Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 19, 2014

Uruapan Michoacán, 6 dead 1 survived, CJNG leaves Narco Message "We're Here"

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

A narco message may explains the uptick in violence in the Michoacán city of Uruapan.  Seven people were shot and left for dead this morning. Six people were dead at the scene, a seventh man was left for dead but survived.  The men were discovered on a roundabout which is located a few meters from the Faculty of Agrobiology the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo in the city.
Despite the attempt by the staff of the Office of the State, to hinder  media coverage, it was noted that in the area at least 40 spent shell gravel, evidence of  at least seven men, were executed at the scene.

The crime scene  located on  Berlín and  Manuel Pérez Coronado avenue. 

Dozens of members of the federal and state police, cordoned the area.

The narco message left with the bodies reads:
We are here
We come to save you
Cartel New Generation (CJNG)

ABC Diario- 1aplana

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  1. The survivor is one lucky sob

    1. Those guys are from cjng templarios wrote the message to divert the heat and mock mencho who thinks he's winning the war.
      This is a blowback from templarios

    2. @7:42

      You wish buddy. Now get back to worshipping your idol La Puta...

  2. all the blame of this can rest on the heads of sierra Santanasm Castillo and Americano. they open the door to cjng by their alliances.

    autodefensas were keeping them out. so they jailed Mireles and other leaders to conduct business. that is what Hipolito said Wednesday. but not until his balls were to the wall

  3. ISIS looks like a bunch of school children next to Mexican cartels..

    1. Your tripping you obviously haven't seen there execution videos

    2. Have you seen what these cartels do?

    3. 644 your tripping be headings and executions and dismemberment are a common thing in Mexico ISIS ain't shit

    4. I think what he meant was that ISIS looks like a bunch of school children

      Not the Mexican cartels

  4. Benimos? uhhh o sea Venimos? That's my worst nightmare, getting killed in Mexico by someone who can't spell the murder poster correctly.....I'm not even Hispanic and I can spell better than thet !!

    1. Thet do you mean that, that's my worst nightmare reading comments fron idiots that can't spell!

    2. Spell better than thet!! Really bro!!!!

    3. They're probably not hispanic either. Remember hispanics are from spain. Most mexicans have spanish blood BUT in some areas (like some areas in michocan and jaslico) there's a lot of indiginous people whose second language just so happens to be spanish after their native tongue. Just thought i'd comment

    4. we have a background historian available, :) its not even CJNG...its the autodefensas that killed them.

    5. "Thet do you mean that, that's my worst nightmare reading comments fron idiots that can't spell!"

      Well my worst nightmare is reading comments from a fool who can't spell "from" talking shit about another fool that can't spell "that".

    6. 11:56 my computer made a mistake!

    7. @11:56

      Lol. They're both idiots. Lol

    8. @ 11:56 we are including 1:58!

  5. mofo's can't even spell and they gonna save someone....they need to save themselves from being analfabetos first

  6. its Vinimos, not Benimos

    1. «Vinimos» es primera persona del plural del pretérito perfecto simple de indicativo (ayer vinimos a ayudarte)

      «Venimos» es primera persona del plural del presente de indicativo (hoy venimos a ayudarte)

      So it's ''venimos''

    2. 7:25 whatever Tuta!

  7. save us from what? killers like you? you think leaving dead innocents en los pueblos where your countrymen can see is helping? why not build schools or start businesses from the drug money you make to help the poor? if youre not doing that then youre not helping and we dont want you in our pueblos.

  8. "Benimos a salvarlos".
    Damn indians can't even spell.

  9. pinche vatos pasados de verga de caballo! chale

  10. Yay theyre here to save us feom being killed by templarios so they can kill us
    Mexico is so fucked up

  11. Cjng ya se cren Chingones con ayuda de zetas, beltranes, y cartel de juares. Pinche pendejos cobardes. No que Mata zetas, si no les ganas labele la Vega o corre. Ya savia que iva aver un desastre. Todos q uieren invadir a michoacan. Es como 10 vamos contra uno como va a ganar. Fuck cjng,los corrieron de michoacan. Luego los cobardes se alienation con sus progress enemies por miedo. Pinche cowards!!!!

    1. no seas mamon enterate primero, esa junta nunca paso, no hay nada ni nadie ni un narco ha confirmado esa junta, pura mamada de la publicidad, ya hasta la desmintieron, el CJNG nunca haria tregua con Zetas, aun los andan chingando en Veracruz

  12. Y los pendejos dr los templarios aliados con los mas traisioneros y covardes de cartel de sinaloa. No pues, ya se chingo michoacan!

  13. ISIS is just as brutal as any Mexican cartel. Not to say one is worse than the other they just have different beliefs but they are just as brutal.

    There's nothing the Mexican Cartels do (beheadings, torture, kidnappings, killing innocents etc) that ISIS won't and vice versa.

  14. Para LA BASURA DE September 19 @ 7pm learn how 2 make sense my imbecil kompita these kartels aligned themselves kuz of the greed of others you know what I mean TONTIN eventually their will be a fallout again N the drama will kontinue somewhere else....HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY :)

    1. Yo pienso que el tontin eres tu, kien escrivio ese comentario tiene razon. Es la pura neta. Ese cartel era el milenio y la familia michoacana los saco de michoacan.

  15. Tardiacs, they misspell words on purpose. They are spelled differently but pronounced the same. Try it. SEE!

  16. September 19, 2014 at 3:46 PM
    "save us from what? killers like you? you think leaving dead innocents en los pueblos where your countrymen can see is helping? why not build schools or start businesses from the drug money you make to help the poor?"
    Great comment...
    Right on brother right on.Here is the truth of the matter from a Mexican having to listen to your self righteous bullshit.CJNG your a plague on Mexcio,where do you help Mexicans ?

  17. todos son una bola de pendejos matándose como animales ya agarren la onda pónganse aser algo positivo con sus vidas que ganan con el desmadre que asen no mas aser enemigos y vivir con miedo por que saben que van al tambo o van al hoyo asi de simple pongansen a pensar morros no sean tontos...

  18. "Mexicanos al grito de Guerra",yeah right if that was true all the good people of mexico would join together and fight the cartels and the corrupt politicians that protect them(PRI),especially that estupido pena nieto.....just wishful thinking on my part,se vale sonar...

  19. --Benimos, venimos o vinemos, el pedo es yegar'ncuando llegenos, just like tet, the tet lao or the lao thet...
    --lsls is killing people by the hundreds and persecuting them by the thousands, remainds me of the clickas that overan and routed the armies of saddam out of kuwait during poppy bush I and w's war, and saddam's take over of kuwait because he was led to believe the US would not care or intervene, saddam was angry when he discovered all the debt he incurred fighting iran for the US whioe the US was using the iranies to fight for the US against iraq, same way somebody is using isis to provoke war again, i am sure, to make billions of dollars out of it, american military contractors' dirty paws all over it.
    Saudi arabia just paid 3 billion dollars as humanitarian help to france to give weapons and all the belic material to lebanon to "defend" themselves against syria, and i'm sure that is what financed isis new trucks and weaponry they found lying in the desert, abandoned by the US, and more than half a billion
    usd they "stole from a bank in iraq"...
    Wait a minute, the AD originally "found their weapons just lying in the street", "abandoned by the ct".
    --All was well until Dr Mireles stopped believing the BS and turned biy scout...
    -- by the way, canadiana, canada's ternium working mining for england and lakshmi mittal's arcelor-mittal working for england, and the chinese working for england kicking each other under the table to beat each other to the table scraps...
    --because reality does not apply in the case of somebody else's puppet:
    the american empire full of american exceptionalism.
    "we make our own reality " said who donald? Rumsfeld? The poison gas expert salesman who sold it to saddam to kill the kurds under george hw bush

  20. Computers still are stupid; shit in- shit out still is rule number one.
    --spanish like english is easy when you read everying within the context.
    --my personal fear is to read something so stupidly out of this world that so many people believe it so wholeheartedly as to follow sheep # 1 into the abyss of the worst atrocities, the end of all propaganda...

  21. ISIS looks like a bunch of school children next to Mexican cartels..

    September 19, 2014 at 2:38 PM
    ------------------------------------------ Pardon me, Senor, but is this the same ISIS that executed 1500 Iraq army soldiers in one sitting, massacred maybe the entire culture of the Yazidis (an ancient group), along with the Iragi Kurds, and all their children starving them up a mountain, taking hundreds of women hostage for sex-slaving, killing fellow Muslims for "supporting the west" not to mention what they do to *non*-muslims (ie. people like you and I), the ISIS that threatens USA, Europe. as well as Iran, Lebanon, Israel, southern Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and probably parts of Latin America also -- just because of a book that says they can.. and this is just what we've been told in the last 6 months.. their brutality goes way back, the same ISIS that forced al-qaeda to join *with* USA to fight against their madness & brutal slavery of "infidels" ... we're talking about the same ISIS, right? I just wondered if you've even spoken with anyone from these Islamic regions since their brutality is way, beyond anything in scope and scale we've ever seen in Mexico (which is mostly narco-motivated violence). But If these guys hooked up with Mexican DTOs (unlikely, sure, but...) we would all be in deep sheet, there's no doubting that?

  22. All of you guys thet can not spell correptly give me mightmares every day, all day long, use thw magic wand "application" and piss on your computers!!!
    --also some disinformants say it is ISIL to differentiate from england's cult of ISIS, who must may be behind isil/isis new "caliphate" of alla's moslem revolutionary kaka of the wooly heads...
    "If my children didn't want war, there would be no wars" said mama rothschild.


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