Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Residents of Buenavista Detain Police; Demand Release of Detained Autodefensas

Residents of Buenavista Tomatlán, Michoacán have detained (since Monday night, July 14) 12 policemen; 10 of them federal and two ministerial, demanding the release of their relatives and fellow autodefensas of Buenavista and La Ruana, imprisoned since February 2013.  They ensure that the policemen will not be released until they liberate those who are still imprisoned.

It is important to note that although some mass media have said that this is a protest against the arrest of an autodefensa group led by Dr. José Manuel Mireles at the port of Lazaro Cardenas, the protesters refer to the arrests that occurred a year ago when the fight against organized crime was just beginning.

The gun registry agreement signed with Commissioner Alfredo Castillo, the latter promised to review the cases and release the detainees who don’t have any other felonies other than carrying a weapon for self-defense.  This has not happened, so now the people of Buenavista are requiring him to keep his word.


Additional Photos: 

We demand Castillo to come and talk with the relatives of those detained

Mr. Castillo we demand the liberation of the autodefensas

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  1. SEE these people did not need millions of US dollars from obama or el puñetero mayor or el castillo de cagada rodeado de miados or propaganda, it took more than a hundred days and no presidential visits or promises, the problem is who cares about the detained police there?
    --maybe when they detain castillo nieto and osorio chong the wheels will start moving...

    1. perfect point! very well said. amigo.


  3. Sangre por Sangre fuk it!!!!

  4. el chapo se les va a pelar a esos mamones

  5. I am really getting respect for the people of Mexico. A Castillo better wake up and make a move. I guess he is waiting on EPN approval. They are looking weak and not very sharp right now.

  6. En mexico no ahi mas que pelear contra el maldito gobierno.

    1. Van a perder, acuerdate de tlatelolco. Al gobierno no le puedes ganar. Con suerte acabaras en el bote lavandole la ropa a los malandros. Sí es que no te mueres de hambre primero. Pero cuando estaban comprando el voto ahi bas por tu dispensa. Ahora se aguanta. VIVA MÉXICO pinches Indios abranse que ya regreso el PRI. Mexico tiene dueño señores
      ¿Ya ven lo que pasa cuando se lo prestamos al PAN? Ahora coman tierra por lo que nos costó.

  7. i love this. the autodefensa movement cannot be contained so easily. the people of mexico got a taste of freedom and they arent backing down

  8. Game recognize game

  9. So lets kidnap some cops,so the ADs can be freed thats not right.ADs from some other groupe should rescue those cops frome those ADs bla bla bla its all fucket up michacan is a big mess

    1. Mexico is a big mess, michoacan is just trying to fix it in their state. Don't get it twisted. You got to give those michoacanos props, they got balls!!

  10. good for them for finally standing up.Its sounds like they have finally had enough of the injustice of it all.I worry what will happen to them but maybe the Mexican government should just arrest all of Michoacán then theres no one to extort anymore but they will have to build lots more jails and Really quick.Is that graffiti I see with Castillo Traitor written on it?

  11. Hard to say if this is right or wrong. It is for the right cause but perhaps not the best means of doing so. They could be policemen on Tuta's payroll though as I doubt the auotdefenas would want to take honest policemen.

  12. Se rumora que agarraron al mini lib

  13. Unfortunately, I see nothing but a backlash or some form of retaliation from this. I think Castillo will drum up other false charges to justify their arrest. I hope it works out. The Mexican governments "word" is worth anything these days!

  14. Bravo Mexicans !
    There are some good people in that country.

  15. Afn tijuana noticias reporta captura de mini lic damaso.......

  16. Wer can I read the arrest of mini lic

  17. Since the mini lic story is from yesterday and nothing has evolved I think it probably is just a rumor.

    it is in AFN

  18. To the reader having info for me...please send to

  19. 4:25 perfect what estupido, who are you praising...

  20. @2:49 pena nieto himself refuses to call the mexicans indios or proles, he doesn't want to carry that along with his criminal gabbage...
    --the election was stolen and manipulated, and in complicity with the pan party to keep protecting each other for their crimes of all kinds and to keep stealinh from all the mexicans, of whom about 65% did not vote for this motherfucker, no matter how much you suck his dick and how many weapons the US furnishes to his ass, mexico as a slave banana republic may have an owner, and that owner has another owner, the US owes its ass to the chinese now, thanks to estupiros like you trying to get fat and go far on presidential lenguisking...


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