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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hipolito Mora: 35 Charges Transferred to Morelia Cereso

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Under heavy security, Hipolito Chavez Mora was transferred to medium security Cereso for the murder of Rafael Sánchez Moreno and Jose Luis Torres Castaneda.

Mexican law dictates a person "detained", must be arrested for a crime within 48 hours or released.  

Down to the wire Mora was arrested for complicity in the double murder and transferred to the Morelia cereso prison.  
His arrest was "derived from various testimonies in the municipality of Buenavista given  by several people who made ​​the accusations." [including relatives of Mora's nemesis, "El Americano".] 

The Michoacán state attorney said there are 35 charges against Mora. 

The state government has also issued charges against 9 other La Ruana autodefensas in Mora's group.  

Mora will now be among all those imprisoned Caballeros Templarios...


  1. Hipolito Mora will be back before derrick rose!

  2. Hipolito will be back on the team before Kobe!

    1. And he'd probably be better than the bench they have now!

  3. The Super Corupt Michuacan Government is desperately trying to dismantle the AD's!!! Their taking advantage of the infighting!!! They will be exposed and kicked out of office in shame after this movement is over!!!! They want to find any excuse to remove the good people that people will follow!!! Well it's too late!!! THE AD'S ARE GOING TAKE ALL OF MICHUACAN AND GICE IT BACK TO THE PEOPLE!!!!

  4. buenas noches para que vean que EL AMERICANO y LOS VIAGRAS traen pacto con el gobierno porque su patrón MIGUEL ÁNGEL GALLEGOS GODOY "MIGUELADAS" compro a ENRIQUE GALINDO CEBALLOS en 5 millones en Zicuiran, municipio de la Huacana; ayer las Autodefensas que detuvieron en Álvaro Obregón que se robaron los caballos de un Rancho eran de Apatzingan, las camionetas iban rotuladas y acompañadas por patrullas de la PFP, hasta que llego el Ejército y los detuvo, los de la PFP salieron corriendo y los abandonaron, los que iban al mando eran 2 de la gente de Los Viagras y El Americano, se llaman MIGUEL BERASA "EL CARLITOS" que es sobrino de Miguel Ángel Beraza el que le decían "La Troca" y un Sicario Ex-Templario que le apodan "EL COMINO" que ahora son asesinos a sueldo de El Cartel de los H3 y los traen robando EL AMERICANO, EL TRAGABALAS, LOS VIAGRAS y Su patrón MIGUELADAS. Y si dicen que el comandante Hipólito es ratero ahí se ve quien es el ratero, pura basura son esos, cartel de jalisco con templarios= Cartel de los H3.

    1. Muy bien reporte! Y que culos los PFP! Todos son una bola de gueyes!

  5. That's bullshit! El americano is a traitor!

  6. enrique francisco galindo ceballos, his campaign in San Luis Potosi has successfully painted the governor with broad strokes of incompetence, the corrupt police elements have allowed crime to run rapant with murders, kidnappings and extortions, prison riots and murders, administrative corruption at all levels, abuses against the elderly, kidnappings of soldiers families for doing their jobs, now ricki galindo is being named as a possible candidate for governor, while he says "naaah", he knows where the money is, and he can not go and impose the rule of law in his own home state, he is not going to imprison his zeta buddies.
    how is he going to put order in michoacan? he is just slowly bleeding the AD to death, letting them burnout, while sharpening the knives to finally take the state back for his beloved zetas.(see: hombre en llamas,san luis potosi) without templarios!!!
    lets not forget that pena nieto, ran his campaign wearing the red shirt of the fake populism of hugo chavez, holding hands with tomas yarrington, bertie boy moreira, manuel cavazos lerma, z1 fidel herrera beltran, and all those milking pemex to death, and michoacan priistas helped him a lot too, all the corrupt priista states, and the bought cooperation of the other political parties heros, brought the devil back on the high horse of corruption, multiplied by the panista experiences, and the corrupt armed forces and police organizations at all levels, only the information that gets out of the mexican government controlled press is going to help Dr Mireles AD, meaning, it's all been fucked up from the start, galindo ceballos there was a bad omen, and it will get worse.
    pinchi marrano cacheton ojos de puerco, galindo ceballos, muerete güey.
    SAN LUIS POTOSI, recordando al comandante desaparecido:
    MARTIN CASTILLO PALOMO, y de paso al comandante asesinado:
    GABRIEL CASTILLO ORDAZ, y otros jefes operativos:
    irregatdless of the reasons, like "the zetas don't forgive" or "the gulf cartel doesn't forgive", so many commanders getting murdered in galindo ceballos is an indictment of the practice of turning the academy of the SSP del estado de san luis potosi into the school of the zeta commanders of the future under galindo ceballos, visited by el lazca, el taliban and el mamito...

    1. The Mexican infrastructure=Criminals Incorporated

  7. I wonder who will get killed first, Hipolito or the American?

    1. The way idiocracy is going, El Americano is gonna be the next President and all of the ignorant people will cheer for him!

  8. Dr. Mireles, please leave the shit called Mexico and come to our free and beautiful USA.

    The idiots in Mexico support Chapo.
    He is the HERO for the morons, not you.

    1. Sad but true, my ignorant stupid people smh

  9. That's it the beginnings of civil war has already started! With the Government and Narcos killing people hand in hand! Please United States don't get involved and support the corruption its gonna be a mess!

  10. se lo van a violar los templarios en el bote

  11. this just appeared on my facebook:

  12. If you are thinking of going to Mexico for a vacation or business stay out of that sheet-hole country!
    Mexicans are insane!!!!!

  13. Wolves need to disarm the sheep!

  14. March 14, 2014 at 12:00 AM
    "Y si dicen que el comandante Hipólito es ratero ahí se ve quien es el ratero, pura basura son esos, cartel de jalisco con templarios= Cartel de los H3"
    SO WHAT IS TO BE DONE?If things are as you say?What a mess...

  15. Mexico used to be a nice place! Hopefully it will be once again!

  16. This is where a dumb ass person blames el chapo lmao

  17. WTF?

    Hipolito Mora recluido en el cereso y para pitufo desfilando en apatzingan con una escolta de 20 unidades de la pgj de michoacan.

    Hipolito Mora held in cereso and Smurf parading in apatzingan with an escort of 20 pgj of Michoacán.

  18. siguen sacando mas mentiras con tal de perjudicar a este señor!!

  19. La Tuta/Puta has killed hundreds of innocent people and walks the streets freely, Mora kills 2 former templarios and gets arrested pronto!!! Before he can kill any more criminals...

  20. Hipólito Mora estaba en su casa, durmiendo, cuando ocurrieron los 2 asesinatos por los que lo se encuentra encarcelado, acusado de coparticipación, aseveró Calixto Álvarez Andrade, fundador de las autodefensas en La Ruana.

    En entrevista para Noticias MVS, primera emisión, Calixto dijo que el día de los 2 crímenes, habían visto que Rafael Sánchez Moreno El Pollo y José Luis Torres Castañeda, El Nino -quienes después aparecieron calcinados-, habían estado tomando bebidas alcohólicas junto con Simón El Americano.

    “¿Por qué acusan al señor? Yo lo llevé a su casa a dormir, ¿por qué lo están acusando de tantas porquerías?”, preguntó.

    “El señor Pollo estaba tomando con el Americano en Buenavista”, sostuvo.

  21. A este ya se lo llevaron entre las patas. 35 cargos ? que eficiente y rapido es el ministerio publico en michoacan. Le dieron mas cargos quel el Z40....Hmmmmmm a ver que pasa

  22. this is total BS man! how can he be arrested for them two killings if he wasn't even there?? what about La Tuta?? he's killed many, why havent they arrested him?? and what about Chayo's nephew, the Mayor, why hasn't he been arrested??

  23. @1:46 siempre le matan sus amigos al americano mientras andan con el o despuesito...
    always the el americano's friends get murdered while hanguing with him or a little after...
    el americano= el nuevo ,mata amigos.= the new friend killer.
    just when he needed to get rid of hipolito, what a coincidence, i don't tink el americano would resist a tehuacanazo, the cattle prod up the ass or the waterboarding. no autodefensas should be keeping any confiscated property, the AD need to administer all that, for everybody, until the real owners claim their property, no new caciques needed anywhere in mexico!

  24. Remember it was Americanos people that put the finger on Hipolito! Ho2 convenient!

  25. The people in politics has the narcos they want in place!

  26. This is a straight up setup! So El Americano can have sole possession of La Ruana. Now he will just continue to brainwash the ingnorant peasants!

  27. Fucking tyrannic Government in Mexico about to dismantle auto defensa ! rat bastards

    MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican authorities have finally served notice to vigilantes fighting a drug cartel in western Michoacan state that their illegal tactics will no longer be tolerated, starting with a string of arrests this week.
    The change comes after months in which government troops and federal police tolerated thousands of assault rifle-wielding civilians breaking down doors, settling up roadblocks and taking over towns to oust the vicious Knights Templar cartel.
    Civilians aren't permitted to carry such weapons in Mexico, but police and soldiers have even carried out joint raids with the "self-defense" forces, who were initially well received by local residents tired of the Knights Templars' extortion, kidnapping and murder.
    "We are putting up the 'stop' sign" to the vigilantes, a federal official who was not authorized to be quoted by name said Friday on condition of anonymity. "We are reaching a turning point, a point of change."

  28. They set him Up...Hipolito is a Good Man...its Sad how CORRUPT the Government is

  29. Wow, 35 charges. Thats a lot, goddamn man, they have this guy getting thrown into the fire. Why do that, it seems counter productive for ad's to fight over crap like this...

  30. Something's not right. Keep your eyes on EL Americano. Don't trust him.

  31. The ADs are fighting the wrong war.They need to storm the government,first,and,take out the corrupt ones.Then go after the narcos.The government IS the problem.They are on the narcos payroll,and do what it takes to keep the money flowing.They have the power

  32. I worry about Mora for his life. How ironic that a government which could kill the same guy (Chayo) twice, has the supreme knowledge to know who Pollo's killer was without evidence. They have amazing forensics and justice. Not!

  33. I wonder if thats the same pollo my family told me about from el chaoz , Dam i bet the templarios gonna kill hipolito in jail sucks, plus the americano is prob a freaking paisa that that talks english all choppy trying to be american lol

  34. Puro Templarios!!!!! Esto Es Lo Primero.


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