been bugged. "These can run anywhere from $9,000 to $50,000," Morris added, noting that the more expensive analyzers are better at diagnosing the root of the problem.

    Wireless Signal Detector
    The connection itself may be free of bugs, but there's still a chance that that the electronics could be broadcasting unwanted signals. "You can deactivate Wi-Fi on laptops by removing the chips so that it shouldn't be transmitting anything wirelessly," said Morris. If a modified laptop is still producing a signal, then it's been bugged.

    Alternatively, a wireless signal detector can also be used to detect specific frequencies and track cell phones operating on a different cell phone network. "If all your burner cell phones are on the T-Mobile network and you find a [different] CDMA signal, you're going to be able to track it down," said Morris.

    Non-Linear Junction Detector
    Unwanted electronics themselves that don't leave a wireless signal can still be found using a non-linear junction detector. "This is a device that looks like an old metal detector from the '70s," said Morris. The detector works by sending and receiving specialized microwaves.

    "You sweep it across any physical object and when the microwaves bounce back, you find things that shouldn't be there," said Morris. Even if a listening device or audio bug is dead or powered off, the detector will still register a change in the signal.

    Cellular Jammer
    For a drug kingpin like Guzman, having a cellular jammer in his homes and his vehicles would have been de rigueur. "As soon as someone comes onto his property, the cell signal would stop working," said Morris. "It could be used to block cell phones that are acting like audio bugs or transmitting data out."

    Unsurprisingly, the cell jammer is illegal in many countries. "In the United States, only the Secret Service and the [National Security Agency] are allowed to use cell jammers," said Morris. "No one else can have it, including the bomb squads of the New York Police Department, where a cell phone could be used as a triggering device."

  86. @chivis
    The black phone can be preordered by anyone at the following link. The target audience is government agencies but there I'd no restriction on who can purchase it.

  87. This was such in intense ready! thank you , it was so informative. I can't wait to read more as you learn more--- El Paso Ro

  88. ADs headed to Morelia, threatened with arrest, not so for patzcuaro...They also are not recognizing groups from Lazaro Cardenas that recently formed...Guerrero groups armed with only machetes blocking main road backing up traffic for miles for several days now...they are fighting the LFM, not CT

  89. Ask chapo if it would be OK for me to date Emma. I'll treat her good

  90. They say it s a big win for mexico, my ass there like weeds knock one down two more grow in it place and it going to be worse because they will be trying to prove whoz tougher by killing inocent, at least thing were starting to calm down here now that the others had falling, now death is going back jp

  91. Is it no big deal to be so gossip oriented in mexico, ok so whenever the marinas or police brace a suspect for knfo, they then release that persons name, saying what they said and where they said it. Talk about condemning someone to death, thats the death penalty as far as cartels are concerned, here jn the us it just said a confidential informant directed etc...

  92. Hey Ro!
    Yeah this part alone would make such a great movie.
    BTW.. Entertainment weekly I asking who should play chapo in a movie.
    My suggestion is Cheech Marin :)

  93. that is a different phone.
    here is the new BLACK

    Until now the Blackberry is the most secure phone made. It is what I use, and many cartel. I use the unlocked blackberry, and only use hushmail on my cell.

    Obama is only allowed to use Blackberry at this point.

  94. 6:40 while usually true, they can with special permission perhaps this would be one of the occasions

  95. on back of vests I saw something like federal marshall in English on the guys walking with chapo and marina to the Blackhawk

    which BTW we gave the blackhawks to Mexico as part of merida

    1. The vest actually said somthing like policia Distrito Federal.

  96. @ 3:53 PM

    Great comment! I too, wondered about such a detailed article. How can some reporter get such clean details without interviewing Chapo himself. Chapo is in a Mexican super Max prison right now and only certain military and political personalities have access to him. No damn reporter would be allowed 2 kilometers near him. Interviewing Special Forces is also a non starter. Specials Forces are trained to keep quiet for their personal and their families safety. One doesn't ask Seal Team 6, how they killed Osama Bin Laden. Only official spokes men give out relevant and limited details.

    Televisa... Hmmm... that says alot about the truth and the source. Televisa has been the propaganda machine for the PRI for generations. Twisted truth and outright lies has been Televisa's idea of reporting news. Fox News has been a student of Televisa for 20 years.

    Thank you Vato, Chivis and BB reporters for this long translation, you are still the best!

    1. I dont believe an actual reporter himself is the source of all this information. Its been quoted on several reputable news websites that the Marine elements that carried out the operation and also transported him have spoken with media outlets about conversations they had with Joaquin. The same happened with Seal team Six.. they've written books about the mission and there's also a movie been made as well. So yeah the marine elements have given out information about the arrest and the man. Also the government itself will also give out information to the media. Of course withholding certain intelligence.


  97. Great read guys. Good job and the video was awsome. That's why I stick to BB.

  98. El Chapo salio corriendo de la recamara hacia el baño dicen que se meao y se cago todo el penso que era el grupo operativo de los Z los GOFEZ los que usan el uniforme camoflagiado.Los mismos que degollan a 3 golfas en Mante en un video....

  99. heard they are renting his Miramar room for $800 a night!

  100. Que viva El Chapo, Mayo, y EL Azul y todo El CDS en combatir toda la mugre De Los zetas. Que viva Los Mata zeta y que viva Mexico en paz sin Zetas.


  102. Dear Hollywood,

    Please get off your ass and make a chapo guzman mexican drug war movie already. Its not like you are lacking source material. Come on now.

    Thanks in Advance.

  103. I cannot believe how fast his closest compo`s just snitched him off like that !! ....Boy those guys are tough when they are free , when apprehended they snitch ,roll over and sing like birds

  104. Mexico and EPN are taking way too much credit for this capture. We all know that if it wasn't for American involvement this would not have occurred. EPN is basking in this capture and is being congratulated by his peers and cohorts alike. When you compare the two Chapo is a self made man unlike EPN who had middle class privileges growing up. Chapo in fact has more experience running an organization then EPN and it's my belief a better and more of a natural leader. EPN now wants to dismantle the Sinaloa Cartel with the expectation that w/Chapo's capture the dominoes will fall. The amazing part of the Pacific Cartel is that their leadership structure is comparable to a Fortune 500 company. If Chapo was the CEO, then Mayo is the CIO and El Azul is its CFO. One on them or together will keep the business running. Chapo's capture is a huge hit to the business but this will probably keep them focused for at least the short term while they re-organize and re-structure. EPN should be asked how he plans to combat elements like poverty, lack of opportunity, corruption, racism and lack of education that are rampant throughout Mexico that create environments for Chapo's to grow up and feel marginalized. It's safe to say that Chapo is done with, but his legacy will live forever and EPN cannot with his arrest take that away. Admirers of Chapo will dream big just like he did. There will be many copycats and admirers that will spare no expense to stay ahead of the law. Many and many will fail and a very few will succeed, but the next Chapo will come from the same failed social dynamics that exist in Mexico. Chapo has demonstrated that you can succeed in a life of crime in spite of growing up impoverished and be beloved by some, admired by others and despised by Gov't. Put all these together and they present the perfect ingredients to create another Chapo down the road.

  105. Mr. Guzman is a, in my eyes, a true capo. On top of that, he is a real smart, calculated man. He deserves respect. He did what he had to to survive. Anything negative thing that can be said, can only be countered with admiration for a true professional. You don't have to like what he represents. However, that man deserves respect.

    The Az Bunny killer

  106. well here in south africa the numbers gangs wil kill if u try thinking of piemping "snitching" so how these cartel guys can give up there bosses so easily i find it strange here u can be lucky if u make it prison otherwise u a dead man walking or atleast a family member

  107. how come the illustrious posters thar answer to their favorite causes of hysteria can not post the time they are trying to attack? it would help us to enjoy their smart intelligence, and pointy barbs...
    so if el chapo killed or had them killed 2 000 to 3 000, and there are about 160 000 to 200 000 or more murdered and disappeared since el chapo escaped from prison, who killed the rest of the crime victims?
    jose fouche, went from a pig farmer before the french revolution to chief of the police, and for a long time fucked up anybody he wanted, after lenin died, the little commissar josef stalin climbed to power, on the shoulder of his close circle, and stayed in power for a long time.
    carlos slim helu, had his brother julian slim helu in the DFS during the terrors the citizens of mexico endured during the dirty wars against the revolutioaries the very same DFS fabricated, torturing and murdering a lot of people, after julian slim helu left, there has been a lot of lebanese agents on the various federal police forces, implicated on car theft rings, even internationa,from the US to mexico, and africa , drug trafficking, kidnapping for ransom, money laundering, also there is congressman darrell issa, lebanese, car thieve, unexplicable enrichment, the lebanese-canadian bank, them lebanese seem to be some of the most greediest jews around, and corruption of any kind is their secret weapon to get where they want to be, and they ain't talking, is there a way to crack the lebanese mafia?

  108. @Chivis yes Blackberry is best but hushmail has coperated many of times nit so safe try

  109. European Unión os the 4th Reich

  110. im going off the topic little nw bt here in cape town the gangs fight for territory its all about making money bt there in mexico they extort and kidnapp inocent and somtimes not so inocent people does this cartel guys ever face eachother head on like real men does with there fists not guns or just hide away and put posters up like they normally do

  111. The soldier without the mask in the helicopter is a member of the Fuerzas Especiales del Alto Mando . These are the most highly trained Mex Spec Ops similar to USA Delta Force.

  112. @ February 27, 2014 at 9:38 AM...You scum bag bastard and your lowlife parasite Knights Templar gangbangers will soon be finished...Stop defending your shitty coward gang of theives.

  113. Benicio del Toro will play Chapo

  114. Chivis said...
    Hey Ro!
    Yeah this part alone would make such a great movie.
    BTW.. Entertainment weekly I asking who should play chapo in a movie.
    My suggestion is Cheech Marin :)

    Hey Chivis, Why not Jack Black? Guy who played Nachoooo!!

  115. what amazing detail, cant wait for the movie

  116. The white car behind Chapo (shirtless, Marino hand atop his head) is a corvette?

  117. Chapo can get shot in the head and die right now....

    but he will live forever. He has gained immortality as a Legendary Drug Baron.

    CHAPO GUZMAN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. 9:50 for once i agree with jayhawk and you come sequituring with your non-sequiturs, i wonder if you can read explicit sequiturs...

  119. February 28, 2014 at 3:05 AM
    "real men does with there fists not guns or just hide away and put posters up like they normally do"
    Any violent man on here knows that you fight with anything that can do the most damage,i can tell from your comments that you have never had violent confrontations.A real man fucks up the bitch with anything he can get his hands on,,real talk.Its not fuckin tom and jerry shit,someone getting hurt bad

  120. @ 12:16 AM

    You're still pushing your discredited "Lebanese" theory again?!

    What little you have to say is downright racist. (You should goggle the word Racist, since you are clueless). You use a few examples of successful politicians and wealth (Not that I'm a fan of Carlos Slim), to indict the entire Lebanese people. Insulting the Lebanese by implying they pulled the strings of the DFS and therefore are responsible for the murders and torture of thousands. "Lebanese mafia", "Greediest Jews around", "Corruption is their secret weapon".

    Instead of using racial profiling and fear, how about using economic analysis with logical facts.

  121. julian slim helu, el comandante olvidado, DFS agent, people were kidnapped by him and his buddies, and disappeared.
    economic analysis and logical facts indicate that nobody gets richer and richer in mexico without buying influence and corrupting their way to the top, all the international investors globalizing everithing in mexico and all over the world are doing it by buying influence, by making laws to make it legal or by corrupting the leaders of the banana republics and all third world "developing" economies, not going too far, the latest millionaire mexican businessman to come and live in the US genaro garcia luna, how can the US accept such a corrupt associate of carlos slim helu in the country? the lebanese maffia is only one of many maffias and cartels, i'd love to know why it incomodates you so much that a humble troll's comment like mine mentions the lebanese, there is the banco santander too, hsbc, chase, scotia, wachovia, all laundering dirty money, and all tending their hand for government handouts, and gone but not forgotten, the canadian and lebanese bank, with the bank of lebanon caught dirty handed, logically if there is corruption there, it is not because i am an idiot, it means that corruption is their way of life, and carlos slim helu is one of the most corrupt af the whole bunch, the mexican harbanos, own a few streets by the national palace and havencome a long way certainly.
    to make you happy, the egiptian community have their heros too, jean succar kuri went from selling pop in sandwich bags on the street to own hotels and restaurants in cancun, how? by selling minors to rich tourists from all over the world, helped by a few mexican government officials, corrupt for sure and for a lot of money, we are all corrupt for sure, but some of us are SUPER CORRUPT, should i go to live on lebanon to know how things really are? i don't think so...


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