Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tx Sheriff Sentenced to 5 Years for Money Laundering

Borderland Beat

Former Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño will spend the next five years in federal prison.

He is currently out on bond pending his prison assignment and has already filed an appeal to the sentence.

Sheriff Trevino qualified for 37 to 46 months in federal prison, but Judge Alvarez sentenced him to 60 months and he was fined $60,000.

The ex-sheriff appeared for sentencing before U.S. District Court Judge Micaela Alvarez in McAllen on Thursday morning.
"This is a very sad day for Hidalgo County today," Judge Alvarez said in court.
Judge Alvarez told the former sheriff, "You are contributing to the problem that we have in this community."

In court, the former sheriff apologized to his wife, his sons and to his law enforcement peers.
She said Trevino recieved money from drugtrafficker Tomas "El Gallo" Gonzalez, but Trevino denied it.

Treviño abruptly resigned from office in March and pleaded guilty back in April to a federal money laundering charge.

Testimony in another case revealed the cash came from Weslaco-based drug trafficker Tomas "El Gallo" Gonzalez.

Treviño requested to be assigned to the Pensacola Federal Prison Camp in Florida based on fears of retaliation by other criminals that he helped put away.

The federal prison camp in Pensacola is a low-security facility where former 404th State District Court Judge Abel Limas was sent following the Cameron County "Cash For Court Favors" scandal.
Judge Alvarez said she would allow the U.S. Bureau of Prisons determine his prison assignment and that they would take his safety as a concern.

Alvarez is allowing Treviño to remain free on bond until his prison assignment is made.
The sentence follows just three months after the former sheriff's son Jonathan Treviño was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison for his role in the Panama Unit corruption scandal.

Statement from Interim Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra, Jr:
I would like to say that I believe in the justice system and justice was served today during sentencing of former Sheriff Lupe Trevino.  While there are still a couple more people awaiting adjudication, I believe that today’s sentencing of former sheriff Lupe Trevino to 5 years for money laundering, closes a difficult chapter in our Sheriff Department’s history. 

We as elected officials promise to our community that by electing us, we will do the right thing for the right reasons. Hopefully today’s sentencing brings closure for the community; allowing us all to move forward. 

I want to assure you that the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office under my leadership have rededicated themselves to serving our community with integrity and trust.  We now need to focus on the future and our responsibility to serve and protect the public through leadership by example.

Time Line
November 2004
Lupe Treviño first elected as Hidalgo County Sheriff
November 2008
Lupe Treviño re-elected at Hidalgo County Sheriff
November 2012
Lupe Treviño wins third term as Hidalgo County Sheriff
December 2012
Jonathan Treviño and Alexis Espinoza arrested
January 2013
Four indicted in Panama Unit scandal
March 2013
Six more people charged in Panama Unit scandal
March 2013
Deputy JP Flores charged in Panama Unit scandal
April 2013
Deputy Jorge Garza charged in Panama Unit scandal
May 2013
Jonathan Treviño and four others plead guilty in Panama Unit scandal
June 2013
Two more plead guilty in Panama Unit scandal
July 2013
Four more plead guilty in Panama Unit scandal
August 2013
Deputy Jorge Garza found guilty in jury trial
August 2013
Tomas "El Gallo" Gonzalez and several others indicted in separate drug trafficking case
September 2013
Panama Unit sentencing postponed until October
October 2013
Panama Unit sentencing postponed until December
December 2013
Panama Unit sentencing postponed until February
December 2013
Commander Joe Padilla arrested in connection to "El Gallo" drug trafficking case
February 2014
Sentencing postponed until April for 11 of the Panama Unit suspects
February 2014
Drug trafficker Alvaro Gilberto DeHoyos get 7.5 years in prison for role in Panama Unit scandal
March 2014
Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office Chief of Staff Patricia Medina resigns
April 2014
Pat Medina pleads guilty to knowing about the sheriff laundering money and not reporting it.
April 2014
Sheriff Treviño pleads guilty to money laundering.
April 2014
Jonathan Treviño gets 17 years in federal prison.

Valley Central by Sergio Chapa

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    1. Fuck that midget you think he would care about you if you were locked up that fool belongs in jail for getting captured like an idiot

  2. I'm trying to remember the last time I read an article about money laundering in which the defendant's last name wasn't Trevino...


  3. You have to be Mexican to go to get insided. How about joe arpayo from arizona. He's been caught with money and cocaine and he said it was evidence. Not to mention all the racial profiling and all the ratial insults him and his office have done towards Mexicans. But he's white let him get away with it... hes the most crooked sheriff and he always gets away with any illegal activity he does.that's fucked up! !

  4. We trust our elected officals in South Texas to up hold the law and protect us.
    This worse than murder the SOB should be locked for life.

    1. Can't trust the system no more. New world order will be an issue in the future

  5. Yes agree, that is why it will happen again and u only get 5 years, sorry sob

  6. We'll be waiting for him on the inside. ;-)

  7. Tottally worth it! He probably wouldn't make that money for working 46 months for the government. If his request is granted he gets to go to Florida chico! Nice federal prision you have a salad bar. You make powerful friends.
    It sure beats state prison, I tell you what. Fat cats till the end.
    Last name Treviño, Do you think he may be related to...Gloria Trevi?(Treviño)
    That's how you beat the system, by joining it.

  8. pure unadulterated bullshit, this sheriff is pleading guilty to getting caught, for half the time on this crime only, and choosing the minimum security prison of his choice, in florida, another drug trafficker's paradise, no penalty for conspiracy, for drug trafficking, for betraying his oath of office, or for being part of a totally RICO qualified operation, twice as worse since he is law enforcement, if he had been US president, he would have been covered up for reasons of national security.
    -- "laundering money", and he is going to get to keep it and pass it on to his criminal son and family, untaxed, the fine doesn't even cover the trial expenses, and this "sheriff" made more that that in one month, i'm sure...

  9. --does he get to keep his pension? of course, and it must be more than the fine, yearly...

  10. A sheriff you can trust. Ha ha ha

  11. This clown should have received life. Keep that Mexican style policing the hell out of the US.

    1. yes that is true. lest keep the facist racist anglo style policing out too.!

  12. Five years..... No problem... Trafficc drugs.. Launder money,... Escort drugs,... And all you get is five years.... He should be the example... They the judge should have sent a message and thrown the book at him... Maximum time for crimes against humanity..... FIVE YEARS,,,... Broken system...

  13. The supremacy of the US justice system over that of Mexico is illustrated again

  14. I kindly ask that you please recommend books about the mexican drug war/ cartel.


  15. So, all Mexicans that are being extradited are paying 5 years too, is the same thing, is not???

  16. Wasn't this guy was featured on an episode of Gangland that focused on the Los Zetas?

  17. What ever happened to el Gallo?? Is he dead or locked up?

  18. There it is, to do little time in jail for a crime you have to be a cop first.

    all about: alfredo rios galeana, francisco sahagun baca, miguel nazar haro, anabel hernandez, or just google mexican cartels, you will ne busy for tje rest of your life, but for the marrow, and to go to the throat, read THE OPIUM WARS, DOPE,INC, the shock and awing of latin america, la guerra falsa, the writings of gary webb, and report here once in a while! i'm sick and tired of our customers disappearing after being given some pointers here, i hope you enjoy some of the reading list, all the best...

    1. Alfredo Rios Galeana, was a veteran of onr of the Mexican Army's paratroop units, he was a sargeant, after retiring he became a bank robber, he was never a drug trafficker.

  20. retiring before the bust locked in his pension.

  21. In "Drug Lord" by Pappas he reports that all along the river up to three counties north, all the Sheriffs were involved in the trafficking. This was in the 80s. They would block off roads to allow small planes to land unload and load onto trucks. They protected the deliveries back when planes could fly under the radar. This has been going on for years. This guy was working with people with loose mouths and he had one too. The property, money and all the riches made it a prized position to be sheriff in those counties. Lets see, a salary of maybe $80,000 a year and making bad enemies constantly? Or $80,000 a year, Rolex' for you and your wife, a 4 section gifted ranch, 5 million a year in a cash trust a year for you and your trusted deputies, and making friends, not enemies? This is a nobrainer and considering most of them only have a high school education, it is even easier to do. The drugs are on that side of the river, the money on this side. People work hand and hand on both sides even more so today to facilitate the most lucrative business in all that region. Maybe with the exception of a few deep oil pockets along the river. And frankly, I don't want to pay "50,000 a year for life in federal prison to keep this lug locked up. Take his badge, all his assets, lock him up for 2 years, and put him back on the streets shamed. You spend your money locking up nobodies for life, not mine.

  22. who said the USA was not corrupt jajajaja money is the root of all evil.. This has been going on for decades and will continue if not attended to..

  23. Judge that gave him 5yr sentence was PAID OFF... Member the guy who got caught with a brief case full of money on his way to bribe the Trevino Judge who was over seeing the Zeta Horse racing money laundering case... home boy got thru this time and made the PAY OFF.

  24. he felt so close to the bretheren south of the border he could not say no.

    Coming to a neighborhood near you lololololloolool.

  25. sided with the bad guys ................ this should be mainstream

  26. five years is ok he not too bad, he never kill one person. u people to hard on him

  27. and I trusted you. u had great retirement, u needed more. what a disappointment. Are u elected r going to do the same thing who will be going to jail next year. stay honest Mr Guerra

  28. hired by carlos hank gonzalez, father of the hank rohns, el padrino of the mostcorrupt drug traffickers of te future, alfredo rios galeana and el negro durazo robbed banks and robbers all over, rios galeana especialized on the state of hidalgo, durazo especialized on robbing drug traffickers and extending the evil empire with the help of francisco sahagun baca, uncle of marthita, miguel nazar haro and el comandante olvidado,julian slim helu, all
    of them DFS for the greatest winer of all the marbles, el hombre mas rico del mundo, CARLOS SLIM HELU, el harbano could not hide it anymore, he owned all of the greatest of the corrupt mexican politicians and all of the mexican corruption all along, now pena nieto seems to be going for some of el harbanito's billions, with progress, el harbanito has had to evolve, from robbing banks and cars, to drug trafficking with and for powerful foreigners, alfredito had to go to stolen car trafficking heaven, southern california, the dominions of millionaire car thief US rep darrell issa, (R) lebanese, mafioso, from ohio...

    1. You have a very good memory bro! We must be around the same age, we lived through all that shit, don't forget La Masacre del Rio Tula.

  29. alfredo rios galeana never retired, he was committing his crimes while he was a police officer, mexican police officers, paratroopers and everything, can and do wear several hats at the same time, to cover up their main money producer, crime. his partners made up with the money rios galeana stole, maybe he was quietly dismissed from the police, he could never retire because he was kicking the money upstairs, to carlos hank gonzalez and to carlos slim helu...he was an excellent money producer, and never ratted on his bosses...i knew some guys that went from colonia roma in DF to rob on morelos highways, to lecumberry, to move "jarritos" all over jalisco, zacatecas, aguascalientes, guanajuato, all owned by carlos slim helu, the owner of the DFS under the CIA rule, all the partners making very good money for themselves until today, sending KEIKO sized planeloads of cocaine to the US, even painting planes with keiko designs, it was funny...

    1. Yes he did, after the PGR put a warrant for his arrest for bank robbery and murder, he got plastic surgery on his face and escape to the USA, he lived in California under a false name for many years. I'm not sure but I believe he was arrested a few years back , I don't know if he was extradited back to Mexico or they let him go for.lack of evidence, since El Negro Durazo, was already dead.

  30. An asshole who you can trust to lie and steal all while busting you on trumped up charges, im sure he is the fall guy. Im pretty sure he will come out with a nice little chunk if he keeps his moustache from letting out some flies.. anyway, good, its about time somone who has ruined a lot of lives and screwed up a bunch of families, sons growing up without fathers, I know their are a bunch of shitsticks but these corrupt cops stack charges like it is nothing to them, just hoping one or three stick for the DA'S to prosecute

  31. Look at all you goofy ass motherfuckers talking about Alfredo Rios Galeana like y'all know something.... STFU

    1. I'm 65 years old, I was born and grew up in Riverside, CA my parents are from Mexico ,DF, you must be a young girl that spends her nights on FB kissing girls, I'm also a US Army Vet, and touch with lots of Mexican Army Officers I met and trained with at Fort Benning, GA and Ft Bragg, NC.I bet my life you didn't even joined the Scout Girls. So STFU!

  32. At least in the US he goes to jail for corruption. Judging from his last name, no surprise he's corrupt. 😉Have fun in prison.

  33. I dont know whats worse the fact that this scumbag was bitching about getting 5 years or the fact that hidalgo county district attorney was still defending treviño.

  34. He's a Dirty Flea Infested Dog... he snitched on those below him including his son... to get a shorter sentence... not even half a man.

  35. july 21 2014 at 4:50 pm: AMERICAN BEAUTY, sech a beautiful girl, i thought it was a movie about her, but no, it was about a murdering transvestite and the bloodletting rituals it takes to stay in the closet, producer and director need some "disciplining"...
    --the more macho they look the more they let us down, real men do not usually brag about their past or present male companions, your slip is showing...

  36. feb 18 2014 at 7:01 el gallo got taken care of, that one incarnation of multiple disordered personalities mil mascaras has been taken care of, his creator, "la rompecolchones" is still around, trying to shed other masks as soon as i denounce his nasty scurrilous ass.
    atentamente: el dragon slayer...
    ps, since there are no dragons anymore, bedbugs will have to make do...

  37. 4:50 "generalnastypanties", as a military man, you know perfecly you lead by the example, so, take the lead out of there and LEAD...
    --i know it is not easy for a nazi meatball full of chickenshit! but try...

  38. fort bragg, fort benning, and mexican military, the worst of the worst influence all over latin america, with their hands on murders, extermination wars against the indigenous population, training gorillas against poor unarmed and untrained latin american guerrillas, they wanted schools for their children and got the School of the Assassins instead, and drug farming and trafficking for job program...


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