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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Autodefensas take another town, after a conflict with Broly and Templarios

Chivís Martinez for Borderland Beat

Friday autodefensas took control of Jiquilpan, after conflict with Templarios around 9:00 AM.  

A group of autodefensas, accompanied by Federal Police arrived in the town of Jiquilpan to take control of security. This occurred after a shootout between the autodefensas and a group of Caballeros Templarios.  

On his Face Book page the social media loving Templario sicario, Broly Banderas, bragged of posting a photo taken from inside the vehicle he "attacked autodefensas" in Jiquilpan.

“April 3 10:30AM-a photograph in the vehicle where I attacked the AUC in the #SDRJiquilpan”
 Source:Facebook -Twitter


  1. Lastima, broli, tan chiquito y tan pendejo, y ya no vas a crecer, rindete y hazte estrella de cine no seas güey, a que le tiras.
    No te quemaste por las putas, te quemaste por pendejo...

  2. I don't get it I've read in another media source that said today Saturday was the last day that autodefensas were going to be able to carry weapons the article stated that the barricades that the AD put up at the entry of each town had to come down or else face arrest. The federal government released that statement but yet the federal police is helping the AD free this town of jiquilpan. This goes to show that the federal police is on the front lines with AD groups good for them because they have been there in the taking of almost each town.

  3. Lmao! @ april 5, 2014 1046 am ^^^ on point

  4. I can't wait til the marines tear this puto apart.

  5. Was he wearing his pink shirt?

  6. Orale Broccoli... nuevo Jefe de Los Caballeros Tramposos... puro pa Delante...

  7. Coward girl Broly shat in her panties and ran like a scared sissy....Jajajajajaja.

  8. Broly new king of the CT

  9. Broly looks like hes been using meth...

  10. Broly's next facebook status: Dead.

  11. Anyone else see this picture and heading?
    "DR. MIRELES con los peores asesinos de MIGUEL GALLEGOS de La Huacana, Churumuco y Nueva Italia: Sergio Huerta "el pollo"; Froylan Solorio "R1" y Francisco Tovar Pantoja "Pancho""The thing is Dr Mireles is not actually in the picture with them?He is shown passing El Pollo,and may not even be acknowledging him?Dr Mireles is one man,maybe there is nothing he can do against all this?

  12. Remember, this shootout and the narcobloqueo around Jiquilpan occurred the day both Chong and Castillo were in Morelia saying it's time to disarm the AD's because the federal government has Michoacán under control!

  13. @245 lmao,so true..

  14. My family is in jikis its a good town not alot of problems, my primo sent me photos of road blocks ct set up in town the other day

  15. This will be the next idiot to get himself killed. The demise of los caballeros cagados will continue.

  16. Why does anyone continue to feed this troll? Stop reporting on him.

    1. I want to read on here when this guy gets killed

  17. Friend request from Satan. Hashtag @ gay caballero. LOL.

  18. This Broly and his band of sicarios are making a name for themselves.
    Wonder how long Broly & boys would last in the Congo or against General Butt Naked ? Perhaps if ebola did not get them the Simba's would ?
    General Butt Naked and his men could clean up Mexico in a few months. There are other sites saying all AD'S must disarm !!!! If they disarm they will no doubt be systematically killed. Its not ethnic cleansing its another form of genocide. Can anyone here on BB put a name to it ? Poor Mexico. Really think Mexico is in need of some "ethnic" diversity. Maybe 100,000 peoples
    from the Congo or central Africa could help diversify Mexico and stop the chingale.
    The old handlebar wearing DF politician is outdated. They have had their fun. Articulo 123 doesn't even allow for clergy to be in politics.
    So , in other words ... Padre José Servando Teresa de Mier would be prohibited prohibited from being involved in moern Mexico.

    Firmado y sellado Roughrider 1898

    1. Africa is a bunch of undiscipline no training,spray and pray,they would rape their own mothers. Africa has nothing on the americas.

    2. Pretty sure if general butt naked an his man came to mexico they would also get slaughtered. By comandante cacauahte

  19. Looks like time for AD 's to disarm ? Yike's !!!!!! They are doomed.

  20. Broly he's so hot right now.

    i hope his eyebrows are ok. that's all that matters.

  21. I hope all the templarios are shot... broly your days are numbered my friend.. sooner or later your goign to get burned by the autodefensas or the marines

  22. El broly aka general custer at little bighorn

  23. hes going to end up like that stinky one that shot at the marine helicopter and ended up plastered all over the ground

  24. I think Olalde(Broly)knows where he is headed and what is going to happen to him without the hard case internet bangers chirping in.Funny the comments calling that dude a fag,what does that say about all the bad guys here?Saludos a los luchadores.No chatty chatty business,leave that to you others

  25. Brolly will be the only CT left... he'll have the last laugh.

  26. Broly has bitches for days including your sister and mom

  27. 11:53 AM
    Dudes got more balls than you and me sittin at OUR windows.
    And thats what im talking about,i agree with you hes a fuckin rat who uses a shooter to intimidate and threaten unarmed people?But,i ask you,bottom line has he got balls?Any time now he is in firefights with all the ADs who also have balls and may well die.You know well what im talking about,or maybe you dont?I admire very very few amigo,just speaking truth

  28. I thought this transvestite was dead? I read an article about it?

  29. 7:36 i admire the autodefensas that revolted against organized crime, that went on to the liberation of their cities without much more than sticks and stones, the autodefensas that go looking for the ct, and make them run after some gunfire exchanges, the ct have always run and only come back when it is safe, no ct to admire anywhere.
    what would amaze me is if el tio or la puta tuta or tito el putito de la puta tuta or anybody else could explain the antagonism between kike plancarte and Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy, kike seems to not have snitched, but he lost, and didn't take no big boss down with him, which is a shame.
    maybe la puta tuta will talk before he is taken down for good.

  30. I read broly is with la tuta.?


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