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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tense Situation in Tierra Caliente

If you want a partial background to this situation I recommend reading an article translated by Jane Brundage over at Mexico Voices

Morelia, Michoacán—According to police reports, on April 5th around 22:00 hours, elements of the Navy made the arrest of 13 civilians in the municipality of Múgica which prompted the mobilization of residents of the community, who rang the bells alerting the rest of the population of a tense situation.

People identified as self-defense members of the municipality of Nueva Italia carried out roadblocks on access roads to the county seat; this is because the Mexican Army and the Navy are initiating an operation to disarm the self-defense movement.

So far there are reports that elements of the federal security and army have withdrawn from the municipality of Nueva Italia amid the threat of a confrontation with the population.

The roadblocks are reported on Cuatro Caminos, La Estación and on the exit to Nuevo Conróndiro, where it is also indicated that access and presence of the media has been denied and the entrance of any vehicle, increasing the number of self-defense members at the points where the barricades are at.

According to reports, during the blockades, various members of the self-defense groups have said that their communities will never again be held hostage by criminals, murderers, kidnappers, and extortionists.  They denounced the complicity of the authorities with organized crime groups; so that the organized crime groups can take control of the communities again.

Social media announced that on Sunday April 6, federal authorities will attempt to disarm the rest of the self-defense groups of the municipalities of Múgica, Apatzingán and Parácuaro, the self-defense movement will call on the people to demonstrate in defense of the self-defense groups, which could provoke a confrontation because the self-defense groups will refuse to disarm.

Update: Mireles Confirms the Mobilization of the Self-Defense Movement
Update: Michoacán: 40 Self-Defense Members Detained
 Mireles Confirms the Mobilization of the Self-Defense Movement

Starting at 12:00 hours on Sunday, supporters of the self-defense movement will demonstrate in 20 municipalities of the state, demanding that the federal and state governments suspend the disarmament of the self-defense groups who fight organized crime, confirmed José Manuel Mireles Valverde, a leader and spokesman for the self-defense movement, this morning.

“These are small demonstrations by the citizens of the municipalities in which we operate, because the government must understand that we cannot disarm until the state is finished with organized crime”, said the spokesman.

According to the leader, the demonstrations will not be roadblocks, but it will be demonstrations in the municipalities of the residents who will demand the federal government respect the self-defense movement and suspend the disarmament that was announced.

Mireles noted, “We insist to the government that we won’t give up our weapons until the criminal structure is disbanded and we can live in peace”, concluded the leader.

Michoacán: 40 Self-Defense Members Detained

By: E. Martínez E.

Elements of the Mexican Navy arrested 40 members of the self-defense groups while they patrolled Cuatro Caminos, located in the county seat of Nueva Italia, municipality of Múgica, in the Tierra Caliente region.  Those arrested were taken to the Military Zone 43, located on the outskirts of Apatzingán, members of the self-defense groups reported.  The arrests occurred after 21:00 hours resulting in the mobilization of both self-defense groups as well as federal forces.  The marines were backed by a helicopter gunship.

 The self-defense groups organized and blocked the seven accesses to Apatzingán and alerted groups from Parácuaro, Buenavista Toma­tlán, Tepalcatepec, Coalcomán, Chinicuila, Nueva Italia, La Huacana, Churumuco and Huetamo in order for them to place roadblocks.  It was reported that they started burning tires.

As of the time this article was written, there were blockades in Nueva Italia, Parácuaro and Apatzingán; the operation of the federal forces has spread to seven of the 30 municipalities that have the presence of self-defense groups.

This Friday, Miguel Ángel Osorio, the Secretary of the Interior said that the self-defense groups will be disarmed, since they’ve completed their period already and the federal government can ensure the safety of Michoacán.


  1. Disarm the self defense groups? Give me an effin break!!! Thats the absolute WORST thing that could happen to them! More proof that the gvt is on the cartels payroll! They are going after the wrong ppl!!

  2. Que Viva La Resistencia!! Of course the gov't wants to disarm the self defense movement...the drug/criminal gangs are their main source of income besides their hidious raping of city, municipality and state/federal funds. With the inability of theses mafias to operate daily and safely, their extorsion income is being disrupted. My prayer is that the autodefenses make such a huge impact that entire Mexico is forced to wake up!! Namaste.

    El Pollo

  3. The army needs to go after the cartels no tthe people. What a bunch of rats. If the army wont help the people they are against the people and if they are against the people, just like hte cartels they will be kicked out.

  4. What the heck is going on? First it's ok to be armed, now it's not? I sense a war between civilians and government.

  5. Viva the brave DR.Mireles sadly I think he's death is near the own government is going to have him killed he's the respected leader left for the AD and he's also defying the government which in their eyes Mireles is getting on their last nerve.

    1. Mexican government is destined for another revolution! The harder these corrupt politicians try to bring down the AD the more they will harden the resolve of the people! Everthing they do will work against them fate is not on their side! Maybe now the good people will get their country back!!! Remember it has been the corruption in government that allowed this messttoto happen in the first place!!!

    2. The corrupt government or anybody who tries to assasinate Dr Mirales would be making a grave mistake! It would wake up the eyes of the world and harden the general public against their own corrupt government!!!!! What the government will continue to try is a public smear campaign against AD and disarmament, but it could backfire disastrously. I think some uknown circumstances will develop like soldiers killing innocents, torturing, or disapearing people. But all of that will work against the corrupt government!!! The soldier have to realize they are puppets for the corrupt officials that profit from the unjust system of La Mordida!!!

  6. Isn't it ironic how the government is now reacting with a vigor and a will that has been sadly lacking(to say the least)before the AD were born?Indeed,the AD has pushed the government of Mexico to a seemingly new respect for the safety of its people and the rule of law(and if you believe that your deluded)and the need to actually do the job you are paid to do.Nahhh,the AD has scared the powers that be into action,that's why they are reacting,not because the government cares about the rule of law and safety,they are simply trying to stop the spread of the AD and its idea.
    Where was all this energy before the Auto Defensas?

  7. Standing up to federal government takes great balls! Go AD!!!!!!!!

  8. Mexicans deserve Mexicans.
    Please, stay in Mexico!!!

    1. You mean the barbarians that the Romans showed how to live in a civilized world!

    2. If you take a look at America during any time period it has always benefitted by the new waves of immigrants, and the new waves of immigrants have for the most part been discriminated against! !!! Immigrants bring new energy, hard work, inovation, and a can do attitude. Many spoiled established Americans privileged are soft and care more about what Lindsey Lohan is up to than world events! I buy American when I can even though I am an immigrant, but how many Americans sell out and drive foreign cars! Ford, and Chevy make great vehicles! Why? Look wt how many American Corporations sold out their own citizen work force and went overseas!!! Made I. AMERICA IS A THING OF THE PAST!!! I try to buy American when I can, but not even Craftsman are made in America! Remember that used to be their marketing ploy! So don't go blaming mexicans for your own sorry excuse of a life!

  9. Its time for all out war against the corrupt mexican government. May the people rise and confront the beast with courage and honor. Evil wont reign unless the brave people of mexico staysilent. Its time to fight!

  10. EPN is a piece of trash and will always be. The auto defensas were the ones with the intel and EPN's admin was taking the credit for the deaths and captures of LCT members. Now they want to disarm them again.

  11. The resolve of the ADs is being tested now more than ever. There is no doubt in my mind that the govt. Mx. has never been comfortable with the idea with law-abiding citizens arming themselves in order to protect their families and their properties, along with their own physical integrity. It's ironic how a govt. that is unable to enforce their laws/protect it's citizens is quick to want to enforce gun laws that prohibit law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. The people of Tierra Caliente are fed-up with the murders, extortions, kidnappings, and robbing being committed by organized crime. The corrupt govt. officials/politicians/elite are afraid of losing their quotas from the CTs - and more importantly the control they had over the people through the fear that came from CT atrocities. The tables have been turned in Mich. on OC and their collaboraters. Their fear has a voice: Dr. Mireles Valverde.

  12. There is no real law in Mexico.
    It's all about who has the power.
    Might is Right.
    A.D. know what it's like to be powerless. They do not want to go there again.
    They need an armed wing and a political wing, similar to the IRA.
    They also need international support and eyes.
    They need to document EVERYTHING. Criminal acts by the CT and government...the blind, deaf and dumb monkey act that government mimics when the AD and people plead for the government's rightful assistance due to criminal acts against the people. Document EVERYTHING and get it into international hands through journalists, UN politicians, human rights activists, family members living abroad etc!!!

  13. Oh yeah.. "the federal government can ensure the safety of Michoacan".... just like they have for 12 years. Bastards!!!!

  14. ADs cannot be disarmed before Tuta and Broly are killed. Broly+Tuta=Bruta.

    1. That was a good one hahaha... BRUTA... hahaha

  15. We already know what's probably going to happen.

    Mostly likely either they'll start a war by slaughtering the local refuseniks, or the locals will disarm and then get slaughtered anyways by the gangs in retaliation for standing up. The first thing I thought when reading that paragraph on the operation to disarm them, "Are these people ret**ded or something? This will start a war." then "Wow, it's Boston all over again." since this is precisely what turned public opinion during the US revolutionary war. And knowing the Mexican military, they're stupid & arrogant enough to do it! Man, I so hope to be wrong since an open war in Mexico would likely be a nightmare for us as well, as selfish as that sounds. :(

    1. Chinese,russian invasion when cival war hits in usa,and possibly mexico.definatly usa.

  16. Its pretty clear what side the government is on. They whored there soul for a couple of pesos. If the gov doesnt straighten out they will make stronger enemies than la puta and his helmet wearing meth heads. This pisses me off

  17. Can EPN and the Federal government arrest their way to disarmament of the ADs? It can happen, if they are willing to arrest tens of thousands of angry people. Or maybe it's the first step for an all out attack against the people. A shootout with the ADs, is the excuse that the government needs. Remember the assault on unarmed people just 2 months ago? 4 died and a 11 year old girl was killed. This will be a make or break time for the AD movement. Prayers and support is needed right now. Lets do what we can.

  18. All of you just dont fucking get it, the government let them do the hard work and for free so they dont them anymore

  19. April 6, 2014 at 2:06 PM
    "They need an armed wing and a political wing, similar to the IRA"
    What do you know about the IRA?The" I Run Away"were dirty drug dealing mafia who killed pregnant women,children,blew buildings apart,ran weapons,they are the worst scum but a lot of idiotic people actually believed in the romantic idea of the struggle?Please dont put the IRA anywhere near this kind of movement,please research before you all believe the shit about those dogs.

    1. Yeah,and a top mi6,whistleblower admitted that british intelligence was behind ALL the domedtic bombings including the doubledecker bus,in front of mkultra tavistock INSTITUTE.cry me a river tard.

  20. Might as well just kill them


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