Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Today's Reynosa Siege in Photos

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Readers sent me in these photos from the violence that occurred today in Reynosa leaving a balance of at least 14 dead.

Badanov has the story and will post it shortly.

One reader that sent the most photos in said this :"Los metros are taking control of the entire city burning down houses of other factions of the cartel claiming they're responsible for the increased kidnappings and violence, they're taking out whoever doesn't get in line with them, along with their whole family, were talking little girls and boys too."

To the BB reader, thank you for the photos and info alert, may you and your family be safe....Chivís

 Video from today
Reynosa Photos:

Dead civilian in red truck

click on to enlarge

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  1. Thats some crazy shit chivis

  2. Welcome to Jamrock

    -Manuel Cavazos Lerma, federal senator, ex tamps governor.
    -Tomas Yarrington ex governor tamps.
    -george w bush ex-governor texas, ex president US
    -bertie boy moreira,ex-governor coahuila
    -coahuila based military retiree's colony, running the zetas
    -pemex corrupt leadership
    -businessmen all over the area that partake of the Moneys made, including tamaulipas, coahuila, nuevo leon, zacatecas, durango, veracruz, michoacan, chihuahua, sonora, california, estado de mexico, DF, sinaloa, jalisco, aguascalientes, tabasco, guerrero, oaxaca, chiapas, guanajuato, campeche, yucatan, queretaro, tlaxcala, morelos, puebla, colima, nayarit, baja california norte, baja california sur, and cancun.
    all the free and sovereign states of mexico that can do nothing for their people, against the federal police of the monotheista state that sit atop of all the mexican crime pyramid and their military and their multifanged politicians, chewing on their bones that keep 'em too busy...
    no problem with the explicit photos, and videos, if we had had them since the start, we might not have had so many crimes for so long, post them for all to see in the US and the world, it's been about time, for a long time now...
    maybe the gringos will have something to say about the consequences of US politicians sponsored drug trafficking and gun running under cover of government operations bullshit, put it with all the other american shenanigans around the world, and see how it improves the US standing on the world to a level under ZERO, i'm sure president obama has got with the teabagger nazi falangista chickenhawks to get some of his presidency saved, and that is why it all seems to be going to hell all over.
    now i see why that pinche tamaulipeco was so incensed about posting his motherfucking news, and i'm glad you could reach the chiva at long last...

    1. It no one but MEXICO'S GOVERMNT FAULT!!!!! If the goverment was doing it's job right you wouldn't have sicarios that get paid 1000 pesos weekly, you wouldn't have kidnappers asking for 25 dollars ransom, if the mexican goverment hadn't been so busy exploiting PEMEX for their own benefits we would have a first world economy that could stand toe to toe with the US, if the mexican goverment wouldn't be so corrupt we would have a mexico with much better education, good health system, better jobs, we wouldn't have the need to migrate for a better life. IT'S NO ONE FAULT BUT OUR GOVERNMENT POISONED BY GREED.
      - Rage Against Injustice


    2. Its nobody's fault but MEXICO'S CORRUPT GOVERMENT. If mexico goverment wasn't so corrupt there wouldn't be sicarios getting paid 100 dollars a week, if MEXICO'S. GOVERMENT wasn't so corrupt we wouldn't had kidnappers asking for 25 dollars ransom, if the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT hadn't been so busy exploiting PEMEX we would had a first world economy that could stand toe to toe with the US, with a good education, and health system withe better jobs, more tourism, and we wouldn't had the need to migrate to the US for a better living. IT'S MEXICO'S GOVERMENT POISONED BY GREE THE ONLY RESPONSABLE FOR ALL THE PROBLEMS IN MEXICO.

      -Rage against injustice


    3. all governments are corrupt. its not just mexico. where u been at under a rock .

    4. No llores!!! E's como e's y nada va cambiar.

  4. Reportedly Comandante gafe has become the new plaza boss of Reynosa with the support of Comandante Polimenso and Juan Perros. There has been rumors that Comandante chiricuas (metro 85) was executed by Metros hit men today.. Which is really surprising since Chiricuas ha been a long time commander of CDG.. El chiricuas controls aquiles serdan... All of this conflicts between Los Metros have started since Comandante Simple (metro 24) was arrested by the Marines..

  5. Wonder what type of weapon they used to blow the dudes head off

  6. Sorry, I removed one photo it was not from today. The very graphic photo

  7. Nobody needs to take out it CDG - there doing it on their own. First you had the bloodbath between Sheylas/dragones and Jimmies/w's/betas in Tampico in early April. Now all of a sudden you have a bloodbath erupt today in Reynosa between rival factions. That's not even talking about Matamoros where the Ciclones faction runs things. This cannot be good for any faction of CDG since any new loss of sicarios will weaken any faction regardless of victors. Everybody wants their turn at becoming the kingpin of CDG. When their is potentially billions of dollars in gas reserves underneath the ground in Tamps. ready to be drilled along with lucrative drug
    trafficking corridors at stake, there will exist groups ready to fight to control the wealth of Tamaulipas.

  8. I am looking at these pictures and these guys totally get caught in a hail of bullets, for what though, im sure these things can get worked out, but anyway, do you notice how far forward that dude is to the steering wheel, damn he couldnt even duck out of the way. He probably was pinned to the seat by the airbag and was easily blasted, man i wonder what the the last few moments of life was like for these guys, what went through their minds, like: is this really happening, damn this isnt cool, this sucks, or why wont my arm move, etc. They need to really change up thier tactics, all that ever happens is, they get chewed up..dude needed to disable the airbag though..

    1. Don't be dumb lol I'm pretty sure that guy wasn't driving around like that.

    2. These sicarios or estakas are like we call it in mexico vatos bragados!! Just dont give a f...! Not some pussys they know what awaits them at their destiny n are ready to die whenever its time to go , to them its like dying with honor even though theirs no honor in dying this way but still they are considered BRAGADOS! Chingones that just dont give a f... n not like most men that are punks

  9. That truck in the first pic, is that ghetto bulletproofing??

    1. How is that ghetto bulletproof??

    2. no pendejo, Its above level 5 bullet proofing it costs more than 100 thousand dollars, can you imagine What it cost these Guys to have it on most of their trucks? im guessing more than 200 trucks

    3. If its level 5 bullet proofing then explain it to me why the hell they got shot. Well, i guess they didn't get what they paid for

  10. CDG limpiandose... one thieving hand at a time.

  11. Money must be tight for CDG to resort to this infighting.
    When everyone eats good, everyones happy!

    1. Money is never tight for organized crime it's just a power struggle so they can control that money

  12. Dear Chivis

    I saw a news report that said that some politician name cabeza de Baca was surrounded by a convoy of trucks but managed to escape. Can you do a report on this and who might have been behind the whole thing and why.

    1. Former mayor of Reynosa named Cabeza de Baca.

  13. And I was called a "crank" weeks ago by a poster when I suggested on Borderland Beat that things were going down in Tamps...

  14. Obama was doing the gun running, Not George Bush

    1. Stop it bro, u putting obama against a real druglord. Lol

  15. Hmm maybe they got lied to, those bullets wents straight through that shit, they should have bought surplus military vehicles for that price.

  16. What happen to el rey de reyes??

  17. who cares a dead cartel is a good one

  18. You lame f:-) cks that praise volence and cartel clicks can eat a u know what,grow up , or join your local cartel so u can snitch like all they do when they get caught, what a bunch of pansy gangstets

  19. Hey pendejo (5:58 AM).. you little cheerledin girl for CDG... the CDG has no money to pay their sicarios lunch at a taco stand.. much less pay to bulletproof their vehicles... if that were the case they wouldn't get their asses kicked by the federal police... no real drug trafficking is going on in tamps. only typical kidnapping and extortion and stealing of goods... who the hell are you kidding that they have money to bullet proof over 200 vehicles...bunch of sissies... they are not working for Sinaloa... and sadly right now if you don't work for Sinaloa... you aint shit

    1. D parte d los zzzz tu y los golfas y las sinaloas nos pelan la verga jajaja if u aint working for cds u aint nothing jajajjaja pinches wuisos.soplones snithces to the us government

  20. @8:39 the queens of the Nile still at work with the WIDE RECEIVER deceivers.
    it's not like the presidents are in on every motherfucking deal, gun runnin seems so crude, and the intent of just up and makimg money selling weapons to the cartels, drug trafficking organizations, el al, that it had to originate with the weapons manufacturers, in full complicity with the NRA, ICE, and ATF, even behind the US government's back, but the fact that ATF had been going without a big boss for a long time makes me think that nobody wanted the position because nobody wanted to testify later, because they all knew, that is their job, running guns at the shade of government is not their job, much less doing it for someone to just fill their pockets off drug traffickers, trafficking into the US, real "patriotic"...

  21. quien esta cagando el palo en mi pueblo? como van a dejar que pasen estas pendejadas en mi pueblo. Levantate Reynosa!! Col Rodriguez, Cumbres, Lomas, longoria, Por que se quedan como espectadores.

    1. Y Tu, que estas haciendo por Tu pueblo?

    2. Eso amigo es fasil comentar pero muy dificil agarrarce los huevos y Levantarce aser algo por el pueblo...

  22. Damn, It looks like this guys never had a chance to even fire back. Thats what you call getting lit up.

  23. Cdg got some balls doing all this fighting! Now the government is gona have to get involved shits now gona hit the fan!!!

  24. Texas plates clearly visible on that Chevrolet. Stolen ?

  25. April 29, 2014 at 10:45 PM
    "There has been rumors that Comandante chiricuas (metro 85) was executed by Metros hit men today.. Which is really surprising since Chiricuas ha been a long time commander of CDG"
    Everyone of these you mention were all honoring Metro Tres and were all aligned and were Metros ?

  26. at 12:11 AM
    " VIVA MEXICO ! " ?

    Yeah right,your probably in the US. Idiots,,pure idiots idolizing this shit ?

  27. April 30, 2014 at 8:02 AM
    "And I was called a "crank" weeks ago by a poster when I suggested on Borderland Beat that things were going down in Tamps..."
    Yeah man,i remember,but i remember differently,wasn't you the one saying shit wasn't getting reported in Tamps by BB?No-one said anything about shit not jumpin off in Tamps?It was about reporting wasn't it?Its not a genius move to say shit goes off in Tamps is it?

  28. Obama was doing the gun running, Not George Bush,no it wasn't it was Arnold wasn't it?Oh no,,,it was,,lets see,,pick a real US,,i know,it was John Wayne ?
    That John Wayne runnin all them guns to Mexico and messin Mexico up,if it wasn't for him Mexico would be so safe and happy,and Obama,and Bush,and Reagan,and Nixon,and Kennedy,and,,,,,blah ablah blah ablah bah,yeah i kno

    1. take some meds or lower the dosage

  29. I gather theres some instagram accounts lacking any new activity! god damn see those brains of the hommie in the army fatigues, the other cat in black looks like he took 1 right in the cheek, and god damn boy in blue is missing half his temple, and to top it all off, they had to fck up the Chevy

  30. obamas does not care, him and pena in their safe houses

  31. See, fast and furious would have worked if rf transmitters would have been hidden in the guns, but someone got cheap and lazy. Bush however had a similar operation but it wasnt as huge, and the weapons had the rf chips. So since it worked out, no one heard about it..

    1. they are all criminals nothing they say will ever work. hello ! anyone use the b r a i n

  32. All of you guys are panochudos. Every one commenting anonymous....lmao

    1. Including u pendejo right anonymous jajajaja chapete

    2. maybe anonymous cuz they are not idiots and want to protect themselves and know that alot of the sites are made by governments to get info. hello ?!!?

  33. at 12:25 AM
    "Whatever cranks"
    Err,thats crank,,,,,,,ok sailor

  34. April 30, 2014 at 10:35 PM
    "All of you guys are panochudos. Every one commenting anonymous....lmao"

    Are you chongin again?Wood slappin your roof to hard?
    What was your name again ? Dayyuumm boy you is stupid ...

  35. April 30, 2014 at 2:04 PM
    "Its nobody's fault but MEXICO'S CORRUPT GOVERMENT"
    Now here is a Mexican with common sense and no jingoistic bullshit .
    We need more like him....

    1. yeah sure deflect responsibility and faults on everyone else. that helps the world , right

      hello ?!!?

  36. So for about how many millions are these guys willing to go out this way??? No amount would be enough for me to risk my life like this, unless it was for my family or my country and that does not take $$... so sad...probres ninios pendejos

  37. Not .50 wounds. 50. cal would blow their heads apart.
    Probably, opened right side door to surrender and the boys in blue ignored their white flag as all were shot on left side of head, facing forward.
    Also, the interior of the truck was not riddled with bullet holes, and they were all shot in the head.
    In Mexico, If you chose to fight the coppers or military and you kill one of them you either better escape or you are all dead.

    1. Chivis took that pic down, guys head was completely destroyed, if u wanna see the pic go to narconoticias blog

  38. man these guys look all shot ! thats what happens when you want to be a big shot !! They look like they havent taken a bath in months !! Ha Ha ! You Stinky Dirty dumb asses !!!!!

  39. Some say Sinaloa is nothing but snitches well in any business one would assume u ally with yrour biggest threat to keep business smooth i suppose all the other nut huggers who rather extort and kidnap and steal find it easier to call it snitching... as a once wise man said keep ur friends close ur enemies closer or in many cases laying smoking on the floor or in your make shift bulletproof truck..Sinaloa is still very much in charge and chapo no matter where he may be continues to control what Felix gallardo started the oldest agreements the oldest arreglos still pertain to quintero chapo azul and mayo! just to see what power is google cdg bulletproof trucks and then sinaloa bulletproof sinaloa has been in control of the true drug trade while these idiots fight over who can steal more.

  40. AND who has been corrupting the mexican government? has it been the idea of benefitting the Khazak republic? for buy more chicken?
    NO! the main corruptor of the mexican government, corrupted and impossed on the mexicans, has been the US greedy pinchi gringos that rob the american public and sell them down the river too, the pinchi gringos that believe that the US government's mission on the world is to have their corporate welfare and government contracts ready, packed with cost overrun allowances. blame someone worth it,myopic idiot bitch!!!

  41. Yeah, that makes sense now that I am looking at it, but the interior does look all fucking dirty though, they probably roll around with the a/c that doesnt work and seat belts that smell like speed and beer sweat.all hot as fuck with tight ass jeans.. fuck that shit. Why dont these fools just band together and roll their bosses who feed them to the grinder, I mean why would they
    be doing shit in broad fucking daylight

  42. Yo, we arent saying these guys are pussies, we are just kind of figuring what happens or, how these guys get gnarled up like this because it doesnt make sense to take on a country's military without any one but yourselves getting wasted, it doesnt make sense to me if these guys dont get paid much but yet the bosses require them to engage, not only are they losing guys, but as far as the bosses are concerned, they are losing their weapons which still cost cold cash, and they lose a lot of guns..

  43. Man that video, after seeing the pictures and you hear all those machine guns mowing those people up, if that happened in the states, thats all you would hear about for two weeks pro guns this anti guns that, yet, in mexico sure it makes the news but it is just another lively day for you. Man I bet it would be hard to take someone who has never been there, they would get ptsd.. and I feel sorry for you and it sucks but, I really feel bad for the little ones, like newborns and infants and I bet by the time they are 5 the kids are already battle hardened veterans

  44. I took the photo down because it was not of the reynosa balacera, in fact it was 2010 in Nuevo Laredo, using it knowing it was not a part of this story is wrong.

  45. hello ?!!?

  46. and they wherent wearing their seatbelts ,, pinche culos

  47. --Pedro Aviles, was before miguel angel felix gallardo,the DFS federal police agent who probably killed al patron del gitano valdez, grandfather of la barbie.
    --don chuy labra aviles, carried on with the business for pedro's heirs, miguel angel felix gallardo and his wife's nephews, the arellano felix cartel, working with the heirs of carlos hank gonzalez, TAESA airlines on the califa tijuana area.
    --don neto, ernesto carrillo fonseca, gave his all to amado carrillo fuentes and his air force on the juarez el paso area.
    --the mexican army went for el cartel del golfo's to work with the bush crime family, after the colombia cuba florida wing of the bush crime family connection got exposed.
    and el chapo was suppossed to stay calm in sinaloa selling oranges for caro quintero, the DFS division of the CIA, the triangulo de oro and the guadalajara cartel because he was no child of privilege and had to do as told by the powers that be...
    @7:40 you need some; who corrupted the mexican government, genius?
    --beware of chinese armored vehicles and some job offers...

  48. hey guys, visit barbara talamantez on the networked blogs, she cute, and say hi for me, tell her i said guau, guau! from the dog pound, unlike chivis, she did not use all the eyeliner; chivaaa! you still prettier!!! warts and all...

  49. Id say there is a little chemical courage that gives these dudes the extra bulsa


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