Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 24, 2014

Autodefensas Leader Dr. Mireles returns to Michoacán

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Dr. Manuel Mireles, founder of the autodefensas in Michoacán, has returned to his city of Tepalcatepec this morning shortly before 9 AM.  He has arrived to the city, will meet with autodefensas coordinators and attend the autodefensas anniversary celebration that will be held at 9PM this evening.
Yesterday Dr Mireles released a 9 minutes video, in which he appeared much healthier, determined and strong. 

He also sounded much like the person people came to admire for his leadership before the January 4th plane accident that left him partially paralyzed and critically injured. 
Last week he completed his 4 week intermediary therapy and on Thursday he underwent an extensive evaluation to determine if therapy would continue.  It was determined that he will continue the therapy for another 2 weeks.

His chief complaint has been the discomfort due to 44 screws securing his facial bones, to aid recovery of the facial skeletal trauma sustained in the plane crash.  Two weeks ago they were able to begin the process of screw removal and removed 4 screws at that time.
In the video he stresses the need to continue the fight against organized crime, until the cartel is dismantled and leaders captured.  He also says that the government structures must also be cleaned or corruption or the mode of death and impunity will continue.
“A year ago we took up in arms, my congratulations to my colleagues, today should be  a day of dignity, let us feel proud of having started this fight, we are an example of courage and dignity”
Dr. Mireles said autodefensas  groups have achieved cleared Templarios from at least 20 municipalities in Michoacán . He mentioned the communities of La Ruana, Buenavista, outspoken criticism Coalcomán, Hawk, Aquila, Chinicuila, Coahuayana, Tancítaro, Los Reyes, Peribán, Churumuco, La Huacana, San Juan Nuevo, Ario de Rosales, Apatzingán Parácuaro, New Italy, Lombardy, Tocumbo and Yurécuaro plus tenure Calzontzin in Uruapan.
 "In the villages we've cleaned, now disappeared;  kidnappings payment of tax (extortion piso) , rapes of  women and executions," he continued, "We will advance to support the people who have been violated and humiliated. And continue to insist that corrupt government institutions and partner of organized crime to be cleaned so that people can gradually regain confidence in the government. "
Update: At 2PM Central time the newspaper "Reforma" reported: José Manuel Mireles, former spokesman for Michoacán Autodefensas Union , leads a meeting this afternoon with members of the armed group in the Municipality of Tepalcatepec. No press allowed.
This is the meeting that I have already reported of  in this post, Dr Mireles informed me of his schedule via email late last night. 
What I have not written about, is about an accord drawn by members and various leaders, of which I have a copy, that consists of 6 points of action.
The highlights of the agreement would have Papa Smurf removed from spokesman and leadership.  Dr Mireles would once again be in position.

Point 1 of the document:
"We  separate ourselves from the self-defence forces and make them the knowledge of those who are in the fight and those who are our allies: Aquila, Coalcomán, Aguililla, Chila, chila Naranjo, La aguaje, Apatzingán with its leader father Goyo, a part of Tepeque and La Ruana, are the only allies and hopefully soon in the next few days, the return of Dr Mireles."( last week Padre Goyo announced "Dr Mireles will come back very soon-just as this document alludes to)

The reasoning, according to the document, was a grievance against the practice of  allowing “reformed former cartel” members into the autodefensas union, which is against the initial premise of the group. 

In particular Juan José Farías, alias El Abuelo”, who had/has know ties to organized crime and who has become an integral member of the autodefensas movement, since the accident of Dr Mireles. 
Prior to the accident the Committee of Human Rights could find no abuses by the autodefensas group, and no complaints, not true with federal, state and municipal agencies.
However, since the accident, there have been complaints from citizens of abuses and coercion by autodefensas, such as illegal entry into private homes, and heavy pressure on citizens to join the group and take up arms.  This is not widespread, but it has created a shift to uneasiness among the people and supporters of the union. 
There is question of how Papa Smurf was appointed spokesman, Hipolito Mora, who works closely and appears supportive to Smurf, says he was never a part of a vote, and does not know how or who appointed Smurf to the position.
It is frightening, that a leader would accept a decision, without asking questions, or requiring a vote, as stipulated in the rules of the union, any decision must be ratified through a vote of leaders and coordinators of all the communities.  This was not done, leaving an impression that there is an element of intimidation occurring within the group.
The following is point 4:
"Mr Estanislao Beltran better known as Papa Smurf ceases to be our spokesman, because the leader represents other interests that do not concern our fight, he is spokesman for, and essentially  helpful  to Jose Alvarado, alias “El Burrillo”, las Viagras, “El Americano”, Beto tragabalas, Rafael Sanchez Moreno alias “El Pollo”, and all the former Templarios that he has welcomed and giving refuge to."
Since the document was released spokesman Papa Smurf addressed it, by dismissing it and calling it false. 
Whatever the case, false, not yet ratified or wishful thinking, there are serious problems and division within the group.  Which in my opinion is exactly what both the government and Templarios hoped for.
This is an evolving story, one that has been gaining importance for a month, I will keep you posted as much as I am able to.
Chivis note: personal information was obtained directly from Dr Mireles....

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  1. Great news, autodefensas are having issues and it began with the plane crash

  2. Dr mireles is illuminati look at his eyes lol jk

  3. Chapo is going to rot like a rat he is

  4. Hopefully he will be back in charge

  5. A TRUE MEXICAN HERO!!! Not like the politicians or the president, that stays in power for years and never mover they're ass to help their own people. ....

  6. Replies
    1. Having maragitas in Cancun with EPN, and the Mexican Army Generals that were supposedly semt to capture him. (Laughing at all of us)

  7. go get them! Lo admiramos y le decimos welcome back.

  8. Arriba el Dr. Mireles...eso es ser hombre. La mayoria de michoacanos son de ese tipo de corazon y valentia.

    Praise Dr. Mireles...he is a true man and a courageous man. Most michoacanos are like this man and we can see how they are enrolling in auto defenses. I can't wait to visit Michoacan again and feel that peaceful temperament that I use to feel as a child.

    Zamora needs to join the fight...there's many CT there. Keep moving guys are true heroes. Zamora and surrounding towns need to join the auto defenses. Towns such as: San Antonio ocampo, el valle de guadalupe, tanganzicuaro, la jabonera, urepetiro, icatiro, tlazazalca, la yerbabuena, purepero, churintzio, la higuera...and many many other towns that are under CT control. Unite with the auto defenses!!!

    Este hombre es el que se merece corridos no los criminales.

    Zamora y los pueblos alrededor deben incorporar las auto defensas. San Antonio ocampo, el valle de guadalupe, tanganzicuaro, la jabonera, urepetiro, icatiro, tlazazalca, la yerbabuena, purepero, churintzio, la higuera...y muchos mas pueblos..unanse con los auto defensas!!! Arriva Michoacan!!!

  9. Thank you chivis , yes the autodefensas need dr mireles to be again the spoke person he is a true humble hero and i hope the self defense movement to spread all over mexico

  10. Good to see that the Doctor is back up and is preparing to get back in the game.

    With the gains on the ground that have been made in his absence, combined with his popular appeal, if he can politically consolidate the factions within the AD movement, they can continue cleaning up Michoacan.

    If he cannot, the movement will fragment and localize.
    Which we have already received reports of.

    Incremental improvement, they've had great success with it, so far.

  11. Arriba Dr. Manuel Mirelles .Come back even stronger and more determined than ever to root out this cancer that is blighting the Mexican people.Not just for the rich folks and people who don't struggle but for everyone who has decent morality and the families who want to live in security without worrying that some dog may take their daughter because she is pretty(and in Mexico,thats a lot of girls)just saying..Welcome back Senore Mirelles,many of us in the US wish you well,no matter what some people think.Look after him

  12. Gracias, Doctor Mireles, es usted alguien con enteresa y respedo. Que dios lo bendiga y como le an dicho muchos de sus seguidores "usted no mas ordene".

  13. This is horrible! Back to square 1, damn, damn , damn. Something about Smurf I never liked.

  14. 1:15 hope not! unlike the policia federal, los zetas, the ministerial police and members of the military, el chapo does not have crimes against humanity, and the chapo people cds, kill in self defense, not to rob tamaleros or paleteros or central-american immigrants who get tortured ,to make it worth their while.
    regarding papa smurf, i think the auto defensas need to clear the air without interference from outside, and carry an inquiry into the el abuelo and other people's movements before during and after Dr Mireles accident, i don't think papa smurf will refuse to answer for his actions, after riding with Dr Mireles for about one year, he did what he did, and he will anwswer for it, not our gossip, the AD could try el abuelo and any other accused.
    some pople asking about los viagras, the mexican wisdom call them that because? most probably the viagra blue, usually worn on shirts, and they could be working from a specific area, the rest is up to the investigators, i don't think the viagras get high or traffic on the drug exactly; kongratlations chivis, the good doctor is back on his feet.

  15. I´m really glad he is back, almost fully recovered, and ready to reorganize and do some cleanup.

    The way I see it some level of infiltration was due to happen simply because of the way things have gone, the movement grew very quickly and very spread specially in the last months, its leaders were not prepared for that and Mireles accident gave some opportunistic members the perfect oportunity.

    They have seen the mistakes and are ready to fix them! I really really was hoping for something like this to happen as soon as posible to clear the air and cement their legitimacy

  16. el abuelo is a lacra...did anyone see the comments Chapo made on the heli...he said that lazcano, although an enemy was a gentleman and that the CT were a bunch of thieves...i didnt trust the ADs because of smurf (look up his history as a dealer), el americano (who i think is really a drug dealer), and el abuelo being a part of it...this makes me want to believe in Mireles in spite of his time in prison for Marihuana cultivation...i hope it goes well for the people who've suffered so much over there and Mireles doesn't get killed

    1. El americano and the people around him get shit done! They just have different methods at striking the templars

    2. Lets pray Dr Mirales can live long enough to become the firts write in President by popular. Vote of Mexico. Wow how would that change Mexico!

  17. This is good news.
    I had previously read these points on another site which said they were from autodefensas of la ruana and their allies, which if im not mistaken is Hipolito Moras group?
    Mora seems as concerned about this movement as dr. Mireles.
    Does this article mean he is partners with papa pitufo?
    Or does it mean that papa pitufo just told everyone he was going to be leader and no one questioned him?
    - k15

  18. It appears, at least outwardly, that Hipo has grown closer to Smurf, even posing today side by side, arms crossing each others shoulders compa style. But if they are so close, why can't he answer who made Smurf boss?

    the short answer is he is not that involved in the running of the union, and rarely has made it our of his community for much at all. You didn't see Smurf or Hipo at any of the balaceras, Smurf did go in with Mireles for rallies but Hipo was disengaged other than in his community. So IMO he has become a puppet for Smurf and the others working with him like Americano and Abuelo.

    Dr Mireles plane accident not only greatly I injured him, but injured the movement. I think, as things stand now, there may a split, where Hipo goes, who cares. Goyo and Mireles are honorable people with the goal of lasting security for Michoacán. ...I don't even think Smurf realizes what is happening, he is trying to appease "others" including the state gob.

    1. Exactly, smurf has been by Mireles side since the birth of the movement, but Hipolito Mora isn't involved outside of his community so obviously he doesn't know who oppointed smurf. Hipolito doesn't deserve half the credit he gets. Sorry to add to that tension. In the end however, if hipolito, mireles, & other leader can get together and solidify that'll be the best news ever! Then they will be unstoppable. Even then though, Mireles might not need everyone to agree with him, he knows what hes doing

  19. 5:58 yes! I am working on it now, but can't translate the entire article, it is way too long. It is an excellent source of talking the televise article, right? they originated it.

    how about having whoever went for his food to eat some to assure it was not poisoned? Laza "a gentleman" but his enemy, etc

  20. If all this is true,then it is very sad indeed.We are not to be surprised by elements that will try and destabilize and help themselves to prime positions in this movement,but when it was revealed about El Abuleo we knew something was not right.Also,in reality what has been achieved?Where are the Templarios?They are laying low and waiting for this to blow over,notice there has not been any major engagements of battle between sides.The Templarios are essentially untouched at this point and can regroup easily,that is why they should be killed at every opportunity,i,m sorry if that hurts peoples delicate sensibilities but its either that or allow them to continue to kill and rape women and daughters.Remember the young girl who has to see the man who raped her almost every day smirking at her and openly walking around because he is a Templario?She was a schoolgirl when he took her and raped her.Cabelleros Templarios=LaTutaputas"Boys"
    C,mon Senore Mireles show everyone the way.Stay true to your heart and the peoples heart.NO CT WANTED IN ANY DECENT SOCIETY OR CAUSE

  21. UPDATE: Word is that Mireles was reinstated as official autodefensa spokesman in Tepalcatepec and will make announcement tonight.

  22. Who is 'smurf'?
    Is this a joke, or is it a fact that grown man calls himself, smurf?

    1. If you haven't been following along, this guy is short, old and is bearded like Duck Dynasty. So it came naturaly that everybody just startred calling him Papa Pitufo, or Papa Smurf.

    2. FYI Smurf is a short blue fellow.

  23. Letting a former cartel member be part of the auto defensas will never work. Given time they will be back to their old ways. Its like having a wolf protect your flock of sheep.

    1. A reformed WOLF???????

    2. What doe a reformed wolf eat when he's hungry? Grass?

  24. Lets hope for the best!

  25. There's nothing bad about marijuana cultivation :) my grandpas and uncles and there dads and uncles have been doing it for generations and there hard honest working people they live in the high rugged sierras of Sinaloa in a pueblo that's passed san Ignacio. Most of my family's money comes from beans peanuts cows chickens veggies coal minning and some fruits and sometimes the cosecha of marijuana but not all the time only when it's very good quality and my grandpas and uncles aren't wearing no Versace loafers Levi's expensive clothing nice shirts they work the dirt 24/7 in overalls guaraches and plaid button ups and they don't complain there happy where they are in life and they wouldn't change not one thing in the world for what they have. i feel like people shouldn't be judged for marijuana consumption or cultivation now if it was distributing coke and meth and producing meth and Herion and all that stuff that really kills you then it's different but no one is anybody to judge only god can judge because no one in this world is perfect and there's way Lower people doing way lower stuff then them.

    1. In Mexico old people actually use Marijuana as medicine, for all kinds of stuff.

    2. Cocaine kills you? South American Indians up in the mountains of Perú & Bolivia have been chewing coca tree leaves for thousands of years, just about what the Mexican Indians have been doing with marijuana. What really kills you is the abuse of such drogas and mainly the chemical compounds and processes used to refine cocaine, heroin, opium etc, etc, etc.

    3. Welcome back Mr. Mireles! Please send some of your people to Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila and Zacatecas.

    4. 8:00 am,idiota.cocaine is not coca leaf which is good for you.if you dont know the difference then your brain is baked.

  26. Smurf was told to take a Surf. But why is it that Dr. Mireles was the one who brought up the subject of who appointed Smurf? What if he hadn't made it old Smurf would continue surrounding himself with CTs then they would really be back to square one.

    1. Theres a reason police departments do background checks

  27. This is the real SAVIOR of Mexico : Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles. Unfortunately for Dr. Mireles and the ADs, two factions have emerged within the ADs with different agendas. One faction hoping to rid Tierra Caliente/Michoacan of organized crime, the other trying to replace one cartel with another. The Estanislao B. led faction has the presence of ex-CTs and Juan Jose Farias, alias "EL Abuelo". This faction wants to facilitate the entrance of CJNG into Tierra Caliente. EL Abuelo has links to the practically extinguished Cartel del Milenio of the Valencias who were replaced as the cartel of Michoacan by the CDG/Zetas. He is from Tepeque as is Dr. Mireles. This alliance between the two factions is a marriage of convenience. Both with the objective of riding Mich. of CTs for different reasons. The first schism in the ADs movement is emerging and this cannot be good for the people of TC. If the two factions fail to maintain cohesion, the two sides might eventually start their own war on each other. I have reservations about this El Americano character who hails from El Paso, Tx. Where does Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy and Zeta-Enrique Francisco Galindo Ceballos fit into this equation.

  28. February 24, 2014 at 10:20 PM
    "There's nothing bad about marijuana cultivation :) my grandpas and uncles and there dads and uncles have been doing it for generations and there hard honest working people"
    Dude,no one said it was?Most of the time it is historical political decisions that made it illegal,alcohol is way more destructive than anything,yet we are encouraged to buy it.In Peru coca been grown and consumed for literally millennium,farmers have a way to make money,but are now told"oh no you cant grow that anymore"but are then"allowed"to grow a little bit?All political bullshit,but as we now see people realize MJ is not all that bad after all.Many white collar workers smoke after a days work with no ill effects the morning after,but as with everything,if you abuse something then it can be harmful.
    Greetings to you and your hardworking family senore,cuidate

  29. What a great picture that is.
    The two girls holding his arms either side of him as if to say"you better not touch him"I bet if you went near him they would step up to fight,,good girls.
    This guy just engenders that kind of appeal,and he is tougher than people think
    I hope he hasn't come back to soon,health wise,,yeah hombre

  30. I,m a little bit sad to see him in the video as he doesn't look to have regained his strength fully,maybe he has appeared sooner than he would have liked through circumstance?I HOPE NO ONE GETS COMPLACENT ABOUT Dr. Manuel Mireles,health wise or danger.His guards must always stay alert and keep their eyes open,you need this man.

  31. mexicans love to give nicknames, and some victims embrace their nicknames, thight asses refuse to do so, and it only causes more name-calling from the wiseasses, so papa smurf embraces his nickname, grow up, mamones, DR MIRELES and smurf papa will clear their business when they have the time, smurf papa has kept expanding the movement, our gossip has not helped anyone one bit; i don't see anyone questioning the involvement of the most dangerous snake there, enrique francisco galindo ceballos, el riqui, university of san lius potosi porro, sspe, and zeta from the start with his uncle julio ceballos, associate of el lazca and el mamito, now federal police "commissioner", enough to make anyone puke, a major zeta infiltrated into the auto-defensas? pena nieto's major friends and promoters, yarrington and moreira, manuel cavazos lerma, fidel herrera beltran,z1, and manlio fabio beltrones "la fabis" and the military, major protectors of the zetas, are just consolidating the hegemony of the presidential powers to come back and take back the michoacan state for the paramilitary that was kicked in the ass by la familia michoacana and the ct, with the help of the panista calderon and then helped the pri back on to the presidency, pena nieto doesn't need the ct anymore, and under orders of arcelor-mittal, is cleaning up the state for his zeta friends to take back, they don't want anymore of their executives killed...

  32. "5:58 yes! I am working on it now, but can't translate the entire article, it is way too long. It is an excellent source of talking the televise article, right? they originated it."

    i believe it was, there is another source of info and i lost the webpage that shows all the ties the AD leaders have to politics and their involvement with criminal groups opposed to the basically stated that their reason for doing this is to obtain government positions that would allow them to reinstate LFM, and milenio groups on the outs with CT. it was fairly depressing because it indicated the corruption continues, just the players changed....i still the think many of the Guerrero groups are on the up and up, despite a comment posted in response that indicated they were corrupted as well and working to protect american interest in the region. i've been persuing mexican websites and reading the articles in spanish which have alot more detail than most english websites....if i find them, i'll send you the links...thanks for your good work on reporting the issues and for your astute observation way back about concerns you had regarding smurfs appointment as leader without a vote

  33. I get the whole AD movement and that they have a snow ball effect and keep growing and growing but have they really took any of the CT bosses down I mean they know where la Tuta is how come they haven't killed him yet.

  34. Dr Mireles sent a message yesterday evening
    in part:

    Gracias Chivis.
    Aun soy consejero de autodefenzas de tepalcatepec y como tal fui restituido en mis actividades previas

    simply means he was reinstated as Tepalcatepecpresident and spokesman. But reading between the lines in what is occurring, what he has been public about and said and what he privately has conveyed, I look to his return to general council spokesman.

    or maybe that is wishful thinking. :)


  35. 9:26 nice post, the kind we need more of, less these folks think all ADs are genuine and good people

  36. BB sure has some astute readers....they were calling this back on Feb 6:

  37. Please be cautious with the information Dr Mireles is trusting you all with. Divulging too much may lead to danger to him or his people. It is good that he is preparing to return but he should not be rushed back into it. He needs to first be fully recovered as he is dealing with some very devious people and he needs strength. I pray for him and the movement.

  38. EPN is directing a lot of money towards michoacan...expect a lot infighting by Michoacan's leaders in Govt, ADs and CTs for a slice of the mucho money

  39. 2:43PM
    you are so correct. I am overly cautious, I was talking with Vato today about it, and said I am a lousy reporter, I keep so much to myself. So be it, what's a story? nothing in the big picture, this is real life and I am worried. I think he is going to fast with the involvement.

    IMO it is because of the change of events. He will rally everyone together, and I hope get rid of the malos soon.

    He and the others have always said it is impossible to ID every infiltrators, because of the rate of growth. That was one of the reasons for the accord with the Fed Gob. But what I love is the people are not giving anyone a pass. they speaks of what they see as a breach of the ethics of the movement.

    and that is a newly acquired freedom...Paz, Chivis

  40. This government is too corrupt to be good. I feel like the Chapo arrest might actually be an agreement between Chapo & EPN. As we know the Self Defense movement has gotten too much attention. That's bad for EPN. So if they "captured" the biggest kingpin in Mexico then EPN must be turning Mexico around. The only reason the government got involved with the AD is because they're trying to look as if they're actually helping out. But the government obviously has something else in mind. If they were honest "El Tio" (i think, i forgot his name) who was supposedly hiding in a closet when he was captured wouldn't only have charges against him for "exclusive use of military weapons". Why is Melissa Plankarte or whatever now living in the US? The Mexican government can't be good when the man at the very top is corrupt. SEMAR might be doing it's job with the help of the US but that doesn't mean the rest of the Mexican government will. Chapo might "escape" in some years from now unless he's extradited to the US. CDS might be in Caro Quintero's hands and/or Mayo Zambada's.

    Any opinions on my thoughts? Would also like to hear others thoughts.

  41. at 10:13 PM
    "FYI Smurf is a short blue fellow"

  42. February 26, 2014 at 2:45 AM
    Dude,question marks are there for a reason you know.
    I think you will find 8:00 AM agrees with,that is what the question mark denotes.

  43. If Dr. Mireles needs a place to retire he can come to Texas. I would love to have him live in my community. The world needs more people like him.


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