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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Reports of CDG's Commander Cherrys Captured

Borderland Beat

VXT and other Social networks are reporting the capture of  Juan Pablo Leal aka "Commander Cherrys", a bloodthirsty assassin and  member of the  Gulf Cartel .  Supposedly, Leal was captured in an operation by federal forces during the early hours of yesterday.  If captured he would be expected to, or may have already been,  transferred to SEIDO  in Mexico City. 

Leal is considered among the most ruthless killers, his method of operation is to dismember, burn or “pozolear” (boil) their victims, he publically boasted of having performed such procedures  on 5 Zetas.

The "pozolear" consists of boiling their victims in caustic soda.  Leal has posted his gruesome work on social media, including dismemberment's.  In one photo he has opened the chest cavity of a fresh corpse and his hand is buried in  the cavity, seemingly to extract organs.

"El Cherrys" is the cousin of other hitmen "El Simple" and "El Tachas", both  members of CDG. 

No official confirmation yet from state authorities of Government of Tamaulipas or federal authorities.  I am uncertain if the story is true, but ValorXTamaulipas is a pretty creditable source and it appears they initiated the story.


  1. Couldn't have happened to a nicer gentleman.

  2. GOOD!! Seeing this peice of shit flaunt his disgusting photos made me sick to my stomach. Like how does a guy posting pictures of himself dismembering people on facebook not get caputrued sooner? That shit would never fly in the US. Rot is prison

    1. Hey hey lets be happy hes captured

    2. They have great radio networks and street information with the "halcones" so they always have time to flee. They try their best to hide and intimidate those that know

  3. Well, at least he spends time with his kid.

    1. But what has he made of his kid? A 4 years old boy giving you both fingers? What can you expect from a kid like that.

    2. Im pretty sure he was being sarcastic bro haha

    3. He's a good dad.his kid is going to be a good surgeon, since dad brings home bodies for Jr to practice on.

    4. They should have killed his killed in front of him . El cherry is a dam child killer

    5. What a waste of future generations! The way things are going this kid might end up president of Mexico!

  4. I thougth he wass a.b quintanilla and his pensil arms attentamente.... el texana ladiada

    1. Hahahahahaha just a bit taller

    2. A spider monkey has more muscles than this cacahead.

  5. It is amazing that people like this even exist. They Made a big deal about Charles Manson in the USA. Charles Manson was a choir boy compared to this sick and obviously under developed mental midget. There are many of them out here in Mexico right now. I saw a reported one in the USA the other day. You have to come South of the border to find this horrific extreme viloence in numbers. The torture and decapitation and other horrific things take it to another level of abnormal behavior. You really have to need attention to do this. Because you could not make it in real life, as you were not capable, your brain will not allow you succeed normally. Besides being flat out lazy! Look at the kid. That tells the story right there.

  6. that's nice he likes fire ,will be plenty of that where he's going.... adios dirtbag!!

  7. Uno por uno estan cayendo. El Comandante esta limpiando con toda la mugre para su regreso de muerto...

    1. el comandante era de reynosa?

    2. @2:05

      Era jefe de la plaza de Reyno pero nacido en otra parte

  8. I don't mean to sound flippant, but this dude must have hiv + hep c and every other blood borne pathogen. Zetas could just send over a bunch of aids riddled junkies & watch cdg die the slow way. Lol, wear gloves homie! Or rather, don't

    1. Try toxoplasmosis,mycoplasma fermentens,Lyme,bartonella,mercury,which makes a person psycho.all infect the brain creating madness.given time he will get severe dementia and his boys will have to put him down.

    2. I've always wondered the same thing. I've seen plenty of dudes dismembering bodies with no gloves or body fluid protection. This guy posted a picture of him splitting a guy in half and him pulling the heart out. I guess what ever worship they do makes them feel protected from blood born pathogens. Hiv, hepetitis, and other diseases ect....

    3. bruh it dont matter why? because they always get killed

  9. That dude dressed in camo has a red tip on his gun. Is that air soft ?

    1. No if you expand the pic and look closer it's a hole in the fire barrel. It does look like an air soft though.haha

    2. Modified air soft to fire cyanide,strychnine pepper balls.

    3. na thats a hole In the barrel dummy

    4. The red is from a hole in the barrel also one thing I notice on most of the pictures is that they carry the guns/rifles with the safety on what's with that

    5. Hope this helps. I'm from south Texas probably live with half n hr from reynosa give or take.. its common to use these barrels here.. they develop holes in them like that.. that Shits real bro

  10. 'videotaping this crime spree is the smartest thing we've ever done!'
    from the simpsons

  11. Hahaha ur right his shitt fake!!!

  12. you can put those fingers up your nose kid ..daddy's gone !!!

  13. Thx Goodness he captured

  14. Yeah, good.. I had thought about this fucker a few times after I saw him just getting his hands all bloody, and posing like he does, with an arm in one hand and a leg in the other.. almost comedic if it wasnt so fucked up. But what pissed me off more was he probably was grooming his son to do the same, everyone knew one of those kids, an it just keeps that cycle of depravity alive, so easily this guys child could have came out retarded, I dont know this guy kind of pissed me off he flaunted this shit out in the open on line...

  15. @ June 17, 2014 at 3:16 PM
    It's true that Charles Manson was a choir boy compared to this guy, but this guy is still a choir boy compared to Z40.

    1. @ 7:30
      F@#K all three of them.

  16. Wow this guy's friggin' ugly.
    Chivis do you know this guy's age? Also, do you know of any news articles about him from before his capture?

    Thanks for posting.

  17. He should have been shot in the head immediately, along with his cohorts. He will get set loose I am sure.

  18. I'm not sure but I think the kid is his little brother. He has a kid but I think he lives in Texas.

  19. Too bad Mexico does not have the death penalty, the govt would be executing these sob's every day. Texas would be nothing to a daily execution in Mexico....what appeal.....hahaha cruel and unusual punishment my ass!

  20. @June 17, 2014 at 7:54 PM

    I guess You're not too familiar with guns..?

  21. What a dumbass, when he exposes the birthdates of his children on his arms, just look at the two dates compare names and match, whoa easy bro, now they can find your families address...

  22. Weapon on safety is the proper use of a weapon. It prevents AD's, especially while moving. Sign of some level of firearms training.

    1. Training my ass.ANYONE who has a gun,and a BRAIN,knows you keep the safety on ALWAYS.

    2. I was in combat back in 1970 and we never carried our M16's with the safety switch ON, always on AUTO, even our .45 cal side arm was always with the safety OFF and half cocked.

    3. But we in combat were trained PROFESIONAL soldiers.

  23. @ 7:30 PM
    RIGHT?? I was thinking that just as I read the article.

  24. This guy should be tortured. Starting with gouging his eye's. He is pure evil

  25. Stop talking shit guys, he killed ZETAS don't you guys say all the time that the way they kill they should go through that similar fate, well a lot of you guys say you would if you caught that particular Z, but this guy actually did it, and CDG is runned without causing harm to the general public, and if so they would get ousted like Sheyla, not to say justify their actions by manufacturing and delivering dangerous drugs, but fuck the Zetas

    1. I wish they would get all zetas

  26. is he wearing SANTERIA beads / elekes ? from the yoruban afro Cuban religion ???

  27. Word is that they caught a big time Mexican drug trafficker in Brazil trying to get in the World Cup but they haven't released the name yet. Have you heard anything Chivis?

    1. Old news man. Chivas already posted an article on it

  28. 10:06
    I thought he followed Palo Mayombe (the darker form of Santeria. But the PM beads are of assorted colors. Santeria beads I think are both solid and assorted arranged in a pattern. . He is wearing blue but I can;t tell if they are all blue beads. If so that is Babala Aye, and that saint gives power to heal infectious diseases. I am going by memory and can't recall the meaning of white beads. Mamito practices Palo so I researched the religion out of curiosity. But it has been a while so I may be a little off.

  29. Oh they caught commander cherrys. That's it. Cdg is finished.

    Doesn't that sound retarded

  30. Este varo si es conmadre so no ablen si no saben..el mataba puro zetas y contras..nunca gente inocente..believe me..he was always dedicated to his girlfriend snd to the band that he sponsored 'banda la cherrysona'..el si hacia por la cuidanía y el púeblo..-j1 lrdo, tx

  31. Chivis, not sure if this is the appropriate place to share this link. It's a nice little read.

  32. To all those wishing Cherry has a violent death , this is what these guys want ! to go out in what they see as a blaze of glory so people will be talking about it and how he went out swinging. If they are beheaded alive , it seems horrific , but sudden loss of blood pressure to the brain , makes you faint almost instantaeneously , so for them at most its a few seconds of pain.
    What they seek is the fame amongst other cartel members about how stoic they were in death , as they say better to live like a bull for a few months than live like a heffer for a lifetime.

    What these guys fear the most is life in american federal supermax. No access to laywers , no access to visitors , no drugs or alcahol to put you to sleep at night so you can forget the faces and screams of the people you killed. Just 30 years of solitary confinement to reflect on all those people you have killed. These people leave supermax a gibbering shell of human being .
    They would all be quite happy to serve as many years as necessary in altiplano # 1 , being able to mix with their other cartel members , trips to the prison cinema , good diet , with lots of choice , the chance to occcasionaly kill one one of your rivals. Its no wonder they all go straight for amparo to prevent extradition.
    Mexico should be doing to them what they fear most , export them to the federal , and let USA pick up the cost of their incarceration.

    1. They don't have contact with other cartel members in altiplano. #fact #research

  33. The top picture, the guy with the white muscle shirt holding a machete is Comandante Acído from CDG

  34. Where did he go to college?

  35. Just look at his eyes. You can tell he is humanure, someone who needs to get killed immediately for the benefit of society.

  36. If you want to be protected from infectious diseases, I think gloves offer a little more protection than blue beads....just sayin''s good to make gestures to a higher power, but the higher power wants you to use common sense....

  37. Chivis
    Good info about the beads on Palo Mayombe..
    Think dude is right up top,its his little brother,Cherries was saying on his FB he didn't care if he lived or died cause he couldn't see his son anymore?
    And that is El Acido(white tee)in the picture with the other sicario,part of his estaka,think El Acido been arrested?

    1. If the fat bastard was saying he didn't care if he lived or died, he should have fire some shots instead of surrendering

  38. What is an estaka? How does the hierarchy go??

  39. Blue beads = Yemaya

    jus sayin

  40. Santeria is big business in the valley/norte. Almost as profitable as funeral homes! :)

  41. This is why Los Zetas fight, to clean Mexico of these gordos.

    1. CDG I can live with. They should kill all Zetas, though.

  42. If Mexico did not have rich beautiful beaches and tourism these monsters would be plastered al over the news. The mass graves , beheadings , rapes , everything. Personally I think its hidden to prevent the Yanks from panicking
    who their neighbors are and who's making their Mexican food. It would be devastating if the truth were shown. Like the dude said Charles manson is a STD zit on one of these infected blood pathogenic pozolero bastards. God help us all. Peace.

  43. People all up in arms about the alleged photos of genocide in Iraq ? How about all the poor bastards in Coah. 2500 and counting in mass graves in Mexico. Hey their your next door neighbor !!

  44. Oh great, his little brother, So now what, another 7-9 years we can expect an even more feral fucker...

  45. I do know this, regardless of how badass you are, if you were walking through the brush and walked up on these fuckers, thats the last place you would want to be...

    1. I was thinking that exact same thing. I used to graff when i was younger and would stumble upon random places, or even look or isolate places to hang out with friends and drink, i imagined what it would feel like to see that. :0

  46. "What is an estaka? How does the hierarchy go??"
    4 or 5 guys to a truck(estaka)and usually a cmdte who controls other estakas in his area,who patrol and hunt for the other side and try to head off incursions.
    These are the guys who are the front line,very very dangerous job

  47. June 18, 2014 at 1:43 PM
    "Blue beads = Yemaya"
    Tell us some more about it dude,educate us ?

  48. I think he is joking ...the saint of the sea, supposedly the oceans were created from her amniotic fluid. Yemaya is the saint of motherhood and fertility.

    Yemaya beads are traditionally in sets of 7, 7 blue, 7 white, or alternatively 7 blue seven clear. I forget what the white and clear represent, but I think also the sea. some necklaces and bracelets have a coral bead placed after sets of the multiples. Same goes with it, coral from the sea. another color used sometimes is green mixed in, but again I can't recall the meaning of green.

    1. Who cares what they stand for? It is just some primitive belief system that ignorant people share. It reminds me of other low IQ societal belief systems such as voodoo in Haiti and sub-saharan Africa.

  49. Acavan de atrapar a LA SHEYLA del CDG en el df

  50. 4:20 and 6:46, men you got ESB clinical symptoms down to a t, it fits perfecly with his mental symptoms and multiple personalitry disorders multiplied by a thousand factor of el mil mascaras, now the good news is i feel even dumber for not catching up sooner with his ass, but i'm glad the collective effort still gets the job done... thanks a lot BB!!!

  51. @6:03 just to make your world seem rounder, CHIVIS LOVES ME, she likes me, she likes my writting and my comments, and usually posts all i send, poor little you frustrated mil mascaras, i know you know me, and my style, and that i drive you nuts, but there is nothing you can do, except for:

  52. @10.47 pm , # fact , watch the video produced by the Governor of altiplano#1 , a cinema with 60 seats so one guy can watch it ? she clearly states they are allowed to watch the cinema together , be they all zetas , cds , each cartel has their own time in there. Do your research #

  53. "They have great radio networks and street information with the "halcones" so they always have time to flee"
    There are pictures on ValorFB i think of halcons,and the cheeky bastards are standing in a hospital foyer or something and they are charging their radios from a hospital plug and having a little picnic in broad daylight?Reynosa i think it is.A hospital ?

  54. Fatboy here thinks he's so bad lol! he brags on killing zeta's I bet they were not even Zeta's but just random innocent people plucked from the street just so he can say he killed some Zeta's to look good in front of other CDG members.

    One thing you can be sure of is these people are cowards and they do not usually have the balls to go near enemy territory where they could get caught or killed by their rivals so they just pretend they have.

  55. estacas, one of the sophysticated words of the lds church, "stakes" also short for mistakes, like 'staches, the spanglization of spanish and english generates many new old words with different uses, but when it comes to making money, mitt romney, the apostle of the lds church, he knows how to make it, the old way, he steals or launders most all of it, and by making sure his buddies make some too, he further ensures his and their impunity.
    others can enjoy all the palo mayombe up there all they want on their way to prison and a real palo mayombe, in prison they call it BIG BERTHA...

  56. CHIVAAA! you are so wonderful when you are in the mood...
    thanks for everything!!!
    also, thanks and bazookas to BB and buggs for having a home for us

  57. Does anybody have a link to his social media site/s?

  58. This guy, was he Freistas, Dragones, Metros, Rojos or neutral or something else?

  59. this guy is not in jail..I have proof of this. NR


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