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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

CDG: Major Arrests, Commander Cherrys Confirmed and "el Sheyla" Reported Captured

Borderland Beat

Juan Marin Zarate Chaves aka el Sheyla,is reported captured in the Federal District in Delegación Tlanepantla colonia Izcali.  This is breaking news from VXT and no other information is available at this time.

El Cherrys capture confirmed
Monte Alejandro Rubido, National Security commissioner, reported the capture by federal forces of Manuel Rodríguez Rodríguez, .Ivan Santillan Ricardo Trejo, aka El Ricky ( Zetas ) and Juan Pablo Leal Gutierrez, El Cherrys (Gulf).  The aforementioned were captured in Tamaulipas. 

El Cherrys was apprehended without a shot being fired.

Officials said the first two were part of the list of main targets defined in the new phase of security strategy.

The commissioner noted that suspects are likely responsible for multiple illegal activities such as murder, kidnapping, extortion, drug trafficking, carrying weapons that are for  exclusive use of the Army, among others crimes in Tamaulipas.

Rodríguez Rodríguez was captured in Reynosa and was considered a priority in the next phase to be identified as the  senior structure offender tier within one of the two groups in Tamaulipas.

The suspect ordered the murders of members belonging to other groups, as well as members of their own organization.

Also, he supervised the entry of money into the country and distributing weapons in various municipalities of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon and the trafficking of  controlled drugs and the kidnapping of undocumented migrants.

Manuel Rodríguez Rodríguez is the father of the recently arrested, Juan Manuel Rodriguez Garcia, aka  "Juan Perros", Chief of the Rio Bravo plaza.  

Juan Pablo Leal Gutierrez, (Cherrys) is a cousin of Jesus Alejandro Leal  Flores, former plaza chief for Reynosa Metros. Leal  Flores was captured in April. 

Rodríguez Rodríguez was the successor of Mario Armando Ramirez Trevino, El Pelon or The X-20 , arrested in August and regarded as the leader of the Gulf cartel .

At the time of his capture were secured him two rifles, two handguns and one kilogram of a substance with the characteristics of cocaine, communication equipment and vehicle.

 ValorXTamps, Twitter, and Telediario


  1. CDG going down... that is why Zetas are making a move for all of Reynosa.

    1. Con fredo treviño al mando los zetas tienen un pie en la tumba.sin Lascano no hay futuro para los zetas.

    2. Who's snitching these guys out? I don't think Zetas will get control of Reynosa . CDG has to many foot soldiers and a lot of influence with the law. Zetas are sending sicarios a few at a time into Reynosa but a lot have been captured. On fathers day the Mexican military stopped a truck with 10 ar15 and 15 ak47 along with ammo and 4 grenades. Those were being smuggled to Zetas sicarios hiding in the city. I would expect a gun battle s one time soon

  2. The Mexican Marina announced the capture of Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, 26, son of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who had been captured in the last hours in an planned operation. 

    Whereas the exact location has not been revealed, it was reported to be in Zapopan, Jalisco. The operation began days before the capture, Army and Marina elements were deployed at that time. Presently, this is breaking news, with scarce details, however an official announcement and presentation of the younger Guzman will take place in the next few hours, or possibly tomorrow.

    Last week the US Department of Treasury announced sanctions against Guzman Salazar and his mother Maria Alejandrina Salazar Hernandez, age 53. Two other of Chapo’s seven known children were listed of those sanctioned; Ivan "El Chapito”Guzman Salazar Lopez, age 35 and Ovid Guzman Lopez age 22.Click to enlarge

    Sanctions authorize authorities to seize any property of those listed in the U.S. and could potentially prosecute anyone doing business with them, or assisting them in business.
    Further details will be posted as they come in

  3. i can't believe it, no comments as of yet, BB readers need to wake up or else, i'm not planning to tell you again, cabrones...
    real fathers do their best to NOT to get their children into the bullshit life, sonabaguns just don't care, now juan perros is la perra de la carcel thanks to daddy...

    1. We don't care big daddy.we got borderland beat to go to .now go take your meds its bedtime.

  4. So is Arturo Garza Treviño La Sheila
    Someone else? On other sites it's says la Shelya/Sheila is him. Also say one of his bodyguards is his boyfriend

  5. These vatos are dropping like flys !! Como que se les boltio.. ahora se oye muy poco de los zetas y mas capturados del cdg ...

  6. Omg its true I ain't a bandwagoner but thay r cleaning up that faction.. its just happening so quickly. CDG is taking out who ever does get on board.. here el Rey de Reyes senior de vija escuela is taking direct order supposedly from osiel.. ya I hear that n it might be camargo , Diaz , n reyno people talking but hey assholes Atleast I'm telling what is being said here. N it might be true considering the people that got ballsie r dead or captured.

    1. No one is taking orders from a Osiel. He's in the supermax in Colorado. They don't just read his mail, they moniter every possible link to the outside. He spends 23 hours a day in a cell; alone.

    2. Sorry if I said incorrect news I'm simply saying people do say that here.. n also being said el Rey is in control now

    3. Osiel is not in supermax. He is in atlanta fed penn.

    4. Why would they take orders from someone who cooperated with the U.S. gov.and turned in a lot of them?

  7. Just heard it my self Jesus alfredo guzman salazar captured in jailsco any more info anyone if it's true????

  8. Juan manuel has that look of an old school badass, im not riding homboys dick, im just saying , I think that look he is giving is called the magnum.. as opposed to that leal poots, he just looks defeated, deflated....

  9. I seen it too on el milenio news?

  10. chivis and admin one quick look at the news channel krgv channel 5 and its off the hook news if it were in any other region of the usa except here in the border. for the border residents its just another day of news. Posted 9:32 PM 6/18/2014
    AUSTIN (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday authorized the Texas Department of Public Safety to spend about $1.3 million per week to fund operations to fight the surge of illegal immigration Posted 9:38 PM 6/18/2014
    McALLEN - Mobile facilities reserved for disasters like hurricanes are being used to care of the thousands of young illegal immigrants and families crossing the border.
    Posted 9:43 PM 6/18/2014
    McALLEN - Volunteer efforts and donations only go so far when it comes to the housing and caring of illegal immigrants being released from Border Patrol custody. just another day in the life of the border.

  11. Le estan dando duro al cdg pero todavia hay bastante cdg para un buen tiempo.esos rumores de k algun viejon de la vieja escuela esta limpiando el cdg de los k no estan jalando bien es solo un rumor no creo k nadie comanda esa clase de respeto.

  12. Why r they arresting all these guys? Gov. Torre said al l of Tamps. is secure What BS, Now we know it is worst than ever

  13. So, this is the same Cherry I saw stick his hand into a dead guys chest? That`s one crazy fucker. And a heroin addict, I can see it from here, this guy loves the heroin, he has that "sleepy loser" vibe hanging over him.

    1. That sleepy look is also brain damage from the mycoplasmas,strep bacteria,staph,HPV,hep c,b,a,,possible HIV,aids,toxoplasmosis,Lyme,babesia,bartonella,cha gas,dengue,herpes which eats the brain,syphillis,tuberculosis,hellbe dead soon but will get dementia aand ALS. That's what he gets from homemade autopsy zombie bullshit.

  14. @ June 18, 2014 at 9:40 PM you goofball. That posting is from 2012! That turned out to be a false lead. They got an innocent kid who wasn't Chapo's son.

  15. That comment about Chapo's son must be wrong. If it's real there would be more reports about it. Liveleak has heaps of stuff but I'n not sure how credible it is.
    Getting to the topic of the article: what kind of guy posts that kind of stuff and then a picture of his kid? I just don't get it? He has obviously dragged his kid into this world of death and violence when he has the connections and the money to give him a good honest life.

  16. "El Cherry's was apprehended without a shot being fired."

    Isn't that the case with all of these fucking cowards? I mean from Lazcano to 40 to Pelon to la chingada, all of these bastards only show huevos when it comes down to families or hogtied dudes, but they're absolutely worthless when it comes to throwing down with people who are capable of throwing chingazos back at them. It's too bad that these creeps didn't get executed like the other assholes that were still alive.

    1. Lazcano went down shooting back ! ???? Lol smh

    2. Lazcano fought back with a grenade launcher and an ak, was flanked & killed while shooting. Otherwise I agree.

    3. Nomas pa k sepas y t quede claro pendejon el senor lazzcano se fue tirando plomo pendejete!!

    4. @1:19&2:00

      You idiots, tu papi Lazcano se fue corriendo por eso le balaciaron toda la nalga

  17. Give credit where credit is due. The nigga EPN is making great strides. You got admit his administration is cleaning up. It's appears he wants 1 cartel running the day to day like the 70's and 80's. Also include that Mexico middle class is booming...the next thing on his agenda is to address the lower/ poor class and education. But that's universal every nation has poor people, there's a bunch in the USA. Also jack wagons BB is not a trip advisor report, mexico is not a reflection of BB - shit happens... Also, by no stretch is Mexico a third world is a fact, mexico issue the most Amex black card on a monthly basis.... The US had a bunch of billionaires ... The US also has mas shootings and poor people. You get my point..

    1. Este buey, el puñal de EPN es un mal parido hijo de su puta madre...todo lo que esta haciendo no le conviene mas que a el. "Middle booming" ni que la chingada, el pinche govierno no cumple ni la pinche raza que con el mundial esta feliiz aunque se los chingen cuando cuenta. No.compares a EEUU que por la culpa de este govierno Mejico esta como esta! El narco nunca se va a a acavar, ni la corrupcion ni las muertes, porque? Porque aunque estemos jodiendo y quejandonos ya tienen tiempo dandonos cucharas de pura mierda y mientras nos dijan que es yogurt nos vamos a seguir tragandola!

      Puta madre donde esta Benito Juarez?

  18. @9:30, I agree that the EPN government deserves a pat on the back for the strides they have made esp with the capture of El Chapo. I will also say that although this crackdown of the CDG is fantastic, it also worries me greatly. The governor of Tamaulipas Torre Cantu has long been rumored to be in bed with Los Zetas. The CDG has lost numerous important figures over the last few months while the Z have hardly lost any. The only reason Z16 and Ferrari were captured was because Z42 was sick of their shit so he gave them up. I am just afraid that the Torre Cantu admin. is attempting to weaken the CDG so much that It allows Los Zetas to make inroads into CDG plaza. It would only lead to more death And destruction. I hope this is not the case but it's looking more and more likely everyday when CDG captures outnumber Z captures 6 to 1.

    1. That's exactly my point. It is evident that EPN wants the z infrastructure as the only cartel for day to day. And please fellows, don't go on how brutal and ugly the z are. I've been a spectator of this war and they all (LFM, CDS, CDJ, CDG, etc. ) commit murders and autrocities.

  19. Jesus Guzman's arrest was bogus and the story is 2 years old. It was mistaken identity

    live leak runs old news as new.

  20. shyela was the one chopping that kids head off in that video right? WIth the fire mask on? Dumbass wore white shoes to a beheading....rot in piss!!!!!!

  21. Lazcano, Azul and el Chayo(the first time in 2010) are or were supposedly dead. I say retired. Without a body in mexico anything is possible. See the second time el Chayo was dead they actually had the body but without talking about the first time he "died" in 2010.Funny! Watch , El Mayo is going to disappear too you ll see, same thing! And lets not forget about "The Lord of the Skies" aswell!

  22. "Sheyla was a mean S.O.B. Horrible brutality in his videos"

    Yep,that little fat waiter standing there like little hitler shouting,he loved it,kicking the kids head when it was hanging off and always doing the chopping up himself.No sicarios,just loser halcons and picked up kids.Grupo Dragones?A load of skanky rats with guns,the great CDG?

  23. My ole my, how the tide has change. Bitches were complaining how evil and ruthless the Z's were. Now bitches are crying how brutal the cdg were.

  24. "Those were being smuggled to Zetas sicarios hiding in the city. I would expect a gun battle s one time soon"
    The Zetaz sent in Reynosa must be crazy or suicidal.Must be why they so cool when they interrogated cause they know way before what would happen if caught.Hard core or resigned to death,or both.

  25. Well, he wasn't that mean in front of the soldiers. Any man could have taken that cheap killer out on a one on one.

  26. Este pinche cherrys era puro cabron. Movia 100 a 200 libras de mota por mes. Por eso no tenia feria para pagarle a los sicarios y se ponian a secuestrar a la gente. PURO FLONKE

  27. @2:00 plomo? el lazca se fue tirando bombas de plutonio, pero en los calzones, y no tuvo ni tiempo de cambiarse en el camino al hospital...
    z40 lo entrego para sacarse a los moreiras de encima, but, no way jose...

  28. Cdg is always gona have internal problem cuz of its so many factions!

  29. Seen them pictures of cherrys gutting a person crazy.....


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