Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Mexico: The Narco Governors

Borderland Beat By José Gil Olmos for Proceso
Today this type of news no longer attracts much attention,  but  in just one day, three Mexican governors were publicly accused as  being involved in drug trafficking.  It has become the norm,  to read news reports of Mexican officials being linked to organized crime or being shown in criminal situations, without anyone being outraged.  The ability to be surprised seems to have been lost.

In the beginning of  last week,  the names of former PRI governors;  Fausto Vallejo of  Michoacán, Tomás Yarrington Tamaulipas, , and Jorge Torres, Coahuila,  made the daily news.     All three are accused of having committed criminal acts directly, or indirectly by covering for family members who are part of an organized criminal gang. 

The faces of the three former public officials could be seen on the covers of the daily newspapers or websites as part of the news of the day.  Alongside other, no less serious news,  like the situation of the abandonment of thousands of central American migrant children on the border with the United States and the energy and telecommunications reforms that privatize national assets. 

With losses on the soccer field, and  the disruptive demonstrations of the soccer mobs who by drowning themselves in alcohol, left no distinction between social or economic classes, in effect burying the news of the three former governors, which attracted little public attention.  No interest in these stories, even though they are the clearest example of the deterioration and corruption of the political and governing class. 

It seems that Mexicans are more accustomed to scandals, violence and corruption than political, legislative or judicial achievements.  In fact, years ago, the transformation of political news into criminal news became normal for us, due to the constant cases of corruption of political personalities without distinction of ideological current. 

The list of Mexican politicians accused of having links to, or belonging to, criminal groups is long and has been in existence for several decades.  At  least,  since the era of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, when such cases came to light publicly in the most shameless way,  by the stories of Raúl Salinas and Mario Villanueva Madrid (Governor of Quintana Roo),  who was arrested when he finished his term of office in Ernesto Zedillo’s administration. 

Today we know that the United States authorities have already prepared witnesses and charges for  drug trafficking, money laundering and banking fraud case against the former governor of Tamaulipas, Tomás Yarrington , whose relationship with drug trafficking has been publicized for a decade now. 
Jorge Torres and Humberto Moreira
The interim former governor of Coahuila, Jorge Torres López, has been declared a fugitive from justice in the United States for not presenting himself to testify in the civil trial. that he himself initiated, attempting to recover the 2.7 million dollars held in a bank in the Bermudas.  Since then, the U.S. anti-drug agency (DEA) has issued an international wanted warrant with interpol. 

The last case is that of former governor Fausto Vallejo, who, just a few days ago, handed in his resignation, supposedly for health reasons, but everything indicates that it is to try to protect his son, Rodrigo, who is being investigated for his possible links with Caballeros Templarios in Michoacán. 

Although the three examples are of politicians from PRI the PAN party also has cases of its own,  such as  that of the former governor of Morelos, Sergio Estrada Cajigal, accused of having alliances with José Esparragoza Moreno, “El Azul”.   And, in the PRD Party, there is former governor, Leonel Godoy, whose half-brother, Julio César Godoy Toscano, has been a fugitive from justice since 2010, accused of collusion with La Familia Michoacana. 

As the merger of politics and drug trafficking has increasingly become extensive and deep, it is almost certain that in the future there will be other examples.  Maxi-investigations are needed, similar to those that have transpired in Italy, the United States and Colombia to impede this sensation, before organized crime and especially drug trafficking control all political power.  

Also, we need to halt this practice of perceiving as normal, that which is not; corruption, impunity and injustice.
Former Governor Fausto and his son who is being investigated

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  1. Mexicans, please don't come to USA.
    Stay and clean your country.

    1. Sure is there anything else you would like with that? or maybe you should come down and announce it to everyone that. Im willing to pay for your flight and everything. Since your feeling brave to make a comment like that behind the pc.

    2. Don't tell me but you are a Native American trying to clean up your country of Europeans!

    3. Those Pilgrims sure stayed in England and cleaned up their country!

    4. It's just not mexican idiot it's mostly Central Americans !!

    5. Hahaha....such an ignorant comment on such a broad should go back to black ops or whatever game kida play these days and leave the comments to us big boys!! Mamon!!

    6. Go back to europe

  2. If these people are caught working with crime groups just hang them.. Same as crime grupos do to innocentes... If they kill the one for doing that way... Less people will act like that one. Strip them off clothes.. Send them through the towns they hurt and let the people hurt them. If only I ruled the world. PS I hope mireles is to be soon liberate!

  3. I don't get why the Mexican people don't get fed up.. Are they afraid to step out and say something needs to change? I know there are some protest around the country but why isn't it a nationwide thing?

    1. The corruption in the country and the lack of trust they have towards either their gov and its people.

    2. Its not a mexican problem its become a problem everywhere...the sickness may lie in mexico but i can bet it originated in an some american agency.

  4. Pathetic,Hang them high.For all to see.But they will all get off unpunished.The usual,lack of evidence..All hail Nieto ,king of the political cartelWhile Dr Mierles sit in prison.He should be the leader of the country.Wake the F. up!Do something,instead of watching novellas.

  5. el gerber? im assuming in reference to the gerber baby? What a ridiculous name for a ridiculously ugly man.

    1. El Gerber , and Huber coming to a theater near you for Halloween!

  6. These good for nothings,maybe they should take a note from jersey mobsters...

    1. Thats what they need more knowledge on how to be leaches on society! Mobsters? Don't they run an underground economy that depends on others hardworking paychecks!

  7. What do you mean in the article before drug trafficking takes over politicians.It already has....and for quite some time.

  8. What a proud papa!

  9. No wonder I pay so many bribes when I visit Mexico!

  10. Mexico treats thugs, killers, narcos that pollute societies like KINGS and they treat DOCTORS that fight for life, freedom and the right to be left alone like DOGS.

    1. Just like Chris Rock said , if you get out of college the people will greet with a " Oh so now you think your better than me with all that knowledge" But if you get out of prison they throw a party for you! What irony?

  11. Mexico got their crooks and we have Obama

  12. Where's the sinaloa governers and the rest of mexican officials? You know there all crooked!!

  13. Why are they pointing out the empty chair?

    1. Probably because they shop at Costco!

    2. Theyre having meetings at the same place.

  14. The Govt. wants to keep Dr. Mireles, quite. He is the most dangerous person to Pres Nieto

    1. You hit it on the nail!

    2. Dr Mireles is not done yet! He never seizes to amaze me with his brilliance! People like him only come along, if we are lucky once in a lifetime!

  15. It's a national pastime for these rich spoiled politicians to grow up, get into politics, take bribes, and steal from their own people! Why is it a big surprise?

  16. @7:54 for a looong time, mexicans stayed away from the US, too many anyway, all that time, US agents kept fucking aroun mexico, creating dirty and false wars, stealing from all kinds of money making operations, corrupting our governments, our armed forces, our police, creating the worst drug traffickers for the least money, under the shady umbrella of the CIA handyboys the DFS, with ready ID's for all the drug traffickers, etc etc etc, and now we mexicans and other latin americans are suppossed to stay at home? "ora la bebes o la derramas" dijo El Ferras...
    " NOW YOU DRINK IT OR YOU SPILL IT" said El Ferras...
    --AQUI ESTAMOS, NO NOS VAMOS, Y AQUI NOS QUEDAMOS, y hagale como quiera hijo de la chingada, "please"...

  17. el gerber was probably addicted to the baby foods as a baby, that is usually when your family give you nicknames, you should have seen el garrison, los chuckis, las cabelitas, las cukaras, el capulina, all young children nicknames, like in the US you call young kids "rug rats", etc etc etc...
    --of course there is nothing innocent about a grown up hairy ass like el gerber vallejo and his ct partners...

    1. By looking at his pictures I would be surprised if his mom doesn't fix him up a baby bottle once in a while! Just saying!

  18. i hate seeing comments like Mexicans dont come to the US unless you this or that.. all you gotta do to come to the US is pay oround 1500 dlls to the department of homeland security pass a background check and waM! green card.. 5 years later another 600 dlls BAM!! US CITIZEN!! stop acting like if it was a privilge to live in the US.. all you gotta do is pay a small fee.. and stop talking about cleaning up your country.. go on and pay your obama care and keep financing wars.

  19. 9:38 the mexican are lucky to be part of a championship the are not qualified to win EVER, they are not qualified to buy it either, the mexican government may buy hosting someday, when !!!???!!! i'm sorry i was daydreaming, mexico doesn't have the money to build a trillion dollars stadium, luckily, not even the credit, now it's maybe arabia or china...

  20. thanks for this report on the mexican governors, and a lot more is needed, including the cover-ups the US engages on all the time, protecting some of the worst like "la fabis" manlio fabio beltrones and manuel cavazos lerma, covering up the FACT that tomas yarrington was george w bush favorite comadre and would go weekly to visit his ranches in texas, to deliver his airplane loads of marihuana, cocaine, heroine and meth, and to bring back the 10% the mexican grameros and producers split, all for a well financed presidential campaign of W, where he still had to steal the election like a common mexican politician. we need more exposes, fall who may, on both sides of the border...

  21. Plata o plomo? To me the answer to that question is easy....give me my money bitch!!!!

    1. Plata is worth alot but right now lead looks like a hot commodity they way things are going in this world! Lets hope not!

    2. Is a sad truth but I was talking about this last night... hmmm take the bribe or u n your whole family die because there is no protection or law. N all these idiots saying the cartels are snitches are obviously from outside of Mexico.. the law in Mex are apart of the organized crime, and the law in the US doesn't use Torture as apart of interrogation on the regular as does Mexico.

  22. All hail King Obama!!!!!

  23. If they would have won, Yes it would have solved all of Mexico problems! All the politicians would have returned all of their bribes, the cartels would have turned themselves in and all murders would have ceased!

  24. Hasta cuando vamos a seguir aguantando a estos muertos de hambre?

  25. Viva estados unidos numero uno. Mi no gusto mexico. El presidente obama el grande jefe. Viva el futbol del north americano. Mexico puro borrachos. Jajajja. Mexico no dinero

    "La justicia engrandece a la nación; Mas el pecado es afrenta (VERGUENZA) a las demas naciones".
    Proverbios 14:34 RVR1960


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