Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 10, 2014

"Stop Autodefensas or innocents will die" warned Cablleros Templarios

Borderland Beat
Residents now confident took up arms to guard the city after the takeover
"Siete Siete"

Apatzingán, Michoacán - The wait had been long when the Community Police heard the voice of the Siete siete [Seven seven] on the radio. They paid attention and invited some journalists to listen to the harangue given by the one whom they identified as head of The Caballeros Templarios, Knights Templar) gunmen.

Siete siete or El pantera [The panther] gave instructions to his soldiers and threatened the government:
"We are not going from here. Here we stay. The people of Apatzingán don't want self-defense groups."

A resident of Apatzingán who had recently joined the movement, said that the voice of thunder was Juan Aibar Mendoza. Then Juan, El pantera, switched his focus:

"This is for you, gentlemen of the Mexican Army and Federal Police: don't let the self-defense groups advance any further. We aren't responsible for all the deaths of innocent people that may occur."
While the cartel leader threatened, some residents responded to him with insults. They shook their cudgels and shouted cries of their loyalty:

"Long Live Caballeros Templarios ! Long Live Michoacán!"

"Sons of bitches! The devil appeared to you, dogs. You can't continue advancing, because we are going to start with your mother."
Video: The Day Caballeros Templarios Lost Their Jewel

Massacre of Day Laborers
Siete siete's criminal history is longer than there are grains of sands in the sea. He is, for example, implicated in the slaughter of day laborers that occurred last April 10, when a commando attacked lime cutters [harvesting limes] who, unarmed, were returning from an event in which they approached Acting Governor, Jesús Reyna, to demand public security.

But Siete siete shows himself to be pious:
"If you force us, you are going to undergo many things. We have been respectful , but if you continue supporting and advancing, we no longer respond. May God bless you all."
Lemon pickers slaughtered by Templarios
Community residents continue cursing their radios, but The Templarios were not finished:
"When I say that the party starts, it's going to begin. All of you already know what you have to do. I also have sticks (of dynamite) everywhere, just so that you know."
A chorus answered him by a small radio equipment:
"When you give the word, viejón [slang for mature man], we start breaking heads with the self-defense groups."
"When you give the order, we are going to come down on everyone. Long Live the Michoacán guard, compañeros!"

Other laced their loyalty with profanities, which was not to the boss's liking:
"Please, compañeros, brothers, don't disrespect anyone. Behave like gentlemen. If a community resident is speaking, just let him speak, please, gentlemen."

One of the men in a self-defense group chimed in:
"Are the [dynamite] holes for those you like? In order to comport yourself like a gentleman? In order to kill innocent people?"

Siete siete:
"You are allowing this. The military guys are causing this, and so it's going to be. That's how it goes, they die who are killing us."

Comandante Cinco disconnects, without paying attention to The Templarios Manual de Carreño
"Well, you're going to die, son of a bitch, you're gonna die."
"Don't Go Around Displaying Weapons"
Commandante Cinco:

Things aren't going well for Commandante Cinco. He's tired of talking with his counterparts in other pueblos to demand, rather than ask, that none dare to enter the city center "without permission."
"Hang on, Patancha, I want your weapons hidden. Don't walk around exhibiting them. If armed people go around without permission, you are going to be arrested," Comandante Cinco warns via his cell phone.

This is what he was doing when they informed him that Hipólito Mora, the first man to rise up in arms in Tierra Caliente, had already arrived at the city center. The plan to enter together is finished.
"The old bastard!" he mutters and turns to start the entry via his cell phone.

Mora had indeed arrived at the cathedral, unarmed and with a bulletproof vest, on top of which he wore the white T-shirt of the priest Gregorio López (at left): Cristos. "Responsible Citizens Council Fostering Healthy Fabric of the Social Order" is the clever name of the [priest's] organization [Spanish acronym].
Early on, the self-defense groups began to take control of the entrances to the city, while the Army and Federal Police stepped up their tours through the streets and roads, always accompanied by helicopters.

At one point, there were a hundred pickup trucks; at other points only a dozen. But in all cases, the self-defense groups were sheltered by the Federal Police and, for the first time in several weeks, by police forces of the state of Michoacán.
As the hours passed and the heat rose, the initial enthusiasm of the self-defense groups was diluted. The largest self-defense groups congregated on the highway from Tepalcatepec, sheltered in the open air from the hot sun by shade provided by lime trees. For hours they were accompanied by Federal Police who then left without any explanation.

In the streets the common scene was of caravans of vehicles full of well-armed agents who were not alone: with them were two or three self-defense members serving as guides.
"They are going to burst into houses," said their compañeros, the colloquial expression for raiding the houses of presumed Templars.
With all the good relationship, the day was being consumed without getting permission to enter the main square.

"The Government Knows How Dangerous This Movement Is"
Here in Apatzingán the only town mayor who, according to his counterparts in the region, had never paid a fee to The Knights Templar was in charge--or he was in charge until the federal forces arrived.

"Well, how was he going to pay, if he is the nephew of El Chayo," asked a self-defense member while waiting for the order to advance from 5 kilometers [3 miles]from the city center.

Uriel Chávez  Mayor of Apatzingán, ( nephew of El Chayo) 
His name is Uriel Chávez and today, while in his municipality he didn't yield to the whooshing of helicopters overhead, he wrote on social networks:

"Lord, I thank You that You have allowed me to complete one more year of life, and You have granted me the grace to celebrate with my family and loved ones. Although this past year has been difficult, I know they are tests that You put before us on the path ... "

As seen on his Facebook page, few congratulated him. Instead, one of his Facebook friends demanded that he put his pants on and not allow that in Apatzingán "the self-defense rats" go about freely.

Padre Goyo the hero priest says he must leave the country
Nowhere did it go well for Mr. Mayor. As night fell, at a rally in the main square led by Hipólito Mora, the ouster of Uriel Chávez from the mayor's office was added to the citizens' list of demands.

The outraged citizens didn't understand that their city mayor's only aspiration was to get in step with the federal government, which on this day, amid the scandal over the federal commissioner's meetings with a drug dealer, dedicated its posts about Michoacán to emphasizing the beauty of Pátzcuaro and the wonder of the monarch butterfly.

"That Michoacán might once again be in the eyes of the world for the quality of its artisans," the Presidency of the Republic broadcast to the networks.
Night was falling when Hipólito Mora was hailed as a hero and gave a short speech, a coarse shout in the main square. The lime grower asked local residents to trust the authorities and report neighbors who are members of organized crime.
"We are relying on you, not the government!" shouted a man.

Hipólito explained:
"The government knows how dangerous this movement is, and that's why it's working well."
For now, the rooster will sing a different song this Sunday, according to residents. The occupation of Apatzingán ended with Mass and a rally.
Federal forces quickly added some detainees to their rapidly growing list--including a brother of Kike Plancarte--and life went on, with all businesses open, except for some shops set afire a few weeks ago by the so-called Templars.

In a street leading to the square, shopkeepers took advantage of the trip to invite everyone to a dance on February 14th. A huge banner announces the theme:

"Let's make love, not war."

Source: Jornada with English Translation by Jane Brundage

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  1. Perro que ladra, no muerde... Chinguen a su madre templarios, tanto pedo pa cagar aguado; ya no saben ni que cuando la gente se une!!

  2. Innocent's will die???? The caballeros are already killing innocents what's their point?

  3. I am native of Michoacan and have spent time in Apatzingan in recent years. And I tell you the MAJORITY of citizens here support Templarios. We must not forget that most of our people have more simple mind than those who may post on Borderlandbeat or have more worldly view. Most Mich citizen think the Templarios are good people. Maybe in future they see light, but for now they are blind.

    1. Have you considered the idea that perhaps they support them out of fear?

    2. It's hard to see the light when you have got a gun pionted at you! Its like being in the hood, if you are in the hood that is not a very good time to say you don't like the neighborhood gang! First of all there are eyes and ears everywhere. Second of all many people have family involved and have that is a hard position to be in because they want to do the right thing but don't want their family member get hurt. Third of all the majority of people just want to live a peaceful life and don't want problems even if they prefer to have the government clean up the streets. I have seen firsthand when The police do an undercover raid and the Swat Teams bust whole gangs from a neighborhood. It's as if a dark cloud was lifted from the local residents. Parents will let their kids out to play on the street and there is less fear in the streets.

    3. How many people rose up and publicly criticized Saddam Hussein when he was in power. Saddam even proudly boasted to the world that he held free and open elections and got 100% of the vote. Hmm makes you wonder. People aren't always that stupid. They do what they have to do to survive! And Gaddafi, we all know the ending to that story......

    4. Nobody can be that stupid.not even the poorest campesino.they know whats going on and maby have been bought off.why dont the ct stick to drug its too late.give the homes of these ct nuthuggers to the real victims families.

    5. The german people were devoted and supporttive of the nazis too that is until Hitler died then they jumped sides quickly.

    6. @2:37: because el borrachin Felipe Calderon declared war on the Drug Cartels, which fucked with some of the cartels supplies and money so the CT and some Cartels started extorting. And plus
      Extorting stopped people from calling the military and pigs and that was the problem the cops always got anonynomous calls from citizens and the cartels got paranoid

    7. The government should go after all criminals in any society ( starting with themselves the politicians). These cartels will make up any excuse to be parasites to society. Theres no excuses to extort from the citizens!!!

    8. @12:01pm

      Wrong. It's because chapo declared war on juarez and then the cdg/zeta split.

    9. 12:59 who am I defending? I said that because that's how I see it...
      People start singing to the feds and the other guys get angry..

  4. Chivis is the quote in the title about innocents dying an actual quote? Or a paraphrase?

  5. Wow, "long live CT, long live Mich" in the same sentence? In a few months, all the narrow-minded money-craving citizens who think the CT are actually good people just because they handed them 100 pesos that they plucked from some innocent citizen's corpse, are going to realize that the Templarios ARE the enemy.
    It shouldn't be so easy for La Tuta to walk into towns and say "Here, have some money. This implies I'm good, right? Your husbands work for me now, right?". We can't live in a society where the citizens fall for that.
    Even if they were to elect an honest government, this would not solve the problem in Michoacan. You can't have a community full of people who go to a CT support concert in Morelia chanting "long live Caballeros Templarios".

    1. The kind of people that go to those concerts are few. Most citizens have better things to do. There is always going to be a counter culture. Alot of life is about perception. In the USA alot of people go to concerts for all kinds of musicians that most Americans despise. That concert is just an exuse for dumbasses to get high and act stupid!

  6. 5:02...that is how the translator translated it within quotation marks. but La Jornada doesn't have the quotation marks with what amounts to the same title, so I am thinking it is paraphrase, based on the content.

    5:41 Although I agree that the people APPEARED supportive, they were not allowed the freedom to oppose CT, even the damn mayor is CT, what choice do they have? They have the choice to pretend to be supportive and happy as they are all extorted.

    Now they have the freedom to be vocal and you can hear the cheers of the people lining the streets as the autodefensas entered the city. Screaming at AD like they are rockstars.

    already many have joined the comunitarios of their city. see top foto those were newbies and groups of new people are posted all around the city, so they will now take over..
    time will tell.

  7. Most cartels fight each other but caballeros templarios seem to prefer fighting against innocent people.

  8. "Slogan" Mexico such a shitty country that the military wont fight the cartels but they will fight the people who are being murdered by the cartels for no reasons

    1. I'm Mexican and agree, sadly El PRI has taken Mexico to be on par with other shitty countries, might as well be a part of Africa.

    2. Hey man whats up with that Africa comment. The African people have been exploited by other countries for centuries. No excuse but the African continent has alot of very diverse governments.

  9. Check out the Bayonet!
    Close quarter combatives, that boy is READY!

    As was said at the start of the US revolution, what was true then remains true, today.

    It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
    Samuel Adams

    The CT are running scared, if they start killing multiple numbers of civilians, the Army will get after them, the toothpaste is out of the tube.

    The story is running in San Francisco and New York, President Pena spoke of the battle in Davos, he can't walk that back. His entire economic program is based upon foreign investment.

    The Templars are WAY BEHIND on the learning curve.

    1. The same army that killed some AD's...

  10. Maybe the cockroach CTs will crawl out from under the rocks they hide under an fight,but I doubt it. They only kill unarmed citizens.

  11. Auto defensa is taking over in michoacan with bb guns. Good job auto defensa keep up the good work.

    1. I didnt know ak 47's were bb guns but okay

    2. Some of them eaven got sling shots and scare off the templarios

    3. One A.D. farted and Templario jumped out of fear!

  12. La unica solucion para los templarios es el plomo. Los templarios son criminales violadores de lo peor. Lo mejor es ir tras el 7-7 y cosinarlo en el tambo hirbiendo. Estoy casi seguro que se puede buscar una manera de darle piso. Ellos buscan la manera de intimidar al pueblo, la marina , la fuerzas federales tienen buen armanento es tiempo de dar a respetar al gobierno. El pueblo solo quiere vivir en paz, no importa el vivir en la pobreza pero solo ahi , cupo para un padrote. El PRI. O LOS TEMPlARIOS.

    1. Entonces dile a tu otro padrote que deje a los otros en paz dejenlos traficar sus drogas. pense que la gente no los importaba a los drogadictos o la gente naca?

  13. Hello Chivis (I am 5:01), I understand your point and it is well taken. I believe you are correct that many pretend to be supportive out of fear. However, I say only from my experience that while there are many citizens who either understand what is truly happening or who have themselves felt the pains of Los Templarios, I do believe majority IS oblivious, and respond better to be hand money by gunman than to understand the steps that must be taken to build stable society through honesty and responsibility.
    As you have say, time will tell, and it will be the citizen who understand good from evil and stand up for what is right, they will be one who may make a difference (although may be killed as well). I dream of future for all of Mexico in which population is wise to political happening of country and there is honest government who will not play with minds of these most ignorant citizen. In the mean time, I hope that everyone in this wonderful community of Borderlandbeat is safe from this violence in this unfortunate spasm in Mexico's history.

  14. The complexity goes against success in this case. AD has the overwhelming majority of communities now liberated, BUT, what now? Did anyone plan for this moment? so much success in so little time. I worry about now and forward. Some communities did not have time to organize in a permanent way. and in Apatzingán there is the issue of winning the trust of all the people. I want to be hopeful, but I am also realistic.

    I worry about the AD Union..why is it no one knows who appointed Papa Smurf to replace Dr Mireles?, even Hipolito says "I don't know, I wasn't told" that is not a democratic union we heard about 2 months ago, where each decision must be made via vote by every community leader in the union.

    If there is not a solid plan and strength in place, another cartel is just waiting to replace CT. Probably a battle between CJNG and the last letter. The communities better be prepared.

    I have said that the enemy is not really narcos, they are opportunists feeding off the corruption that permeates Mexico. But that exists because people, good people, allows it to flourish. The real enemy is apathy. everything other than apathy is a manifestation from it.

    that is why I was so supportive of the autodefensas. It is not for every region, but it is an example to all citizens what can be done when working together, how powerful "together" is, breaking the chains of "my" me, my family, my house, my life, and waiting for Superman to come and fix Mexico.

    As for me, I have one year left working in Mexico. What an amazing decade this has been in my life.

    1. I doubt other narcos will come in by force especially not the Zetas. But what I fear is the Auto Defensas becoming un organized as a single denocratic union. And eventuslly having splinter groups with their own agendas. Being vulnsrable to inflatration by outside powers The community has to participate in this movement and not just as AD "police" but also as representatives for each comunity and tigether forming a tight knit community. This movement can not die. It has to go on, even after the CT are gone.

  15. Ha ha ha, an visto cuando le tiras una piedra a un perro, corre con la cola entre las peirnas. Asi traen los AD a los templarios corriendo y escondiendose la bola de mugrozos buenos para nada. Me gustaria ver que isieran lo mismo en todo Mexico.

  16. Ok cts guess what you have already killed too many innocent people so if you kill more they will the last ones ok because ad and government will kill you all with impunity as retalation for you killing thouse innocent people you warn us you will kill if ad keep on spreading ok putos jalenle perros

  17. Chapo Is Losing The War

    1. Why are you defending chapo??do you swing on his nutts

    2. He's not defending Chapo, he said that because Chapo has nothing to do with Michoacan..

  18. lol 'stop autodefences or innocents will die'? right so they just lay down their weapons and that's it so innocent people can be murdered, extorted and harassed by them forever more. Yeh sounds like a real great deal LOL!!!!

    Cartels are cowards who only prey on the weak and unarmed. This is the proof right here.

  19. They should follow the example to indigenous communities, leadership does not fall on one or two persons but on a counsel (that way, a corrupt or coerced member does not affect the decisions taken by everyone) and also, the counsel members are the most experience and smartest individuals, not the richest or cutest guys and girls. Oh! and the counsel members are chosen by their own communities as well as rotated so no one stays too long on the front making decisions: You can scare or corrupt one or two but a whole town is harder. Part of the problem of corruption in Mexico is the way the system itself works since it is a mash-up of American, Spanish, French and Native Mexican legal systems. Why over complicate something that at least at the "County" or "municipality" level should be easy? It forces people to devote part of their time a la Sparta to serve their town and takes care of corruption in a better way than the current rules. Sadly Mexico is Racist as fuck and they see these ideas as "inferior, outdated, tacky, indian (an insult in Mexico, kind of like the N word in the US)"

  20. If the government were not infected with corruption, and did their jobs the AD's could be no more than a neighborhood watch. Unfortunately the corruption is widespread and impunity is built in to the system. AD's should make a loud outcry and a massive mobilization at the first sign of trouble. Demand the heads of the CT's without compromise. Do it now. Strike while the iron is hot!

  21. How much territory does the AutoDefensas control in Michoacan?

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Though Im on your side, your comment was quite annoying & disgustingly weird. Also gay is not an insult. Choose a different word pal.

    2. I really don't care what people do willfully behind closed doors. That is their business. If they want to keep practicing procreating so be it, it'll never happen, but oh well. Sorry for calling the Templarios gay although some may be! Most gay people are into love not war.

  23. Panther? More like Pussy Cat!


  25. --Arcelor-mittal,the biggest steel maker in the world, 80 billion annual sales. --said to pay independent miners 16 dollars or pesos to per ton of iron ore.
    --the chinese pay 60 to 80 pesos or dollars per ton of iron ore, some of it in meth precursors.
    --the chinese pay the ct 2 million per shipload, 72 million more or less per year (pesos or dollars, not specified)
    --Virgilio Camacho, high executive of arcelor-mittal, abducted and executed for not being a nice guy and to punish and warn the company.
    --epn and el pri got back in power with the help of the ct and michoacan government.
    --now we have a comadre fight between pri and ct.
    --the worst enemy is not knowing the full truth, transnational enterprises always appear to be behind the courtains.
    --in tamaulipas and veracruz, there was the milking of pemex,in michoacan it is steel and avocados.
    --the steel plant in michoacan, mexican government owned, raided and "sold" for peanuts to the ones that knew how good the business was in the privatization campaign of the mexican satraps, bought and paid for by the international vulture capitalists, closely resemble the patterns of acquisition by foreign "investors" all over the world, same tactics, same murdering of the peoples involved and the same drug trafficking.
    --the US does not appear to be getting the upper hand when it comes to making money in any of these money grabbing moves.
    -- the US has some but not many vulture capitalists on any of these shenanigans.
    -india, china, south korea, canada, france, and other members of the british colonies seem to be lending their shitty names to a covert operation of taking back ownership of the former colonies, and the US is just another
    target for take-over.
    --no mention anywhere of most of these situations, just a few idiots making something up out of thin air... YOU THINK???

  26. PS the timeline of events and the tea leaves suggest the zetas and the familia michoacana started robbing the mexican state owned steelworks to unprofitability, backed by arcelor-mittal, who then kicked them out with the help of the ct.
    -the ct, former white guards of arcelor-mittal got too greedy,and their former partners are now kicking them on the ass.i'm going to read now the coffee "what's its name" on my coffee cup for more information, but it is not starbucks, i can assure you that, for all it's fame, it is too much puke for me, but it is ok for victims of corporate propaganda.
    --could there be some clavos in the tons of coffee imported into the US...?
    DAMN don't get me started again!
    happy digging you all...

  27. The people vote for the Zetas, the people's protectors, to come in.

  28. Either way innocents will die. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. De cualquier manera inocentes moriran. Es mejor morir de pie que vivir arodillado.

  29. Why didnt the auto defense,enter arteaga, everybody knows its the home base of ct,ill tell u why becuz,there was gonna be a war and probably a loss for auto defense,auto defense knows this, so they rather go after apatzingan,war is strategy,shame on cts for being cowards and not fighting,they figured their political contacts would get them off their backs,but too much press,too much pressure from df.i hope self defense cleans up mich, but i have a feeling someone else is really behind the "'movement", "the road to hell has been paved with good intentions."

  30. You all fail to realize that this is a no win situation, too much money to be made.

  31. Puff daddy says AD has 166 communities out of 180 something

  32. Kill em all ! No CTs bitches should stand alive by the end of the year. Enough with these scumbags, in one ITW they'll pretend to act for the good of their hometowns and in another one threaten innocent people. Fucktards

    1. The ad HAVE to kill all the ct,for their own future protection.the ct are deviant and perverted in their thinking and are a danger to normal people.dont kill the ct and like a infection,the ct will grow and kill the people.

  33. HA! saying people of Michoacan supported the CT is like saying all people of Germany supported the Nazis.. they had not choice, no freedom. WE LIKE PAYING PROTECTION and being extorted for their hard work by criminals, said no one ever!!!

  34. jayhawk has been reading my mind and wall street journal before i even got an inkling of arcelor-mittal, and tying oaktree capital group to melissa plancarte's tv presentations on the US, but it would be good to follo the money to Evan de Rotschild and hsbc's and other trillion dollar investors hellbent on acquiring the banana republics for the british empire, that include the recovery of the former colony known as the United States of America, using china, india, north korea, france, canada, and other
    countries members of their inner circle, always carefully hiding the hand of england and their money conglomerates.
    el H1 by the way would be el H, Hector Beltran Leyva, e boss of the BLO until further word from Alfredo Beltran Leyva his brother about to be released or already released from prison...
    ok back to re-discovering black thread...

    1. H1 is not hector beltran. H1 is Santiago Lizarraga plaza boss of Mazatlan, he died after a gunfight with Marines. His nephew took over "14". hector beltran goes simply by "H","ingeniero", "el elegante"

  35. I guess siete siete turned into zero zero quick. So much for the Tempons de Caballos.

  36. How do you report 4 CT members in Cuisillos, Jalisco if i live in the US? Apparently they walk around with Ak-47s in total freedom bc no one will report them. They put a curfew on the people. But no one will say anything bc the CTs don't mess witg the people.. yet.

  37. I agree sorry about that. and your correct the core of the comment I am agreement also...but man o man lousy presentation

  38. Sorry CT, new sheriffs in town.

  39. Chivis, while you talk about "what will they do now?", i also wonder about something. When they round up all of these CTs where are they put? then how does the system handle them? will they go free right away because of judicial weakness? will they be convicted? if convicted where will the be kept? then.... if the AD movement grows as it is already in Guerrero the same issues arise. I am far from an expert in all of this... i am just using logic. All of Mexico's institutions are corrupt at some level and without real resources in every case, entonces they are fundamentally weak. What institutions will follow in the wake of taking territory and prisoners? The institutions in the taken territory are corrupt, and former police will now be prisoners. Very complicate. I feel fortunate to be able to watch history unfold. Somewhere Jack Black said, "the toothpaste is out of the tube"... one of my favorite sayings. It applies here. Now that the toothpaste is out, what will take the place of the tube?

  40. 6:24...actually I agreed with your point, but ....

    Tu Sancho...

    I am very concerned about a few things. What I mentioned about the liberated municipos not being ready is one. When one is ill prepared one is hyper vulnerable. know the little nagging feeling we sometimes get? Well I had heard Papa Smurf took over the leadership without a vote, and no one knows who appointed him. why did he do it in such a way? and seemingly to humiliate Dr Mireles to try and damage his reputation, it seems. So I ask WHY? Is he simply a good man but a controlling individual? that still does not make it right. Or is something darker going on?

    as for the CT captured. First of all no big leaders unless you count the wacko El Tío who refused to stay dead. But lets look at his charges...only one so far, for having illegal weapons exclusive to the fed army.

    my guess, it is all for show and when it cools down everyone will be released in rapid fashion.

    AD got too hungry and did not plan well. IMO 122 communities in 8 months? that is crazy.

    One thing I do know, they should rotate leadership as other self governing communities do or they will find themselves vulnerable to many negative things such as corruption. I want to be happy, but I can't do so yet, not fully.

    1. These CT that got captured is all for show, when they actually are just protecting them from getting killed. When all of this blows over in a couple of years these scumbags will be released. Only time will tell!

  41. Sword livin, sword dying mofos.

  42. Long Live the Michoacán guard, compañeros!"

  43. Que dicen de los templarios perdonados que entraron con los autodefensas, something is going on there, it looks like a new cartel is forming???

  44. sancho, tu sancho believes your nitpicking and handwringing is out of step with the AD movement, whose's rapid expansion only proves how ready the people was for it, and the running away of the cabelleras kagadas, also proves how unworthy they were of the people's fear.
    we are not there in the middle of the AD to be telling them how to go about their business, or what to do, or when to do it, that is their job.
    what is really something to worry about is the presence of the comissioner of the policia federal, enrique francisco galindo ceballos, a man that failed the confidence and trust examinations TWO TIMES as chief of the public security secretariat in his own home state, San Luis Potosi, and who probably uses his academic experience as in kidnappings and money laundering investigations to better cover his tracks when he commits his crimes. wherever galindo ceballos works, crime of all kinds skyrockets, he is very famous in SLP for disappearing police commanders he does not get along with, specially if he suspects them of knowing about his dirty laundry.
    check: la brecha/quien es enrique galindo ceballos?
    La Cicuta/san luis potosi/por Gabriel L. Gayosso Berman
    and find something worth worrying about, the AD would be better off if they were dealing with the devil than with this "zeta from the start" agent, accused kidnapper,murderer, drug trafficker on his own home state of san luis potosi and absolutely corrupt "commisioner of the federal police"...

  45. @ 4:53 PM

    I believe you when you wrote The majority support the CTs.

    Here in Northern Sinaloa, my in laws are very reluctant to talk about the Beltran Levya Organizations and their doings. I understand their reluctance. Living in a small town, where everybody knows everybody. They have been under the control of killers and drug dealers for decades. A slip of the tongue, unknown visitors, can get them question by the BLOs. I was followed by a dark tinted chevy for 2 miles. the chevy waited for me when I drove out of the town after I had a quick visit. I slept in a hotel in Gusave instead of my inlaws house. Even when they told me that it's safe here in their home.

    Years and decades of Narco fear and threats can make anyone "Supportive".

  46. @ 2:01 AM

    Your comment is an excellent example of a neighborhood or pueblo under siege by criminals.

    To all the wannabes narcos, nuthuggers and homies, read his comment.

    Narcos are not liked, loved or wanted in our towns and neighborhoods. You are nothing but criminals that like to fuck with unarmed and weaker people.

    Eventually you will get yours. You will wind up in prison where your fellow criminals will Butt fuck you 5 times a day, (You better get your twenty four inch, Virgin Mary tatoo on your back). Or better yet a pauper's grave.



    1. Or shot up by an AK and left by the road some day.

    2. And the US government likes fucking with weaker governments in the middle east and they're not liked over there but still send in more soldiers and drones to "look" for terrorists so yeah dude nobody's perfect.. we already got Osama so yeah...


  47. 12:40 enrique francisco galindo ceballos,national commisioner of the policia federal has been a zeta from the start, delivering his home state of San Luis Potosi to the zetas, with pena nieto's friends bertie boy moreira, fidel herrera beltran z1, tomas yarrington, and duarte, what more
    infiltration is needed?

    1. The Devil rules Mexico home of La Virgen of Guadalupe. With Gods help thimg will get better hopefully, and the agents for the Devil get dealt with!

  48. CT comments are always laughable. Their name stolen from the real knights Templar, their plastic helmets, the 'profe', the talentless blood singer and her ridiculous busses, the dynamics of the military playing one side or the other, El tio's challenge to a duel; all very silly. They should have stolen their name from a different group. The Insane Clown Posse!

    1. The real templars were "christian satanists",who praticed sodomy,sodomy on children,babies,then ritual torture,murder and cannabalism on the babies,during sex rituals,for power.tim rifat on you tube

  49. The templarios are the real guard of michoacan. The auto defensas are the guard of the rich people of michoacan. The templarios protect all of michoacan from letting the real greedy cartels from entering michoacan. You know the other cartels that kill innocent people. How are you gonna say that the citizens are wrong for being loyal to the templarios? the citezens know better than anyone else especially a northern foreigner who just reads and views the news. The citezens know the templarios are not like the other cartels. The templarios are the defense group of michoacan.

    1. Someone tell this guy to stop huffing paint thinner.

    2. Hey bro, quit huffing paint thinner!

    3. I had no idea those lemon pickers gruesomely murdered by the Templarios were from the upper levels of society. To me they look like the pooredt of the poor! Why would wealthy people pick lemons for little pay? Protectors of the poor? You my friend are very ignorant!

  50. Is it true that CDG is going to help CT fight off the Autodefensas, I've read they had send a few commandos to michoacan.

    1. Good let them go to their own execution, then that would be two cartels down!

  51. @7:27 thanks, the big H would need no numbers, now, are the BLO and CDS going to try and have peace and be reunited because of el dos banderas? or both of them leave him alone and on his own way?
    being family has not been a real big problem when it comes to killing or making enemies, we'll see.
    what is real intriguing, is that CIA element Felix Ismael Rodriguez,aka Ivan or Max Gomez, aka"el gato", a looong time associate of the Bush family, widely known for his association with contras, cubans, the murder of El Che, linked to drug trafficking and all the murders in south-america, with renowned nazi escapees helped and protected by the CIA, etc, etc, has been accused of ordering the kidnapping/interrogation/torture/murder of KIKI CAMARENA with the help of the mexican Direccion Federal de Seguridad DFS and all the narco-bosses arrested...
    WHY HAS NOBODY IN THE AMERICAN PRESS SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THIS? how can this be happenin in such a free country with so many big noses that like to pick on big stories like this? i dont even hear anything from DEA Agent Hector Berrellez or his associates, i guess nothing else will be out until george H W bush dies to save him from the shame...
    only BB, Proceso and FOX news, the disciple of sun myung moon's Washington Times school of journalism picked up on the story, the DEA now being run by the CIA, commented on poor little berrellez being misguided by some paranoid monsters inside his head, how badly can the american press be bought and paid for?

  52. The question is if the auto defensas are doing good in michoacan? Why don't we hear about the people going back to work like they did before??

  53. Would rather die defending your town rather than being a stupid templario.

  54. chivita, beee! puff daddy changed his name to p'diddy or something like that after denying in court that he participated in a shotout, to make fun of the court system he had just whipped his ass with, meaning to say puff daddy did it... were you trying to say smurf papa?


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