Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, June 30, 2014

The mystery of El Azul deepens

Borderland Beat  from EL PAÍS Translation: Dyane Jean François Posted by Nuttz
El Azul worked in a business in which a typical boss wears gold chains, keeps a Lamborghini in the garage and a pet leopard by his side. But he always kept out of the limelight. Perhaps Juan José “El Azul” Esparragoza Moreno died just as discreetly as he lived. A high-ranking Mexican official told EL PAÍS that the government is trying to confirm whether the best-known of the great Sinaloa drug lords – a key member within the organization – really died of a heart attack last Friday. He was supposedly cremated on Saturday in a secret ceremony open only to family members.

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán made the Forbes list of the richest men in the world. The Mexican journalist Julio Scherer interviewed the legendary Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. El Azul, the third pillar of the powerful Sinaloa mafia, has always kept a lower profile. His file at the United States Drug Enforcement Administration  (DEA) describes his activities as “unknown.”

El Azul’s nickname came from his appearance. His skin was so dark that his friends said he was blue. Despite being a wanted man in Mexico since 1998 and in the United States since 2003, Esparragoza Moreno has managed to outlive several generations of drug lords who ended up dead or in prison.

Unlike other capos, El Azul’s supposed death was nothing spectacular. Río Doce, a local newspaper, said he had an accident and suffered severe injury to his hip 15 days ago. On Friday, he had a heart attack as he tried to get up from his bed. His family informed the paper of his death, the article said. El Azul was 65 years old.

Mexican authorities have not confirmed the death. Although they say it is “a rumor,” they have opened a joint investigation with the DEA. “It’s not easy to ascertain whether the ashes belonged to El Azul. His relatives could be trying to trick us so we stop looking for him,” the Mexican official said.

Mexican authorities have not confirmed the death and have opened a joint investigation with the DEA

Esparragoza Moreno made it into the cartel history books long ago – when drug trafficking was almost nothing but a rural business controlled by village thugs. He and other top bosses, like El Chapo and Caro Quintero, were raised in Badiraguato (Sinaloa). El Azul opened a grocery store when he was a teenager and later proved himself to be a skilled livestock trader. At 22 years old, he joined Amado “Lord of the Skies” Carrillo Fuentes and his fleet of small aircraft in carrying large quantities of drugs to the United States. He showed that he was a skilled merchant early on as he handled Sinaloa deals with Colombian cartels, whom the Mexicans needed to deliver cocaine on the other side of the border. He became known as a man who sought consensus.

His proverbial discretion makes it difficult to reconstruct some periods of his life. The writer of Desperados, Elaine Shannon, said El Azul was one of the top drug dealers in the Guadalajara cartel. The organization was founded in its namesake city but its most powerful members were from Sinaloa. Don Winslow used them as inspiration for his book, The Power of the Dog. Guadalajara was dissolved after the death of DEA agent Kiki Camarena. And El Azul was arrested in the mid-1980s for public health offenses. He was sentenced to seven years in jail.

Prison wardens created a detailed psychological profile of the capo. The Mexican newspaper Sin Embargo has published the text online. Those who observed Esparragoza Moreno said he had psychotic tendencies but he was not insane. They said he was independent and non-conformist. He was not impulsive and he did not show “inappropriate” feelings. He was active, energetic, and had difficulty accepting the rules. The answers he gave during a test reflect his ambiguous personality:

61. I have not lived rightly: True
102. My toughest battles are against myself: True
201. I wish I were not so shy: True
249. I have never had run-ins with the law: True

arious articles and publications chronicled Esparragoza Moreno’s dissolute life in jail. He served out his time in Reclusorio Sur, a Mexico City prison known as “Beverly Hills.”

The inmates walked around the halls with those first cellular phones – the ones that were so large they had to be carried in a suitcase. There was a television and a microwave. The bosses celebrated the communions of their children there. El Azul gave the authorities a private home on Fuego street in southern Mexico City. The house was in a quiet upper-class area. The Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, who died in March, lived in that neighborhood for 30 years.

If El Azul really passed away, then he did so without the fanfare that accompanied other Sinaloa natives like Arturo Beltrán Leyva, whom soldiers gunned down with assault rifles in 2009. El Chapo was picked up by drones as he fled between drainpipes in Culiacán. Now they say the ashes of that secretive man, El Azul, live on a mountain top in Sinaloa.

Future of Sinaloa cartel unknown

J. D. Q.
The departure of El Azul raises even more questions about Mexico’s most powerful cartel, Sinaloa. The capture of El Chapo, the most wanted man in the world after Bin Laden, led to a succession process in February that seems to remain open.

The regional government said the boss’s capture spiked the rate of clashes – from one per day to three – between police officers and criminals. In May, there were more than 100 homicides. The instability in the cartel has turned some areas of the region into a cemetery.

Early Monday morning, authorities found 12 corpses in a van. Six more bodies were discovered in the next few days, bringing the total of dead to 18 within one week. Armed men and police clashed on Los Mochis-El Fuerte highway but officials have not said whether there were any casualties. With El Chapo behind bars and El Azul allegedly turned into ashes, the only historical figure in the business is El Mayo Zambada. He has been in the drug trade for 50 years without ever serving time in prison.

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  1. If Azul joined Amado Carrillo, at 22 years of age and died at 65 yrs. That means he joined Amado Carrillo during 1971???? Amado Carrillo, wasn't nobody back then. What I understood, Amado Carrillo, was trained by Pablo Acosta Villareal...Get your facts straight Chiva

    1. And who are you?.Cartel historian?

    2. Cartel historian?

    3. @9:03
      Lol. Damn dawg, why you got to hate on chivia so much.

    4. @9:03
      Get your shit straight idiot. If he joined Amado Carillo at 22 yrs old and died at 65 yrs, that means he joined Amado during 1981...

    5. Its Chivis..Not chiva..I also found an inconsistent in your reading cause apparently you cant read..its Chivis..-naj

    6. Lol but that retard Acosta was a doper that's why he got whacked never get high on your own supply

    7. Well that true amado was trained by pablo acosta villareal el zorro de ojinaga and azul started with pedro aviles in the 70'4

  2. Congratulations you found an insignificant error. I did also, I found two, and neither has any aftereffect to the overall content of the EL PAIS article.

    Get my facts straight? I only wish I could write as well as an El Pais journalist. But then again, I don't feel like writing anything at the moment.

    1. Chapo snitched on you chivis. 02 calsetines boltiados...

    2. Get some rest Chivis, don't let what's going in Michoacan get you down! Don't let this affect your health!

    3. Hi Chivis, just wondering why some people call you Chiva? Thx

    4. Just wondering why some people call you Chiva? Isn't it Chivis? Thx

    5. Because they can't read.

  3. I think someone mentioned he was spotted in Brazil watching Mexico vs Netherlands with a fine @$$ Brazilian girl

    1. Are you sure? It could have been an ex-man!

  4. Chivis-
    Don't take it personally. I love this website and thank you so much for your contributions. My spanish is pretty good but not so great that I can scour Spanish-language periodicos for such interesting articles. I praise you guys for not taking the sensationalist approach that BDN takes, and relying a lot more on legit journalism. I have been reading this site daily for about two years. My first post on here. Gracias por todo.

  5. To clarify, I am not the person who posted the first comment.
    Una vez mas, gracias.

  6. It would seem that Senior Moreno had a personality above and beyond the average "Cartel Leader". He kept a Low Profile for a reason. When ever their
    was a dispute between cartels he was the "Go Too Guy" to get everybody back on the same page ; which was to make money! He saw no money in Killing, just a lot of extra heat from the police and government. He always seemed to be on the winning team as far as staying out of minor arguments
    that could become major if they were not solved in a timely fashion prior to becoming a major ego or money problem. As far as being dead? who knows;
    the DEA as well as the new Mexican Govt, is definitely putting heat on all the cartels so this might be a farce to try and go underground. Let's face it this is a sharp guy that's been in this game for half a century and might have wanted to take his millions , buy an Island in the Caribbean under an assumed name
    and live his last 10 to 15 years in comfort!

  7. I know out of text but wats going on in tj no noise since the capture of el inge who's going to b running the show for afo or wats really going on??

  8. You do an awesome job telling us what's going on!! I guess that jerk can walk on water.

  9. The zeta boss for pidras has been captured

  10. Whether Azul is dead or alive, one thing we do know : drug trafficking is not dead. The business goes on as usual. If el Azul is indeed dead, his name in the list of one of the most legendary drug lords has been cemented. This man operated with a who's who of the narco trafficking game. El Chapo, El Mayo, El Senor De los Cielos, El Jefe de Jefes, El Narco de Narcos, Nacho Coronel, El Guero Palma etc.

    1. Who's el narco de narcos?

    2. Don't forget balta Diaz ernesto caro and all those del pasado independent sinaloan traffickers that got everyone sellin dope like no tomorrow the real pioneers of the game.

    3. El Azul era the boss of bosses il capo di tutti capi el jefe de jefes. Y digo que era porque si no murio es obvio que anuncio su retiro del negocio

    4. Narco de Narcos = Rafael Caro Quintero

    5. Todos piensan que Arturo Beltran Leyva era el jefe de jefes pero ese nombre lo tenia Rafael Caro Quintero. Ay un corrido de los tigers del Norte dedicado al jefe de jefes. Porque en sus tiempos de el nomas era el cartel de Guadalajara y avia muchos lideres en ese cartel, Ernesto Fonseca, El Padrino Felix Gallardo, Rafael Caro Quintero y otros. Pero Caro Quintero era la mera verga de ese cartel.

    6. Que pendejo estas. Rafo no era ni el jefe del cartel de guadalaja, ese titulo era para el padrino. Y el jefe de jefes era Arturo Beltran que jamas as escuchado las decenas de corridos que le hacen referencia inepto? Ademas la cancion fue escrita a mediados de los 90 cuando Arturo era dueno de la mayoria de plazas en Mx, sino escuchala con Luis y Julian cuando lo mencionan. Paque vayas y cuentes

    7. Para 8:06

      Tu, Luis y Julian no valen un jarrito de mierda. Que chingaos sabes estupido

    8. El jefe de jefe no se olviden siempre va ser CHRISTO REY!!!!! Salvensen que todavia tienen tiempo en este Mundo para arepentirse!

  11. Stay healthy chivis fuck that fool

  12. “His relatives could be trying to trick us so we stop looking for him,” the Mexican official said. Nah, you really think that is a possibility. Mexican officials are just too smart. Idiots!

  13. I seriously hate when readers try to correct Bb as if they write story, thanks BB for translation , thank you for waking up every day posting important story about narco wars mexico.. I have to admit if I see major narco arrest I always come to borderland beat! At: Alberto betototo

  14. El azul has always inspired me..he's very, very discreet to the point that he saw that 90% of the most wanted narcos have fallen and that meant that he was next at keeping an eye at, so he faked his death..

    he got cremated the next day?..I dont think so..being who he "was", by now the best mausoleum at the Culiacan cemetery would've been built already..


  16. June 30, 2014 at 9:03 AM
    She wont write fuck all if idiots like you pull bullshit minutiae out of every story posted.You people never fuckin learn and never listen...

  17. Chava pay no mine to these armchair spectators. You provide so much accurate information and many of us who know what your saying appreciate it.. Chava you hit on about 93% of your info. not bad..

  18. At 903am quit bitching she still takes time to write info and you act like a fuckn tijuana prostitute.

  19. 9:03 AM... Get your facts straight. By "Dyane Jean Francois" posted by "Nuttz".You need to pay attention to detail.... Amado Carrillo was sent by his uncle Ernesto Foseca {Don Neto} Carrillo leader of the Guadalajara Cartel to oversee his cocaine shipments through Ojinaga. Don Netto set Amado up in Juarez. Amado became head of the Juarez Cartel in 87 after he assassinated Rafael Aguilar Guajardo. But he was working as an extention of his uncle from the sixties forward. Another thing not mentioned was that El Azul was a Federal Police officer in his 20s before he started working for Amado. "Drug Lord" sensationalized Pablo and suggested he trained Amado but this wasn't entirely true, remember who Amado's uncle was and the book was about Pablo. Ojinaga was by a long shot not the only port of entry for the Guadalajara Cartel.

  20. Guzman vs Zambada will start a war for the culiacan plaza soon. Is there any truth to this?

    1. There's no war going on in culiacan thats a lie especially with Guzman and zambadas

    2. No war at all they have all learned the hard way that senseless violence is bad for business. Their focus right now is making money rather than expand. Greed almost took them down and with all the recent key figures that have gone down lately. They know better than to cause attention.

  21. amado carrillo was in ojinaga during the 80s but he started in sinaloa and then went to guadalajara before he was sent to chihuahua to supervise the cocaine shipments for the guadalajara cartel. so el azul could have started with amado you just dont start moving weight one day. they most likely started growing mota and selling it to the guys back then like lamberto quintero or pedrito aviles then moved up the ranks and probably started moving cocaine when they went to guadalajara thats were the colombians moved back then until 83 or 84 when they started flying coke straight to northern chihuahua pablo acosta was payed 1000 dollars a key to warehouse the shipments and smuggle them across to presidio but that money was paid by the guadalajara people not the colombians thats why amado was there.


    1. Thats right el azul keep working with los beltranes after the split in 2008. His family is more allied to them even "el buche" , that was arturos plaza boss in acapulco, was nephew of el azul they are both from huixiopa.

  23. I kept quiet til today. The article is an interesting read. Good job. There is some insignificant errors in the article. There is a lot of speculation about CDS. But that is irrelevant as well. Keep up the good work.

    The Rabbit knows his stuff.

  24. Don't listen to this childish troll chivis!! Pls don't let his useless comments distract you from what is really important and the great work your doing sharing such important information with the rest of the world outside Mexico who otherwise don't get none of this stuff!

  25. 93%! Damn I am so good!!!! :)
    thanks so much

  26. @2:53 shhhhhhh, I will tell you a secret, Chivis is my real name.

    It is a common mistake to say Chiva instead and it is fine with me, even though it means goat. I can be an old goat sometimes, and lately prob more often than not.

    1. Thanks, that's what I thought. Great work on all the info u bring us, u r definately a huge asset to this blog. :)

    2. Saludos Sandra Martinez! Tu fan d California

  27. Viva chivis from phx az!!!!!!

  28. @2:06 if you dont like this blog go f yourself. Most of the postings i see up here are from Chivis. Your clearly an unappreciative moron that doesnt interact well with others. How about you do us all a favor dont post. Chivis rocks!!

  29. they say quinteros people are moving into san luis rio colorado, seems sonora and baja (mexicali) are going to change with new leaders in an area belonging to sinaloa...

  30. from what i heard amado was a dfs agent for a while in guadalajara in the 70s i dont know if its true but maybe thats when el azul came into contact with him and his uncle...either way i dont think el azul is dead i never heard of a narco being cremated they usually have a big fancy funeral with bandas and norteno...even if he was low key dont mean he dindt like the things other narcos like he was just careful who knew of his activities... at least he did business the right way... el negocio es para llenarte las manos de billetes no de sangre...

  31. There's no mystery, hes protected by the d.e.a and mexican government. He does work for cds!

  32. To the rumors he in brazil that bullshit el mayo was not as low key as el azul but that guy most be stashed up in the hills. Also and im no sinaloa fan but el mayo is quite capable of runing the cartel by all criminal organizations the nature of the beast is when a boss or luitenant falls someone has to step up and take his place

  33. It is very calm in Tijuana now. Quiet before the storm is what some people are saying... but its business like normal and similar to the old days... We cant have all the heat come back like in 2007-08... Tourist money is much needed by the people... I feel it is safe to cross in either the San Ysidro border or Otay Mesa border, but that's just me who is not fluent in Spanish and walks the pedestrian bridge (day or night) to get to Revolution St. Come enjoy a nice taco and beer, Mexico caters to all... Get well soon Chivis...

  34. Pictures of your mom puto

  35. Nobody believes he is dead.

  36. Chivis,
    I'm glad you have a good attitude towards some of the comments you get. Your only posting the info you read or is being pass to you via email. Your doing an awesome job....

  37. Chivis is the only poster that puts his name out. All the rest of the haters use anonymous to disrespect him. Bunch of lames that don't have the heart and can't do half the work he is doing reporting on the mafia Mexicana.

  38. That fool in the first post is just a hater. We got love for you Chivis! Please keep up the good work. Thanks. -El Nemesis

  39. Don't sweat the haters Chivis. Please keep up the good work. -El Nemesis

  40. His relatives could be trying to trick us so we stop looking for him,” the Mexican official said, then how about going after his relatives I'm sure that 99% of everything they own, was not purchase legally, buying a million dollar mansion in cash will not raised any alarms in mexico, everyone looks the other way.

    If only if mexico had a good IRS system then these cartels especially their family members would all be in jail .

  41. I don't think he is dead.

  42. If he really is gone than he will have had plenty of time to name successors and get everything in order but it is really strange that they only took a day to cremate him. He has got lots of narco family and friends and although he was a very important and well respected guy, I doubt the they would have been able to drop everything at a few hours notice to go to his cremation.

    30 June 1:50PM
    He wouldn't be at the Culiacan cemetery, he is/was a man of the sierra and that's where he would be.

  43. If he really is gone than he will have had plenty of time to name successors and get everything in order but it is really strange that they only took a day to cremate him. He has got lots of narco family and friends and although he was a very important and well respected guy, I doubt the they would have been able to drop everything at a few hours notice to go to his cremation.
    30 June 1:50PM
    He wouldn't be at the Culiacan cemetery, he is/was a man of the sierra and that's where he would be.

    1. He set up his death like an appointment! You know, like in between a Mexico soccer game a a good game of chess he had with a few buddies!!! what do you expect? He's a busy man! He can't have a bunch of crying women and people from all over!!! He's got other commitments! Dude you should see his itinerary it's booked! Even has to schedule his shit breaks!

  44. El Azul was killed by Chapo over a decade ago, it was kept under wraps for PR purposes. Next.

  45. Are there any capos from Batopito (just outside of Badiraguato)? I know Jesus Raul Beltran Uriarte is/was, but wondered if there are more.

    1. Jesus Raul has criminal dealer brothers... Miguel, Marco, Paco. Not to mention his brother-in-law, Jose Pedro Madrid Araujo (El Cordero), whose brother was El Gallo De La Sierra.

  46. The Blues Clues dude is still alive... he faked his death... he don't want to be like el Chapo and spend the last of his life in Jail... the round up that is happening right now is una limpia como cuando they broke up the Guadalajara Cartel... the smart ones are going to hide and the dumb ones are going down like el Macho Prieto, el Chino, el Chapo and el Inge in Tijuana.

    1. Whos the next big boss to go down, La Tuta/Puta?

  47. chivis what happened in the state of mexico 22 killed and the ambush in san fernendo

  48. --don neto had amado take over cd juarez, working from ojinaga, when he was ready, amado took down pablo and guajardo, that was ok, but killing and robbing big colombian maffia traffickers sponsored by the CIA was amado's big mistake...
    --miguel angel felix gallardo took down pedro aviles, but his nephew don chuyito labra aviles carried on with the arellano felix for el padrino...
    --caro quintero had to lay down and suck ass as the most junior of the guadalajara cartel, until el chapo saved it all by selling maranjas on the sinaloas for the cds...
    --but all of them were DFS and had the necessary id, and charolas to prove it, nice! and time to remember again that "el comandante olvidado" JULIAN SLIM HELU, brother of CARLOS SLIM HELU, and MIGUEL NAZAR HARO, had taken over the DFS and lorded it over all the corruption of the federal police all over mexico, and that other people still own the police and military corruption there, all of them lebanese mafiosos, with the CHAGRA brothers from el paso to florida and las vegas, are gone, the biggest one, CARLOS SLIM HELU the only one remaining is now not so mysteriously the richest man in the world, lording it from his plataforma slim with the most hideous characters, DFS heirs AFI AND SSP former big lord, GENARO GARCIA LUNA, kidnapper for ransom, extorter, drug lords ally and backstabber for cash, murderer of kidnapped victims all over the country and of his own commanders, just like his successor: ENRIQUE FRANCISCO GALINDO CEBALLOS, torchbearer for the zetas and a zeta from the start, with his uncle, drug and weapons dealer, famed "investigator", writer and psychologist JULIO CEBALLOS...
    all of these people would make for more interesting reads, but they keep their asses well covered, we'll have to make do with what we can put together from their associations from the DFS like el azul...

  49. Azul started with the gdl cartel. Thats when he was clicked up with his compas luis comander fuentes and calderoni. After the arrest of gallardo caro and neto azul sided with amado handling the finances of his buissness. Before the gdl cartel was formed old time traffickers like acosta and aviles were only into trafficking mota.

  50. Saludos pa toda La Gente Nueva... puro pa delante compa y ay vamos Sinaloa.

    1. Cual gente nueva? Esos weyes ya no existen.

    2. Gn... no makes waye.. eres mierda. Gn asesino much a gentle inocente y Asta estava en gerra con la bastarda del chapo ya al ultimo

  51. pinche bola de embeciles sigan pensando lo que quieran

  52. el narco de narcos is rafael caro quintero also known as el r uno.. hes everyones daddy...

  53. pablo acosta may have been a doper but he had more balls than all this guys put together he had many gun fights and never surrendered to the mexican law or the american law and as far as i know from the people in ojinaga he helped alot of folks built hospitals and schools but the man was feared even by the guadalajara cartel and the colombians thats why they never took him out they ended up having to hire comandante calderoni and the dea orders from amado carrillo was to take him dead or alive.

    1. Dude he didn't have balls he was a dope addict don't get high on your own supply he got wacked plain and simple Acosta was a dummy that's why he ended up where he's at

  54. Can I see your moms pictures, she better be hot.

  55. I guess its down to 2 true capos, El Mayo and E l Viceroy

    1. El viceroy??? I dont know about that one.

    2. Viceroy has more balls than mayo, viceroy defeated chapo while mayo was hiding behind chapo.

    3. You can count Mayo out rite now hes running for his life probably wishing he had never sided with chapo

    4. Lol mayo ? Si mi atrapan o me Matan nada cambia.

    5. Viceroy has been the one hiding and running so far and hard that he needed help from the zetas,beltran,and caf/afo what ever was left of the arellanos.

    6. Viceroy has been seen in navolato,culiacan, chihuahua and juarez heavily guarded by linces, yeah linces, the ones that make less noise and are by far more effective than los antrax

    7. Navolato is still a carrillo stronghold how do you know the linces are still around ?

    8. That's why El jaguar got wacked that's how you know viceroy has power they took him out he was police chief in navolato when one of the carrillos nephew's or cuzzins got kidnapped and they came and got his him back and on top of that the big party the carrillos threw for caro when he was realesed.

    9. Don't forget El h he has balls two remember when they ambushed the hell out of the c.i.a agents

  56. The real mystery is how and why he was creamated in 24hrs. Catholics hold viewings for at least a couple of days. And then burial. All account point that Azul is catholic, yes he is catholic which means he is still alive. There is zero evidence that he died!

  57. calderoni and the dea went to kill pablo acosta from the US side f the border, for the benefit of amado with his DFS charola...who only had rafael guajardo, a real DFS agent, on his way after that.
    drug trafficking was and is more important than any police officer, and the top money maker for those that know about their bread and butter, no wonder DFS, AFI, SSP, PGR, PF, PJF, PM, army, navy, and air force are under the balls of the drug traffickers calling the shots for the mexican politicians and "businessmen" who sponsor their dirty deeds, in complicity with US politicians and "businessmen" who own and use the US government and resources to do the dirty work of international vulture businessmen who take the lion's share of the drug trafficking profits and enjoy all the impunity in the world, then come and buy any state or private property they want with their ill gotten gains, after properly or improperly laundering the money.
    --clearly there is no better way of doing business than stealing all of it, or making do illegally as possible, and sticking it to the little puppies all the way to the bank...

  58. @4:13 embesiles looks prettier.
    @4:31 pablo acosta was a doper and the dope, he engaged in the shotout until the end, and he died with his ass on the line, he did not disappear or ran away, and his mota trafficking paved the way for the cocaine queens and kings that came later, and who would not last either...
    --el azul, like frank costello, the royal US maffia fixer, lasted a long time, and may he rest in peace on this world or the next, if the crickets of the mexican cartels had listened to him, they would have lasted much much longer, too late now, we'll see the next generation in action soon, noriega's prison cells are waiting...

    1. Dosent beat the fact he got shit on he got wacked oh well he wasent the biggest Amado shit on Acosta he's still a doper get over yourself.

  59. I noticed that El Mayo's Pride and Joy became one of the biggest "Sniches" that ever came out of Sinaloa! For obvious reason's he's still alive and well being that he's buried so deep in the U.S. Federal Penal system that it would take an entire Mexican Army Battalion to whack him! What I'm wondering is;
    he still welcome back home after ratting out 1/2 of the C.D.S. I bet if his father is dead or arrested when and if he gets out he won't last long. If he's smart he'll ask for asylum in the states.

  60. 11:14 you are crazy if you think that el mayo's pride and joy can get asylum in the US, or that he would want it...
    ultimately, everybody snitches, and el chapo fucked up big time when he out all his eggs apparently in one basket, the flores twins were looking too pretty, and since way before half way there they had to be taken out, any drug trafficker, all the way down to gramero KNOWS, no customer doubles his buys just like that, and ultimately when you get caught it is your problem, when you are grown and have enough hairs on your ass, don't come blaming anybody else for your loses, vicente earned all he's got, including his prison time, and anybody man enough can come see him when he gets out, but don't cry and blame anybody but yourself for your problems...

  61. @11:59 buhahaha no one could have said it better.

  62. Look. The US is setting up states to legalize weed. Cartels gonna take a big hit. They are moving into more meth.

    1. More like cartels are setting up for legit business

  63. At 2:06. Hahaha you said it yourself you stupid a-hole. That's who u are you can't read you only look at the pics, who did you pay to write that post for you? Is ur mommy reading it for you too? What piece of crap you really are. There. Redlands ca.

  64. @July 3, 2014 at 7:28 PM

    Yep. Weed's legalization isn't all positive. You'll see.



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