Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, June 7, 2014

LFM Founder and Chayo's Mentor, Released from Prison

Chivís Martínez for Borderland Beat 
Carlos Alberto Rosales Mendoza (El Tísico), one of the founding members of La Familia Michoacán, was released from prison in  Guadalajara.

Carlos Alberto Rosales Mendoza born  February 12th  1963, is a former leader and founder of  La Familia Michoacana Cartel (LFM). He was a close friend and associate of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, the former premier leader of The Gulf Cartel. Rosales was arrested by (GAFE) special forces squadron on 24 October 2004.

Rosales, with strong religious proclivities, sharing the same beliefs as Chayo, had been appointed by his best friend Chayo as a religious disciple.  It was Chayo who convinced Rosales to plan and  participate in an outlandish attempt to free Osiel Cardenas from ‘La Palma’ prison. 

At the time of his arrest, he, along with ‘Chayo’ were working on a plan to break Cárdenas out of prison, using "blood and fire", but those plans were aborted when Rosales was arrested in late 2004 in Morelia.  Eventually, Chayo went on to break from the CDG/Zetas alliance.  
When Rosales Mendoza founded the first cells of La Familia Michoacana Cartel in the 1980s, the Milenio Cartel was competing with the organization for the control of the production and distribution of  drugs, mostly meth,  in the state of Michoacán.

The Milenio Cartel, also known as Los Valencia or "Avocados Cartel" because its founders, Armando Valencia Cornelio and his cousins ​​Luis, Ventura,  José Valencia Valencia and Oscar Orlando Nava Valencia, "fruit farmers",  as  they called themselves, they  exerted  absolute power in the state of Michoacán.  CDG was considered one of their greatest enemies.

In 2000, Rosales Mendoza called on Osiel Cardenas  to help destroy the Milenio Cartel.  Osiel sent four top Zetas enforcers to assist in the planning of operations and attacks, causing a deluge of  violence never before seen Mexico.

Zetas, working with LFM is  recognized for implementing new acts of terror while working with LFM,  one such act made headlines around the world.

In September 2006, Zetas planned the tossing five severed heads on to the crowded dance floor of a Uruapan Michoacan nightclub.  A message, or narco-cartulina,  was left behind with the decapitated heads  that read: “La Familia doesn't kill for money, kill women or kill innocents. Only those who deserve to die… will die. Let everyone know that this is divine justice.”  It was signed La Familia.

Shortly after midnight, twenty  LFM gunmen, all dressed in black, had burst into the Sol y Sombra nightclub, shooting guns  in the air, and ordering the terrified people to the floor.  They opened black plastic bags and dumped the 5 heads to the floor as the horrified patrons and employees looked on.

It was the first time that multiple decapitations were used in a public forum to terrorize and send a message.  It was a defining moment in narco warfare, from then on cartels focused on even greater tactics of terror in sending messages.

Michoacán has never been able to attain peace and security since conflicts began in 2000.  The Milenio conflict was a pivotal moment for LFM, transcending it from multiple cells to a powerful cartel in of itself, and ‘El Tísico’, and his friendship with Osiel Cardenas  was credited for the transformation .

He still owns his massive  El Capire Ranch, in La Unión  on the Michoacán coast.  La Unión is situated adjacent to his home town of El Naranjito, on the Grande Costa of Guerrero.  The property was long used as a staging hub, exploiting the waterway for the transport of drugs staged at El Capire.

The operation was guarded by AFI agents that Rosales had a knack of being able to corrupt,  his brother took over the operation subsequent to Rosales’ capture.

 Rosales was released on May 22, but the release was not made public until yesterday.  [end of text]

Sol y Sombra Nightclub

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  1. 10 years in jail after mass murders and literary smuggling tons of drugs is not too bad. He comes out a rich man who can now enjoy the fruits of his labour.

    Crime pays!

    1. Jeje todo se paga en esta vida

  2. is there any type of parole in Mexico ? or right back where they left off

  3. Nice for hollowen party. I think will do that this year

  4. Horrible! This is the kind of thing that needs to end. Amado Carillo kept things purely business. After his death, cutting off heads began. Isn't just business any more. Killing your brown skin brothers, especially cutting their heads off, is despicable.

  5. Mexican justice system is a laughing stock!

  6. I wonder if he's joing the zetas , the caballeros templarios, or cdg

  7. 8:30
    This is just me thinking...I wrote this to Pepe:

    "You know what I am thinking. LFM split, supposedly because Chango wanted an alliance once again with Zs. Chayo and tuta absolutely opposed to it. So the split came, because Chayo thought an agreement was already made. or so folklore says. Chayo was killed the first time, and had not resurrected and timing was good for a split, at the time people thought it was because of chayos death. etc etc

    then everyone thought LFM was gone. CT was the replacement. but not so, they still do their thing, not nearly as powerful, but traffic a fair amount quietly. CT became the insane assholes they are.

    Now Rosales comes out. still has power, still his holdings, where did his team go? are they with LFM? or ? He respected Zetas. but that was when they were with CDG. But CDG isn't CDG, they are a mishmash convoluted million pieces of strawberries, Jimmies, and a partridge and a pear tree.

    Osiel is locked up, and so Rosales has no reason to have loyalty to CDG as it is, but I bet he would be willing to work with Zs.

    That would be the smartest move he could make. brilliant actually. He could go back to strengthen LFM by a Z alliance. CT is weaker now, the time is perfect. Correct me if I am wrong, how do the people feel about LFM? I feel if they have to pick sides they would say LFM, if they could not say NEITHER.

    It would be a horrible mess for Michoacana. but, for LFM-Rosales and Zs it would be mutually beneficial."

    1. Sandra mira lo cts y lfm son los mismos muchachos... nomas seguian ordenes... eyos no tienen la culpa... sabes k chingan al k no kiera trabajar....

    2. In some ways I wish they would take all these guys out. I don't advocate violence. At the same time, it's really disgusting to see what these people have created. Sawing off heads has to be the most horrible act that any person could perpetrate on another. I don't think that I can say anything else. Despicable people.

    3. Not to discredit the time and effort you put into this article but the CT arent weakened they are going through the same shit as the CDS ajustando cuentas, this whole auto defense were just smoke and mirrors the cdg some of AD and the CT are going to make a pact in michoacan and the ct are going to make a pact with the CJNG

    4. Where u hear they makin a pact with cjng

    5. The pact is already made chivis it's Micheladas tuta tisico and menchos cjng they're doing businesses now. The whole thing was too put chayo and all the 10000 men he had out of thier misery. Why? Because they were the ones fucking with the good people, why do you think a whole lot of people love tuta? Because he doesn't fuck with innocent people there for they had too clean up house of all scumbags who were extorting and killing innocents.

    6. Me dreaming this.......LFM+CJNG+AD+TJ= POWERFUL leave all the innocents stop kidnapping women extorting farmer hard workers etc and move million tons of drugs kill all the snitches and any haters and take over. RIP don chuy clave 8


  9. It's not that easy. He's going to either enjoy his money. If he's going back to mierda then for sure make a new cartel start fresh & clean. This guy has the old school criminal mind needed in today's situation

  10. Mira chivis: Según las agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, la violencia en Tamaulipas –que se recrudeció tras el anuncio de la estrategia federal para el estado– no se debe a la lucha territorial entre narcos, sino a que el Cártel del Golfo, con el apoyo del Cártel de Sinaloa, está “limpiando” la entidad de Los Zetas, a quienes culpan de aterrorizar a la población con extorsiones y secuestros. Conscientes de esto –se dice en reportes de dichas agencias–, la Marina y el Ejército han permitido enfrentamientos entre esos grupos delictivos.  Y el paso de la droga hacia el país del norte está garantizado.  

    WASHINGTON (Proceso).- La causa principal de la violencia que predomina en Tamaulipas ya no es la pugna entre el Cártel del Golfo y Los Zetas por esa plaza fronteriza, sino que refleja el reacomodo de los cárteles a las nuevas condiciones que se le plantean en el gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto.

    El diagnóstico está contenido en reportes de inteligencia estadunidenses, uno de los cuales destaca: “En Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa y Tampico, la eliminación de elementos de Los Zetas a cargo del Cártel del Golfo y de otras organizaciones que están fuera de la entidad, está generando esa fuerte ola de violencia en todo el estado”.

    Funcionarios de Estados Unidos accedieron a hablar y mostraron a Proceso dichos informes sobre Tamaulipas, a condición de no publicar su identidad ni las dependencias federales en que trabajan. Uno de ellos afirma:

    “Los reportes de inteligencia que hemos recolectado de lo que pasa en Tamaulipas, especialmente en Nuevo Laredo, revelan que más que una lucha por la plaza (para el contrabandear drogas a Estados Unidos), la que libra el Cártel del Golfo contra Los Zetas es para acabar con el terror al que éstos últimos han sometido a la población”.

    En vista de lo sensible que está el intercambio de información de inteligencia entre las agencias de seguridad de Estados Unidos y de México en la administración priista, los funcionarios estadunidenses eligen con cuidado sus palabras.

    “Después de esta tormenta vendrá la calma –comenta uno de los tres entrevistados–. Es la limpia, como dicen en México, de todos los criminales desalmados y extorsionadores que dicen tener filiación con Los Zetas. La intención es contener la violencia contra la población civil, eso es lo que pretende hacer el Cártel del Golfo y los que lo apoyan en esto”, añade.
    Saludos borderland beat....

  11. I am leaving you a link to something that sickens me.


  12. I am sure you have heard about shipping kids to Arizona from Texas to basically warehouse them. I hope I am wrong, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if CCA, corrections corporation of America, will ultimately end up with all these people under government contract. Arizona a corrupt place. They sent them there because it's a prison state with shady backdoor deals. Really bad.


  13. Chivis you got it wrong when on the article says that los zetas and la lfm tossed the heads on the dance floor on uruapan , that was only lfm that did that thay happenned when they splitted from los zetas because lfm did not like that outsiders were controlling michoacan their home territory and also they favorited osiel cardenas as a partner than los zetas , lfm splitted because cango mendez did not sent people to help el chayo and la tuta when the federal government suppostlly killed el chayo, chayo was mad at el chango .

    El milenio cartel were partner with sinaloa cartel so tisicos cartel called at the time la empresa had to look for help from the worst enemy of the sinaloa cartel at the time it wad cdg.

  14. 6:09pm

    When you say that killing his brown skin brothers-- is that some kind of racial pride thing? Or are you saying that if he killed someone who didn't have brown skin would be ok. Again racial pride. The same racial pride that the KKK, skin heads and nazis had for being white. Or that the nation of islam; black panthers; NAACP; national black caucus; black foot soldiers; 5%: gods and earth... numerous others have in being black. Congrats on being in the same club as Hitler. :)

    1. I think you completely missed the point of that person was trying to say. The racial rant was unnecessary.

  15. Become one with our own traffic to the rest as a team THE MEXICA

  16. So now we got a Sonora boss, and this guy is the new gulf cartel boss. He's making a move to the gulf, not muchoacan or familia

    1. Sonora boss is the cdg boss get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. How the fuck is a sonoran guy going to be the boss of a cartel from Tamaulipas?

  17. why go back to the same bullshit? only to get twenty years next time?
    maybe only if somebody big in government has a "job" for you, and remember the wise words of Mr T, "I PITY THE FOOL" because you will be gone by the next PRIsidential period...
    but hey! it's your business and your life, do as you please, i'm just commenting because i am a pathological commenter...

  18. I heared that in the pass cdg and la familia were friends while cds was tring to get into laredo. Los z gave cds a good beating and cds left and tried to enter juarez. R1 if am not mistaken was a z then. When z and cdg broke both said that one betraided the other. Later it was knowen that cds, lfm and cdg made a pact. R1 became cdg and started to fight los z in miguel aleman, mier and guerrero back in 2010. Then m3 was kill by his own people, but they blame R1 and rumor was that R1 was a very good friend of Plancarte from ct. It was said that r1 went to michuocan for a while. R1 then some how started to work with cds and then form a new group of cdg and z from z50 and rumors were that is was call sangre z. From all this old croud, osiel, z1, el hummer, coss, m3, x20, el mamito, z50, z40, lazcano, mellado charolas, bebe, la ardilla, chayo, chango, plancarte, and chapo, the smartes ones are still out there, la tuta and R1. Both have live thru wars and restructuring of their cartels and are still around.

  19. Hes taking la familia with him to el golfo.... Chapo gets locked up and everybody is coming out of prison. Mochomo, Javier Torres should be out soon???? Mexico was smart in extraditing Benjamin arellano, osiel Cardenas. Or else they would of escape by now since the plazas are green light to the strongest with the way checo ain't going to do nothing in Tijuana. Chapo couldn't COMPLETELY do it, checo ain't either. Like I said a couple weeks back aquiles is done in tiujana. Caf sigue, los aretes...

  20. Cjng wont make a pact with ct. Ct chances of that ever happening disappeared the day they kicked menchos family out of michoacan. Ct have attempted various of times already asking for a truce but cjng doesn't budge.

    1. CT been kicking cjng ass for a while CT deep in jalisco there even in Guadalajara

    2. Look tutas smart he wants business not a bloodbath why do you think he hasnt really fought the AD in the beginning he was smart he has corrupted everything in michoacan if tuta wanted he could fuck up the AD but why be stupid whem the feds started helping the AD that made easier for tuta to know when they were coming he only left the ones that were fucking shit up to be killed thats why chayo, plancarte and all those other were killed hes making a pact with the CDG, some of the AD (americano&smurf) and the CJNG to make money

    3. CT had a pact. With CDG since 2012 CT. Helped cdg recover plazas in tamalipas

    4. Its a new pact to try and form an alliance or new cartel beacause cdg is going to shit cds is too and the CT has been pushing more crystal in the past couple of years to surpass the CDS or any other cartel

  21. This guy can organize crime again in michoacan. Bring order to the criminal element.

  22. and the US is spending tens of millions for?

  23. @11:42

    de VXT

    Lean la forma engañosa que en EUA manejan las acciones criminales en Tamaulipas,, después de leer esto me dicen si todavía creen poco probable que el Sr del Golfo Cárdenas Guillén siga siendo el líder criminal del CDG a pesar de estar detenido en una prisión americana, vaya cualquiera que leyera la forma de expresarse de autoridades americanas se remontaría al tiempo en el que ese grupo delictivo se enfrentó por primera vez al cartel de Sinaloa y comenzó la propaganda delictiva para intentar convencer que eran el cartel bueno... Poco más y le dan las gracias al cartel

    Lo valioso de estas declaraciones es nos dejan entrever hacia dónde va este asunto, con las estrategias de gobierno, la publicación en medios internacionales, los ajustes internos y las limpiezas del CDG, y las reestructuras de los Z.

  24. @8:15 you hit the spot buddy


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