Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, June 21, 2014

CDG Tampico: "Los Dragones" Leader La Sheyla's Capture Confirmed

Chivis Martinez For Borderland Beat

The ministry of the Interior confirmed the capture,  by the Marina of Mexico, of  Juan Zarate Martin Chavez aka La Sheyla.   Zárate Chavez is the leader of the CDG group called Dragones operating in the town of Tampico, Tamaulipas.  The capture occurred on Wednesday June 18th.

The Dragones have been involved in a deadly conflict as they fight for control of the Tampico Plaza.  Tampico is an important port city sitting on the border with Veracruz.

The arrest was the result of a citizen complaint in which it was reported the presence of armed men in a vehicle in the municipality of Tlalnepantla, in Mexico State.

"The occupants of the vehicle fired at authorities, who repelled the attack and managed the capture.  Initially he stated he was Nelson Alejandro Rodríguez Juárez.

According to the same report, Zárate Chavez is part of the inner circle of Javier Garza Medrano, described as a leader and founder of CDG, in charge of  Tamaulipas operations, until the 23rd of  February, when he was arrested by the Federal Police .

Along with Chávez Zárate. Enrique Zárate Hernández, Alejandro Martín García Zárate Espinoza and José Miguel Alvarez were captured.  

At the time of his arrest, the Marina  secured four guns, several chargers and cartridges, as well as the vehicle they were traveling in.

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  1. Some1please explain all the cells within c d.g and the leader of each.idk if cdg is even a cartel anymore.more like a loose affiliation of crews

    1. Chapo stop snitching no que muy hombre andes de comadre con los los policias pinche enano joto

    2. Cartel: A combination of INDEPENDENT business organizations formed to regulate production, pricing, and marketing of goods by the members.
      All cartels are affiliations of "crews" that control certain areas some affiliations are stronger than others.


  2. There are pictures of Panochitas on ValorX now,you know what that means?Someone close to him has put his face out there to let the authorities know,lets hope they all keep snitching till their all gone..
    What a gong of snitches and rats CDG are.

    1. All of them are snitches, including Zetas and Sinaloas.

    2. And your mom too joto

  3. Aww that's so cute. He was with his primos when he got arressted

  4. Yea wats up with cdg they got so many factions who's the real power house it's confusing

  5. They need to take out all the factions and leave cdg as just the power house

    1. We honest working people don't need a power house, we need ALL drug traffickers dead so we can live in peace.

  6. " The Dragones have been involved in a deadly conflict as they fight for control of the Tampico Plaza"

    Yeah deadly conflict with other CDG faction. How stupid can they be. Why even call yourselfs CDG. Just change the names to Cartel Dragones, Metro Cartel, Ciclones Cartel ect ect...

    1. Plazas are worth lots of money.When u can make millions of dollars theres akways going to be people willing to steal betray and kill for those plazas or territories. Get it?

  7. Fatass psycho. Nothing more.

  8. Millones of $s are at stake for whoever is able to eventually take control of the port of Tampico, or for that matter Reynosa. Ciclones have to be sitting pretty since the top people from the Metros are being captured. The capture of Sheyla could strengthen Cardenas-Guillen families hand as they try to retake control of CDG. Then again the Zetas have to be chomping at the bit to make an attempt to
    enter CDG plazas. Their allies, BLO, have their general in charge of Reynosa.

    1. Now thats some bullshit blo get blown the fuck up if cought in reynosa where u hear this bullshit

    2. The SEDENA general Gurrola is now in charge of the military zone of which Reynosa is a part of. Last yr. El Cholo Ivan made mention of him of being a general at the service of CBL and el Chapito Isidro while he was serving in Sinaloa. BLO and Zetas are allies. Who could assist the Zetas in some form if they decided to establish a presence in Reynosa. Maybe like the capture of Metro leaders which is what is happening right now. BLO does not have to be there. If I'am not mistaken, the Zetas and BLO have a strong presence in Monterey. Reynosa is just up the road. Nobody is going to blow-up the Sedena general. No pun intended.

  9. Ese cabrón no le llegaba ni a los talones al legendario Arturo Garza Treviño de Nuevo Laredo.

    1. Exacto. Pistoleros Famosos. Esos son corridos y no pendejadas son verdicas , no como las fantasias alteradas y otras mamadas de esas. Al rato mujen que El jefe se escapo volando. ...porque vuela como Superman .

    2. Manchó de cagada el nombre de Arturo Garza Treviño usándolo como su alias. Tantos hombres de las mafias viejas que se merecieron sus corridos. Estas lacras de hoy no merecen ni siquiera la nota de papel que gastan los periódicos en ellos.

  10. I know I'm offtopic but does anyone know if the alliance Guzman and Beltran vs el Mayo zambada, macho Prieto,Los Torres is true. Thats the word goin around. Apparently el mele antrax the one who went huntig and got hunted in Culiacan was mayos guy also a convoy of Los Beltran y Mazatlecos entered the city looking for Mayos people el Cheyo and Samuel Fuentes but they didn't come out

    1. No hay nada de alianzas.. Siguen guzman y mayoos beltran aun nada. Y eso k dises d el macho al macho lo abrieron d culichi por que ya no acataba ordenes.. Y por aya estaba tumbando alanmisma.gente d el cds. Para mi que le dieron luz verde al macho... Y eso del mele es asi. Quecua do estaba. .macho todos se creian mucho yya queno esta presente macho viene acobrarles.eso paso con lo del mele.


  12. CDG no longer exists... there was an article a while back on borderland beat that explained that... all these people being arrested were once a part of CDG but now they have broken off into different criminal cartel groups... kind of like what the ZETAS did when they broke away from the CDG.

  13. Tiene cabeza de baca y esta rete feo.

  14. CDG falling like flies.

  15. the govt. let this got to long

  16. I have been noticing that the ones that are the brutal killers are the ones being cough.

  17. What people don't know mexican officals has let outside help come in to be "advisors" .Greystone & Academi.I know because just came back from deployment in Mexico D.F.We has some bad-ass contractors in mexico right now !!! Prowler 6-1

  18. Whats up wth all these indios and their watermellon heads?

  19. These guys arentmin cartels anymore is correct, because, themword cartel means.. aligned with others for a common goal of shared commerse and procedes... these dorks cant work with anyone, they are too coked up..

  20. As long as you kids keep on buying drugs with your lunch money your parents give you these cartels will always come back and there will never be an end. So to all you coke heads and scanless tweakers just remember, your bad habits financed a cartel you also have blood on your hands just as these sicarios do.

  21. este guey tiene cachetes de gato huevon!!!!!

  22. sf is in guadalajara. cheyo no longer mayito right hand man. mayo has new numeros taking care of him. theres still alot of original antrax left as well kali traka cocheras javi tony gatillo peludo flako bombero just to name a few.

  23. And thats the thruth.

  24. All these stupid new groups, they all go down quick. Even in the world of crime which is already a shortcut to big money, these new guys are wanting even more easy ways to get money but they all go down fast.


  26. CDG aint even close to dying. Every group is in charge of a city or town. When things go wrong is because some one feels like they have so much power & could be there own boss thats when the main cdg boss rather have the traider turn in instead of heating up the plaza & in that way the marina seems like if they are doing there job a 50/50 win for cartel & mexican govr.

  27. June 21, 2014 at 5:16 PM .. Prowler 6-1
    "I know because just came back from deployment in Mexico D.F.We has some bad-ass contractors in mexico right now"

    You be safe now brother you eard me,and no chances with these fools.
    Your worth 10 of these clowns,take care ..

    1. Hey Dos Fronteras! Long time no see you!

  28. Es el Commandante Chachetes... y se mira como que se comio el Commandante Cherries.

  29. el pri ran all the crime indexes up for twelve years of panismo to get back in power, genaro garcia luna exploited all he could, and now mission # 1 has been accomplished, and they even contract foreign agents like academi...
    who must have been involved on the creation of all the problems that we have seen in mexico since diaz ordaz and all trough latin-america and the world

  30. "Ese cabrón no le llegaba ni a los talones al legendario Arturo Garza Treviño de Nuevo Laredo"

    Tell us a little about Arturo Garza Treviño de Nuevo Laredo?
    Are these guys using their names as alias as a kind of respect thing ?

    1. Arturo Garza Treviño, se dedicó al tráfico de alcohol y mariguana entre 1939 y 1949 año en el que murió en un accidente carretero cuando volcó su automóvil cuando se dirigía a Nuevo Laredo a la altura del kilómetro 11-60. Era también un avezado pistolero, durante su carrera como traficante se la jugó en aproximadamente 27 duelos mano a mano que culminaron con la muerte de.13 contrincantes, los que quedaron heridos los dejó vivir no los remató, el fue herido en 9 ocasiones, de gravedad pero la libró. Se encuentra sepultado en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas en el Antiguo Panteón Municipal cerca de la tumba del general Macario Zamora.

    2. They are using their names as an alias. Listen to Los Cadetes de Linares song Arturo Garza Treviño, the Album's name is Pistoleros Famosos.

  31. June 22, 2014 at 11:35 PM
    The poster is a soldier just come back from being deployed in Mexico D.F ?
    I was wishing him the best.Maybe those contractors can help him to stay safe?But,you had to turn it into anti-US rhetoric again.Are you mil mas?You strike again with your ever so productive outlook on life.

  32. 11:35 PM
    While you sit on your ass whining and pointing fingers,he is a soldier helping Mexico by fighting against this mugre

  33. June 23, 2014 at 10:53 PM
    June 23, 2014 at 10:55 PM
    Thanks for the answers,he sounds like a character from a western.A real tough guy,now i know why he was using his name.I didn't think it was that early 1939 y 1949.I will look up more about him if i can.Thanks bros

  34. foreign mercenaries are the reason latin americas are all fucked up, so get the hell out of here and support them somewhere else, even if they are still in the US military, they are NOT defending mexico, they are just getting experience for a lifetime of contracts as mercenaries, working for the devils that rob the latin americans, they are all up to no good, period.

  35. general rafael marcial macedo de la concha releases israeli defense and mossad terroristas that were planning to blow up the mexican congress to blame al-qaeda and make mexico declare war on the arabs, or sompin like that... unrelated, probably, someone posted about this already on BB, just making sure and pass it along, but i bring this along to further illustrate the fact that mexico is full of foreign agents, and all of them are up to no good, be it arabs, hindus, israelis or gringos, all of them fighting like dogs for the mexican depleted oil and bankrupt economy, yeah, yeah, whatever...


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