Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 26, 2014

More Signs we are Losing the Drug War

Borderland Beat republished this article from My San Antonio 
The signs abound that the war on drugs has been reeling in more than the usual suspects, and that the battle requires some rethinking.

In Hidalgo County, nine former lawmen were recently sentenced on federal drug charges, much of this involving a police drug unit ripping off drugs and escorting cars carrying drugs. The former Hidalgo County Sheriff was just sentenced to five years for taking money from a drug trafficker.

In Balcones Heights, investigators have been trying to piece together the facts in the slaying of police officer Julian Pesina. Among the angles they are pursuing is the possibility he was affiliated with the Texas Mexican Mafia. The Balcones Heights police chief was recently removed, partly for failing to heed warnings that Pesina had this involvement. Investigators also are looking into the possibility that such recruitment isn't an isolated event, according to a recent Express-News article recently by Guillermo Contreras and Drew Joseph.

Reporting in 2013 revealed that the FBI believed the Mexican drug cartel, Los Zetas, had a deal with the Texas gang to collect debts, execute hits and traffic drugs in and through Laredo.
The possibility of even a single corrupt cop is troubling — broad recruitment by a gang affiliated with any of the powerful and rich Mexican cartels is doubly so.

Most Texas police officers are honest. But the amount of money involved in the drug trade provides an explosive variable, something Border Patrol watchdogs have long known.

A Government Accountability Office report last year revealed that 144 officers and agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had been arrested or indicted on corruption charges in the previous seven years on charges of smuggling undocumented immigrants and drugs and bribery.
The vast amount of money available to corrupt law enforcement is directly attributable to Americans' insatiable appetite for the product.

Local, state and federal authorities should be vigilant against such infiltration.

But we wonder, given the boodles of cash available, whether this also won't be a variation of the well-known exercise in this drug war of whack-a-mole.

This influx of children from Central America is fueled, in part, by drug cartel-influenced violence in their countries. One way to curtail the amount of money available is to take away the gangs' profit motive; treating drug abuse more as a public health issue, with the treatment resources to match.

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  1. Real simple. Have independent agencies give lie detector tests. They would have to sign a contract when being hired, or put into office that that will have to take random lie detector tests. They will have to agree to step down if there are obvious lies in the tests. They would have to given to everyone so that they could not dry racism.

    1. Lie detectors are admissible in court. They cant tell if you are lying or not, just measures body responses such as sweat, muscle twitches, heart beat, breathing patterns. My point us a good lier will get away with it.

    2. I know hundreds of people who have lied and passed these antiquated witch hunts. This won't do jack shit.

    3. I agree! You cant tell if they are lying. Voodoo science

  2. I think CBP going after their corrupt employees and making it public is a good move to keep their law enforcement officers in check, but what about the ones that are lazy and abused overtime? Through their actions they allowed illegal activity to continue, by doing nothing.

    1. They would have to lay off most of them. They are all lazy. Doing nothing and getting paid for it is the american dream.

  3. Would like to know what percentage of the arrested were Hispanic.My guess is probably about 90%..Can't trust a hispanic in office or law enforcement.Keep denying it chivis,you know I'm right.Just look how they are down in Mexico.Its just sad that the majority of evil Mexicans either become law enforcement officers,politicians,or cartel members.Some even go from being cops to becoming cartel members.And this coming from a mexican-American.Que verguenza.

    1. I disagree with you. Gringos are corupt too.You just have to look at the countries elite. They bribe white pig politicians and call it lobbying or endorsing. Wake up open your eyes. Narrow thinker!!!#!

    2. Mexican american my ass. You know you're some white boy living out somewhere in kentucy . Lol If most of them are hispanic it would be because the cartel would much rather do business with a latin politician/ cop than a white one. I'm 100% sure that if the white politician/ cop were to be given the OPPORTUNITY to make money as these latin cops/politicians are they would sooooo take it! They would not hesitate to increase there annual income by a few million. It's about connections and who the cartel trusts. They might begin to recruit more white boys though if the us keep on spying on mexican officers since they already suspect they have ties to drugs from the get go. Don't worry i'm sure your opportunities will one day come, be patient and don't let your emotions overwhelm your intelligence.

    3. Typical gabacho trying to prove hes being better than others from his own ethic group, just because you got papers and stuff doesnt make you any better than the other mexicans.

    4. "And this coming from a mexican-American."
      Yeah, from a Mexican American who hates himself. Take some chicano studies class or somrtjing dude, te odias a ti mismo y a tu raza.

    5. Self hope for you im sorry

    6. @2:16 p.m it has NOTHING to do with race but more along the lines of how much money is waved in front of them if they are of corrupt character!!! Believe me there are plenty of whiteboys out there on the take and doing the same thing!!!!!!

    7. Que pendejo eres! Have you not heard about nazi skinheads now on the mexican cartel payroll? Minutemen are also getting bribed,MONEY TALKS BULLSHIT WALKS everybody gets mochadas!

    8. Vayanse todos a la verga...and chivis you won't even let me defend myself..why don't you approve my comments so I can clarify to these ignorant indios.

  4. Easier said than done. There is just too much money involved before any government decides to take away the profit motive behind drug trafficking by legalizing illegal drugs. It drives the arms industry, prison industry, law enforcement industry funding, banking industry, and the economy in general. Snowball's chance in Texas during the summer before that happens. ¡Y al que no le guste lo que escribí, que vayan a chingar su madre!
    Saludos desde el sur de Texas.

    1. Calmado pendejo.nobody hating on your comment baboso..

    2. hahaha, your right

    3. Like the comment said punk! Metetela onde no te quepa carbón!

  5. I heard that La eMe from L.A is now working with the zetas and betrayed its former or partial allie the cds. is that true chivis? what is the news on that?

    1. Yeah thats true i stay in LA east los

    2. That's retarded. CDS is still the biggest on the block. I live in cal. Zetas ain't shit here.

  6. What people don't understand is that these corrupt officers are put in place by these gangs and cartels. It's not like they are getting corrupted after they leave the academy. The corruption is already there when they fill out the application. It's next to impossible to purge them out before they get hired. Where there is money to made you will always have corrupt LEO's no matter what. The closer to the border a person works the higher the likelihood or percentage of officers/agents who are on the take.

  7. when u start locking the law enforcement people for at least 20 years and put them in with regular prison population .than that will slow it down

  8. I disagree their r a lot hispanics that r outstanding lawmen. On the other hand their r a lot of gringo lawmen that r bad. I am half Mexican and anglo.

  9. @3:43PM Actually it was with los Caballeros Templarios for a while. But in the past few months, with all the havoc that they have created down in Michoacan and the amount of drugs that they can supply taking a major hit due to this, a lot of Sureno gangs have gone back to doing business with CDS. Never heard about Zetas pushing weight when it comes to the drug business here in Southern Cali, except for distributing Chinese forfeit goods in the famous Downtown LA Fashion & Garment Districts, but that's about it.

  10. Money talks everywhere amigos! Iam just saying

  11. A news agency has the number at 154 and the fbi has a current case load of 200 officers under investigation.. check out a photo wall of shame along with statistics ,case documents etc.

  12. In response to the ingorant moron who wrote that "you can't trust a hispanic in office or law enforcement" and writing que verguenza. You're the one that should be ashamed to say your Mexican-American, there are so many hispanics that serve honorably in a law enforcement or a public office position. To write what you wrote shows how much of an ignorant fool that you are. Corruption happens in every local, state, and federal agency and corruption has no race! You're showing your true colors when you categorize every hispanic in law enforcement or public office to be corrupt when you yourself are hispanic. Please do some research before you make another ignorant comment like you just did!

    1. I didn't say all of them pendejo.Keep denying it pendejo.That's why we never progres.

  13. personally, when someone writes " I am half Mexican" or" I am Mexican"
    I assume they are not but trying to give cred to what they say.

  14. After 30+ yrs. How many more signs do these people's need? ???? Like that sayN goes " there's money N the street's N it kant be ignored"

  15. Per capita... There are more hispanic officers in the southwestern border,.. Like there is more white officers in the northern border... Corruption is bad and should be delt with stronger penalties other than a five year sentence... Look at it this way arrest in East LA are predominant mexicans, hispanics,.. Kentucky white folks,.. Bronks,.. Puertoricans and more hispanics,.. Get the picture.... Not based on racism,.. Its just the per capita numbers... Where there is more of one group that group will show more numbers in jail, prison... But where there are no penalties and or the law is linient towards law enforcment wrong doings it will happen again and again and again.... Mr. Lupe Trevino should have recieved more time in jail for his crimes..... I would like to think that the powers to be did not put a lid on mr. Trevino for exchange of his silence.... We give you five years and you shut the hell up.... More corruption just took place in front of our eyes and we all fell for it.... Just saying sad

  16. Legalize all drugs. Create drugs centers to educate and promote SAFE drug use.

    1. So everyone can kill each other,sounds good.

  17. kiki camarena proves that there are more white government officials who are corrupt, beyond murderous, and helped by the likes of felix ismael rodriguez, cuban cigar of george hw bush and vietnam war hero oliver north who has offered to "take a lie detector examination up the ass" that CIA agents and assets are specially trained to pass, and the silent US press proves how much one honest cop, in this case, kiki camarena is worth nada, nothin', zilch, zeroooo! comprendes, the white majority US government is therefore GUILTY AS CHARGED...
    --come think of it, it was customary to have republican politicians smoking cuban cigars in public, on camera all over the place before iran/contra was exposed, drugs was secondary and almost never mentioned, but even bill clinton was frequently smoking his cuban cigars too, it was exposed later that the castroites were moving weight too from cuba...joke is on you US...!!!

  18. The only color of corruption is green! Race has nothing to do with it. I also believe that cartels plant people into positions like the border patrol, police, military, govt, etc... recruiting right out of schools

  19. 7:51 Ha ha! good one just regulate one 8ball per person kids under 21 only get a 40...

  20. These guys make a very good case for more restrictive immigration laws. The US will not be as corrupt as Mexico until the immigration "problem" makes the majority of US citizens "latin Americans". Canada, here I come.

  21. 1:55 I am mexican, and I don't hate mexicans, but I hate corrupt mexicans who having had a chance at a better life, become mean to other mexicans while kissing ass to get their jobs, promotions, and overtime, AND all the while, becoming even more corrupt than the criminals themselves, that is what I hate, other corruption is kind of expected, and taken for granted, from other races, but we should clean house, and accuse everybody equally
    specially since they can't do it on their own, start cleaning at home...

  22. @10:31 why won't you use your user name anymore?
    --maybe chivis would post your urgent messages if at least to make you happy...
    --knowing you by the way you talk, you must be an a$$%&#, have been schooled quite a few times, and you use your polished grametrica to disguise your BS .. .. .. i know you .. .. ..
    --that is why you have been downgraded and drummed out, so many times, but like other cynics keep coming for more, you are welcome!!!

  23. waaaaah!! they makin fun of me chivis! waaaaaagh! buu buu!+


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