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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Commissioner Castillo Calls this Dr. Mireles' "Trophy" Photo

Chivís Martínez for Borderland Beat

On May 9th, Alfredo Castillo Cervantes Commissioner for Security in Michoacán, reported that Dr. Manuel Mireles, was being  investigated for the multiple manslaughter of five persons killed on April 27th killed in a confrontation in the town of Chuquiapan.

Castillo said "we have a photo of Mireles holding a head as if a "trophy".
Pretty shocking claim, and if true......

But, it was another false accusation, and we had the photo. BB waited for approval to publish it.  Yes, he is holding a head, but clearly not in the way Castillo intended everyone to think.   And not for any "trophy".

Even prior to the confrontation, we were aware Dr Mireles was attending a meeting from 1-4 PM on the day of the shootout. The confrontation was around 5PM.

The real story of the posed corpse...
The Mp investigative agent asked Mireles to help him, by holding the corpse head upright, for a photo he needed for the forensic doctor.  Clearly, one can see the MP agent, with white gloves, holding the torso and Dr Mireles holding the head upright.

The deceased died hours before Mireles arrived on the scene.  He was at the meeting in Pomaro, another coastal city, in an assembly of 380 people, 2 hrs and 45 minutes away.

BB has written extensively about the confrontation between coastal autodefensas from Caleta and other towns, and members of Caballeros Templarios.

Valor's post titled "Coastal Communities Report Links Between "Papa Smurf" and the Caballeros Templarios" gave the most detailed account by a autodefensa leader nicknamed  “El Plátano”.

"El Platano"  is now a most wanted person by Smurf, and yesterday began a hunt for him.  The coastal autodefensas, led by Mireles, were considered to be the most clean and trusted of all autodefensas.  

El Universal reported this in the Valor post "Autodefensas are accusing each other of Being Narcos"

"The group that Papa Smurf leads is part of the main leaders in the area of Tierra Caliente, who include agriculture  farmers, and  “forgiven” Templarios; the other side is led by Manuel Mireles, who is supported by autodefensas of the purépecha plateau and the coastal communities, who refused to let “forgiven” Templarios integrate with them."

After  “El Plátano” told the story, and of finding the document belonging to Smurf, war was on between the autodefensas groups.  

Castillo wants nothing more than to see Mireles gone.  He took away the armour car, held private meetings with Smurf, Comandante 5 and Americano.  They waited for an opportunity.  and on May 5th Mireles provided one.

Subsequent to meeting with prominent Mexican activists, Mireles taped a video message to Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto, in which he asks for communication with the president, expressing hope derived from the work accomplished to this date, but was not so generous in his opinion of Castillo.

The hammer  fell heavily and rapidly.  With Castillo working with Smurf and gang, they concocted a phony document that in effect ousted Mireles as Chief Coordinator and sole spokesman.  The document had the signatures of three known criminals, including Nicolas Sierra Santana, of the Los Viagras Cartel, who were the first Templarios splinter group, but now seemed to have created an alliance with Tuta and are working together.

The document was only 22 signatures and one leader, all the signatures were of people in two municipalities.

In making the document public, Smurf and his gang said it stemmed from the video Mireles created for EPN.  He further suggested the plane crash injured Mireles mentally.  A charge he initially suggestion in January when he first, unilaterally, took the spokesman position away from Mireles while he was in recovery.

Next, Castillo charges that Mireles may be responsible for the 5 killings on April 27th.  Diverting the responsibility of collusion away from his current compadres, Smurf and gang.

Today he says, "we have the photo, but it is not enough evidence".  

Also today, groups from two communities were initiated into the State Rural Police, with Castillo, Smurf, commander5 and El Americano, front and center. (foto below)

It is a bad situation for Mireles and his autodefensas.  One is hard pressed to see a good outcome, as one Lazaro Cardenas resident said, "And all that work?  All the fight against evil? Now it is trash?" 


  1. BTW...I had no clue Smurf is related to Chango Mendez. By marriage, his sister is married to Chango.....

    1. Those the government know this.

    2. Really, what you have with the H3 cartel is the recuperation of the Tierra Caliente Plaza by El Chango Mendez. He started La Empresa and La Familia Michoacana - the cartels that controlled TC/Michoacan before the creation of CTs, whose members splintered from LFM. Chango also has ties to CDG and Zetas.

    3. Mendez sons and brothers form part of the new h3 apatzigan .cdg and zeta deserted to form la familia thats why mendez never got backed up by the zetas when tuta pulled a fast one on him los viagras where caballeros templarios at one point then worked for cjng they should be called chapulines

  2. lmao its all comming together now smurf is related to chango

    fukin scum

  3. good explanation

  4. Well its pretty obvious Dr. Mireles will be taken down eventually. Might as well go down swinging. He was right to call out Castillo and to reach out to EPN. Sad how the president wont (not can't) meet with Dr. Mireles in some way to work with him for the benefit of the people. Here you have an ordinary citizen who has shown amazing courage and done extraordinary things for the good of the people calling on his President publicly for help and being blatantly ignored. Fuck EPN. They probably wont be able to get him with that absurd photo but it don't matter cause they'll just keep trying and coming at him till something sticks. I really feel that the big mistake Mireles made was when Hipolito got railroaded on those bullshit charges and sent away. It was obvious to everyone and their mother at that point what was happening. He should've drawn a line in the sand right then and there and fought for Hipolito. Yeah he denounced it but they should've done more, easy for me to say I know. When the gov't came in and just swooped him up like that and there was no pushback you just knew it wouldn't end there. I believe that Mireles will be killed or imprisioned before years end but I don't feel sory for him. He don't feel sorry for himself. This is all part of revolution and he knows it. I just hope the little boys and girls of Mexico understand what they are witness to, a True Mexican Hero! That narco with the nice truck and gold plated gun and lots of girls gets songs written about him, but the honest, hard-working, respectfull man that protects helpless women, children and seniors and lays his life on the line for his country gets killed or imprisioned- by his own government no less. Something is very wrong here...

    1. Well said, I am with you brother! This is not ovee yet!

  5. Who is the white guy in the blue shirt?

  6. Mirales stand strong, he dies the movement dies with him, Mexicans can't let this happen!!

    1. The movement has really just begun, the people of Mexico will fight with courage when they have a cause! And this is a cause worth fighting for!

  7. This is clearly a public relations smear campaign led by smurf.

    1. The politicians are making alot of money from these criminales,they can't let anyone get in there way.

    2. These corrupt politicians just fucked up bad, they will regret taking that blood money!!!!

  8. The other 34 liberated towns and cities have not given up their guns. Lets see Smurf and Castillo and the CTs attempt to arrest them. There will be fireworks. The CAM has been betrayed but not destroyed.

    1. Thats right, 34 towns that now know the corrupt government officials will use every dirty trick in the book! All its going to take, and believe me the government will do it is a massacre!

    2. Thats 33 towns that will fight any attempt to disarm them!

  9. Castillo wants mireles in jail and

    1. Why? Why Castillo tell the people why you want mirelies jailed

    2. @12:PM EPN set up a unconstitutional commission for security in Michoacan, made Castillo the Commissioner and sent him to Michoacan to dismantle the self defense groups because they were becoming a political threat to PRI because honest groups like Mireles were getting too big a following. Mireles was setting up self defense groups all over Michoacan and even in other states. PRI (EPN) were afraid of him. That is why they put him in jail. Castillo did the job he was sent there to do.

  10. the "white dude" is alfredo castillo

    1. Thanks for the clarification.
      This is an unfortunate situation, I'm still trying to put the pieces together. But the good doctor seems to be a good man fighting the good fight. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  11. Looks more like an identification photo . Seriously look how the good Doctor is posed. It is not a trophy . He is a Doctor and surely he would be more satisfied treating children and the poor than engulfed in some stupid war that he himself has pleaded for international intervention. God help and bless Dr. Mireles !!!!!

    "It goes on and on and on its Heaven and Hell "

  12. For all the bad guys in Mexico I give it to you. Good Cantina Karaoke .

    Add Accordion, violin and repent.

    I wandered so aimless life filled with sin
    I wouldn't let my dear saviour in
    Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night
    Praise the Lord I saw the light.

    I saw the light I saw the light
    No more darkness no more night
    Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight
    Praise the Lord I saw the light.

    Just like a blind man I wandered along
    Worries and fears I claimed for my own
    Then like the blind man that God gave back his sight
    Praise the Lord I saw the light.

    I saw the light I saw the light
    No more darkness no more night
    Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight
    Praise the Lord I saw the light.

    I was a fool to wander and a-stray
    Straight is the gate and narrow the way
    Now I have traded the wrong for the right
    Praise the Lord I saw the light.

    I saw the light I saw the light
    No more darkness no more night
    Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight
    Praise the Lord I saw the light.

  13. Its pretty obvious La Familia is back, as a matter of fact they never left!!!! They posed as AD!!!! Whats worse is that the Federal Government in in cahoots with these fuckheads!!!!! What more proof do the citizens of Mexico need for a revolution!!!! Shit their government is just to obvious!!!! Coruption is deep!!!! This will be remembered as the downfall of EPN. THERE IS JUST NO WAY MEXICO CAN CONTINUE ON LIKE THIS!!! I AM ASHAMED OF MY NATIVE COUNTRY!!!! I AM PROUD OF THE FEW HONEST A.D. THAT HAVE STUCK IT OUT AGAINST ALL ODDS!!!! I HOPE. GODWILLING YOU WILL OVERCOME AND CONTINUE THE STRUGGLE, EVENTUALLY THE TIDE WILL TURN. THE CITIZENS OF MEXICO ARE FINALLY , YES FINALLY!!!! WAKING UP AND REALIZING THERE IS NO FUTURE WITH THE WAY THINGS ARE NOW, AND THE BRAVE A.D. WHO STAYED HONEST WILL ONE DAY BE HONORED AS TRUE HEROES IN FUTURE MEXICAN HISTORY JUST LIKE THE NAMES IN THE PAST!!! I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE YOUR PRINCIPLES, COURAGE, AND HONOR YOU HAVE CARRIED YOURSELF WITH!!!

  14. As well as just posting here , why not write to the michoacan state governor , and accuse him of collusion with criminal organisations , collusion to have innocent people imprisoned ( mora ) , creating false charges against Dr Mireles.

    Come on people , its time to do your bit to help out. If you live outside of Mexico , write to your foreign office and ask them to take up the matter with the Mexican ambassador to your country. Put the pressure on and don't let up

  15. So smurf has some chango in him.

  16. On Dr. MIreles side 100% they want to take down the Dr. Just the same exact way they took down Don Hipolito Mora..the person who started it all..all for the money they don't care about the people.

  17. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - someone please help! This can't be happening - something's gotta give. I refuse to believe that Dr. M will go down. We have all been so fortunate to witness what a true hero really is and one day a legend - but we are not ready for that yet. Please pray for this man and pray for these sad politicians to do what's right.

    1. These politicians are all in power because of the Narcos! There is no good politicians! The political system is going to have to be redone with a completely new government after the revolution! Sorry, but there just is not any political person right now to trust!

  18. I think this is just Tuta exercising his remaining politcal power to make the public turn on the autodefenses and make them turn on themselves, which is happening. They need to be unified it's hard but if they get into a power struggle too big they won't get much further. However, all indications show that Tuta and his men are on the run and the game's almost up. A big problem is what will happen if he and his cartel go down, what happens after that?

    1. They will wash their hands, and say look we got rid of the C.T.!!! Then all of the lower level unknown C.T. will either promote and just work under a different organization, like for example the La Familia people that converted under the Cover of AD like El Americano, Papa Smurf, El Pollo, Commander 5, and Viagras!!!!!

    2. As long as they stick to narco biz and don't fuck w the people.that's what this is all about
      Morons w money

  19. Doctor mireles is not god and he is in the way of millions of tons of dollars being made by drugs, he's fucking up business for the michoacanos and the US.michoacan sells the best mexican weed the best crystal and good high cocaine and a lil heroin that comes from guerrero, the drug business leaves millions and billions to these cartels for which with that money a lot of them leaders like la tuta help out needy and poor families, put chapopote on dirt roads to be better and build schools churches etc etc. Ever since chayo & kike died there has been no more extorcions killings kidnappings or any of that stuff. The templarios have been working properly sending loads of tons of drugs on to the other side of the border.mireles needs too fuck off and hang up the gloves.chayo & kike are dead tuta is here too stay and ain't going nowhere.

    1. Drug money is blood money! It is not worth the pain that comes along with it. It may bring some economic benefits initially, but at what cost! Eventually greed takes over and these criminals expand out to other avenues, like extortion, kidnappings, rapes, sex trafficking, charging Narco taxes to citizens, paying off and electing corrupt politicians, corrupting, police and military organizations, and murders!!!! It is just not worth it!!!!

    2. Ditto my friend. The pro-drug trafficking fellow is leaving out the consequences of this dirty business.

    I don't see anyone addressing that fact!

    From these misfits, members will be selected to join municipal police!
    So it will eventually go back to exactly the same as before.

    Yes, it was all a waste of time, the feds will go, say they did their duty, cleaned the scourge and "no pasa nada en Michoacan".

    same as Before February 2013.

  21. Mireles is to decent for these motherfuckers,we better shut up and say nothing else...This is Mexico...

  22. Dr Mireles,you still have your life to lead,,if everything comes to naught,at least you tried,at least you did that.These fuckers aint worth it,,gov,the beard,fat ass (and maybe it was written from the beginning that decent people wont win,,this time) The people of Michoacan and Mexico fuckin betrayed again all with the collusion of Mexican gov.....

  23. Excellent job, Chivis,

    Too bad the AP, New York Times, etc. won't pick up on this story.

    Too busy viewing the AD's as vigilantes who need to be controlled.

    12:05 a.m. - "the "white dude" is alfredo castillo" missed the clever sarcasm of 10:58 p.m.'s "Who is the white guy in the blue shirt?"

    Never lose sight that the corrupt Mexican ruling class is the 10% European whites ruling over the 70% subservient Mestizo and the 20% slave indigena class.

    Bravo 10:58 p.m.!!

  24. chivis your exclusive photo has gone viral on michoacan social network

  25. Here is one admin comment on face book he took your information and convert to Spanish. People are complimentary to Borderland Beat reporting

    Con esta fotografía intenta el comisionado Castillo hacer creer que el Dr. Mireles se tomó la foto a manera de trofeo... No me cabe la menor duda que al igual que el comisionado habrá muchos más que la muestren con el mismo fín... Para mi en lo personal es una ofensa más de nuestros corruptos gobernantes!!!... Porque nos quieren ver la cara de Zopencos... Nos ofende al intentar con eso mostrar que somos una bola de ignorantes (pend...) al creer que con una fotografía nos hará dudar de Mireles... El Agente del Ministerio Público le pidió al Dr. Mireles sostener la cabeza del difunto para tomar la foto para el médico forense... El muertito había fallecido varias horas antes del arribo del Dr. Mireles. Mireles se encontraba en una junta en Pomaro, otra ciudad de la costa con 380 personas, a 2hrs y 45 minutos de retirado... Así que aún cuando Castillo presente a testigos con vista de águila y visión nocturna, su intención de cargarle los muertitos a Mireles LE FALLÓ!!!... Como ustedes pueden darse cuenta, es un ataque claro a nuestra inteligencia... porque está tratando de acusar al Dr. Mireles para encarcelarlo siendo inocente igual que lo hicieron con Hipólito Mora... POR ESO... YO TAMBIÉN SOY AUTODEFENSA!!!... PORQUE SOLO EL PUEBLO, PUEDE SALVAR AL PUEBLO!!!... FUERA DE MICHOACÁN COMISIONADO CASTILLO!!!... A LA CÁRCEL LOS NARCO-SICARIOS-CORRUPTOS GOBERNANTES!!!... LIBERTAD PARA HIPÓLITO MORA Y AUTODEFENSAS GENUINOS!!!...



  27. The revolution is starting to spread! It will first spread on social media and word of mouth as an idea!!! The corupt government officials will try to stop it at all costs like passing new laws, false inprisonments, defamation, then unfortunately they may try to disapear people, and when the people stand together and block their advancement there will be some massacres! That may end up being the powderkeg that gets the people inflamed! It's true that they think the people are ignorant and stupid!!! They think that the average citizen will believe whatever they say! The Mexican people are getting smarter and not falling for their bullshit any longer!!!!

  28. The people need to use their weapons and eliminate the corrupt officials and their followers. I know this is against Mireles out look to resolving internal conflicts, but they've rendered him no choice. The government has misinterpreted every attempt made to eradicate themselves from the corrupt. Thus leaving them no choice and sending a clear message to all of Mexico that people United will not be stopped!

  29. Chivis said BTW...I had no clue Smurf is related to Chango Mendez. By marriage, his sister is married to Chango.....

    Oh really!!! And you friend Dr Mireles is telling you this now? All this time Dr Mireles worked with him side by side and only now that they had problems he's letting people now this. Well now more than ever I believe Dr Mireles was the man arrested over marijuana.

    They are all full of shit now you can no longer trust anyone just like it happened in Colombia, and let's not forget that La Familia Michoacana started this way too.

  30. a chingar a su madre castillo y pendejos que lo acompañan. time to shoot al pitufo y al americano dead or ar least in the ass on the way out.
    --CHIVAAA! , "reynosa" is praising Dr Mireles? @8:04 @9:50, your favorite stalker, mini-hannibal lecter, FRUSTRATED EDIPO, etc etc etc.
    best regards...

  31. According to the international media Mora is guilty for the murder of two, and Dr Mirales has been implicated of the murders of five civilians! Not to mention the twisting of words to make the government of Mexico look good and the Rurales!!! For us that have followed BB throughout we know better!!! That is such fucking bullshit!!!! DR MIRALES HAS BEEN BLACKBALLED!!!! If these corrupt government officials are allowed to get away with this bullshit we are in big trouble as far as going forward with a true and just society, not just in Mexico but internationaly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Get ready for media censorship, its on its way!

  33. Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, Commissioner for Security in Michoacá, Alfred, you've done such a wonderful job, haven't you?

  34. 11:42PM
    Although Mireles and I have good communication, I ask for his comment on issues both pro and con, we are respectful to each other, but we have no friendship or personal interaction.

    As for Smurf and the the leader of LFM being related. Even if he was a blood relative, that IN ITSELF would not mean he is guilty by DNA.

    Nope Mireles doesn't tell me anything unless I ask. In this case a reader sent me the comment that they were related and I saw it on FB, but it never said how they are related. I asked an admin of a mich FB page if he knew anything. and he said "yes, by marriage, one of his sisters is one of Changos wives" yes he said one of his wives.

    Although family relationship with a criminal doesn't mean the entire family is as well, in this case my opinion is he is.

  35. READERS:
    If you have not heard of this device (gt200, @10:52 follow the link. It is more of the absurd, but in this case Mexico is one of the few countries that buy this. and spend hand over fist in much needed millions for the bracelet.

    Castillo says the bracelet can detect corpses and drugs.

  36. I seriously fear for Dr. Mireles. He basically has the most powerful people in the state going after him and they are affiliated with even more powerful forces. This is how it all started with Mora (who people need to remember because I feel that he's been seriously forgotten).

  37. For all you dickhead cheerleaders of the CT , los Viagras , FM , LE, these people kill children to harvest their organs , and you are on their side? That makes you about the lowest form of pond life on earth , I rate you about as high as Hitler or Stalin.
    Heres hoping you die soon of something incredibly painful. How would you feel if it were your children , or your relatives children who were being butchered to have their organs sold.
    These Michoacan cock'a'roaches need exterminating.

  38. So whats the deal with el platano.i thought he was dirty but now that i know smurfs a p.o.s was platano a good ad?

  39. Never lose sight that the corrupt Mexican ruling class is the 10% European whites ruling over the 70% subservient Mestizo and the 20% slave indigena class.

    Like i said,,the most racist intolerant people on planet earth,,bear in mind this idiot is talking about generational born and bred Mexicans,but because of lighter skin color he takes shots,,,,lovely people.

  40. GDL, you are always so nice, could you tell if @9:50 and @8:04 are the same anonymous multi-faced guy el mil mascaras?
    today I saw your nice report, reminds me of
    EVITA: Don't Cry For Me Argentina
    well done and well informed , and nicely done, i'm jealous, i don't understand why some guy who calls himself dd, and some call DD and i call dr Jekill and mr Hyde among other less printable names is stealing your nice report...thanks for any light you can shed on this situation...
    CHIVAAA! i love you, thanks for everything.
    chivis paladin

  41. i wanna know who the hell is comandante 5
    this comandante cinco hindu can't just have come out of nowhere, unlike el "cachetes de esteroides fed US pig", El Americano, and other sleeper la familia michoacana cellements that have been with the movement for a long time.
    --masks off, it's good, no better time than now to go and pursue other goals, other ways with other truer men, more loyal to each other's causes, and see who the real big enchilada is, no dirty bloomers wanted with the AD

  42. quien es el comamdante cinco hindu?
    if el pitufo has named him his heir and replacement if needed, we need to know who the hell is comandante 5 and where he comes from, and why the newest psiquiastrologo el pitufo has named him.
    all the liberated towns and the full AD councils need to vote down castillo de cagada's agreements with el pitufo, nobody authorized any changes to the AD agreements that no single guy was to take over leadership or functions without the full council approval.
    pena nieto el gran señor don mister PUÑETAS will not answer Dr Mireles message, but he may run into the bathroom like he did at the ibero...
    hey! another idea, check with the ibero, yo soy 132, anonymous, and occupy for help and moral support...

  43. the GT200 detects fundillos y pendejos, and sticks to them, and they identify each other by it.
    the autodefensas were counted by the thousands, the rural police is how many, one thousand?
    the unarmed people that formed the bulk of those liberating the cities, walking into them behind the running ct, were used as cannon fodder, but many of them will stay the course and support Dr Mireles and the real AD, who needs judases in their midst? now that the masks have fallen, it's time to thank God and move on, drum out the traitors and go on with the liberation, just advise all the towns that the "rural police" are now the government's puppets and to get away from them as they have been dismissed from the AD, and let them work their stolen orchards and mines, the government can't force anyone to work, they really don't want to have a general strike for everyone to see...

  44. Mireles is a saint.

    A Government that chooses businessmen and narcos over it's own poeple deserves it's head cut off!

    Truth be told, the Government is terrified of AD power, and the revolution it entails. They want people to suffer from narcos, so they can make their cut of narco profits. To hell with Pena Nieto. He is the biggest, most corrupt scum bag of them all!


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