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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mex Goverment shields the truth: it was autodefensas that led forces to Chayo

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat

The government makes no mention of autodefensas  in press conferences, why do they fear the public knowing the truth?  And why are reporters not inquiring about the role of the autodefensas in the capture of Nazario Moreno aka "El Chayo"?
Sequence of events
On February 27th,   I wrote: 11AM Breaking News: I have just been informed, an hour ago they have located El Chayo at his ranch in la sierra de Tumbicastío….(I was told later that day they missed him by 20 minutes) they discovered weapons buried in buckets.

On March 1st," I wrote of a concentration of an  elite team of federal forces,  from Arteaga to Tumbicastío.  Bringing with them satellite equipment, heavy artillery and tanks. 

For their part autodefensa teams have accompanied Special Forces, utilized  as guides, as they advance  to Tumbicastío, and have stationed in points encircling the mountain range (to prevent escape)."

On March 1st Dr Mireles, stated to reporters, that with their  joint action with the Special federal forces, they  are close to capturing in Nazario Moreno González, aka "El Chayo" and with luck, also Servando Gomez, aka "La Tuta ".

On March 3rd, there was yet another near capture of Chayo by autodefensas at Chayo’s ranch in Guanajuatillo, Apatzingán. The “safe” ranch is a self-contained, fully functioning ranch, using solar panels for energy, computers and sophisticated communication equipment.
On March 7th, Autodefensas gained direct knowledge that one of Chayo’s brothers had left the  Infiernillo community of the  Arteaga municipality, and was headed to Lázaro Cárdenas.
Autodefensas relayed this information to federal authorities, who with the information were able to zero in on the brother and apprehend him.
That made the third brother of Chayo apprehended since February 8th. ( There are 11 known siblings of Chayo).
The brother of the March 7th apprehension is believed to be the source of information of the huge birthday party being held for Chayo, pinpointing his location for that time frame.
March 9th “ Autodefensas and federal forces closed in on Chayo and a couple of dozen of his gunmen, at another one of his farms in the community of Naranjo de Chila,  of Aguililla municipality.
Autodefensas formed the fence surrounding the ranch, protecting against another Chayo escape.  He did try to escape in truck, by accessing a dirt road that leads to Tumbicastío. 
At 10AM  Chayo refused the command to surrender instead answering with gunfire, initiating the shootout that left the Caballeros Templarios maximum leader dead.    His gunmen were killed, wounded or fled.  
Shame on the government to withhold the truth
For the government to ignore the assistance of autodefensas, is not surprising but reprehensible nonetheless. Without the guidance, sources, intel of the autodefensas Chayo would not have been located. 
For years Michoacana had to survive in the grip of terror by cartels.  With a state government in bed with narcos, and a federal government who deemed the good people of Michoacán unworthy of their intervention.
Federal forces were forced to intervene because of autodefensas.  Forced to search for narcos because of autodefensas.  If a year ago February, had not a group of men sharing a meal, right then and there decided, "no more", we will pick up arms and defend our communities, if that had never happened, the rapes, killings, disappearances, dismemberments, extortions would continue, and Chayo would still  be in his white robe atop his white horse, riding free in the sierras.
In the past government forces have forged into the mountains of the sierra in search for La Tuta and other Templarios, and failed.  This was largely due to their inexperience of maneuvering the sierras, this gives Templarios a huge advantage and time for escape.  Many autodefensas themselves live in the sierras, they are as skilled as Templarios trekking off  roads.
For weeks autodefensas have been an integral part of the search operation.  At least 300 members, on rotating 3 day shifts.  We were told of the near misses, we were told they were closing in, we were told Chayo would be captured.  All came to pass.
Next Target
La Tuta, he  will be more difficult to capture but he is the next target of autodefensas.  He surrounds himself with 60 or more guards.  As with Chayo, autodefensas will create a human barrier  encircling Tuta in Arteaga.
Reports are that Tuta is very concerned, to put it mildly, that he will be captured.  One wonders why he has remained in the sierras.  I would be surprised if he went out with his gun blazing, given the choice of surrender or death, my money is on his surrender.
Dr Mireles says they will stay until Tuta and the others are captured, already zeroing in on "El Tucan”, in addition to Tuta.

He says Tuta will be captured or killed.

And I believe him.


  1. La Tuta will be pushing up Fruita along with his Stinky crew


  2. "La Tuta surrounds himself with 60 or more guards." He may surround himself with 60 guards but the ADs will surround them and if no one can get in or out then they will run out of food and water (hope Ads shut the water off). Also, if surrounded by the Ads some guards will find ways to flee hoping to get captured instead of staying and getting killed. This is getting interesting. Better then the novelas on tv.

  3. This is BS...doesn't surprise me that those chilangos (people from district capital of Mexico) took all then praise and credit. Those fools were there since 06 and accomplished nothing. autodefensas form and a year later they have tons of hits on the templars...I hate these corrupt Mexican government officials...

    1. 12:22 that is what chilangos do, todo se agandallan, watch your wallets...

  4. I hate the cartels. Great job autodefensas. Cartel is the scum of mexico scrape them off your boats when you walk over their dead bodies.

    As well as the marines keep up the good work.

    Long live mexico. Thanks to the autodefensas people are becoming free again. We support autodefensas and the mexican marines. Nice job guys stay safe god will protect you and help you defeat the cartels.

    One @ a time.

    1. Marines are getting alot of credit for whats going in in Michuacan. Are they actually involved in any of these operations in Michuacan? I thought they just carried out special forces type of operations?

  5. Dr Mireles is a hero the Dr. Martin Luther King of Mexico.

  6. They don't say anything about kiki I hope they don't let him getaway.

    1. Kiki is somewhere at a beach sipping Martinis!

    2. Seguro ke Si.... alucinado pendejo

  7. This is a well-written and very clear breakdown of the entire situation to present. Well done. Thank you.

    Mireles is such a naturally intriguing person who will be a legacy well before his ultimate place in history is even written. It's so refreshing to see power and influence in Mexico actually used for something good. A nice change of pace to read about, as opposed to the voyeuristic carnage and the narcissistic lunacy that accompanies the rest of these assholes.

    One wonders what kind of shape Mexico would be in if their destructive pop culture had a music genre dedicated specifically to glorifying good people with pure hearts as opposed to greed head sadists and illiterate murderers. These narcocarrido fuckeads with their faggoty boots and fake bandoliers need to glorify and wax mythology about something truly epic and legendary as the auto-defense groups. But no, they'll probably just continue to shove their greased fists directly in the void that is currently Mexican culture.

    Anyway, great article.
    -- JB

  8. I just say Tuta selling oranges and cocos with a straw at a Pacoima freeway offramp!

  9. Dr Mirales doesn't care who gets credit. All he ever wanted is a Michuacan free of all narcos! And that is the goal! Let these guys get credit to boost their ego! The AD's need to keep their mind on the task and don't get distracted. Its to bad that Hipo got set up! Hopefully they clean up their ranks and learn their lesson about letting in ex narcos!

  10. Great article well written article Chivis. Dr Mirales is a special person, hopefully one day he will be in Mexican history books as the Man who inspired Mexico into the 21st Century free of corruption!

  11. Whens the next elections. DR Mirales for Attorney General!

  12. March 12, 2014 at 1:23 AM
    "as opposed to the voyeuristic carnage and the narcissistic lunacy that accompanies the rest of these assholes"
    Narcissistic lunacy?Exactly captures these clowns,gazing at the proverbial pool of water at their own reflection.Those two words you wrote perfectly encapsulate almost to a man every narco capo we think of?

  13. Queremos corridos de gente como Dr Mireles no de la mierda de los carteles. Los pedejos de los carteles nada mas van de pasada en este mundo. Tarde o temprano caen al la carcel o al pozo. Viva los Ads y la marina de Mexico.

  14. "I just say Tuta selling oranges and cocos with a straw at a Pacoima freeway offramp!"

    it was the funny the first time, by the thousandth time, its just played out...

    on a separate note, one reason for not giving the AD s credit, is the govt won't have to pay out that fat reward for his capture, which i'm sure the ADs could have put to good use

  15. I hate the ct but at least chayo went out like a man not like chapo giving up. When your a boss your suppose go out blasting. Tuta is next!!!

    1. Chayo went out like a dumb ass running around the mountains, who says he wanted to die.

  16. Wheres the nephew of El Chayo now, is he still mayor, or has he been kicked out permanently?

  17. Chivis if they bring down la tuta does that mean ct is done or terminated

    1. C.T. is done righr now with or without Tuta! The Heat Seaking Missile is on them. The criminals will just change loyalties and continue doing tge the same bulshit under a different banner! I suspect some of those have already infilrrated The AD! El Americano? Los Viagras? El Viejo? El Burrillo?

  18. Ads in tamps please hunt down apeztozaz! If there are any in that state

    1. How nany of those AD's in Tamps are tru upstanding citizens? I doubt it! I can almost guarantee they are a rival cartel!

  19. "Queremos corridos de gente como Dr Mireles no de la mierda de los carteles. Los pedejos de los carteles nada mas van de pasada en este mundo."

    lo pideste, y aqui lo tienes:

  20. Why make Dr Miralees attorney general? The whole point is he is not part of the corrupt system and he doesnt have his hands bound by it. The ad need to stay away from the corrupt Mexican government and act under there own governance to remain effective.

    1. He may not even want to be in politics! But the AD'S are becoming overtaken by the infiltrators!

  21. @3:02AM

    Dr Mireles asked me to post the truth. "spread the word"
    it is not about credit, it is about respect. Just as EPN gives no credit to DEA and the US for help in big captures, they never acknowledge help from others, as if they could do these things on their own.....right.

    The men of AD work long hours, get little sleep, work reg jobs and put their life on the line for the good of society. they get no pay, and from some raised eyebrows, misunderstanding, the target of bigots, accused of working outside the law even though they have a solid constitutional right to exist.

    the morale of volunteer men, who made this happen goes down when ignored like this. sure they are upset. any NORMAL person would be.

    1. Your right! If those brave men working the front lines volunteering, and risking their lives for a better society don't at least get some recognition by their own federal government it can feel very demoralizing! Thanks Chivis for keeping us up to date and not letting their efforts go unoticed! At least with you the international community supports and recognizes their dedication and efforts!!! With time and future success in liberating Michuacan this effort will serve as a template and inspiration for other suppressed peoples!

  22. Tuta will soon be punished some day, Now Chayo needs to be restrained somewhere where a team of ADs will be securing him 24 /7.

    1. @11:30

      Weren't you paying attention when you read this article or did you not read it? El Chango is dead, PENDEJO!!!


  23. Bribes, election fraud, and even mass murder are part of the PRI's gaming of the system. How else they are going to keep power? Anti-corruption laws are dramatic theater for the poor. Capture a few small time politicians/narcos (be sure they are the opposition), parade them in front of TV crews and then take a hero's credit.

    Public lies hiding behind revolutionary slogans. An expensive campaign of media announcements, billboards and politicians repeating talk points. All paid by government funds.

    Taking full credit for themselves and dismissing help from 'others" is traditional PRI policy. One can't give credit where credit is due. It might arouse the people.


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