Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Autodefensas Message: We have been betrayed by the government

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat-translated by Boli

"they called us allies, were advancing together, photos were removed with us, that were seen around the world, in an effort to distort..."
Message for the leaders of the General Council of self-defense forces of Michoacán.
Saturday 15th of March 2014.
Brothers and sisters of the Autodefensas:

I am glad that in these difficult moments of our movement we are here reunited.
The Autodefensas of Michoacán was born just over one year ago. It were born of the people, it were born in the communities, formed by courageous citizens who were tired of living at the mercy of murderers and criminals.

Remember that during more than 12 years, we went to pronounce assertions; we went to where one is supposed to go, to the institutions. What resulted was that they would give the whistle (signal)  to criminals and he who complained or members of their families were persecuted and killed.
Since the beginning of our movement, we said again and again that we were not against the Government; on the contrary, we are against the lack of Government and justice.
In good faith, we have maintained a responsible dialogue with various officials from the three levels of Government, we have we coordinated with the army, Navy and Federal Police.
We have coordinated in assisting them to do their task.

We should not have needed to take up in arms against organized crime, we should be working in our professions or trades, in our parcels of land, or our business with our families.
The absence of government involvement against the criminals, to the total state of helplessness, that created an existence of a power vacuum; We the people have had no alternative but to organize, overcoming fear, with a firm determination to defend our rights, our families and our land,  the right the  Constitution of the Republic provides for. (Art. 35 fraction IV)

We took up arms because we had no other choice, there were only two options: self-defense or sacrifice and humiliation.
Everyone in school learns that the State is comprised of village territory and Government. Here in Michoacán, there are territories, there are people, but there is no Government. So we had to take the decision to defend ourselves with our own means and resources.

This type of urgent situations for a population has happened many times throughout the history of the world. But there is no doubt that the document that serves as a modern and democratic example is the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen of the French Revolution. This is a historical source of our Mexican law

This statement is designated in Article 2. - "The aim of all political association is the conservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression".

It is prescribed in the Universal Declaration of human rights.
We have lived the oppression under two parts: one by action on the part of the Caballeros Templarios and the other by omission on the part of the Government.
Despite this, oppression develops. We have the right to oppose, we coordinate with the authority and then we sat at their tables, they called us allies, were advancing together, photos were removed with us that were seen around the world in an effort to distort, while  trying to convince public opinion that Michoacán was already controlled.
Both publicly and privately they called us valid partners, called us members of the Council of self-defense, investigated us and told us we were honest and reliable people.
They gave some protection, but they wanted one change, silence. When I was injured and convalescent, the Secretary of the Interior publicly exonerated me from any suspicion, (Chong) but when I spoke my opinion they left me lying in bed and at the mercy of murderers.
Is this how friends act? Is this how allies act?
Hipólito Mora, now a prisoner, recognized by all as the founding leader and a friend and ally of the Government, but when pressure was applied there was a breach of all agreements by the Government.

So now they are efficient and have charged Mora with 35 complaints including looting, robbery, extortion and murder. And now they come for us; they want to intimidate us, they want us annihilated.
 I wish I could retire, hopefully I could live in peace, and hopefully the Government had control of the territory, hopefully, hopefully.
But not so, Caballeros Templarios rule Michoacán. Everyday life has changed, but worse now the Caballeros Templarios, the Government, the army, Navy and all the police persecute us.
A week ago the Commissioner was sitting at Hipólito side and knew nothing of the allegations; three days later Hipólito is a criminal. How very sad; they are very misguided, what a grand error on their part.
If the imprisonment of the leaders of the Autodefensas or our colleagues addressed the reality of the Michoacán, warmly we would willingly go to jail. Either way, we are condemned to death.
But it is not so. Although the leaders disappear, reality does not change. The Michoacán population, territory, has no Government much less any justice.
That is why brothers and sisters, we’ve been brave, if we know our destination, I summon you to unite and to not give up, or you will pay with your life.
Autodefensas arise by the Republic as a whole, people still desperate with impunity and it is our right and our duty to defend the nation and its institutions, so says the Constitution in articles, 10, 35 fraction IV and 36 fraction II.
It is a right of citizens and is the duty of citizens: take the weapons in the army or National Guard, for the defense of the Republic and of your institutions, in the terms that prescribed laws;
We are defending the Republic and its institutions.
The Government with these actions of repression and ridicule against the Autodefensas forces is exerting power for purposes other than which give reason for being, as is a must have power in interests that are not of us.
It is disremembered, what is said in article 39 of the Constitution:  National Sovereignty is essential and firstly in the village.

BENEFIT OF THIS.  THE village has at all times the INALIENABLE right to alter or change the shape of their Government

This is so, because Mexico is ours, not of the Government.

This is our State, this is our land, these are our hills, these are our rivers, this is our people, this is our heaven, our parents are buried here and our children were born here.

Mexico is ours!
Yes, we want to legalize, because our movement is constitutional, that’s why we will demand the law of the National Guard, a force of civil, democratic, federal and Republican; as it exists in all democratic countries, as it exists in countries in which cannot kill you with impunity, nor the Government, nor the crime.
We'll make ourselves heard internationally, we ask for the minimum, fundamental rights: right to live, to work, to have a family!
Is this too much to ask? Can we be guaranteed that?
Then do not deny us the right to form Autodefensas.
We are the worthy people rising and defending Michoacán, not all want to be policemen, but we all consider ourselves according to our constitutional law, soldiers of the National Guard!
Brothers and sisters remember: we do not have a return path.
We still have two paths: self-defense or sacrifice.
Mexico is ours!
Viva Mexico!
(the video has the message with Dr Mireles reading the message))

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  1. The government has been the prob since day one. There intrest matters above all. Throw templarias in jail and bury gov officials for being traitors and theives. People cant be controlled like before, and will only take so much

  2. Fight the government mireles make it happen now

  3. Mireles I will join if u fight the government

  4. You tried........ people in the U.S. bully and betray me when I talkmnabout the the plight of Mexican people. & The horror. They hate me for talking about it. They are so misinformed and stupid it is beyond human reality .
    God Help Mexico & God pray for the ingnorance of the U.S.

    1. Yes. You are right! People in the u.s. don't seem to care at all. I talk to friends about it and they act as if I'm making stuff up as I go along. They don't get it.

  5. A hero, the Government will kill him, he is too powerful. Viva Dr. Mierles

  6. Wow.. someone finally steps up to the cartels and they're cleaning house and what does the dirty government do SCREW THE GOOD GUYS... Mexico will never be cleaned up from all the dirty politicians... God bless the good people of Mexico. .

    1. The dirty politicians will be crying for asylum when this mess is over. The ones that stay will be exterminated.

  7. that big fat cheeky pig, ENRIQUE FRANCISCO GALINDO CEBALLOS, has his own home state of San Luis Potosi made into a shitty mess, where not even corrupt police commanders are safe from their own sicarios and partners, and honest people, including those honest police officers and commanders and military elements are worth less than malnourished cattle full of ticks.
    epn nazional police commissioner is full of shit, and as I said on day one, not to be trusted, the zeta associate from the start, can be up to no good, he had the SSP de estado de SLP full of police cadets on training to be the zetas of the future, with frequent reviews from el lazca, el taliban and el mamito, assiciates of his uncle julio ceballos, police commander, criminalist, writer, psychologist etc etc, that was arrested for drug and weapons trafficking, along with other "professionals" of the same trade.
    the professional porro and kidnapper, extortionist with FBI credentials has learned nothing in his motherfucking life but to cover up as best as possible his dirty deeds, amd he doesn't want to impose controls or examinations of confiability on his henchmen, which he himself FAILED, two times, and which made him confess to stealing 100 000 pesos and taking kickbacks.
    how is a crook like that qualified by pena nieto to designate commissioner of the nazional police, is beyond comprehension, unless they are wolves of the same ilk, and both need taking down.
    hombre en llamas, san luis potosi, provides a few insights on galindo ceballos, if you want to check his ass a little...

  8. Deep down inside i wish i could just drop everything and join the fight. I get anxious just reading this!

  9. So true, they are in their own little world 8:48 and yes 9:10 - although, I pray, and believe that Dr. Mireles will reign through this fight! This man is sacrificing his life for his people and should go down in history. Wealthy Mexicans and Americans - wake up and help this man! You won't see it on US Media - for what reasons ( a whole other story)?? This world is dark and Dr Mireles is a bright shining light that inspires me beyond comprehension.

    1. The American is media is censoring the story of Michoacan because the U.S. govt./elite are complicit in the atrocities being committed in Mexico. Arms sales and money laundering are good for the GDP. Just like news coverage of the Chilean elections, which returned the socialist to power, and the missing Malaysian commercial airplane: nary a blip on the radar. Don't want the 51 million Hispanics, 35 million of which are Mexican-American, to become aware of the plight of their ethnic kin at the hands of corrupt govt. functionaries/elite on both sides of the border.

  10. VIVA MIRELES", VIVA MEXICO" mueran las ratas , templarias. Tuta es una basura. Peña nieto traidor ala patria .

  11. The people need to take there fight to the government.If they,are corrupt string them up.Nothing will change without a purge.The government supports the cartels,so they can get rich.Start at the top!

    1. All the gov needs to do is stop the cartels harassment murder and extortion of the people.if the cartels make money like the old school mafia then the gov will still get their kickback mordida.just protect the people.and there will be no need for revolution.sure you listening Mexican officials?

  12. When mireles starts taking on gobierno, I will go with him to help....

  13. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr is still alive he is Dr Mireles

  14. Eloquent and inspiring, all while continuing his recovery from the plane accident. How is his health? Still partially blind and paralyzed? he must take care, when he was gone for 6 weeks the group almost went to hell in a hand basket. I love this man more and more.

  15. Oh shit, this was a call to arms for revolt, not in profuse language but he is planting the seed of defending the nation... he needs to be very carefull about who he surrounds himself with..

  16. I can't believe they trusted the government in the first place come on Mexican people wake up and revolt against this incompetent piece of shit government enough is enough do it for your kids. I think the government is trying to set an example out of hipolito Mora their sending a message to the AD they want the movement to stop so they can keep collecting from organized crime. Just like DR.Mireles said that once he started talkin the government pulled hid security as if to say come kill him. Piece of shit government.

    1. The Government is the one making the movement bigger by their own corrupt incompetence! Fate is bound to happen!

  17. Need many international eyes watching the situation in Michoacán.

  18. Each and every member of the AD's is a true hero. The groups should concentrate on making contingency plans for the loss of members through arrest or death. They should also work hard to increase their numbers. Large numbers of supporters Is the most powerful weapon against cartels and against government subjugation. IE: Rev. Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Nelson Mandela all won through mass protest and righteous cause.
    Cesar Chavez,

    1. They need to start spreading the word low budget, like making the You tube clips into underground video cd's and tapes then spread them throughout Mexico! The media is biased!

  19. Big thanks to boli,Chivas. Of course Dr mireles

  20. March 18, 2014 at 8:48 PM
    "You tried........ people in the U.S. bully and betray me when I talkmnabout the the plight of Mexican people. & The horror. They hate me for talking about it"
    Who hates you?What are you talking about?Most of the people posting here are in the US,do we hate?Do i not know about Dr Mireles and support him and the Mexican people?Why do you think i,m here?Stop playing the endless victim and making idiotic statements.People hate you for talking about Mexico?Stop lying and trying to make people feel sorry for you,this is about Dr Mireles and the Autodefensas and their fight against the governments apathy,not about crying about the US,,,,again.It never ends,ever.

    1. 8:50am
      Are you a mind reader?

    2. @8:48 needs to change and go find other audience, dont cast pearls to swine.@8:50 is may not be your experince, but some mexicans can be quite the asshole, especially US allies of cartels,I know a few...

  21. at 8:48 PM
    With people like you no wonder people get turned off.The story is about Dr Mireles and AD,not whining about the US.

  22. March 18, 2014 at 10:31 PM
    "So true, they are in their own little world"
    The whole story is hijacked by whingeing Mexicans again?Endlessly whingeing about the US where their sad asses are sitting talking about joining the AD?
    Way to go guys,really constructive...

    1. @8:56am

      Omg! You are doing the same thing - stop whining Mr "skid marks".

  23. @ March 18, 2014 at 11:42 PM Beautifully said . Dios Bendiga

  24. So, So, many people North of the border have no idea what horrific times Mexico is in.

  25. I am not qualified to write on this most inspiring sight, other than to give support for the work of the people who own it....and in so doing, I come here to pay respects to the man Mireles, for the inspiration, the words and the message....Go Well Brave Sir....candles are burning in my home and heart for your cause

  26. It doesn't look like the government is taking care of their troops too well either.


  28. Just a guess that 8:48 isn't talking about BB people but the population in US, largely is ignorant as to what is happening in Mexico.

    Try this, I did, ask your friends and neighbors see how it is.
    and BTW ignorant does not mean stupid. pick your battles, know what a person is saying

    1. Its not that US doesn't care! Its just that it doesn't affect their daily life. But almost everybody I know, knows that there is a group of village peasants fed up with corruption and cartels tgats taken up arms!

  29. 8:50am
    "Are you a mind reader?"
    Are you?Big lip...

    1. @2:25pm

      You're responding to the poster @1:02pm?

  30. Mireles is starting to seem like a desperate man. I don't say to the knock the man, just an observation. He keeps getting contradicted and discounted by papa smurf (another crook), and seems afraid of Simon the American, and both of them shady characters have the backing of the corrupt Mexican Government...he is slowly being split from his allies until he's no longer viable or protected....he also keeps talking about dieing alot lately....the movement has been hijacked and the American and smurf did it....mireles will probably be assassinated soon and american will be the new sheriff in town, with pitifo fife as his deputy

  31. God Bless Dr. Mireles and his people.

    @ March 19, 2014 at 12:33 PM Well Said, Peace

  32. A lesson about why we need to preserve our right to bear arms in this country.
    When the institutions fail, it is up to the people, a well regulated militia, to self-defend.
    Best wishes to Dr. Mireles and his people on their struggle.


    Why can't all Mexican politicians be more like Fernandez Norona...
    If only Mexico had more guys like this.

  34. Great job Dr. Mireles, it's one big powdered that's going to blow sky high. The good honest people of Mexico will rise up against all this corruption & injustice going on. You can only push people so far, and then watch all the bad guys scatter like a bunch of cockroaches when you turn on the lights. Viva Mexico, and viva Dr. Mireles .

  35. Here is a theoretical scenario . Purely theoretical.

    Maybe Putin will step in and bring the rule of law back to Mexico.

    Sad but true , Dr. Mireles has a good heart But the AD's have no allies in Mexico and no resupply or financial backing.

    And for people caring but not affected in their daily lives ... Good thing we didn't have people like that while Hitler was killing Jews and Gypsies

  36. Billboards around the world or even a budget movie about AD / Mexico and their plight. Dr. Mireles has asked and asked for intervention.

    God Bless

  37. ADs need a high level government ally to make a true difference. Or a true revolution is needed. I truly hate to say this, but the ADa are only going to make temporary change. Soon leadership will be dealt with just like Mora. Others will die in "accidents " and the corrupt power structure remains. ADs have a very long and bloody future ahead if they make it that far. ADs had better somehow gain international attention soon. VERY few US citizens know what is going on and they would care if they knew. We are siblings on this continent and to say its none of the US business is complete ignorance.

  38. The American is media is censoring the story of Michoacan because the U.S. govt./elite are complicit in the atrocities being committed in Mexico.

    ohhh shit

  39. at 7:46 AM
    Dude,i never noticed,just fuckin round

  40. March 19, 2014 at 1:06 PM
    Omg what the fudge ? Oooooo


  42. He says that there cause for rising in arms is so there will be no cartels or organized crime activity but he don't mention nothing of the H3 cartel in uruapan or apatzingan, can u explain chiviz?


  44. Please sign!!!! help Hipolito Mora!!!
    por favor firmen!!! para ayudar a Hipolito Mora!!


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