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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dr Mireles: "Autodefensas are not dedicated to resolving personal issues"

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat-Translated by Borderland Beat volunteer "Boli"
"we regret that in the recent operation in which “El Chayo” was  shot dead,  it has  not  been recognized, that all the intelligence operations were from autodefensas'...

[the following text is from Dr. Mireles and correlates with the video on this post]

Dr. Mireles Message to Autodefensas
Monday, March 10th, an old conflict deepened between two of our companions, which we regret. The Autodefensas are not dedicated to solving personal problems.
Our mission is to clean the state of all types of organized crime, the official and unofficial. Our mission is to help restore the rule of law. Our mission is to fight until the authorities give us certainty on two main themes: Public Safety and the enforcement of Justice.

In Michoacán, regardless of what is said in the media, as a society death and impunity remain our victimizers.
Death and impunity surround and persecute us.

We continue to lack confidence in the authorities; they ask us to complete an impossible task,  to supposedly advance the investigations, and then they end up detaining us. We are prohibited from entering certain cities meanwhile the Caballeros Templarios are not prohibited; on the contrary, they circulate the state sowing their seeds of terror and devastation.
That is why we have continued to advance; that is why we are organizing the population so they can be vigilant of their communities, so they can protect their constitutional rights of life, liberty, and property.

When we know the location of the offenders we warn the authorities, we coordinate with them, we are loyal but we are not subordinate to them because they have failed us for many years. There are many grievances as a society; the pain is grand and the wounds difficult to heal.

 It is not sowing the division,  like the one the Government struggles to complete, with their obligation to restore the rule of law; it is not trying to erase us from the appropriate discourse. They, the army, the marines, the commission on public safety, have an obligation to protect us. We are helping them perform their jobs, jobs for which they were hired.
For this, we regret that in the recent operation in which “El Chayo” was  shot dead,  it has  not  been recognized, that all the intelligence operations were from autodefensas.

That there are thousands of partners [compañeros] in the sierras/ mountain ranges setting up borders to help capture the capos, this signifies bravery and sacrifice. For this great success we recognize all the brave men and women.
The government has yet to meet many of its agreements. It is not only to capture or dissolve the Caballero Templarios; it is dismantling its network of operations, disrupting the way they earn money, and the removal of officials complicit in the criminal structure. 

They have shown us no support in that regard, none whatsoever.

Remaining in office are  corrupt public officials, “Templario” mayors, Secretary of State, one of the main Templario operators.
Revenge and extortion still continues.

No effort has been put forth to release the Autodefensas prisoners, these are people who are impoverished, abandoned, detained for defending their families.
They are imprisoned in maximum security prisons, the very same prisons that should contain the men who assassinated their sons, raped their wives, and took their jobs, their means of income. It is the Caballero Templarios who should be behind bars. This causes us great anger. Remember that if we were to forgive and forget, they would not forgive us, nor would they forgive our families.      

I call on all of you, each one of my leading companions of the Autodefensas, each of our trench mates, to every aggrieved Michoacáno, to not allow the disunity to cultivate. Justice unites us and that is the only way to secure victory of our mission.
We believe while they want us to vanish, they want to incarcerate us, they want to betray us. Strong men and women of Michoacán, we continue united, we continue with one common cause, we continue the march for battle and won’t stop until we achieve a stable and just society which is our right.        

Big thanks to "Boli" for the translation.  Boli is a BB follower and one of several who recently offered translation services....


  1. Dr. Mireles is bad ass. My cousin just left to Michoacan and will join the AD's!!!! Wish him the best.

    1. I want to do the same!

    2. Orale my primo went to!!!

    3. So youll rather leave the U.S. to go fight in Michoacan. Let the AUTODEFENSAS do there job. If you want to do sonething for OUR country enlist in the military..

    4. @10:02 mexico is probably their country idiot. Many still have family living abroad and one never forgets where they came from. Before u say "go back to mexico" I respond with f#×k you. We contribute to American society as much as anyone else and consider ourselves American as well. U.S. is a land of immigrants and unless your Native American ur heritage is from another country as well.

    5. Yea and your military ain't shit to contribute to! they are Obama's cartel so fuck you and whatever cause you stand for!

  2. Dr mireles has more balls than chapo

    1. Dr Mirales has bigger balls than all of the Narcos put together!!!!

    2. Wooooow!!!!! You Both Must Be Children For Saying RetardedCrap Like This....Yeah He's Brave, Anyone Can Be BraVe But he's Fighting A Lost Fight...The Structures Are Always In Place So Keeeeeeeeep On Wishing.

    3. And by they way not just anyone can be brave! With Dr Mirales with his education could probably leave and be successful somewhere else, but he instead choses to stay and fight for something your dumbass will never understand.

  3. This speech should go down in history. It is so inspiring to see this happening! If this movement keeps on providing more freedom for the good citizens in Mexico - it is because they feel proud and "bulletproof" fighting beside Dr. Mireles!

  4. I like the 'mission statement' of the auto-defensas. Short, sweet, to the point and backed by people who are putting their lives on the line. Government limitations/ restrictions present a true cunundrom. A groundswell in numbers is needed for AD's to prevail but they can not expand. Well, if the mountain will not come to Mohammad, then Mohammad must go to the mountain. Persons in cartel infested areas can come to AD protected towns for training and support. They can return home organized I know that the Gov't hold the cards in this but it could represent a first step in preparations for new community programs. Arriba Los AD's!

  5. Dr Mireles is to Mexico as Dr Martin Luther King is to America

    1. Not really, there's plenty of huuuge latin american and mexican figures. No disrespect to mlk but what these guys have done takes bigger balls

    2. Martin luther king didn't really do that much. He gave speeches and marched on different cities and then got assassinated. Dr mireles is at war actually fighting and facing the possibility of death everyday

  6. I doubt chayo is dead thier were a lot of versions of the supposedly way he died this is all bullshit and on top of that la tuta never made any comments about his death I bet chayo is in jalisco or guerrero laughing his ass off drinking coronas and watching all this show

    1. La Tuta has not made any comments lately, since being hunted down like El Chupacabra!

  7. Chayo is in hell drinking molten lava and screaming in eternal agony thank God

  8. For 10:23-- Maybe you should go look for Chayo and interview him. Hey.. have a Corona with him while your at it. Then , go look for Tupac and have some Alize with him. Report back to us when your done. Good luck!

    1. Yea and Elvis and Pedro Infante too lol!!

  9. Spoken like a true leader! A peorson who can unite a diverse number people for one cause!!! Lets pray and with them the best!!! Its sad that Michuacan is living what Colombia went through with the Paramilitary wars!!! Why are these corrupt politicians still in office, and why are they not taking down the corrupt structure that allowed this to happen in the first place? I'm sensing a rebirth of the Auto Defensas movement as if they are about to get a second wind! The local government structure of Michuacan must be shaking in their boots!!!

  10. History is being made!!! Mexico has a true leader that only comes along once in a lifetime with Dr Mirales and his brave men and woman!!!!

  11. This is heartbreaking. It confirms what Dr. Mireles called "theatre."

    I personally could not believe that the Federales joined the movement so quickly... now I know it was all for show for EPN during/post Davos.

    They only want to keep the $$ flowing to PRI govt officials.

    Go Dr. Mireles... we will share this with the world to keep the spotlight on criminal PRI and EPN.

    1. When there was total chaos going on in Michuacan a couple of months afo rigjt after some a government soldier killed some unarmed civilians EPN and PRI were fucking clueless and their news conference's were all over the map! They kept telling the AD's to put their weapons down because they allegedly had the situation under control. This was when the CT were still openly walking around right in front of government soldiers and the heads of CT were having lunch in a ranch and everybody knew about it! What is rhe PRI doing about all of the Narco Politicians in Michuacan? Answer: Nothing because they are the same as they are!

    2. I'm sad for Mexico because the people that live there are mostly good honest people but thjs new generation is mostly fucked up! They don't have any honor like in the past. Kidnappings, Extortions, beheadings, and killing of whole families. Thats something that really just took hold as a common thing in the last ten years! This movement I'm sad to say but, it has to spread all across Mexico. The Government Instutions just can't be trusted. They are the worst offenders and are the reason why Mexico is in this mess in the first place. We can blame Narcos all we want but its the politically electected that create the framework! Giving orders is is the same as the murders. I just hope that the dirty wars that happened in Latin America don't start happening agian with people disapearing!

  12. God blesses the people who patiently endure testing afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him

    1. quit bible humping!!! If u believe that jesus bullshit shit then ur one dumb person. Church is a business that is used to control the masses and take advantage of ignorant ppl like u. U probably give 10% of ur income to ur church thinkin ur giving money to god when in reality ur pastor is using it to pay for his nice lifestyle. The heads of these churches are laughing all the way to the bank. Like that mega church speaker olsteen who lives in a multi million dollar mansion and has his own private jet. Where did he get the money???? Oh yea from ppl like u that give donations and part of ur paycheck.

    2. You must be a greedy bastard that will take all your money with you to your grave right!

    3. 1:05 olsteen,the 700 club and their brethren are living in heaven now, but they are going to hell, that is for sure!

  13. Powerful! Inspiring!! Leaders like Dr.Mireles come around once in a lifetime. This man is like another MLK, Cesar Chavez, Gandhi, Che Guevera, etc. Leaders who put their lives on the line for the betterment of their people and society in general. Dr. Mireles is a leader that is capable of leading Michoacan -- of leading Mexico to a new course. Only time will tell if his
    revolution will be allowed to flourish or be stunted like so many have been. I hope its the former.

  14. I feel for this guy,i really do.Human frailty is threatening what they have done thus far.Can anyone argue with anything the good Dr said?I believe in this guy above all others because what he says resonates with all of us.He underlines the same frustrations with government that readers on here from BOTH sides of the border feel as we watch the AD progress in this battle.They are not only battling against the CT,they are actually being hampered in what they are trying to do by the government,i imagine Dr Mireles is holding his tongue on certain matters?

  15. Dr Mirelles will be charged for El Chayo murder.
    Remember this Mexico.

  16. I hope he doesn't get disillusioned with all of this?Remember,he didn't have to do any of this.We need to show him some-how that many people on both sides of the border wish him only the very best to show that many people are thinking of him.He is the figure-head of this movement of people and as such must feel the strain,all this at a time when he is still convalescing.All of this at a time when essentially he should still be resting and recovering.
    He is somewhat remarkable in what he doing and taking on.
    Dr. Mireles favor mantenerse a salvo..... AND HEALTHY

  17. @10:34 and the others.
    I easy to forget is he remains in recovery and is partially blind and paralyzed.

    Thank you for your kind words. I know this message was important to him and I will send to him your comment and some of the others. Paz, Chivis

  18. Come on r u ever gonna post shit I say... My post r actually informative with real information not like this idiots... Once agien el 300 from cds got shot up for not paying CAF piso. El mini Lic left mantas in CD. Victoria saying there still there n chapo still controls everything even behind prison. N his sons r in charge.. PLUS A TORTURE VIDEO WITH Z40 with

  19. When I read the words that Dr. Mireles speaks, it comes from a man of reason and great wisdom. He is very eloquent, intelligent, and see's every situation very well. This is exactly the type of person I would look up to as a leader, and the type of person that would even be a great person to have ion a government position. A person with real values. When I first heard about the accident, my heart jumped. I am glad he is recovering, as he is needed by his family, the people, and Mexico. It is not easy to find people of his character.

  20. Thank you Chivis.The only way a lot of us can help is with words,even this gentle man Dr Mireles may need help sometimes.If we can lift his spirit a little then that is good enough.Keep up the good work here at BB

  21. well said Dr. Mireles. Why hasn't Chayo's nephew been arrested??

  22. Whilst Dr Mireles wants no political career , as leader of Mexico he would make the changes necessary. He is and always will be a HERO!

    Mientra Dr Mireles no quiere estar political , como jefe de Mexico lo hara los cambios necesitos. Siempre ser Heroe

  23. Are u gonna post my comments now.. I got more news I hear there another ridicules cartel gaining steam called los H3

  24. Excellent reporting! No where can a reader find the first hand reporting as found here with chivis and bb. why aren't you on cnn,? Instead of Longmire? She has no real knowledge of mexico please teach her so she can get it right and the American public can know the truth.

    1. Longmire is simply a cartel soap opera fan with no real insight into anything, I saw her speak and I am astonished she was on CNN

  25. "Boli"
    Thanks for the translation dude,appreciate you taking the time,you put your money where your mouth is and helped Chivis and BB.
    Without homegirl this shit wouldn't fly would it man

  26. el mini lic putting up banners in Ciudad Victoria:

    1. No shit plus el 300 from cds killed by CAF... N torture video of z40 wife. This is the fourth fukin time I posted this

  27. this is a good story and reminder that mexican people all over the country are suffering what michoacanos are going through:

  28. The problem may be that cnn probably doesn't want true reporters just puppets, and I believe BB reporting more than any of the major networks with an agenda.

  29. For the Brave men and woman under the Inspiring leadership of Dr Mirales. You have accomplished more with less than the incompetent Mexican Government institutions could even think of! Don't let what happened in Columbia happen in Mexico stay strong stay together and keep your organization clean from outsiders and criminal infiltrators! A governing council is good it worked for the Iroquois, and for the 13 colonies just make sure you keep Dr Mirales safe as your ultimate elected leader. Some people just have those leadership qualities in them, jist look at the greatest leaders in history. They usually were born out of situations with insurmountable odds, and what made them great is they were able to get regular people to go above and beyond what they thought they were capable of. Getting Chayo in that terrain takes alot of coordination and logistics. Thanks to the staff at BB and Chivis the credit went to the AD. The real heroes! If one day people can walk around in Michuacan without fear they will owe to everyone involved including the brave woman that work behind the scenes.

  30. Te aventaste en la traducción Boli. Gracias

  31. @8:09 the dirty wars that happened in latin america have been moving northward since the 70s, the nazis the CIA helped escape to america, have trained their disciples well, the CIA's rogue agents have learned how to handle the drug trafficking to help the US presidents make the money on the sly, slowly but firmly, crime has entrenched itself all over the continent, even cuba has cooperated with CIA agents that hate them and has practiced terrorism against them like felix ismael rodriguez and luis posada carriles, not for nothing the US erected the steel courtain made with foreign steel, to keep the dirty mexicans away killing and extorting each other, and to throw most of the human and drug trafficking to texas, the proud homeland of the bush family, florida was too hot.
    sadly for the US, it won't be able to stop the crime tsunami it has imposed on the south american continent, drug trafficking has stolen a lot of the economic resources, the drug traffickers have used the money they made off drugs to buy the biggest US corporations, to kick the workers on the nuts and to kick their arses on the street and offshore their jobs, to communist slave exploiter china...wake up and witness the crumbling of the evil empire, not because of any foreign enemy! but thanks to domestic traitors, among them offshorers, drug traffickers and money launderers, the great majority of them white american politicians from the US...

  32. This is just a typical man made organization that is imploding due to personal conflicts and larger than life egos . There cannot be 10 men running a paramilitary organization and be able to survive . Mora is lucky that his fellow autodefensa members didn't kill him .

  33. Let me start by saying that I am an admirer of Dr. Mireles, and that he is a true hero for Mexico. The only one in my lifetime. But, there is infighting, and he's choosing not to take a stand. No doubt he is a smart, careful, practical man, but this cause is so important, it is more important then americano or that other guy. I am sure Dr. Mireles knows better then me what happened in that whole situation, all I am saying is you cant let the cause splinter, no matter what.

  34. May the true autodefenses and Dr. Mireles know how many US citizens pray for them every night....

  35. Another dumbass thinks che was a hero

  36. I dont think thats Mini Lic putting up the mantas it must be someone else who wants to heat up the plaza and blame Mini.

  37. El gobierno federal está a punto de tomar la mejor o la peor decisión de la historia moderna de México, se apega al estado de derecho y libera a Hipolito o viola sus derechos y desata una nueva revolución.

  38. exactly. cnn wants a story it is not interested in truth. i saw SL on cnn and it was so laughable, her weigh ins after a major event, like chapo or z40, would be hilarious if not so damn pathetic. how does she sell books? i saw on twitter she asked her followers if anyone knew who the leader of cdg is. and her take on ADs is so ill-informed and plain stupid. a perfect example of anyone with google and wikipedia access can write a book as an expert.

    and she is all over the place, like a bad, misshapen, dirty penny.

  39. quit bible humping!!! If u believe that jesus bullshit shit then ur one dumb person. Church is a business that is used to control the masses and take advantage of ignorant ppl like u. U probably give 10% of ur income to ur church thinkin ur giving money to god when in reality ur pastor is using it to pay for his nice lifestyle.


  40. March 14, 2014 at 4:42 PM
    "the great majority of them white american politicians from the US..."
    And Mexicans killing Mexicans and creating a crime wave in Mexico,you fuckin whining racist bitch,sad little man,if your ass is in the US you are one pure fuckin phony pussie,how can you live amongst all those white people you hate.You hateful racist bastard,fuckin loser

  41. acuerdo. either with this or another flash point. the past few elections have been incredibly close with well documented incidents of corruption. what avenues for change do the pueblo, la gente, have? insurrection or more seems to be on the horizon. even with domination by telmex/telcel the communications available for the people of mexico to unite has never been easier nor faster. corridos are fun but twitter is faster.

    "Michoacana said...
    El gobierno federal está a punto de tomar la mejor o la peor decisión de la historia moderna de México, se apega al estado de derecho y libera a Hipolito o viola sus derechos y desata una nueva revolución.

    March 15, 2014 at 12:34 PM"

  42. Dr mireles has more balls than any other person in Mexico, he is honest, forthcoming, inspiring and a true leader

  43. 10:18 "white american politicians" are not only the most corrupt, they are also not the majority of the white people, i don't hate them either, if you'd care to learn to read, you'd not be so confused, and would not be trying to fit everybody under the same protective petticoats.
    not all the white people are the same ku-klux-klan haters, only some, one would be too many; go back to the corner and wear your dunce cap, or kkk cap, they look the same to me...

  44. Dr. Mireles draws from the well of civil rights leaders, and to you fuckfaces that think dr. King didnt do much, you are a total dumbasses. Dr. King stood up to the racism and stared it down , and what makes him so special is, his message was nonviolent , and it moved mountains and united all people from all over the world adding to the revolution that the whole globe was engulfed in during the 60's, and his people endured many abuses, lynchings, beatings fire bombs all types of degradation, its true times are different now and. What got things done in the past may not be the way to do things now, maybe you dont know what mental strength and discipline it may take to fight a pitched battle without being armed, maybe if you try it ,you might not have the balls for that either.what is a mexican stand off?? It is when both sides are armed and both sides arent willing to comprimise, ok, great but if you want the world to take notice a nonviolent peacefull revolution echoes louder across the land then all the bullets unleashed. Maybe look into things before you start painting historical figures with such a dissmissive attitude..

  45. March 17, 2014 at 1:12 AM
    "only some, one would be too many; go back to the corner and wear your dunce cap, or kkk cap, they look the same to me..."
    There's no confusion with your words,garden variety racist prick,whining.
    Typical isn't it,the racist whiner telling people to wear KKK caps?Your a sad fucker anyway,your ass is in the US and you hate white people?White people,wah wah wah,make my life sad,they ruined my life,white people,wah wah wah,i,m white and you get no love from me motherfucker.Wasn't that constructive of you,hating a person because of skin color?I hate racist sad loser's like you blaming people for your shit?Fuck off sad sack


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