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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Assassin of Tito Torbellino Gunned Down

Federal and State Authorities identified the murderer of singer Thomas Eduardo Tovar Rasco, singer of Narcocorrido, better known as "Tito Torbellino," as Carlos Montes Pacheo, 26-year-old perpetrator of the crime, who is now himself  killed, gunned down in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora.

At a press conference,Carlos Alberto Navarro Sugich , prosecutor of the Attorney General of Sonora (PGJE), explained that the murderer of the recording artist,  was killed by an agent of the State Police Investigator (PEI).
"On July 18 in at a party in Bella Vista de Obregón, a woman was killed by Carlos Montes Pacheco, who arrived at the party in search of the woman, and subsequently gunned her down and wounded a PEI agent who arrived at the scene.  The agent shot  and killed  26-year-old Montes Pacheco, "he said.
"Having made a comparison of the person who assaulted the singer 'Tito Torbellino', against the person who assassinated  the woman,   the PGJE reports that this is the same person. To reach this conclusion we relied on evidence gathered  at both scenes by the State Attorney and the Attorney General, "said Attorney General in Sonora.
It was May 30 , when the singer was killed by  several bullets fired at close range while eating at a restaurant in Ciudad Obregon, head of the municipality of Cajeme.

When Tito was dining where several subjects arrived blocking the doors  and trapping diners to perpetrate the killing.

source Excelsior and Face Book


  1. a eye for a eye mothaphuckers

  2. no photos of the woman this asshole killed?

  3. Tito was a stuck up prick.. trust me I did know him.. Not a friend but he hung out with some people I know. Every danm time I meet him he was just so danm stuck up

    1. Youre stupid must be a , lame then.....Tito was a real homie....arriba la Ciudad de los Soles y tambien la ciudad de la Milla! Rip Homie Tito

    2. Yea usually people who grow up broke but ambitious tend to get like that once they get money, but doesnt mean he deserved what he got.

    3. Hey can you tell us some stories because people keep saying he was a ass hole but do you have first hand knowledge of him being a prick we would love to know!

    4. Who gives a shit bout his character, he sang some good tunes. Its a shame he was murdered. But like time, life goes on and so will the trafficking of drugs to the U.S. and the flow of cash and guns to mexico its a brutal never ending circle. Greed is the evil here. We're all fkn slaves!

    5. When really he wasnt nothing but otro pnche maxicano enano im from mexico and have met huge drug dealers that act nothing like this what happened to the good ol days when drug dealers respected and were respected

    6. I bet you are a mayatero or a coconut that's why he didn't care for you, I met him before and drank with him he was cool with me as long as I keep it paisa

    7. Rest in piss puto

    8. All I'm gonna say is I did security for the guy.. n not just to me but to everyone he'd be a total ass hole.. i mean head tilted way back shoulders spread n lil grin... I actually got my degree n criminal justice. N also was a marine. In not a lame ass u pendejo. . Just doing the gig till I get on the force.. n yes he is a prick

    9. Either you are cool or not. Doesnt matter if you are what you call a mayatero or a coconut. I bet you dont say that in front of people.

    10. Looks like you will be doing a lot of gigs.

    11. I say kill "ALL" who sing about CHAPUTO & MIADO!!!!!

      Arriva Tijuas y Los Aretes putos!!!!

    12. Iknow that man up close and personal and I know without question that you most if not me will always question at some point in our lives,I am holding onto that day like the hopeless romantic I am..that woman was in pain and he if him did anything it would make absolutely the most perfect nonsense in my life and I love that man hope I can see him one-day

    13. Rest in piss dickhead

  4. Two down, another 50,000 to go.


  5. Tetaz r done viva alejo garza tamez! !!

  6. May god have mercy on this man... R.I.P. Tito Torbellino

  7. Carlos Montes Pacheco, Satan called, he wants his (your) soul back!

  8. Yeah I knew him too not personally but by a friend of a friend father uncle sister boyfriend mom great great great grandfather son brother cousin that knew him he was stuck up

  9. RIP ...& Rip for the women victim. Sure the artist sang about corridos . But in all wars poems are turned into songs/ballads that's just history. The guy was just an artist like Kombo Colombia Mty. RIP too. Why cannot Mexico be like the days of Pedro Infante ? Antonio Aguilar ? So Sad, Peace to the world & Mexico

  10. As they say: The wages of sin is death. I guess today was payday for this POS. For all you others committing sins, old Grim Reaper is right behind you just waiting for you to slip up.

    1. He who has not sinned throw the first stone hypocrite

  11. killing tito was about business...
    killing a woman like this must have been about passion, and worth the risk, some women really push their luck, then can't put up the love, las rositas alvirez nomas no entienden, right at the mero baile...y como siempre, el pinchi sancho, como si nada riendose de sus pendejos.
    es mejor compartir muchachos y muchachas, y avisar por adelantado...

  12. One less shitty singer and one less gunman.mexico came up winning on this one

  13. Parece como un problema de faldas

  14. tito was a cool dude. met him many times out here in Los Angeles...RIP and that piece of shit hitman got what was waiting for him. every dog has his day.

  15. Sure sure They gunned down his "killer" authorities in Mexico say that to bring "justice" to his family que se lo cuenten a jose feliciano que no ve! The killers were wearing ski mask and he fit the description? Wow what a work of intelligence!.......Tito wasnt just a singer he was a big mariguana pusher and I know THAT for a fact!

  16. Tito Torbellino wrote songs that made him a target for murder by the rivals of the people he wrote songs for. The only song I was familiar with by Tito T. was the rola he sang with Espinosa Paz. After learning of the Tomas "Alfredo Beltran Guzman" and "Comando X", he put himself in the line of fire. I saw a interview that was made before he got killed after he got killed, el plebe looked nervous and paranoid.

  17. YES!!! Mexico does have the death sentence!

  18. Look at him all bad ass in the picture w the assault rifle. Where you at now fool?

  19. zetas will never be stopped....where all you chapo lovers now,,,with his begging for better food in prison hahahahah

    1. Your on every post with this chapo lovers bs you don't got anything better to do ?

    2. So your a zetas nut hugger and a chapo nut hugger since you can't get him out of you mind pinche computer sicario killing with your keys lol

    3. no mames ya enfades wey con tu chapo lovers

    4. Los zetas are finish.

  20. an eye for an eye...yeah whatever...tito was smoked for association with was clear attack against cds...this dude was killed by a cop for a shooting not related to tito...point is...point is you ciber narcos that cds is beiing tossed around like a prostitute from las vegas,completely braveless w/ o thier goverment help...chapo lovers,why dont you comment like you all used to! remember all you all would say,that juarez cartel was a thing of the past!!!!where you fools now! puro pcartel de juarez bandera de los carrillo y puro aztecas hasta la ultima flecha!!!!

    1. If your on here claiming shit your just one more of those cyber worriers lol

  21. This is the most b.s article you have posted on bb puras mentiras

    1. Get your own player chivis does a good job period no ones perfect

  22. !:56
    What cha talkin bout Willie?
    It is the words of the authorities official account, please send me info and back it up about this killing. and I will post.

    1. Son puras Putas mamadas you shouldn't even have posted this nonsense you even said it your self its not an official report Ya dejense de mentiritas

  23. Post my comment !!!!!

  24. Thank you but this is not written by me. see sources at bottom, but it is the official report. does not mean it is true. I am just posting the story. you be the judge of what you accept.

  25. That's what he gets for singing stupid fake narco stories! Gerardo Ortiz is next. Larry hernandez was next but they told him to calm down with his bullshit corridos pendejos or else he would be killed. He calmed down, if you dont believe me look at him a few years ago and look at him now you can tell the difference. I don't wish death on nobody but these stupid singers promote violence that make Mexicans kill each other and think they are Mafioso. Not to mention the fact that they ruined corridos.

  26. I wonder how they found out that this was the shooter pues si andaba encapuchado??

  27. Say he did kill him who sent him who put the hit out on tito I read the mantas but?????

  28. Who fucking cares!! Now find the murders of thousand of innocent people. Mothafuckas find the killer of a stupid singer who chose to put himself in that situation, but can't find other fucking murders..

  29. with all due respect to the juarez cartel, where are amado's 24 BILLION DOLLARS? and is it true that he died
    --pena nieto wants el chapo's 1 billion, and some of mexico's billionaires billions, not carlos salinas de gortari's, his partner on robbing the mexican billionaires who shortchanged al asquel after he helped them so much...
    all of them on the list of richest billionaires in mexico, all of them got rich robbing all the mexicans' patrimony, and amado carrillo fuentes' piggy bank
    nadie sabe para quien trabaja, de que presumes cdj, cds, cdg, z, ct, blo, afo, etc etc etc all of them working for jefes that won't even fight for themselves, much less for their sicarios. even the great osiel paid fine to the US, about 250 million usd, not even one billion, where is amado's money? if you got it, then brag about it.
    @2:20 chivis you are getting the hang about posting our comments, congratulations and thanks...

  30. Please note, i heard an interesting story. I meet a nigga who is 5.0 in Nogales. A regular beat cop. , he goes to Phx for Intel. The nigga made it evident, corridos give play by play and the latest state of affairs.
    In a nut shell; TT drop a song for the Z's. But check it; BLO and the Z's have an alliance. The song; provides up an update and who's running shit.
    As a result TT got clip. This think tank let LEO know that corridos are beneficial and provide intel.

    BLO and Zetas run east sonora . CDS run wester Sonora. Nogales is right down in the middle, I 19 baby...

    What ... What ....

  31. Fool CDS runs auqa prieta that's east Sonora dumb ass

    1. Lol gente nueva does not cds gente nueva just has a truce with cds

  32. One side of the tracks is zetas the other is cds

  33. Wer can I here the zeta corrido ????

  34. @8:36, I said IT WAS an official report. The information above in italics was given at a PGJE press conference.

  35. Tito torbellino sucked keep trying to copy chalino there will never be another chalino so just get over it.

  36. 9:33 one look at you would say you are just doing a "job" to while the while away, until you get hired somewhere better, and that you do not care for a person who did not go to school like you...
    --do you still you expect the other person to still give a fuck about you, do you? well do you?
    --i have never had problems with anybody i don't know, because one look tells me i should get away, and hypocrites always lose the mask real quick, then we may have problems, in a friendly way, when we know what we talking about, it isn't worth it getting anything going with the help...unless they know they are not really "help", depends, it shows...

  37. Get a life! Tito is gone and so is this fag! Life goes on he over it!

  38. "Having made a comparison of the person who assaulted the singer 'Tito Torbellino', against the person who assassinated the woman, the PGJE reports that this is the same person.

    ^^ PGJE is assuming this is the guy, I say Bullshit! Just lies to make people believe justice has been made... Mexico and its government is a mess.. I dont buy this.. Period

  39. at 4:34 AM
    "One less shitty singer and one less gunman.mexico came up winning on this one"
    That's raw bro,you got a point,but raw...

  40. "When really he wasnt nothing but otro pnche maxicano enano im from mexico"
    Tooo much brr,funny shit

  41. "but it is the official report. does not mean it is true. I am just posting the story. you be the judge of what you accept"

    People,don't take things so literally,the stories are many times not BB or Chivis opinion.Sheeeit

  42. " I actually got my degree n criminal justice. N also was a marine. In not a lame ass u pendejo. . Just doing the gig till I get on the force.. n yes he is a prick "

    Don't slow your roll dude.good for you,

  43. at 7:06 AM
    As chivis says,watcha tawkin bout Wally?

  44. 7:18
    Mira, can you read? I said it was the official report, and it was up to each person to accept or reject.

    There are bigger problems in Mexico, than for you to focus on a maybe killer of a guy who sang about and hung with narcos.

  45. 8:25 it says that sometimes the HELP does not appear to deserve another look, much less friendship, especially HELP that is only there until they get "on the force" to keep on sucking at the government's teat, comprendes?
    --a person with your schooling do understand, boy, no te hagas pendejo...

  46. I work for a night club in Fullerton CA he was there a couple times he always was a good guy to have at our club he would have patience with his fans and took pictures. But regardless of this nobody deserves to die in the hands of a human being. We all have out expiration date and it will come when our body desires, not when another human being thinks it's time. You people who comment ridiculous things have no soul.

  47. 2:35 AM
    "But regardless of this nobody deserves to die in the hands of a human being"
    You keep believing that.Its a natural part of human makeup,some people definitively need killing,they beg to be killed,and a million human beings can oblige.Ever stop to think your the ridiculous one?Look at whats happening now,as humans we are great at killing.There is no divine right to life,its just life,and shit happens in life,funny,how can we be so different..Whatever dude.

  48. Look at Tito pouting with his AK ?

    1. Its that good or bad? Everyone here in the states own a gun, do they deserve to die also? Are they bad cuz they own a weapon? Stfo.

  49. Tito Had horrible trigger finger Habits, all his pictures show him resting his index on the trigger.. Not safe or professional at all..

  50. Donde esta la raza que le gustan los corridos reales

  51. Tito wrote a lot of songs for different cartels he wrote 2 songs for a zeta
    Compa Monchi
    And monchis coordinando i dont know if that could of got him killed Who knows??

  52. Personally , I ejoy listing too TITOs music especially COMANDOX and I give him props for earning his stars by his name qe estes en el cielo donde las estrellas comotu merecen estar!!

  53. Hey just knew too much that's it, that's why they killed him RIP TITO. once he got to obregon that was it. There is eyes everywhere in mexico


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