Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Antrax remains in Netherlands while secrecy shrouds Serafin Zambada's case

Borderland Beat

Secrecy in case against Mayo’s son
The drug-trafficking case against Serafin Zambada has remained cloaked in secrecy since his November arrest. 

That might be because the 23-year-old Zambada isn’t your typical drug defendant. His father, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, is said to be one of the leaders of the Sinaloa drug cartel and one of the most wanted men in the world.

A court hearing on Friday, along with filings, are starting to shed a little light on the case, revealing a massive investigation.

Court records show the case against young Zambada is tied to at least three other investigations in San Diego involving dozens of people. About 125 phones were wiretapped and more than 100,000 interceptions logged in the two-year investigation by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Assistant U.S. Attorney Adam Braverman said in court Friday. The case also involves 40 to 50 drug seizures inside and outside the U.S., he said.

The immense amount of evidence involved has defense attorneys' heads spinning as they begin to process it. The enormity of the discovery prompted U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw to declare the case “complex,” allowing for longer deadline.

Zambada, a U.S. citizen who was born in San Diego, is charged with conspiracy to import methamphetamine and cocaine. He was arrested as he crossed into the U.S. at the border in Nogales.

It could be quite some time before more details are revealed about the charges. A protective order has been issued in the case, meaning none of the discovery given to defense attorneys is allowed to be publicly revealed.

A look at the other cases tied to the Zambada investigation show the same general charges of meth and cocaine trafficking, although little has been revealed in those files. A defendant in one of the cases, Roberto Ochoa, pleaded guilty on Friday to slashing the throats of two fellow drug traffickers. [See below]

El Chino Ántrax:
Also linked is the prosecution against Jose Arechiga Gamboa, an alleged Sinaloa enforcer who was arrested as he got off a plane in the Netherlands. He is awaiting extradition to San Diego.

Man Confesses to slashing throats for drug trafficking ring
A Tijuana man pleaded guilty in San Diego federal court Friday to slashing the throats of two fellow drug traffickers in a retribution killing.

Roberto Luis Ochoa Cantu, 35, admitted to being part of a drug trafficking conspiracy to smuggle cocaine and methamphetamine from San Diego to South Carolina, according to the plea agreement. At some point, the San Diego-based ring believed one of its members, Hector Gonzalez, had stolen drug proceeds from the gang.

On Oct. 19, 2012, Ochoa and other members traveled to Tijuana to talk about the stolen money, then came back into the United States through the San Ysidro border crossing. Court records say the men then went to a home in San Jacinto and interrogated Gonzalez and another man, Rodolfo Robles, about the accusations.

Ochoa admitted to slitting Robles’ throat along with another man, and also slashing Gonzalez’s throat, the plea agreement states.

Riverside sheriff’s deputies found the two bodies weeks later as they conducted a welfare check on the home, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Ochoa pleaded guilty to two counts of intentional killing during the course of a drug trafficking conspiracy and faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration investigation into the drug ring began in 2011 and led to the indictments of dozens of people, including Ochoa, on trafficking and money laundering charges. So far, eight have pleaded guilty and two others remain fugitives.

Arrested in Tijuana in 2008
Mexican arrest records reveal an arrest in 2008 of Ochoa.  He along with three suspects attempted to rob the Banorte branch of Macro Plaza Roberto Luis Ochoa Cantu, then 29, along with Gilberto Renteria, 21, and Jesus Armando Renteria, 23, entered the bank and passed as a customer, his accomplices, waited outside. 

A municipal officer responsible for the supervision of the commercial area detected suspicious movements of the accused and requested backup and the heavily armed men were arrested.  

I do not have information of the result of his arrest, but it appears it was in Ochoa’s favor, as he was able to cross into the US to traffic drugs and commit the 2012 murders.

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  1. Does the netherlands even extradite to the u.s.maybe chino let himself be caught there 4that reason.there are countries that wont saying the u.s prison system is to harsh

    1. His charges are in the u.s. dumbass why the fuck would he stay in Holland

    2. They do extradite & he will be sent to the US, but it could take a year or two. Even extraditing between US states takes a long time. Some countries won't extradite if the perp might get the death penalty, but I doubt that's on the table.

    3. Hey guy fuck u.fukn internet tough guys i bet u dnt find it so easy to talk shit face to face

  2. Welfare check on the house? You mean to tell me they are getting welfare also?

    1. One of the biggest guys I know in drug dealing is on welfare and unemployment you because the government doesn't know what he does so too them he's broke.

    2. Welfare check aka safety check in law enforcement language.

    3. Another idiot! Welfare check is what thry call when the police go and check to see if people are ok and alive after somebody calls that they have not seen or heard from them. Really people dies it take to much to keep reading things yo further your education. You already reading this.

    4. Lol thats some funny shit... keep the AR10 on me.

  3. hey guys yesterday i saw a tweet from zerafin zambada saying somehitng like '"typical ,friends tell you they are goint to help when you're in jail, but that's only bullshit". did somebody else tweeted that?

    1. His old lady is posting for him.. Same thing when chapos sons posted on twitter all this crap about how they was waiting for an order from chapo zerafin also posted some shit on their post ..

    2. You're stupid that kid never had any any social network account he was very low key most of those pictures he had on his "twitter" were stolen. Zambadas arent flashy

    3. "Zambadas aren't flashy"...Please, please, shut up.

  4. welfare check means checking on the well being fo the ocupants ignorant MOF

    1. If you think that's what that means you just made yourself look really fucking stupid!

    2. @1:02 , poor 1:33. I just shake my head.
      Anyway, I wonder how often the children of the big timers cross theborder to the u.s.?
      I would think they would know better.

    3. At 1:02. About 1:33 I just shake my head lol
      I wonder how often these guys cross the border?
      I would think they would know better. But if I recall at least he was passing with a fake I.d. still being born into that life has two really sharp edges

    4. No he didnt, he is right in this case

    5. Welfate check: the meaning depends on the context, people need to know what they are talking about and not be trying to hurt welfare check recipients...
      Corporate Welfare is a lot more onerous and damaging to the majority of US people's welfare

    6. At 4:58. My neighbors are sons of a Reynoso boss. These kids stay low but really like to ride nice cars n trucks. From mcallen

  5. "they keep it secret because a lot of chase.. dea.. and us gob officials are involved.. will see if they dont make up another 911 airplane crash to cover this up.. and invade another country since there in it.. gringos need there drugs!! keep working hard mexican mob! lets finish the white race 1 gram at a time!"

    you're a dumbass, Why are all the illegal immigrants trying so hard to stay in the USA? because they'll get treated better over here, even by republicans, than they do in mexico

    1. Hey idiot every illegal is not from Mexico pendejo

    2. @7:53 only 90% of them super pendejo!
      (And I welcome them because everyone deserves a chance to live a peaceful life)

  6. Isn't it sad we all know the gov does all this but we do nothing

  7. El cartel de los sapos fuckin tacuaches jente coriente!!!!

    1. Cartel de Los sapos este guey! Puras mammadas pinche novelera!!

  8. MAYITO&CHEYOO back on Twitter does that mean the coast is clear?

  9. It said welfare check. I did not know why they would just go to a house to see if the peoples welfare was OK without a reason. If they were on welfare that would give them a reason. So police just show up at your house and others for a welfare check for no reason? I will take it at face value, that it was a welfare check as that would be a procedure that makes more sense when someone is on welfare.

    1. You are an idiot. It had nothing to do with a welfare check $. Police do not have anything to do with the welfare system. A welfare check in police terms is if your family, friends, place of employment call authorities and basically state that you are missing or haven't seen you for a while and the fist place they will check is usually your home... They checked the home and found 2 dead motherfuckers. Simple as that. That is a welfare check. Educate yourself pendejo

  10. Here is an article that is verify simple and explains what happened.
    Ochoa admitted to slitting Robles’ throat along with another man, and also slashing Gonzalez’s throat, the plea agreement states.

    Riverside sheriff’s deputies found the two bodies weeks later as they conducted a welfare check on the home, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

    This article in BB is little misleading. This is what is says.

    Ochoa admitted to slitting Robles’ throat along with another man, and also slashing Gonzalez’s throat, the plea agreement states.

    Riverside sheriff’s deputies found the two bodies weeks later as they conducted a welfare check on the home, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

    It sounds like they are saying they found the bodies two weeks later after the confession.

  11. March 25, 2014 at 11:26 AM
    "Does the netherlands even extradite to the u.s.maybe chino let himself be caught there 4that reason.there are countries that wont saying the u.s prison system is to harsh"
    So to your"mind"Chino let himself be arrested?
    Classic,absolute classic.Guess who told everyone on planet earth,to shackle Chino as soon as he showed his face?Take your time?And guess who told everyone Chinos phony passport name,err,cause he weren't using Chino Antrax anymore which he always used before on his passport.Take your time again.

  12. a welfare check? as in checks? if so every person should get dropped in on who collects wefare!

  13. They keep it secret because he is still snitching, he ain't thru yet.

  14. I can tell serafin aint built for the long run. He's a rat.

  15. United States does have extradition treaty with Netherland -

  16. It does not matter. The Z's are taking over. I just came back from Nogales and they are every where, jack wagons!!

    1. Jaha those are not zetas they are beltranes same teams different people. Beltranes are from Sinaloa they don't easily stand out.

  17. Im dying lmao.... reading about how people on here don't know what a welfare check iss.... hahahahahahahahahahahah #crazymothafackasinnhere xD

    1. Right!? That shit made my day, especially the dude talking about a dealer he knows thats on welfare lol!! Too f'ing much!

  18. I keep 2 Five seveNs on me and a Remington ACR folded stock .got a AR10, Keep the AK47 bullpup in the raptor.

    1. Its a hellpup

    2. @7:39PM I'd hit you with the Five seveN.

  19. All you idiots who are getting excited off the phrase "welfare check" are a perfect example of why anyone on welfare is failing. If someone reports you missing in the US the authorities begin the search/investigation at your place of residence. To authorities this is called a welfare check. Nothing to do with people leeching off the tax payers hard earned money.

    1. Thank you i was mad trying to explain to these idiots but i always noticed that the people that complain and talk bad about welfare are the ones that receive it them selfs. Maybe they where scared they where going to fo a welfare check on them lol.

  20. @ for the obtuse, welfare check means the public aid given to the moocher 47% of americans that have not been educated enough to now how to:
    --know how to launder drug proceeds on the cayman islands on chase or hsbc or other banks.
    -- how to invest said dirty proceeds on US companies.
    --how to send those companies' american jobs offshore.
    --how to get the government to pay for such shenanigans.
    --how to get tax breaks for sticking it up the US workers arses.
    --how to keep the money safe in foreign banks accounts.
    --how to pool US investors' money with foreign investors that really know how to stick it up their targets and their partners arses.
    you know mister obtuses you are so stupid, easy and transparent, anybody can clearly see your heads are full of popo.
    -- regarding mexicans, if it wasn't for mexicans living in the US, the mexican economy would have gone with the waste in the toilet, along with the US economy.
    the republicans, and mexicans, together, we help each other keep appearances, and the mexicans are preferred to the big mouth blacks that won't take it easy anymo' about being treated like animals for 250" years; --the mexicans were allowed into the US to keep the black race down a little bit longer, mister loving republican,that's it, no more, no less.
    -- you still can't understand how the mexicans have failed the historic challenge of keeping obama's ass out of the white house
    --the greatest expense that the US government incurs, is contracts for the rich, aka corporate welfare, they are even worse that the investment on welfare checks for the people, much much much worse.
    --the payback to the US and other worldly world class economies is they are all "broke" and they all are being takng over for pennies and kicking people out of work...

  21. March 25, 2014 at 7:01 PM
    "They keep it secret because he is still snitching, he ain't thru yet"
    There definitely was a lot of activity not long after he was arrested.He is the son of Zamabada and is in it,he would cause a lot of trouble if he started spilling his guts?If so,what does this say about Mayo Zambada and why hasn't he been targeted?

  22. "I do not have information of the result of his arrest, but it appears it was in Ochoa’s favor, as he was able to cross into the US to traffic drugs and commit the 2012 murders"
    How many animals like this are doing exactly the same thing?Armed robbery,caught in the act,only to walk away and later cross into the US and murder who knows how many people?One fact is,this is not the first time he has killed,many people can shoot someone but cutting two peoples throat's?Experienced and cold killer.Lets hope he doesn't walk again?

  23. "i can tell serafin aint built for the long run" well my friend most people are not built for the extremes of anything however just a blank check for you to cash an possibly profit "not money wise either" but never judge a book by its cover didyou think chapos old normal looking ass had rockets awaiting in his tunnels in case anyone came under each bathtub an other entrances that werent widelycasted he had some heavy duty yet simple stuff like grenades in diff types.. Rocket launchers the little itty bitty fold up types and as folk who know thebest place to get yourcar armored also when you get yours done or buy one of the many the have for sale theres a whole difftype of what else can be armored clothing baseball typehats boots etc and vest made of light orheavy or a combo of both because iat this armoring shop they are aware of the cash cow on the warjust across a river and soon more bullet proofcars here in usa watch i got off my topic but dont be so quick to judge my god i wish you could see me an know about me but youdnever guess cuz your an arrogant prick like alot ofyourtypes... If a 50 yr old man has tunnels 20 armored cars bla bla blaguess what a thirty five yr old has and 1000s morejust like him ... Welcome to the future ofthe "game" i beleive they call it... Dope gameforyou moronsthatdont know wtf a police welfare check is and please dont reproduce we have enuf of your types also.... Hope i wasnt harsh its a forum right

  24. Puro welfare y cheese cake putos

  25. Zambada is dropping dimes like a pocket with holes.

  26. Puro Antrax! El Mini Lic al mando .Chino Antrax no se me aguite you will not be extradited ... ..contras no se hagan illusiones El Senor Chapo sigue al mando desde su nuevo centro de operaciones.El Bravo con 300 Talibanes y el apoyo de los Antrax los FED.y Gente Nueva ........Culiacan tiene dueno!!!!

    1. Dónde estaban los 300 talibanes cuando pescaron al Chapo, dicen que el Chapo quedó traumado de tanto que lo hicieron chupar, así se la van a hacer al baboso del mini güey, así que más vale empiece a practicar con su guarda-espalda personal.

    2. Este menso..
      El bravo ya esta encerrado

    3. Pinche halucinado y donde estabaesa raza cuando agarraron al numero 1 el chapo guzman todos esos a kien esperaran para que brinken jajaja pendejete...

    4. Pinche mierda das risa... La betas u made me laugh

    5. Todos son idiotas, los 300 los isieron a un lado para que pescaran al sapo. El ejercito hablo con los talibanes antes.

    6. Im thinking mayo zambada turned el chapo in to get his kids out and maybe did a deal pay some money and they gonna live the rest of their lives in the usa because they arrested zambadas personal security chief too so is like he got rid of his own people so that they can know he was serious and turned in chino,macho,pena 20,m1 etc.

  27. 10:06am compita que esta pendejo deveras crees que cds es poderoso no que el chapo nunca lo ivan a agarrar y tenia todo walmart comprado y se rindio sinpelear y HASTA SE ARRODILLO Y HASTA LO AGARRABAN DEL CUELLO COMO UN ADULTO AGARRA UNA NINA y si no me equivoco el z-40 camino en la detencion sin esposas ni sele arrimaban los militares y culiacan se esta invadiendo del chapo ysidro y los blo y zetas has memoria

  28. Serafin is a rat... Cut both his legs off and his right hand. That should do, for now.

  29. I guess some people that have never been on welfare, or had criminal experience with the police might take words for face value. To call them stupid without kindly pointing these things out, or directing them to a source that explains it truly shows ones ignorance.

  30. 6:22

    Are you 6 years old. The pot calling the kettle black. Your ability to read and write truly comes from someone that is not an educated or intelligent person. Ignorant also, because you came across as someone that does not do well in society, and probably holds a position on the lower part of the totem pole in society. Only a child would answer someone like that, and has done anything to you. You made me laugh!

  31. Looks like the guy behind him put his thumb up his ass with that stupid smile.

  32. In the US federal system, the defendant gets time reductions for debriefing (snitching) and the reductions are significant. So he is singing like a canary to save his own ass. With few exceptions, they all sing.

  33. @2:26 all the illegal immigrants invading the US, past present and future, and all the legal immigrants, are running away from conditions created by the US and its nazi trained mercenaries...
    -- like KLAUS BARBIE the butcher of Lyons, and co. who have paid the US for the help in escaping prosecution for their nazi crimes with training the latinamerican military mercenaries that have made the downthrodden run to the waiting arms of European Union or China "investors" who are taking back all the former american continent colonies for the british zionista conquerors.
    --it would have been so much better for the US to have been friends with latin america...
    --but the US had to follow the leads of its ambassadors who were foreign agents working for the zionista global powers that are sticking it all the way up the US ass...
    --like none other than henry kissinger and all the jewish zionista agents that have been friends with the nazis, and have collaborated and financed them nazis since the start, including the Bush family...heros and zeros.
    --what you despectively call illegal mexican immigrants, may be the cannon fooder that go and fight the US wars of the future when the US leadership wake up and discover that kissing the global neo-nazi ass is not funny anymore...
    --more and more latinamericans are fleeing the banana republics, immigrating to the US on the trains of death, loaded with drugs and lice because of the conditions created by the US mercenary stürmtruppen for the zionista wehrmach...
    --kinda reminds me of the triumphant nazi times when henry ford and prescott bush, the harrimans, the rockefellers et al collaborated with the rising powers of the THURD REICH...
    --through the war, and after...
    --no wonder the SKULL AND BONES society of YALE, the GROOMS OF
    DEATH of klaus barbie, the SS TOTTENKOPFF, la santa muerte of mexican drug trafficking kidnapper extortionist murdering conglomerate look like the same...
    --the pressure has been building up behind the back of the US people, and all the righteous indignation of the regime apologizers wil not change things one bit, all it does is move them to be the SS Tottenkopff that will be handling the american concentration kamps of the US handling the deportations of the undesirables back to heaven...
    --i wonder how much the Korrectional Kenters of America Korporation will be paid for each kill, or by the truck load or railroad car gas chambers?

    1. You dont make any sense.

    2. I dare you to say that outloud 5 times as fast as possible.

    3. 3:40 don't worry gump.go back to watching your'll be over soon..zzzzzzzz.

  34. Pinche jentita coriente fuckin rats!!!

  35. Culiacan tiene dueño chapo isidro!!!!

  36. Only 1/10 people commenting on this story actually are using "welfare check" in the proper context. Even most of the know-it-alls who are lecturing others on what a welfare check is have it completely wrong. Here is the most accurate description, as described by another poster:

    "If someone reports you missing in the US the authorities begin the search/investigation at your place of residence. To authorities this is called a welfare check. Nothing to do with people leeching off the tax payers hard earned money."


  38. @10:06

    AHH there you are. Ok, everyone saw the major verbal balacera you just unleashed on the BB comment section. You're a bad dude, you! Now go and play x-box or whatever else you find amusing.

  39. Damn that Serafin fool has that coke fiend face in that picture.... Hahaha lookin like a fucked up fiend and shit

  40. Bones.

    Read the article again. The reason I thought it might be from a "welfare check", as in a check on welfare recipients, is because of the way the article was written. Again it says this.

    Ochoa admitted to slitting Robles’ throat along with another man, and also slashing Gonzalez’s throat, the plea agreement states.

    Riverside sheriff’s deputies found the two bodies weeks later as they conducted a welfare check on the home, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

    It is not very clear. Read it again starting with the sentence where is said they entered back into the US. It makes it sounds like they did a welfare check 2 weeks after they admitted to the killings.

    Let me know your opinion. I realize what a welfare check is, as you explained. But it sounded strange that it was said the welfare check was done two weeks after they admitted to it in a previous sentence. After reading another article on it, it was made pretty clear as to what had happened.

    I understand it now!

    1. The article is a VERY clear but its only your mind that is not, your reading level is extremely poor.

  41. This whole "welfare check" thing has got to be the work of a troll and I think it's fucking hilarious.

  42. Yes to those who know, a "wellfare check" is basically an official of say, a sheriff, a city cop or cps going by the place of residence, usually because a neighbor, friend or relative thinks there may be something or some reason to have an official go to check and see if everything is O.K, if they notice something off, they have the authority to forcibly enter, I.E: kick the door in or break a window to gain access. It has nothing to do with public income assistance, and just so you know, any monies that someone recieves is no longer sent or given a check, all funds are direct deposited into an account that can be accessed by a debit type card, I am a cashier so I see this all the time, some people have cash and food options, whereas they can choose ifthey have cash benefits they can get cash fro. An atm machine or cashback at a register, but most people who are on public asassistance only have food benefits, and no cash is given.. there is also a program called w.i.c( women, infants and children)this program only gives just bare necessities with food items pre calculated on a ration system based on a projected monthly nutrition suppliment, meaning: this familyncan get 15 lbs of fruit or vegetables non packaged, 3 lbs of whole grains, 4 gallons 2% milk, 87 ounces of bottled juice and like 2 cans frozen fruit juice, etc im not exact about the ratios or the amounts because with w.i.c, everything is based on the size of your family, height, weight, whatever else I dont know, but, women who breast feed are given more nutrition options, from what I see at work, there are decidedly more hispanics on assistance that I see using the cards, also apparently either the first letters of your name or last numbers of your social dictates when your benefits are available

    1. Wrong but you know a little touch of the inner workings of public aid. A simple cashier just sees the card and what color it is since the people swipe it like a regular debit or credit charge. I am guessing that you get public assistance and are hispanic. I do not undestand why you are ashame its ok as long as you never stop to better yourself for one day to stop receiving public assistance.

  43. Who gives a fuck what the real meaning of"welfare check"is?
    Is it that important?Yeah,to pedantic know all's.
    Can you people just let it go now?Probably not....

  44. March 26, 2014 at 8:40 AM
    "Puro welfare y cheese cake putos"
    Tellin ye,,,,,,,,,im with this guy

  45. March 26, 2014 at 11:29 AM
    "and probably holds a position on the lower part of the totem pole in society"
    I would rather talk to him than a self important clown like you,aren't you going to say anything about grammar or any of that shit?Did you read that out of a book or the internet?What a fuckin limp wrist you are.Do i come across as slightly rough?Fuckin hope so,long as i am never like you.

  46. Puro sinaloa cartel. Dont make me kill you. flipping dope and making millions of dollars

  47. Yup...a troll, laughing his ass off

  48. Chivis, as always, your articles are excellent!
    Although most of the developments for a while now have been on the Templars, Autodefensas, Chapo, and CDS infighting, the quality of the articles are first rate; and for the "other" parts of Mexico, Badanov does keep up with the body count, "7 die in southern Chihuahua", "Tamualipas", "Guerrero", etc... which is, at least, something. I suppose a lot of stuff changed when EPN took office December 01, 2012.

    I will say though, that I think a lot of us have been wondering, what's new in some of those "other" parts of Mexico which haven't been covered as much lately. For instance, what's up in Tamaulipas? Anything new developing between Homero's faction and the Metros. Does CDG or Zetas control the plaza in San Fernando? Mier? Monterrey? Victoria? Do the Tangos still control Tampico or what? Is Juan Ledesma dead or retired? Is Vicente Carrillo even in Mexico? Did his health force him to completely retire? Are El H and Chapo Isidro the current hierarchy of the Beltranes? Is Luis Fernando and his mom even in Baja Norte? Is their any good fotos of Mencho? That sounds like a tall order, but it's not a demand.

    Okay, how about:
    Does anyone know if someone has published an up to date view of all the cartels power-structure, sort of a who's who of the current hierarchy, showing who is currently allied with who, or not, and what plazas are being fought over. Anything of this nature would be truly appreciated. Once again, you all do an excellent job over at BB, and I've been reading your articles since 2008.
    Thank you so much for all you folks do!

  49. "This whole "welfare check" thing has got to be the work of a troll and I think it's fucking hilarious"
    Dude,the fucker got me,sheeeit,oh well.

  50. March 27, 2014 at 7:45 AM
    Ok man,i gotta give it you,you was good.Bit long winded but good.Now explain it again,,slowly..Nah,,never mind.

  51. this guy aint to bright involved in border smuggling, then trying to gain entry into the country you smuggle your dope into, lol he was probably needing some good medicinal got tired of smoking the bunk

  52. also how come most of these top level sinoloa guys, look softer than baby powder,

  53. @6:17 it says " a cashier..." so it is probably a woman, man! be grateful that she participates and informs some that have a lot less to say, and still say a lot more than they should...

  54. @5:08 dear sir you made my day with that concept so new for me:
    "Major verbal balaceras " SA AA LUTE!
    I have put it on the wall right up there with:
    General Mosquito
    General Mosquito Spray
    General Butt Naked
    El Mil Escupidas
    Keep it up, just keep it up... nice job

  55. I just remembered, didnt chino get yanked in holland and he had shit on him as well, I think I remember the original article mentioning that, so, if he did indeed have some shit on him MN however small he may have some netherland charges to take care of first, then hell be extradited for sure, I dont know about federal international extradition holds but as far as just interstate felony or fugitive holds, the issuing state has like 30 days once you waive your right to extradition for the issuing state to have you picked up, im not sure of 2014 rules and regulations, but in 2006-2007 thats the way it was...and if you dont want to be extradited, you can fight it but if the issuing state can work something out where you currently are, you can finish out your probation In Your current state, but, you better hope the issuing state will work with you, if not they can shoot down your request not to get extradited and you will languish in jail until you either break down and waive your right to extradition or like I said rot there until the two state or d.a's can agree what to do with you, and they will take their time..


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