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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Monclova Shootout: 8 wounded, 6 dead, including "El Dumbo"

A shootout occurred this afternoon in Monclova, Coahuila  killing five civilians and one soldier killed, and eight wounded soldiers.

Among those killed is known as  El DumboEL Dumbo is Los Zetas plaza chief in Monclova.

Elements of federal and local forces killed the suspects after a chase that ended in a private school which at this time was closed for the summer holiday. 

The confrontation began at Chopo Street in the colonia Los Pinos, which commenced in a pursuit that lasted to the colonia La Salle, where subjects fled on foot taking refuge at  La Salle School.

During the shootout a vehicle accident  occurred , resulting in an army vehicle hiting  a Ford Lobo pickup truck at the intersection of Boulevard Pape Avenue and Monterrey.
The soldiers were heading to the scene of the shootout to support federal and local forces.

It was reported that it was the in the accident that the soldier was killed.

Meanwhile, injured soldiers were taken to the IMSS clinic 7 which is guarded by police and military elements.

The school facilities are monitored by members of the Group of Special Weapons and Tactics (GATE).

In a statement, the Attorney General in the state and the State Security Commission reported that five suspects were killed Thursday by elements of GATE when members of this security repelled gunfire.
 NOTE  in February and  March of 2013 Golfos went to Monclova in search for El Abuelo Dumbo,and Z40  "to finish with the Zs"  there was a surge in violence,  here is the text translation from a CDG manta from that time:

Attention, City of Monclova. This is a wake-up call, now that we are here. We did not come here to murder or kidnap innocent people, nor to take your money or goods. We came to finish off the ‘Cartel of the Z’. I came XTI, Abuelo Dumbo. Don’t blame the government. There I left you an example of what (blurry last two words)” Atte. Gulf Cartel

EL Siglo Torreon


  1. Blo/zetas vs who ??

    1. It was a shootout with police not between cartels. If u read it you wouldn't ask dumb questions

    2. Sorry I'm a dumbass?

  2. El chapo is losing the war, he has no respect

    1. what this have to do with el chapo you dumass

  3. This is a major hit for the Z! Abuelo Dumbo was the head boss of Coahuila state for the Zetas. The CDG wanted him bad! All the CDG narcomantas in NL stated they were coming for him!

  4. puto zorras! puro CDG pendejos

    1. Tirate un balazo mejor con La Z no se puede.!!!!!!! Ke vengan alcabo aki Los enterramos!!!!!!!

    2. Zorraz mugrozaz no pueden con la marina!!!!!!

  5. All that side of mex is all fucked up everyone is just everywhere

  6. Chivis you should make an article explaining BLO past truce with CDS and their current truce with Z, and carrillos basically allowing BLO to move weight through Nuevo Laredo,Juarez,Nogales,Mexicali,and recently moving in to TJ. Without making noise.

  7. They are all el dumbos for being part of any of that narco shit!!

  8. fotos del dumbo, para conocerlo, antes que se roben el carcaje...thanks for the good news!!!

  9. jajaja golfa usted ni hable que a ustedes se los estaan cojiendo sin condon aya en matamoros y reyno jajjajaa

  10. i think they call them dumbo because of the flying ears, governor pellejos vallejo would be their crown queen...
    --it started with the little flying elephant on comics and movies for children, anybody with big ears is an automatic dumbo, that is why women always keep their ears covered...
    ...sorry chivis, i couldn't help it !!!

  11. mineros de coahuila, how is the sindicato de trabajadores mineros metalurgicos siderurgicos y similares de la republica mexicana treating you?
    --since pablo picharra got sent back to the el rancho en guauhuila by secretary general napoleon gomez sada por chaquetero, i never heard anything else, we were tight in pachuca and el DF...before the "PRIvatization" of mining by all the rats, mexican and foreign...

  12. "This is a major hit for the Z! Abuelo Dumbo was the head boss of Coahuila state for the Zetas"
    Yeah,this guy was well known and a high up El Abuelo Dumbo,he lasted longer than most of them,until now..

  13. Did this guy take over from El Enano when he was killed?El Enano/Diablo was regional boss of Coahuila,Zacatecas y Tamaulipas,who liked to get involved in the video killings,,that was a big hit to the Z..A lot of times he gets mixed up with flaco El Diablo the young Zeta who filmed himself beheading the three CDG in a bedroom of one of the safe houses ranch,you can hear flaco Diablo and his estacas on YT,he got fucked in a fight with CDG when they entered Fresnillo and Z spotted them..

    1. Al diablo Zeta se lo chingaron Los golfos con todo sus estacas a Las afueras DE fresnillo despues de 15 dias cuando puso su mantilla pedorra le dieron vaje jajajaja

    2. Jaja golfita golfita no aprendes enano se lo.fumaron los guangos pendejos ustedes culos no pudieron chingarselo las 5horas d balcaera y llegaron los guangos y se lo chingaron.sabes que tu cdg le hablo alos verdes y tus culos se seas pendejo pa hablar.asi como en riobravo y mier siempre q se topavan pinches golfas salian corriendo para el rio pa k no se los chigen.recuerdo esa vez cuando el.comandante guerra fue a darles en su madre ahi en nvo cd guerrero y ustedes culones le hablaron a los marinos por k ustedes culos son culos..y todavia esperaron que se fueran los marinos y levantadon a los muertos y es cuando pusieron ese video de los 4z decapitados jajaja ahhh y aki en nectar lima cada vez que capturan a los golfos escondidos siempre siempre en sus blackberrys tienen el numero de la marina como su contacto jajaja bola d culos si no sabe

    3. Ya deja de hablar mamadas mugrozo de mierda.. mejor pongase al tiro con Los contras o los marinos que te van a reventar el culo jajaja

  14. Zeta Capos go out in a blaze of glory. IMO this guy fell out of favor with Zeta command and was green lighted. Look at the pictures. The agents and military guys have their faces exposed as if they don't care who sees them. That tells me they don't fear retaliation from the Z, so they were sent by the Z. The Marina and Navy always cover their faces when they conduct an operation and they catch the big fish. Think about it. When does the federal and local forces ever catch anyone on their own especially in Coahuila. Z's have that state on lockdown.

  15. Se le cargó la chingado al Dumbo. Le dieron piso junto con sus pinche orejonas estiradas los Gates. Ponche Dumbo. Ni Walt Disney o el ojete de Z42 lo pudo sacar de la muleta.

  16. I want to know how the narcos get there nicknames. "El dumbo", "El hamburgesa" , I'm surprised we haven't heard a narco call him self el mas put

    1. They are given their names by their superiors, it's a right of passage in most cartels. You can't forget about other Zetas including El Winnie Pooh,El Pokeman, or El Come Gusanosan, which translates to “The Worm Eater" He got the name during a Zetas boot camp where they were dropped out in the wilderness and had to find their own food.

  17. How come Mexican military men are soo short.? It set to me that they all come from Oaxaca or Chiapas. Don't they want taller soldiers.?

    1. Don't need to be tall to kill.

    2. @6:39 p.m thats true.any moron can pull the trigger look at sammy the bull gravano.he was 5'5 in tall and was a hitman for john gotti!

  18. Good riddance any dead zeta is a bonus. The soldiers should split whatever the bounty evenly is for every top cartel member they kill.

  19. 1:31 PM
    "Al diablo Zeta se lo chingaron Los golfos con todo sus estacas a Las afueras DE fresnillo"
    Hablar algo más hermano,.lo que pasó con los estacas,are they still around or fucked?Was one of his estacas his brother?

  20. yeah, el abuelo dumbo was one of 42's most important men in coahuila.
    las golfas le pusieron varias mantas, y nomas nunca pudieron, pero pues eso no es raro siempre han mamado los del CDG con los de la letra.

  21. no, i only mean that women cover their ears because they feel like they are too big, it does not have to always be true, but usually is...
    --regarding smart, god made women smarter and prettier, after Herself, except for the ears 0(••)0...
    never mind chivis just trying to start WWIII or some balacera verbal here...

  22. To hell with tetaz cdg n all cartels

  23. U didnt cover goood guys faces bb!!!

  24. 3:14 PM
    "How come Mexican military men are soo short.?"

    Dude,who gives a fuck how tall a person is when they got a shooter in their hands and not afraid to use it?Your question is righteous boolshit,or on some trolling shit?Which one?

  25. There's an endless supply of Narco shitheads! It's about time the Mexican Government got serious and eliminated them! Now clean house and stop electing criminal politicians!

    1. There's an endless supply of addict shitheads. It's about time the US govt. got serious and eliminated them. They are destroying our country.

  26. worse than drug addiction, is the addiction to money, to big money, money you can not spend in all your motherfucking life, te usury, the greed, it is the cause of all that is bad in the world, and needs to be expropriated for the common good, and foreign debt needs to be disowned, especially in the case of third world countries who have NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT other than fat foreign bank accounts of their privileged and foreign powers protected satrapies...
    oh yes! third world permanent members have their children hauling their arses to the US to provide the ass peddling US pederastas can't do without...

  27. GATE is the Mexican version of SWAT.

  28. GATE is Coahuila's state police

    not all states have a GATE agencia,
    the federal police agency is GAFE

  29. 4:50 lo unico, i mean the only thing more powerful than the los zetas is their bezaculos, nobody can shake them off their kneepads

  30. 4:50 AM
    "aki en nectar lima cada vez que capturan a los golfos escondidos siempre siempre en sus blackberrys tienen el numero de la marina como su contacto jajaja bola d culos si no sabe"
    Amigo de verdad?The number of la marina in their fones?Thats some half assed lame shit that.But,look how many are being given up to authorities by their own?

  31. August 9, 2014 at 4:50 AM
    "aki en nectar lima"
    This guy sounds straight,you couldnt make that shit up.
    Post some more senor?Listen to you....


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