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Monday, June 9, 2014

Sinaloa: 12 Bodies Discovered includes a 12 year old Boy

Borderland Beat

At 2:30 this morning, the tortured and burned bodies of 12 people were found in a truck in the southwest  town of San Ignacio, Sinaloa.

The Silverado pick-up had its engine running when the discovery was made. 

Relatives  arrived at the scene and reported all 12 persons were kidnapped Sunday night.  It was observed that three of the bodies were wearing tactical gear vests.

Among the dead were three brothers and a 12 year old boy.

The  governor of Sinaloa issued a statement saying the town of San Ignacio has experienced  serious security problems.

San Ignacio is indicated by red marker on map:

Thank you to the reader for the heads up-information from Reforma and Debate


  1. Who was behind this??

    1. the reason these people were killed was that they were kid-nappers and all had rap sheets as long as a three foot rattler, not to mention had priors for this. Several were related you could call it a family affair, which was probably the reason for the 12 yr. old???? What I read in another newspaper was that they were pick-up in there own home town by a group much, much bigger and very well armed. But as my Mexican paisano said at least they are killing their-selves and not shooting innocent people, what just happened in Oregon and keeps happining in your schools????? Your own FBI says that you have 40+serial killers operating in your country. So before you try pulling the splinter from our eye, remove the rafter from yours you fools!!!

    2. You made your point but the usa is just as fucked up and corrupt as any place else fucking free masons run this narcos with weapons run them at least you can say theres more control here in the usa thanks to the masons

  2. Why are there so many evil people in Mexico?

    1. My Compadres have same opinion about US and tell me - at least in Mexico the sicarios only hit those who are linked to narcos. I can count 6 incidents in last 2 weeks of gunmen (and women) gunnig innocent people in public places in US.

    2. U can't be serious right, there's a 12 year old boy in here

    3. Dude you must be an idiot if you believe sicarios only kill those involved...

    4. Whatever. No comparison at all. Mexico is a full of undiscovered buried bodies, beheadings, kidnappings etc. Sure there are bad people everywhere but the narcos basicly run Mexico so its worse there for sure. Saying that its the same in the U S is just not correct. So quit defending the undefendable.

    5. If you visit mexico, you will meet some of the most humble and nicest people, but the cartels, they're something else. They must prove they are brutal to one another when fighting for drug routes. They must demonstrate no mercy.

  3. Wow Beltranes El H and Chspo Isidro going full blast on all CDS plazas ..Sonoroa now Sinaloa .y ahora quien podra defendernos? No more Antrax no more Talibanes no mas M1 MP 5, 7 Bravo

    1. Mp is still holding it down...he is not dead

    2. Mp is in USA hiding out he's not going back to Mexico

  4. hey chivis wondering if u seen this yet .pretty interesting .


  5. hahaha,just comfirmed!!! the 3 were members rom antrax!!!!!!! hahahah ,cds,keeps on slippiing!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah,,,where all you chapo cds lovers!!!!!!!!!,now!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Don't be vieja verdulera por que no han cconfirado nada estas peor que las viejas chismosas jajaja

    2. Youre an idiot thos are gente de la B

    3. These are Damasos people that you've been reading about, every mexican blog says this funny how this one doesn't when all posts are just copies from mexican media.

  6. Satan was behind this who else? Wake up people the return of Jesus is close at hand God bless the Mexican people

    1. Oh okay let's justify their actions on the devil
      Once they repent after killing let's just forgive and forget then..

  7. Its all betwen GN groups and others from CDS.

    1. No los muertos son de la B

    2. Pero estan peleando con los de Cds?

    3. Y kien es la b?

    4. Son los beltranezz

    5. Los muertos son gente del Damaso idiotas!

  8. So they wer antrax??

  9. Chapo isidro doing a clean up. Typical day here in Sinaloa

    1. El chapo isidro no esta aciendo nada mas que rascandoce El tracero y por si no savias los muertos son del clan de los beltranez...

    2. Now weres all those chapo haters and blo nuthuggers at........

    3. These are Damasos people from CDS it's been confirmed already all these chapo nuthuggers won't accept the fact that they are going down!

  10. Mazatlecos being cleansed by CDS. Is 12:27pm a grade school kid? Nana nana boo boo joven

  11. a 12 year old boy? Jesus god.

  12. Whatever and whomever....... Monstrous behavior...

  13. The 12yr with others who have tactical gear?..nah thoses were hitmen..that means including 12yr old too..he has killed people so show no remorse for that little killer clown.

  14. ONLY 6 COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where all the chapo fans now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahah

    1. Get over it you idiot,you and your lame comments come up with something different

    2. I think its chivis and I think that she should be careful with all the anti sinaloa propaganda ;=) no te metes en lo ke usted no le entiende

  15. Mochomera or BLO seeing CDS weak

  16. Where did u see that they were antrax???12:27

  17. Just love the Governor's statement:
    "San Ignacio has experienced serious security problems".
    Really, Governor?

    1. San Ignacio is full of gavilleros or sicario groups. Very little police in that area. BLO operates heavily in Southern Sinaloa

  18. @1:30 - u cracked me up! Dat dude writes childish shit like erry day!! Nanabooboo 8))

  19. some screwed up info in this article, particularly location. it appears this is not the first attack, as Malova claims:

    this is not far off the track of the new highway from mazatlan to durango... could there be a connection to that route?

  20. This has nothing to do with cds antrax not blo and gn either.

  21. "The governor of Sinaloa issued a statement saying the town of San Ignacio has experienced serious security problems."

    you think?

  22. @12:27 are you fucking joking? you're laughing and cheering because of dead innocents and a kid. you sick piece of shit. i swear that BLO/Z degenerate nuthuggers are the worst of all nuthuggers. total disregard for human life and morality.

    1. Dead innocents with tactical gear hmmm sounds like a sicario patrol truck got lit up than put together on another truck to display

  23. It would be nice to have an accurate idea of where these happen. San Ignacio is 121 km NORTH and EAST of Mazatlan (not south), and is well inland, NOT on the coast.

  24. I was looking for a place called San Blas, near I believe Tepic years back. I looked at a map and we found at least 7 places named San Blas.

  25. June 9, 2014 at 3:56 PM
    "I can count 6 incidents in last 2 weeks of gunmen (and women) gunnig innocent people in public places in US"
    No matter what the topic,no matter what the story,here at BB you are guaranteed to have some fuckin idiots always trying to bring nationalism or jingoism or race into it,example,this fuckin clown?Never ends ?

    1. cuz of comments like 11:32. they always have to say mexico or mexicans this n that .theres a drug war going on in mexico .whats going on in usa to cause all these random shootings?

    2. Drug war here to. Just on a micro level - but everyday there's kids shot in low income neighborhoods where open air drug markets thrive and someone wants to take over another persons spot to sell dope. Comments like 11:32 are just clueless to what is happening in their own country.

  26. "This has nothing to do with cds antrax not blo and gn either"
    Some of these cats were wearing vests so they were part of someone?
    Its like a whole family was picked up?San Ignacio,is this the island?Seems to be heating up all over that area from Guasave,Mochis,Ahome,etc

  27. "and is well inland, NOT on the coast"
    Yeah dude,its confused me,not the island coast?

  28. not related to cartels. There are gavillas like el gato..

  29. Pa ke les kede Claro Los Hs andan al 100.

  30. 2:50 pm, I'm a chapo fan so that's 7, and my two hommies at the methadone clinic. That makes 9

    1. And proud of it.We will see you in a grave some day!

  31. El cartel de los beltran estan tomando vetaja ya ke el cartel del chapo esta debil la mochomera i los h'S al 100 en el norte i el chapo trini arremangando en todo sonora ..como ven vales !!

    1. Estas bien wey los muertos son de la B aki en mocorito los cazares y la gente nueva le estan dando en la madre a la B @tt LC13

    2. La mochomera andan activos sin aser tanto ruido

    3. Chapo trini ya esta muerto mija no sea mitotera


    you all should know some more about tito torbellino before you all condemn him to.hell.....I think most dont know that an american was killed in mexico

  33. And loosers from this blog said that in michoacan is hardcore move over sinaloa bout too have the bloodiest of wars way worse than the one that started back in 2008

  34. 8:12 PM ---

    no way jose.. even with narcos running mexico and 12 year olds being shot et cetera et cetera.. MEXICO is not worse than the U.S.A.. we dont have sandy hooks (kindergarden kids) and our gov at least steals money for them selves not to make fake wars.. at least in MEXICO narcos terroryze the people.. not the gov. Mexico has a real war (or had) on drugs not a hole bunch of FAKE wars.. we dont have obama care in Mexico (we all get hospital services), we dont have the rockafellers and a private federal bank.. and i could go on for ever. no 911-no marathon bombings.. no NSA spying on every one.. you loose gringo.

    1. Mejor callese wey, aqui en los estados unidos uno puede vivir en paz, la neta Mexico esta peor Que en US, aqui todo esta moderno, y alla como Iraq

  35. no women no kids you know the rules

  36. "I think its chivis and I think that she should be careful with all the anti sinaloa propaganda ;=)"
    Do you actually think Chivis is pulling for any cartel?
    This support for different cartels is fuckin ridiculous ?

  37. June 9, 2014 at 7:31 PM
    "San Ignacio is full of gavilleros or sicario groups. Very little police in that area. BLO operates heavily in Southern Sinaloa"
    Great comments and to the point,completamente senor..

  38. 9:30 PM
    "El cartel delos beltran estan tomando ventaja"
    Mochomera,Trini,Lizárraga,Gonzalez,Mazatlecos,Isidro,all under Beltran,but do their own work ?

  39. Not related to BLO... this is an independent gavillero known as El Gato and a family feud... Though Fantasma and MZ did try to take his ass out for being a thorn on their side. But he has been entrenched in the hills for years and no one knows the hills better than him.

  40. It's like the favelas up there a bunch of drug hustling kidnapping trigger men in the sierras of sinaloa.

  41. This is not as close to Mazatlan as the map claims:,-106.428165&spn=0.045106,0.055189&sll=24.775981,-107.367325&sspn=0.08962,0.110378&hnear=San+Ignacio,+Sinaloa,+Mexico&t=m&z=14&lci=com.panoramio.all As someone who has lived in Sinaloa for a long time. This is near the Golden Triangle and the towns surrounding San Ignacio are very poor, dirt poor, and drugs and trafficking is the principal businesses in this area. Switching over to poppy in the last year or so. This truck load of people were kidnapped from somewhere else and dumped in San Ignacio.

  42. @2:03
    I made the same mistake you did.
    It is the San Ignacio in southern Sinaloa, not north.

    when you search you must put a reference to Mazatlan for it to come up.

  43. @8:12 it is because of situations like these that yo soy 132 appeared in the mexican world, and here is 132 presente!

  44. June 10, 2014 at 6:30 PM
    Dude,don't fall for it man

  45. 11:52 AM
    "Chapo trini ya esta muerto mija no sea mitotera"

    Senor,if you can,speak a little more,how he die,,gob,contra?

  46. "I think most dont know that an american was killed in mexico"

    Dude it happens,we as US citizens have no more right to life than anyone else,so what is your point?Every country on this planet can be dangerous to different degrees,he was in Mexico and playing with fire in the very place he should not have been.I know i would not be taunting cartels in Mexico,hell no.

  47. The red marker on the map is not where San Ignacio is. San juan (where cochiloco was from) is right next to San Ignacio. Its about 1 hour from Mazatlan and about 2 hours from Culiacan. There was really no cartel influence until chapos people showed up about 2 years back. Its pretty much quiet all the time. Its usually independent growers. My family is from there and I visit twice a year.

  48. en el 2010, hubo 2 agarres en tayoltita, durango, pueblo cerca de san igncio, pero la gavilla de ahi, los arana con el apoyo de gente de san ignacio(mario meza y familia) y en un agarre los de la linea entraron a tayoltita como a las 14:00 y al regresar al salir de tayoltita ya oscureciendo los arana tenian puesta la esboscada al salir de tayoltita y mataron a 30 de la linea, despues la proxima semana, regresaron camuflajiados de militares, y de noche adentro del pueblo fue la emboscada, mataron como a 40 yo los vi carros llenos de muertos, abiendo perdido ya 2 veces ya no regresaron, despues se mataron muchos familiares inocentes tanto los de arriba como los de abajo conocidos, familiares en fin un chingo, ellos los arana defendieron tayoltita de los de la linea y haci alejarlos de san ignacio sinaloa

  49. si mataron a un arana entonces, los arana trabajaban junto con los meza de san ignacio, entonces dos opciones los meza osea arana, los atacaron otra gavilla de por ahi ese mentado gato, opcion 2, los meza se desicieron de los arana de ahi y gente cercanos s ellos, por eso mandaron al govierno a buscar a los otros arana a tayoltita.

  50. Chapito y sus AVENGERZ just making there play


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