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Monday, March 10, 2014

Hipólito Mora Escorted By Federal Police

The armed group accuses Hipólito of having ordered the murder of one of the operators of the armed movement, identified as Rafael Sánchez Moreno, "El Pollo".
The spokesperson for the self-defense groups of Buenavista Tomatlán, Hipólito Mora, left the ranch Los Palmares via helicopter after at least 400 members of another self-defense group demanded him to be removed from his position this afternoon.

Led by “El Americano”, the group is located 300 meters away from the ranch where those close to the spokesperson of Buenavista Tomatlán barricaded themselves in.

The ultimatum is for them to leave the ranch or else be disarmed; although Hipólito Mora left the ranch in a helicopter bound for the Federal District.

Federal Police arrived at the scene trying to calm the crowd, which was gradually approaching the ranch.

“How are we going to disarm, assholes.  How are we going to disarm when they’re sending pure templarios, they’re going to kill us, go fuck you moms”, said a member of the self-defense groups of Hipólito Mora.

At the entrance of the ranch, there were women armed with sticks and machetes.

After about 20:00 hours, Mora was escorted from the municipality via a Federal Police helicopter.

Hipólito Mora said that he didn’t want to face Luis Antonio Torres González “El Americano” because there are still good people with him who have been manipulated.

He also noted that on March 8, 2014 Rafael Sánchez Moreno “El Pollo” was killed.  He had also infiltrated the self-defense groups, when everyone knew that he was the right hand man of Nazario Moreno, El Chayo.  “Those who besieged La Ruana are people of El Chayo, La Tuta, and El Chango Méndez.”

Source: Milenio

divide and conquer...


  1. Damn,this is getting complicated...its freaking hard to keep up.

    1. People are showing there true colors greed is taking over...plays perfect into the govt hands armed conflict amongst defensas would be deamed a rebellion thus allowing the marina to come in a squash them n the cartel like bugs. This game is chess n not checkers.

    2. This game of chess is going to end badly for the thugs just like it did for chayo!

    3. Pollo Frito!! And Americano is not talking the Cornel!! And this is not Kentucky, but Michoacan!!

  2. Hes a lil bitch... all that talking for him to flee in a helicopter hahahahahahaha... no ponga a los morritos y a las viejas por enfrente cabron amarre!! Tenga huevos como dise

    1. Y tu vives donde?

    2. 10:50 El mamericano surrounds his ass with templarios to pick on hiplito mora because he le "amarra", si seras pendejo valee!

  3. So the Templarios underlings have now taken the banner of El Americano under the cover of Auto Defensas. The question now is how long before these guys start showing their cartel colors! Wasn't El Pollo himself a supposed reformed C.T. They should have never allowed any ex cartel guys in the A.D. I hate to say it but Tuta did mention alot of the A.D. were guys he let go from the C.T. because they were doing things he didn't approve of! imagine that! The Federal Government really needs to clean house because the criminals are just being chameleon's

  4. Who is this El Pollo Loko dude!

  5. Rafael Sánchez Moreno, El Pollo was killed on the 8th. he was reported as being as very close to Chayo and infiltrated AD

    good for hipo if it is true

    1. Have you heard anything about El H or Z42

    2. Anybody thats ever been close to El Chayo will never be reformed, the criminal element is just ot ingrained!

    3. Could he have been the one that unknowingly lead them to Chayo before he was roasted!

  6. I saw this coming,if you didn't, then you're blind.this will be a big battle citizens vs citizens , everybody wants to be the leader and not only that, thier are interests in the middle of all this, a lot of sites are even saying hipolito mora is the chicken killer, something fishy; if you ask me.
    What do you think chivo

  7. Fuck el americano every town he goes he forgave all of the templars and got them into his group.

    1. He just went in to recruit, remember how upset he was when Hipo entered Apatzingan ahead of him with the Federal troops and how envious he was. A true Auto Defensa would just have said alright I'll do what I can to help get rid of the CT. Instead it seems now in retrospect that Americano was a CT spy and just would have taken CT bribes and let them go on the down low! El Americano is in this for himself and that is usually the begingings of a cartel, or any criminal group!

  8. Its about to go down.....

  9. Mora is accused by Americano of killing el pollo, a CT, and his buddy, a politically connected hombre to the corrupt michoacan senator.
    No wonder osario chong is all is well. Do not touch the politicos and their family connections.
    In 25 years this is what America is going to be like.

    1. Why is that Senator still involved in politics. Michuacan cannot ever reform as ling as these crooked ass politicians have got their hands all over the cartel cookie jars!

  10. Hipolito was ordered to flee. federal forces took him as they moved in 100 trucks strong

  11. it was federal police helicopter and he was ordered to leave

  12. So which side are the templars mora? Or el americano.. I only view the Dr. As a true leader of the AD these other guys are imposters

  13. He left on a helicopter?

    1. 10:58am
      Cool moniker

    2. 10:58 iamsorry I did not see the critical critic of any critics...
      Atte: critical critic of critical critics' critiques.
      perhaps that was the subliminal idea?

  14. "Those who besieged La Ruana are people of El Chayo, La Tuta, and El Chango Méndez.”
    Wait a minute, El Chango Mendez? Isn't he busted and wasn't he goin' at it with
    La Tuta and the CT?

  15. Of Americanos men how many should we assume are templars?

  16. All of these criminal bastards are cimple stupid and ignorant!

  17. Sorry moms of Mexico but if your son joins any of these criminal groups you should just consider him dead! For he has chosen not only to put his life in danger but his family's! Dads, Unles, Mothers, Aunts, brothers and sisters! So sad!

  18. The corupt politicians should be the first to go! They are the ones responsible for this mess in the first place!

  19. all of them are former Templarios

    BTW I just got word from AD.
    they do not expect the same thing to happen in other communities, and los viagras were not involved.

    1. That's what I've been saying all along,but nobody wants to listen to me.Every michoacano was a fan of the was "Templars this,Templars that",and now you see everyone hating on them.What a bunch of fucken retards.They're all corrupt criminals.

    2. Los "viagras"? lol is that a new cartel or what?

  20. "What took place in La Ruana is from a PERSONAL issue between Americano and Hipolito......"

    1. El Americano unfortunately is more of a natural leader (Any ignorant fool with a gun will follow such a person, because they can't think for themselves and are insecure). Hipolito is more of a regular old man who just happened to be caught up because of circumstances! I trust Hipo alot more than a used car salesman. I think Michuacan just bought themselves a carlot full of lemons with this Americano dude!

  21. El Americano and El Pollo are the bad guys.As Chivis says Pollo was found burned to a crisp in his car few days ago,he was CT playin both sides so who gives a fuck who killed him.Question is,everyone knew about El Pollo so what does it tell you if El Americano is pissed at Mora?El Pollo was begging to be killed,Mora may or may not know something about it,but i am not going to take anything Americano says as factual.Hes the same dog who is now pulling stunts on miners is he not?You cant profess love with one hand and extort people with the other.Could you predict El Americano was going to cause cain at some point?

    1. Well said, but how is this Americano able to do his dirty work under the Banner of AD, wouldn't the others just outcast him. Or are the criminals outnumbering the good guys in AD. If theres gonna be a civ war within the AD it has to happen now while the Feds are there!

    2. El Americano is jist a cancer!

  22. its been said that el americano has been extorting folks near the mines...due just seems shady, but then again, they all do...sad

  23. What I noticed is Mireles, Smurf and others did not send AD in to help,

    I know the entire story now, and it is 100% personal issue, family matter. nothing to do with AD business, but Americano wanted Hipolito gone so his personal life can continue unmolested.

    I wasn't told not to divulge the gory details, but I want to be trusted, and where the details do not matter other than between two families then I will keep it close to the vest.

    everything should be fine.

    1. Speak!! Follow the journalistic code

    2. Personal matter? Hmmmm.... what about El Pollo Loko? Where doe he fit in this mess?

    3. Sorry Chivis, I thought you were an anonymous blogger, I understand you have to be careful with yiur reporting. It is a sensitive matter (like walking on eggshells).

  24. "The armed group accuses Hipólito of having ordered the murder of "El Pollo".
    So what if he did?El Pollo needed killing,these people get away with shit to often and carelessly walk around because no-one dares touch them.Well,no more,time to pay up for your crimes,and about time.Ordering murders,kidnappings,raping,extorting,burn them all as so much rubbish.Its a pity this doesn't happen to 40,Tuta,Kike,42,Cholo Ivan,Diablo,R1,Mencho etc,imagine how many people these few names have diapered?

    1. Its about time somebody took out one of these crooked ass dudes!

  25. It seems el Americano is just a fame whore who wants to be the center of attention. From his interview his allways hating on one of his comrads but most of them directed towards hipolito. The other leaders nerver talk bad about each other and you have el Americano going after his own people because a known ex-templario and a guy who has connections to templaria iris mendoza get killed. The MX government is giving el Americano and his ex-templarios the right to bare arms with the government lil theater act in front of the world "that we're letting them defend the state by giving them credentials". El Americano agenda has definitely changed, almost like he started to work with the mx gov or cartel to shake things up with in the auto defensas.

    1. Thats right! Remember that General that supposedly was working as El Americano's connection. We should all wonder if that General is still gonna keep working with him or is he gonna distance hself from him!

    2. Please just disregard the earlier comments, your doing great!

  26. Chivis is it gory, as in something bloody or
    sordid, as an affair?

  27. So who's the bad guy. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one confuse. Can you explain the situation in the clearest way. Please?!?!?

  28. I am sorry I should not have used the word gory, it is my expression for all the details.

    no not at all gory. honestly it boils down to two men, two families in conflict, the mccoys and hatfields stemming from a personal issue.

    for using their positions in AD they should be held accountable.

    as for who is good and bad.
    hmmmm. well I always heard Americano was connected. but he has as many supporters as not.

    he was kidnapped by CT. he is from el paso. a car salesman who was visiting family in Mich when kidnapped. so he decided to stay and joint AD.

    1. Whats with the property dispute? Has there been deaths on each family attributed to each others?

  29. With out Chivis spilling the beans....USAToday has some insight.

  30. Where is my comment chivis?


  31. They should both be expelled from the movement

  32. Everything went to shits once DR.Mireles was in that accident before the accident Dr Mireles had everything under control. Now he's back but it seems like he doesn't have the same effect like he once did.

    1. Once people get a taste for power it's hard to relinquish. Sometimes they do grudgingly or resentfully!

    2. Dude... Hes only been back for like 2 weeks. Chill out

  33. USA is BS...
    they are taking the accusations of the two men against each other to have the other kicked out and disparaged and tried to publish it as fact.

    this is not the case. my info is direct, not innuendo.

    Actually we should, all that support AD, feel good it is not a AD thing and is personal between the two men. the families are in conflict over a very personal matter.

    I agree that the men should both be removed until they can work it out.

    1. Unfortunately both men wield considerable influence over the movement! Right or wrong each may have legitimate gripes! Why would Hipolito acuse Americano of being surrounded by Ex Templarios?

  34. "as for who is good and bad.
    hmmmm. well I always heard Americano was connected. but he has as many supporters as not"
    Possibly so,there just seems to much whispering and he is starting to believe in his own divinity,he is definitely getting a swelled up head.I hope we are all wrong about him,but making a move like this is somewhat counterproductive to their aims as a whole.Taking a mob to a fellow AD?What if it would have got out of hand?El Americano didn't cover himself in glory with this move?

    1. El Americano needs to be taken out!

  35. If its personal why are they trying to disarm the other group? n i think pollo was the one that gave chayo all the pitasos.when they killed him they killed chayo next

  36. Everytime you here something about el Americano, it just keeps making people dislike him even more. Going into La Ruana with the pretext of avenging the death of el pollo and then to only find out that they are fighting over a girl.

    1. Theres not way a bunch of Americano followers would take up arms for a girl!

  37. Only the truly pessimistic or someone totally enveloped in 'Gloom and Doom
    would describe the liberation of Apatzingán, by the AD while Doctor Mireles was sidelined, as shit.

    Everything went to shits once DR.Mireles was in that accident ...

    The success of the AD, while Doc Mireles was in rehab, was just FABULOUS!

    The AD liberated the major city of the region, Apatzingán. as well as a half dozen minor town and villages. All while the Doc was in rehab.

    Whoever would call the liberation of Apatzingán 'shit', is either a fool or someone that has another agenda. A goal other than the defeat of the CT and the liberation of the people in Michoacan.

    Liberated from the fear they have endured for a decade.

  38. So it's two families from two different towns or 2 AD groups that are in conflict?

  39. Polito killed pollito.

  40. So basically the beef between El Americano and Hipolito is a personal family issue ? I'm from Michoacan and my family is still beefing with another family since the 70's when 1 of my Uncle was killed near Zamora. These beefs can drag on for decades !

  41. Todo esto esta pasando por la leche del sacan

  42. It's right here in today's La Voz de Michoacán:

    "Al ser questionado por este corresponsal del affaire Hipólito-El Americano, Mireles fue enfático en afirmar que ese es un problema personal que traen, 'no se confundan no tiene nada que ver con nuestro movimiento, incluso yo soy de la idea que abandonen momentáneamente sus funciones y papel en las autodefensas para que arreglen sus problemas personales,' concluyó"

  43. Esos ganaderos se andan peleando la leche en el techo blanco

  44. I'm confused as hell but I agree to disagree when all that is mixed up gets sorted out then we'll see who knows what hasn't been told. There, aren't you confused too?

  45. i cant believe mexican people are stupid enough to fall for el americano and in return destroy a good man like hipolito. They should have never taken in templarios now they are on the verge of destroying one autodefensa. This will show other cartels the blueprint.

    what a stupid fucking country.

    1. I can't believe you're stupid enough to roll an entire country along with a corrupt government that most of the country hates, and bloodthirsty greedy cartel savages that most of the country hates. What you read on this website does not represent the entire country, dumbass.

    2. @1043, ur the dumbass, I'm Mexican and it's true wat this guy is saying. We voted these asshats in even tho we all know there is rampart corruption, us Mexicans put up with it. My family always votes for PRI because of the nationalistic colors how stupid is that? Things need to change but that won't happen until Mexicans wake up n smell the rotten beans!!

  46. Damit chivis qiit letting ppl post when they use 'mexicans' in there sentences.then u hate it when we bash each other for it

  47. At 7:13 (Morelia)
    can you give me a link..i just looked and couldn't find it.....thanks!

  48. @6:25
    it involves separate issues. and lawsuits filed Hipolito being arrested is BS that Americano set up to get him the hell out of Buena Vista.(la ruana)
    I doubt it will go anywhere. the city is split in loyalties, so that means half the town will lie for Americano to rid of Hipolito.

    1. So Chayo gets killed the government scrambles to take credit El Pollo Loco gets roasted and Hipolito gets set up! Whats really going on? Are we now dealing with Politics?

    2. It seams to me that these family disputes are more complicated than people outside of Tierra Calienta can understand! What I'm picking up is that corruption is part of the culture and what is right and wrong is intermingled in these family affairs, kind of like everyone has family that chose the wrong path but yet if somebody kills one of them. The family will get revenge! Correct me if I'm wrong! I just think that the Narco culture is more ingrained than we are led to believe. Just like when a gang member everybody knows gets sentenced for a horrific crime and the Mom will say "mijo was a good kid he would never do something like that!"

  49. All these ad guys just want power & make their own cartel, I bet It's some plan to take over michoacan

  50. Y u remove my comment chivis? El americano your boy or something?

    1. 11:48 believe me, chivis has much better taste, I know.
      El americano is all yours, go for it my boy, and be happy ever after. Chivis for fun today see: hilbilly moon/ my love for evermore in you tune, note the Zacatecas state license plates...

  51. senadora templaria iris mendoza is real tempting, and at her height plus high heels, she can do "whatever"' , she will survive the templar debacle, and the pollo con papas, whoever killed him that is all that counts.
    as for the unity of the AD, el americano needs to go really, if he has personal issues, he should not have joined with hipolito and the AD, he could have formed his own group and worked things on his own.
    using his AD forces to make hipolito go, is a betrayal of the movement, hipo is not trying for much else than to see victory, el americano wants something else...

    1. Senadora Iris Mendoza is the devil disguised as a woman! If behind closed doors she will pull out her hairy member and rape you!

    2. 11:20 it's more like the cave of the 40 thieves, aladin had no fear, and I shan't either, anyway,no money and no politics here, she may give money though, I don't know think she has ever been happy, she does not look tamed at all,business is business, love trumps all else...

  52. El Americano has used the AD for his ulterior motives. Guys like him don't last long.

    1. It will be interesting to see if hopefully these criminal elements in AD get taken out like El Pollo. Lets face it Michaucan would be a better place!

  53. Jack Hawkins said...
    "Only the truly pessimistic or someone totally enveloped in 'Gloom and Doom
    would describe the liberation of Apatzingán, by the AD while Doctor Mireles was sidelined, as shit"
    Who wrote that?How dare you?Chill out blackjack your gonna have a coronary.I don't think he means it literally,maybe figuratively what dye think?
    "As shit"funny

    Everything went to shits once DR.Mireles was in that accident ...

  54. March 11, 2014 at 8:33 PM
    "I'm confused as hell but I agree to disagree when all that is mixed up gets sorted out then we'll see who knows what hasn't been told. There, aren't you confused too?"
    Classic dude classic makin me laugh now,,too much

  55. Hey, Chivis @ 10:50 p.m.:

    The quote is from an article by Roberto Huitrón, on page 22A of the 3/11/14 print edition of La Voz. (Yes, I still read real papers!) I looked on the website and couldn't find it. Huitrón has an article about taking Tingüindín on the website. In the print edition he added some more info, including the comments by Dr. Mireles.

  56. "Right or wrong each may have legitimate gripes"
    I agree,only if they have legitimate grapes?If not,legitimize them and then maybe we could make some head in this non-legitimate grape?

  57. at 10:41 PM
    "Damit chivis qiit letting ppl post when they use 'mexicans' in there sentences.then u hate it when we bash each other for it"
    What are you waffling about.It is Mexico big brain,guess who lives in Mexico?
    This political correct shit is ridiculous,now you can't say Mexican?WTF?

    1. @955 I agree, who the hell gets offended by geography?

  58. March 11, 2014 at 11:52 PM
    "ur the dumbass, I'm Mexican and it's true wat this guy is saying. We voted these asshats in even tho we all know there is rampart corruption, us Mexicans put up with it"
    Dude exactly.its nothing against Mexico,its just facts,but some of these idiots start calling you names(you know what)if you even mention it.Most here don't want to see decent people of any country being hurt and killed,and this is Mexico,it means more?

  59. March 12, 2014 at 1:08 AM
    "senadora templaria iris mendoza is real tempting"
    Indeed she is brother,very tempting.But why target Mora?Opportunity?
    You could tell us more i think,but whatever good comments wey

  60. at 1:08 AM
    pollo con papas,,,,,lol

  61. 2 ex templarios are dead, we sud be thanking mora, why isn't the state of michoacan arresting all the ex templarios of el americano group??? The arnt repenting just switching to the winning team

  62. 9:49AM
    jajaja oh so you are the one who still reads real newspapers!
    ok now I don't feel so bad, because I couldn't find the article. I will see if I can still pick up a copy. I wanted to read the entire article.

    thanks for the reply

  63. i hope they don't burn the fake chicharrones de la senadora templaria, they was expensive, now with the pollo rostizado that was overdone, next thing we know... chivis, don't burn the enchiladas !!! you american anyway, maybe you only cook pankeis and confleis

  64. 2:19PM
    Los Viagras are the first ever splinter group from CT. A band of brothers run the gang with Mariano and Carlos Sierra Santana the maximum leaders. Mariano is "El Viagra"

    they engage in extortion, kidnapping, killing and meth making. their territory is from Huetamo across to just before Nueva Italia.

    If the American Harry Devert was taken in Huetamo, as many think he may have, then it was Los Viagras who kidnapped him

    1. Thank you chivis!

    2. Los Viagras.... Lol. I'm starting los Cialis... Or los Levitra

  65. Why are they allied with AD in the first place? I thought AD was against cartels?

  66. 3:03AM
    Hillbilly moon= :)
    thank you

  67. @1:30 yer welcome, that and john lennon's dirty mac's Yer Blues.
    no ,matter how evil men are, love will change things, did you like serge gainsbourg's je t' aime, moi non plus?
    chivis paladin, did you put money on it?


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