Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, April 28, 2014

REYNOSA:Comandante Mono Executed, Narco Cartulina Left with Body

Borderland Beat

Manta text Translation [by 777]:

This is what was causing harm to the people and
the government and it is further proof that the CDG
doesn't allow extortion, kidnappings, and harming the population
or fighting against the government.

This person's name is Erick or El Mono. 

He was the one causing trouble.
The Gulf Cartel is here to protect the population and finish off
all the kidnappings, extortion, robberies, and
killing of innocent people.
P.O.S like these have no place in this cartel.

People of Comanadante Metro 3 and Metro 4
Plaza Reynosa
Atte: Los Metros

 Source: MenyTimesBlog and posted by "777" on Forum

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  1. These guys are sure making it sound like there doing something positive for the community. I think there trying to get on somebodies good side.

  2. I was reading in Valor Por Tamaulipas that Comandante Mono is the cousin and the right hand guy of Comandante Paquito plaza boss of Reynosa. The reason why Erick or Mono got killed by Los Metros is because Mono was kidnapping way too much people and Mono happened to kidnapped a friend of Comandante Toro who controls several neighborhoods in Reynosa. Comandante Toro killed Mono with the support of Comandante Polimenso, Juan Perros, and Panochitas all high level commanders of CDG, and are now fighting Comandante Paquito, nano, and Picol. So far about three houses have been burned in Reynosa and several other houses have been destroyed belonging to the people of Comandante Paquito..
    I hope You guys can keep posting more stuff about Tamaulipas.

    1. And with what faction of the Gulf Cartel is Comandante Paquito, Nano and Picol with?

    2. Comandante paquito and picol are all Metros, which basically means Metros vs Metros

    3. And where does commandante cherry or his cousins or brothers stand in all this?..they are the Commanders Leal..imagen, simple, cherry, goyti

    4. There still with el polimenso. El simple in jail imagen n goyti Muertos on cherry n tachas kedan I son gente del metro 3 so there fighting against pakito n his people polimenso el metro60 is gonna b the new plaza boss of reynosa

    5. I agree with you Comandante Polimenso will become the new plaza boss of Reynosa. Polimenso (metro 60) is one of the last well respected CDG commanders. El metro 60 was the right hand of Metro 3 and he has been involved in many gun battles against the Zetas.

    6. What about comandante guicho

    7. I figure CDG as been around for quite a while since it was an original cartel since the prohibition back on the 1920s. There is no real leadership or a figure to represent the CDG since osiel cardenas got caught. Every since it has been a company with no CEO. Many supervisor's. And regional managers have been trying to full fill the position. CDG really needs to get back to basics manage to get Z under the same flag and take over Sinaloa. Other wise is like a boat with out a captain, keeping a float but with no direction. DOCTOR gaver will be a good candidate since he has education to form some type of negotiation agreement to find a real statement of purpose of what CDG stands for.

    8. El solo fue por su propio pie hacia ellos , el sabía que lo querían matar pero era de huevos y fue sobre sus propios pies

  3. Looks like El Mono should've left the innocent ppl living in that plaza alone. Greed kills.

  4. Interesting how the "mantas" are neat and legible, somebody made an effort.

    Leads me to believe as if "mono's" execution could have been planned in advance. . Also the execution is just that, not a savage dismembering.

    Can someone please tell me what kidnapping and extortion of innocents has anything to do with drug trafficking?


    1. Well duh its preplanned. It's not like people wake up in the morning and decide to kill a caleague, if you will.

      They probably killed him because kidnapping and extortion, messing with the public in general will attack attention to the cartel. Which in turn can attract the military. You get what I'm saying?

      Cartels like business, not media attention

  5. CDG is nervous that the criminal cleansing of the CT in michoacan by the AD will spread throughout Mexico. I am sure they are shocked and nervous at how quickly the once feared and believed powerful CT is being decimated. I am sure the CT has been calling CDG pleading for help.

  6. I live in Morelia and have never been to North, but here Los Templarios do the same, they leave manta saying "we are here to take care of community and all families". The problem is that many, many people believe them. I anticipate that many people in Reynosa will also believe CDG is good men?

  7. at 4:53 PM
    "Mono happened to kidnapped a friend of Comandante Toro"
    The one you are talking about is the well known and long time cmdte "El Toro"
    A different CDG cmdte was killed not long ago who was cmdte "Toro" Comandante Polimenso,Juan Perros,Panochitas,El Toro,as you say are long time influential comandantes and Metros aligned.

  8. Pinche cdg ,todos son una bola de rateros.... incluyendo toda la bola de rateros k c mencionan.... de suguro ese vato los estaba robando, y le tuvieron k dar gas, ........

  9. I use to believe, but cannot trust anyone. The kidnapping and extortion cause the problems, remember the good old times when everybody just made money off drugs. You know innocent people are getting tired. Something will happen if the cartel do not clean up their act. leave us alone and do your business. I never hurt you. become business people

  10. chivis great work we get so little reporting Tamps. I am afraid to go, worry about safety of my family

  11. great reporting never any news in Tamps.

  12. A lil off topic anyone know when el mochomo os due to be released???

  13. Shit Tamaulipas has been news banned since 2005... if there was a drug war, then Tamaulipas is hell... hope God help us out... and what is amazing... Nuevo Laredo... not even a word

    1. That's because there all here.its been quite for more than a year except for the mayor getting his head removed.even the zona is starting to pick up.

  14. Arrimesen para la Frontera chica pinche metros. Aqui esta mos listos para Un topon. Parren sur pinche matasones a Nuestro mismatch gente o Los pone mos bien para trbajar como antes. ATT: El 14

  15. Buying off the local people and appearing to be a "savior" to the uninformed is a very effective business model to the local folks. locals provide protection giving you a heads up if some americanos are asking around about your whereabouts. But eventually one way or anther external forces eventually succeed.

  16. Did they kill paquito? People are reporting his death as of yesterday.

  17. Great work and I don't give a fuck I still come and go to Mexico through Tamaulipas and no issues here motherfuckers!!!

  18. I dont know about you guys but as far as I care to remember, cdg has put out some of the most hard core, depraved and sickening decap/dismemberment videos out there.. I mean a 15 year old kid, and those other guys that got cut down with axes, ughhh. The shit still makes me cringe..and I just looked at a few frames, I couldnt bring myself to watch that shit..I mean who can watch that shit and not be headfucked?

  19. Jaja ja eso me encanta pinches golfas puros zetas comandante tuercas piedras,negras coahuilazzzz

    1. A chingar tu madre pinche perro muerto de hambre

  20. There has been lots of kidnappings in Reynosa as of late. Hopefully this makes a change.. but you know, they're all talk usually.

  21. Obviously CDG have a major command and control problem.

  22. the people will over come

  23. I live across from camargo tamaulipas the vilonce has alway been here but no one reports it these people are crossing so much drugs into the rio grande valley its a blurr alot of it is getting cought but alot is not u should read the valley news papers they bust up to 12000 lb per week sometimes more but then u read El ENLACE no fucking news about tamaulipas no one is reporting the news in frontera chica so the americans think its safe since they have not heard any bad things and they cross into mexico just to never be heard or seen again its amazing how much weed they been busting in starr,hidalgo county people say the weed from mexico is no good well i smoke and recent weeks the weed has become more and more and more good the people that grow it are now triming the leaf no seeds grat smell and the high man they are doing something different saw some weed that have not seen in years by years i meen 10 ti 12 years they brought more border patrols so the cartel will have to dich out more $ to pay them off its all corupted down here from the sheriffs to the dog catcher all the political partys campaigns are beeing funded by drug dealers like that guy runing for jp pct 4 martin martinez all those sings and cars with his name on them NACHO GARZA drug trafficker paying for everything and his friends too that right there is money laundrring what happend to lupe trevino in hidalgo these people that r running for office are doing it to make $ off there power no to help the city puros corruptos sad how the loca officals dont see past the money our towns citys are going to hell its almost as bad as in mexico but with a little more secrets they all work together but when the time comes to pay the pipper if one gets caught they give everybody up like that guy rj ramires i hear he coming out soon from jail he was the chife of jailers and only got 1year in prison

    1. That's the valley. . You know what's up bad thing it don't look like it's going to change

  24. Damn hypocrites! Many of CDG's dismemberment videos feature kidnapped children, 15 and 16-years-old -- some of the worst videos out there. The chief murderer of these children is Cmte. Sheyla, a CDG. Does anyone believe this nonsense? The strangest thing is the Zetas do not pretend to be a friend to humanity, but CDG does.

  25. Does anyone know El Monos real name?

    1. He's was about 27 years old ugly motherfucker mean as hell I wet to junior high with him drove a newer f-150 back then everybody knew who he was I'm surprised he.lasted this long.

  26. CDG knows that if they want to survive and take some turf from the Z's they have to get the people on their side which is one of the few things the Z's don't have. CDS, CDG and CJNG are far less likely to have an army of autodefenses trying to take them out than the Z's and some of their allies.


  27. at 10:02 PM
    "Arrimesen para la Frontera chica pinche metros, mos bien para trbajar como antes. ATT: El 14 "
    Gente 14.What kind of work?Dope is sound,no problems,but fuckin with clean hands,scaring people and kidnap?That shit aint cool,like terrorism shit

  28. April 28, 2014 at 9:50 PM
    "if there was a drug war, then Tamaulipas is hell... hope God help us out... and what is amazing... Nuevo Laredo... not even a word"
    Is that because Z have it on lock??Uncontested plazas are usually quiet,CDG etc aint got the time right now to be heating it up with mantas,killings of halcons,or whoever?There dealing with their thing right now? Anyone from Nectar Lima wanna say whats up ?

  29. What happend to El gringo Mike?

    1. He got killed by el X20 Mario pelon

    2. Under the radar

    3. X20 sent comandante Cortez to reynosa to take him n his people Out !!

  30. El Gringo was killed by x20s faction last year.

  31. What happend to El gringo Mike?

    I think hes dead,but there was something about a court case where someone was trying to buy a lot of yayo and the dude frontin the dough was Gringo Mike?Thing is,this was after he was supposed to have been killed in the battle ? That dude gotta be dead,they went looking for him,when it happened is a guess,but he got fucked sometime.Story about it is on BB forum,if you want to read it by DD..

    1. X20 killed him about a year ago

  32. Commandante juan perros and his dad,lete tel you,ate real old school n definitly do not like kidnapping and extorting of the local populace. For those smart asses that will comment stuff like ,"well why r there so manyy kidnappings going around or "why havent they put an end to this."they had.t been at the top tier power levels in years past,just mid level back then.but believe me juan perros and his dad ARE INDEED the lesser of the two evils fighting for control.

  33. I el comandante Bryan? De los metros

  34. El sold ado Bryan?

  35. Que left paso all comandante satanas in santaadelaida...

  36. Didn't el commandante diablo get arested last year cuz there some talk about him

  37. Apenas ase un rato enpeso el desnadre por todo reynosa ay rumores k mataron al chiricuas picol y al vampiro gente del pakito el polimenso y juanito perros se estan kedando con la plaza

  38. Oooohhhhhhjjj, shit is hitting the fan GACHO BAD in Reynosa this tuesday. Just go to valor x Tamaulipas. They cant even keep up. postin and reporting with all the SDR all ovwr town today.

  39. OMG! I used to know all this people when I was little. I hung out with him and his brother. I also know Paquito when I was little. We lived in the same small town of Rancho Grande. I used to visit his grandma as well. We left Rancho Grande when I was 15 and have not returned since. Seems like all the people I used to know are know dead or doing bad things. This used to be a good place to live and now it turned into a shit hole, what the hell. I wanted to go back this coming summer but have decided not to because of all the fighting. Maybe one of these days I will go back there with out worrying about my life. I still have family over there and really want to see them.

  40. @5:59 what kidnapping and extortion have to do with murdering innocents.
    mexican members of drug trafficking organizations do not get paid, and some only get paid in drugs to sell, the market is too tight, so the lowly clans of narco-sicarios have to kidnap, extort, and murder innocent people, and even each other.
    every time the big cartel bosses take a licking by the government, by going to prison, by losing loads, by getting the millions expropriated, by hving to pay all the federal, state, municipal police, plus the transitos, and all the military involved, somebody is going to pay for all the loses, the most dumb, those that do not have the organization or the weapons to fight back, el mas pendejo, the people.
    regarding the well done mantas, they are machine made, they could be tracked to a shop that cuts vinyl letters, or prints directly on the banner.
    La Señora Wallace, many articles about this lady, inform about her business of signs, on the DF, on kidnappings, extortions, false arrrests, forced confessions, her complicity with GENARO GARCIA LUNA, chief SSP, and one of the hungriest kidnapper/extortionists himself, protector of drug traffickers, and assassins, a beloved member of CARLOS SLIM HELU's police infiltrators and drug traffickers, now the latest mexican millionaire, corrupt to the marrow, to be embraced by the US as an immigrant, living in florida.
    you will have a mighty good timechecking on la señora wallace and el genizaro mayor SSP genaro garcia luna

  41. I think they just kill el Comandante pakito. Polimenso n juan perros r taking over the plaza

  42. They taking out all d Comandante da kidnap

  43. All this shit is happening because these poor bastards don't have any means of income thru the drug trade. That's why they are resorting to extortion. Back then when El Gringo was alive word around camp fires was that he was the money man and brains behind it all. He was the one the moved tons of weed and coke up north. He had the freight and the buyers up north and the contacts down south. These fuckers that called themselves comandantes now move two or three hundred lbs. of dirt weed and think they are Tony Montana. They are not making enough to pay the sicarios, halcones and corrupt politicians. That's why the halcones and sicarios are extorting to get extra cash

  44. Mono's real name is : Mamon

  45. This thread actually had some good info from posters, thank you for your input.. the shit has been hitting the fan lately..

  46. @925
    right on!
    Not enough bones to go around!

  47. Templarios y C.D.G siguen siendo aliados ?

  48. They probably killed him over some bad blood or settling accounts. I doubt kidnapping had anything to do with it.

    The smart thing to do is whenever you kill a high ranking narco, leave a manta blaming the kidnapping on them. That way all the sins of the last few weeks get pinned on that person.

  49. Es Horrible todo esto que esta pasando en nuestra tierra :(

  50. Tarde ohh temprano tenia k pagar por todo lo k iso mucha familias estan sufriendo por su culpa

  51. "These fuckers that called themselves comandantes now move two or three hundred lbs. of dirt weed and think they are Tony Montana. They are not making enough to pay the sicarios, halcones and corrupt politicians. That's why the halcones and sicarios are extorting to get extra cash"
    Spot on,scrambling for money.All the crews are still there but not making any paper now that they fucked their own work up,so they turn on the defenseless workers of every type to extort and gangster everything in sight

  52. This is one of the deadliest "sicarios" of CDG. "Peyo." Brother or cousin of another notorious CDG criminal by the nickname of "Asido."

  53. Blablabla mind your own and stay alive

  54. Alguien sabe que fue de su familia se dice que la mataron? Yo los conocia por vivir en el mismo rancho pero ya no supe d su verdadera esposa he hijos y ahora dicen que paquito ya salio sera vdd?


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