Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Second attempt in 3 months, autodefensas enter Huetamo Michoacán

Chivís Martínez for Borderland Beat

In January of this year, Michoacán autodefensas attempted to liberate the municipality of Huetamo, and failed.  The failure was likely because of two factors, the self-defense group had not recruited a founding group of Huetamo residents, and the corrupt municipal administration was prepared to rebuff the advance by staging a protest against AD, which essentially barred AD from entering the plaza.  

Huetamo’s PRI mayor Dalia Santana Pineda and other administration officials led a protest march, and repelled AD from gaining access to the city plaza. Using  slogans like "Huetamo lives in peace and quiet, reject self-defense, dozens of units of public transport, municipal authorities and citizens marched through the main streets of the county seat, to speak out against the armed movement.

Yesterday, once again AD entered the city, and this time accessed the main plaza and called on citizens for solidarity, encouraged them to set aside fear and join their struggle.

About 300 armed autodefensas, aboard 50 trucks,  entered the town at  2:00PM , after placing barricades at the main entrances. On this second attempt, AD was better prepared having organized a large group of Huetamo residents prior to entering.  Therefore, they entered the town under the banner of  “Huetamo Autodefensas”, in addition  to other AD municipalities. They announced the end of  kidnappings, extortion, and murder at the hands of organized crime.

The mayor, nor county authorities have not spoken out or released a statement as of yet.

Huetamo has a population of less than 50k, nonetheless it is a important drugwar city and a key city in the Tierra Caliente region.  The city and surrounding areas have been plagued with kidnappings and murders. Highway 51 runs  through the area from Zitácuaro and Huetamo sits adjacent to 51.

It is rumored that 51 is the route previously used by CT leader Kike Plancarte when traveling to Morelia, as there were no Federal Police blockades.

Huetamo was thought to possibly be, the site of the kidnapping of New Yorker Harry Devert.

The city and surrounding areas are cartel controlled by the “Los Viagras” organized crime group.

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  1. PRI Mayor......

    that says it all.

  2. So what now? If the H3 and Viagras go the way of Ello Pollo? Do the AD leaders go to jail?

  3. Good for the honest people!!!!

  4. The residents that are taking a risk and standing fro themselves are showing true courage!!! May God protect them and allow them to change their own destiny!!!

  5. So what's happening to the corrupt local law enforcement?

  6. If the Great Wall of China was built one brick at a time!!! Mexico can get rebuilt one town at a time!!!

  7. Chivis are you stating that the PRI mayor of this town is also thw Leader of the Viagras? If this is true nothing else will amaze me? What's next Pena Nieto eats human organs?

  8. Let me know how and ill send money to the autodefensas

  9. hi chivis this has nothing to do with the story wanted to show you how easy it is to get guns in the u.s. of the streets .this guys is simply wanting a female dog pitbull bully and is willing to trade a .556 caliber machine gun crazy stuff huh . when i lived in dallas there was so many guns out there its crazy .


  10. heres the link sorry about that

  11. no, he is in bed with them.
    leaders are brothers Mariano and Carlos santana

    I am trying to develop a little info on them to create a post. no one knows much about them other than they are new since nov

  12. Like all spontaneous people movements, there is always a learning curve. New and inexperienced leader will have bad days. But they learn from past mistakes. Today was a great day.

    Arriva Los Auto Defensas!

  13. How in the hell can the PRI have any credibility when they are being represented by a mayor who is the brother of Mariano Sierra Santana?

    Dalia Santana Pineda, you shameless corrupt piece of shit scum. I hope you die a painful death.

  14. Chivis , do you know which group of AD entered the town? was it Dr Mireles , Smurf , Hippolitos or El Americanos?
    Hope you are feeling better by the way chivis

  15. Good job autodefensas keep freeing the good people of michoacan from those rats.

  16. Hello Chivis explain who are los Viagras and los H3 are they CT or CJNG or a new cartel?

  17. Hello Chivis,

    Heard about a shoot out in Zaragoza, Coah. Yesterday. Have you heard anything about this incident?

  18. De verdad? Carlos Santana? No mames! Say it isn't so! Oh no, what is this world coming to? Well let me tell you something, "You've got to change your evil ways..." Okay baby, or what? Quien es este Mariano?, or maybe you meant marrano? maranero? maranon? marimacho? machacona? or maybe muchachita? Cause I know Carlos has got a brother named Jorge, but...

  19. Hopefully Chivis can find something to enlighten us on this confusing scenario? Viagras did work with CT as pointed out,but now have apparently jumped ship and now part of this H3 cartel,if that is right?If we remember wasn't La Tuta warning Viagras/Santanas to get in line in a video,and saying all kinds of things?
    I would love to know what CJNG are up to,they are very organized and financed,and also as ruthless as anyone.Have they got anything to do with H3.It seems there is a lot of hearsay and rumor,its as though all the players are washing their hands of CT including government and municipal?

  20. I am trying to develop a little info on them to create a post. no one knows much about them other than they are new since nov

    there's a youtube video of la Tuta schooling one of the brothers

  21. The Viagras were a cell of the CTs before they switched over to the H3. El Americano, Migueladas, and Chango Mendez's brothers are also key players of the cartel disguised as a AD.

  22. What No theres no murders or kinnappings the last time their was kidnapping was that of three men who tryd to extort and then the templarios came kidnapped the three men extorting. The fuck is it with these AD that think fighting is the way to answer problems. They have no ideas no philosiophy they just want to kill for the heck of fame. FUCK THE AD. Take that shit to tamaulipas were they really need it. Noooo they wana fight groups that arnt against the people like if they find that weird.

    1. What the fuck are you rambling? So you think philosophy 101 is going to win over hungry ass motherfuckers armed to the teeth who rape women and girls and kill innocent people? Hahaha holy dog shit I hope you don't have an actual job in real life that requires actual decision making skills in real time cuz if you do, mcdonalds and the dude you just took an order for are in for a world of hurt.

  23. I saw the "ultimatum" video of carlos and tuta. I would post it but translating tuta gives me a headache.

    maybe someone would like to do it?

    1. You get somebody yet?

    2. I got the ultimatum video of tuta,the puppet version, for 13 month old babies.very scary

  24. I am getting a ton of requests for H3/Viagra info. hang tight, working on it and will post it. I am waiting for some answers to questions I sent to my Mich source.

  25. yes please chivis we need to know whats going on with h3 and viagra. i seriously think a lot of AD imposters are working with them. Viagra definItley had presence in LA RUANA and americano is there as well so idk it just all makes sense. Maybe that's why Los Viagras were willing to help the AD movement commence by giving them weapons

    1. Its time for a total cleanup of the AD! Its too bad that when somebody tries like when they took out El Pollo the corrupt politicians and judges rush in to arrest the good guys.

  26. i highly doubt that cjng is working with the viagras and h3 but you never know. I really just think that they took advantage of the situation

  27. Is this the video of La Tuta everyone speaks of ?

  28. Oye como Va said...
    "De verdad? Carlos Santana?"
    Oye como va, mi ritmo,Bueno pa' gozar, mulata.Didn't you see him on the video with La Tuta?He was tellin Tuta to feel the cosmic beauty of life,and he gave him an afgan coat and sandals and then slumped Tuta with a right hook?Carlos had a head band on.Carlos Santana has felt the power of the dark side,i wonder if hes still shit hot with a guitar ?

  29. Chivis said...
    "I saw the "ultimatum" video of carlos and tuta. I would post it but translating tuta gives me a headache,maybe someone would like to do it?"

    C,mon,someone step up,any of our Mexican bros wanna try and help Chivis out? Just the jist of it.....I aint good enough yet. We'd all appreciate it.Put your name on it ?

  30. Chivis said...
    I am getting a ton of requests for H3/Viagra info. hang tight, working on it and will post it.
    Appreciate the work Chivis,chill a little bit ye know,don't go getting to heavy.

  31. Yeah who are these people the h3 and viagaras ??? So you mean now we have 2 more cartels? It happens all the time you try to get rid of one cartel and 2 or 3 pop up.

    1. This is a problem that will continue until the corruption is kicked out of government! The tide will turn one of these days and they will be escaping Mexico when they are no longer safe to continue their criminal activities!

  32. nope didn;t get anyone. most people will translte but not videos, it is a lot of work

    I did receive quite a bit of info today on H3 and Viagras and I am completely confused now and need more time. viagras was correct as far as what i have but H3 is not a cartel is what I am getting. but I need more info and am asking more questions. it will take time. I need to contact a couple of FB admins. sorry. but I want to be fair and accurate....

    1. It seems to me the line between good guy and bad guy depends in what side your talking too!

    2. Get your rocks off, see joke ass jack black jack report about federal police in acapulco arrested for kidnapping for ransom and murder hay jawkins, your agenda keeps getting better and better, I hope the ribbing don't give you a patatus and you buy the farm, you silly corns you!
      The borderland forum and all the posts from buggs and others since the start, are very good too, even if the commentariat had not started acting up yet.
      Just pick the year, the month and you'll be swimming like a pig in a pool of mud and popo; you will be very busy...

  33. Yeah they don't let him out of solitary much!

  34. Anybody that's associated to Viagras is a criminal to me! So the question is what AD leaders have associations with Los Viagras? El Papa Pitufu? El Americano? And mam6 more!

  35. 11:29 not everybody that has associated with criminals is or becomes a criminal,good persons can and will be misled and stabbed in the back.
    Jesus Christ's lecturing to the wise asses, the pharisees and the philistines, hanging with judas and with the rock that would found his church, Peter, who denied knowing him did not turm into any of them.
    same thing here, even if all the leadership turns to be traitor turncoats and worse than the cabelleras kagadas, the AD set the pace for others, and new romantic idealistas will pop up sooner or later.
    Just don't get carried away and condemn all of the Auto Defensas, they have earned at least that much respect, they have put their ass on the line for reals, and have paid with their dead...lessons are there to be learned,life goes on...

    1. It's one thing to be fighting foe a good cause and put your life on the line for the future of your own town and future generations like most of AD I hope!!!!! But if the peasants on thw front lines are being mislead and are fighting for some criminals as pawns it's time for a cleanup and take out those corruption elements!!! That whole thing about being an ex cartel member and now being a good guy especially a person in a leadership position, I don't but at all! They can fool most people but I can see right through some of these fucks and I'm sorry but guys like El Americano arw hiding something and are not there for the peoples benefit!!! Viagras as mercenaries, Ha' Ha! I call bullshit! Many of these leaders betterake the righ decicions because thwy will end up like El Pollo! The people's patience has run thin and don't have any sympathy for criminals!

  36. hipolito needs to write his own MEIN KAMPF to make it worth his while in prison, by the time he gets out, he gets to be a government leader. Dr Mireles needs to learn his lessons and be aware of backstabbers, which abound in mexico.
    kike plancarte, la puta tuta, el tio and el chayo, got showered with a ton of shit, too much for their little chamberpot plastic helmets, out of nowhere, they ran away from everywhere, i suspect under orders from above, and realized too late the mistake.
    since Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy, "el traficante mas poderoso de tierra caliente" is still up there, maybe el kike plancarte wants to shed some light on his association with gallegos godoy, who seems to me like he was the one heating up la plaza to egg everybody against kiki and la puta tuta, and he is still up there, with all the pieces on his hand, playing everybody against each other, safely behind the petticoats of enrique francisco galindo ceballos, "kidnapping and money laundering expert" commissioner of the nazional polizia, zeta from the start, FBI credentialed, which reminds me of amado carrillo and others' gold faced Direccion Federal de Investigaciones, (DFS) IDs, fake as hell agents, good to heaven IDs, impunity from above...

  37. March 27, 2014 at 12:52 PM
    "Is this the video of La Tuta everyone speaks of ? "
    Yes dude,that's the one.I don't know for sure if that is one of the Santana brothers/Viagras that he is talking to?They sorting money out and talking about Guadalajara etc.The dude he talking to doesn't get a word in,La Tuta loves the sound of his own voice.

  38. La Tuta Video.At the beginning.La mejor opinión es la de ustedes(The best opinion is yours) Words at beginning
    Jose Alvarado Robledo(El Burrillo)secuestro(kidnapping)and(El Americano)and company etc responsible for manipulating Community Police,being responsible for a wave of kidnappings,robbing cashiers en Zamora,Uruapan,Lazaro Cardenas and being responsible for all delinquency aqui etc,it was La Tuta people who filmed the video for people to make their their own minds up?It is Carlos Santana/Viagra talking to La Tuta.Viagras must be heavier than we thought,they have drug labs in Guerrero?

  39. ESB said...
    Arriva Los Auto Defensas!
    Like all spontaneous human combustion people movements, there is always a learning curve. New and inexperienced leader will have bad hair days?I myself have many bad hair days,even my face has bad days,but triumphant bugles shall ring out and we shall see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  40. Viagras are mercenaries i belived!!

    1. Mercenaries for who? The criminals? Bullshit? You can't be a Mercenary when you are a mayor and also a cartel member!!!


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