Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 5, 2014

Narcos are choking Chihuahua communities

Proceso (8-29-14) (

By Patricia Mayorga, translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

Street in Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuahua

The presence of the military in some of the Chihuahua municipalities has not prevented  organized crime from murdering its rivals and other civilians who refuse to submit. Organized crime targets indigenous communities dispersed throughout the "Golden Triangle" area in an effort to grab their lands and use them to grow marijuana and opium poppy. Even there, where there is a history of growing narcotics, the people cannot stay because criminals have become extremely violent.

Guadalupe y Calvo, Chih. (Proceso).- Guadalupe y Calvo is traditionally a mining municipality, but its principal activity during the last 50 years has been growing marijuana and opium poppy. It became a prosperous and envied region, reaching the highest minimum wage in the country. Businesses, hospitals, schools, all of its society earned a living with those crops... but these products turned against the people.  Hundreds of residents in the area, which is part of the drug trafficking Golden Triangle, had to flee to stay alive.

The Sinaloa Cartel established its base of operations in Puerto de Yerbitas, another town in this municipality, on the highway that goes to the municipal seat of government and towards Badiraguato. And so Yerbitas, like its neighbor, El Ocote, was left almost uninhabited since 2013. The same thing happened with other towns in Guadalupe y Calvo faced with the threat from the criminal group. Because of its rugged terrain and complicity on the part of the authorities, the zone has been ideal for drug trafficking operations for decades.

Residents who fled from Yerbitas seven years ago remember Fernando Covarrubias, 22 years old, who returned with his family after a long absence. He was a boss with the Sinaloa Cartel and was murdered in 2012, but his cell was established there.

In April, 2011, Covarrubias was arrested with two other young men in Turuachi in possession of firearms and drugs in the same municipality (File No. PGR/CHI/PARR/942/2011-C). Those interviewed remember he was released quickly.

A young man who came from his town narrates: "Fernando had another boss and when they killed him along with with other people, they begin to dispute the plaza, and that's when it gets ugly, because everybody knew him. They say they haven't killed he boss yet, but the people from Sinaloa operate there, and the kid himself began to bring people from outside into Yerbitas."

When they killed Covarrubias, his family had to leave the town because they were threatened. 

"The ones who worked with him and his acquaintances had to leave, because he wasn't involved only with drugs, he also had businesses that bought and sold lumber. There were a lot of people working with him, they persecuted them or threatened them. All the family... to the fourth degree... it didn't matter, they killed or threatened them, too, the same with the families of the men they killed along with him. There were about 40 families affected between 2012 and 2013," the witness recalls.

Just in May of 2013 they killed several people. "Not much was known, but they murdered three girls that night and some more men, there were many 'disappeared'. Over there, they kill people and the bodies never show up," says another displaced young woman.

The first witness indicates that the criminals have their favorite areas to dump bodies and leave vehicles abandoned, but nobody dares touch them or report it to the authorities: "They are new pickups, nobody recovers them. A grey Avalanche was left for along time near Yerbitas, going up through Turuachi, who knows if it's still there."

The few people who remain in town live in fear. "You're always checking with your friends to see how things are when you want to go anywhere. First, you ask how things are."

Before, at 6:00 pm, the streets were full of people, they'd get together in the towns. Today, although the presence of the military in the county seat has allowed some places to be taken back, the people from the towns prefer to go home early. The stores also close.

"Since last year, the landing strips that weren't being used any more have been reopened", adds the interviewee, "They have been reconditioning them. In prior years they were working only as lumber centers, they were going strong, but because a lot of them have had to leave due to the violence, they fixed them up and airplanes began to land again ... but they take off very quickly."

Last year they murdered Jaime Orozco Madrigal, who was running for municipal president. Before and after that, there was a crime wave in the region: three men from the town of La Hacienda were kidnapped and their bodies were later returned. They abducted another five (men) from the town of Mesa de San Jose, and they were never seen again. The bodies of two others, 25 years old and with their hands tied, were dumped on the road to the Dolores Section.

From that point on, criminal groups incinerated vehicles and people, they savagely murdered inhabitants of Puerto de Yerbitas. Not all the murders were officially reported, and several victims were never found.

Just in five days in July, two women, 17 and 21 years old, were murdered in Yerbitas; the head belonging to the second woman was never found. In other operations, authorities secured eight AK-47 magazines and a fragmentation grenade. They also found two cargo trucks incinerated in which, they said, there were no bodies, but people from the municipality say there were at least nine bodies incinerated.

Also during those days, six men were wounded in a gunfight and two pickups were burned. The wounded men were being transferred to hospital in ambulances when they were rescued by their friends.

A month before that, near Yerbitas, they murdered two children (7 and 11 years old), their father and their grandparents. Then they killed a soldier.

There were gunfights in Baborigame, too, and the gunmen kept the town in fear for a long time. "It's inexplicable; everybody knows where the narco roadblocks are located, there are soldiers, but nobody does anything", says one of the displaced people. And he remembers the peaceful past: "Before, it was peaceful, you could walk around at dawn through beautiful scenery. You knew that a lot of people were in the business of growing marijuana, there were always gunmen, but that was all; they were not sicarios (killers.) The terror started with the sicarios."   

Several local residents agree that the criminals diversified six years ago. "Now, the ones that are real nervous are those who own sawmills, but they extort everybody, even the indigenous people. Last year, around July, they killed a lumber yard owner because he wouldn't pay the 'cuota' (protection money)".

The first investigator of the State Commission on Human Rights in Parral (Comision Estatal de Derechos Humanos), Victor Manuel Horta Martinez, says that last year the (human) displacements intensified and that the towns of Guadalupe y Calvo were left practically uninhabited. The challenge for the commission was to follow up on the murders, threats, kidnappings and extortion cases on their own initiative since there were no criminal complaints. The terror paralyzed the people.

The young woman they decapitated in Puerto Yerbitas was Horta Martinez's niece. She had six other brothers and the whole family had to flee.

The state authorities' strategy to fight crime is simple. In October of 2013, when Jorge Enrique Gonzalez Nicolas was named general prosecutor for the state, he gave orders that police reports from the southern zone were not to mention homicides; they (homicides) would only be disclosed when the media requested it.

Resistance by indigenous people 

Alonso Molina Carrillo, one of the community leaders in Coloradas de la Virgen, points out that the authorities never pay attention when they report threats or murder attempts. "I've spoken with the commander and the Pubic Ministry, but they don't even go there. They're either afraid or have been bought off. One of them told me, 'Put on a hood and go for it.' Where's the help?".

He warns that the criminals want to take their lands to plant drugs. "I remember my parents used to tell me... we have a map from 1912. It was an indigenous community, there were no divisions or lumber cutting, one lived peacefully. In 1955, they began to organize it as an ejido (communal land)... In 1970, they divided us into indigenous people and mixed blood people (mestizos). They left us the rough terrain. There's about 52,000 acres of forest, one part has been cut down, more than half of it, but all they gave the indigenous people was rough terrain. There's no pine trees, no forest, only hills.

"But we have always lived there,within the ejido, because our town is there, we have meetings, we appoint the governor, we organize feasts, we have our belongings, from our forefathers. They cannot run us off. We're from there, we're inside the ejido, we are not ejidatarios [registered members of an ejido], but rather, comuneros (communal landowners)," Molina explains.

In 1992, the mestizos took away their right to an ejido with the agrarian reform. They even took a census without including them. "They have threatened us, but they haven't arrested anybody", he says, but the worst part is that since 1970, they have murdered seven of their leaders.

Today, for safety's sake, they prefer not to "get together with many mestizos nor to participate in gossip, because then we say things, while drinking or something like that, and then they begin to investigate us, to see how we're doing; then they begin to bother us", says Molina.

Sometimes they start to cut down the community's forest, but about 50 indigenous people get together. "We file a complaint, which we already filed with Semarnat (Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales; Department of Environment and Natural Resources). We have an order preventing them from doing it. We go as a group, including men and women". And, yes, they managed to stop the lumber cutting two years ago, but at the cost of frequent threats.

In any case, in Coloradas de la Virgen, drug traffickers are trying to take over the lands. They have their tactics: "They get in by force, they deceive the people. They tell them, 'I'll help you, I'll help you', but in the end, they build their homes and throw them out."

"Many work with them. The work consists of doing everything for the mestizo owners, who are people from outside. There are many families... After the harvest, they leave... but while they are there, they build homes with sheet metal, with wood, they drive late model pickups, dress well, because they've got money."

Some of the indigenous people who help them are children. "They're around, they force them to become sicarios. Once they invite them to work with them, it's as if they tell them: 'You're going to do this.' The only new hires are children between 12 and 15 years old," he narrates.

The closest school is three hours away by pickup and 12 hours on foot. To get medical care, people have to wait until the health brigades go there, and if somebody gets sick, they ask help from Baborigame, which is three hours away.

"I think the best way to end all this is to take away all of the Petate ranch, which is close to Coloradas. There's another small ranch called Huechi, where there's also another group of outsiders who are also planting."

The defense of their properties in Choreachi cost the lives of two young indigenous men, Jaime Zubia Ceballos and Socorro, whose families had to leave the town because of threats. The teachers in he town also left.

The violence unleashed by the criminal groups forced Isela Gonzalez and Ernesto Valencia -- activists with the Alianza Sierra Madre -- to seek government assistance from the Mecanismo de Proteccion para Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas  (Office for the protection of defenders of human rights and journalists). Their petition was accepted, but so far, not even the risk assessment has been completed.

Also, the community of Choreachi, where a young defender of indigenous lands was murdered last year, presented a request before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission for precautionary measures to protect the community, the traditional authorities and the Alianza Sierra Madre (Sierra Madre Alliance). The petition, which they submitted through the Center for the Human Rights of Women, is being analyzed.

For this reason, the Trust for Competitiveness and Citizen Participation was formed in 2010, to which the Citizen Observatory for Prevention, Security and Justice belongs.

Businessmen in the state contributed an extraordinary surcharge of 5% of the state payroll tax to help repair the social fabric.

According to data compiled by the Observatory, the municipality has only 55 police officers and a yearly average budget of 9.5 million pesos ($730,000.00) for security. The  average education level for the population is fifth grade, 21% is illiterate and only 30% of the population is economically active. 

This year, Guadalupe y Calvo will receive 14.3 million pesos ($1.1 million) from the National Program for the Prevention of Social Violence and Crime.

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  1. PRI politicians delivering the state to their own sicarios and drug traffickers, at gunpoint, at the expense of the people, shamelessly, in front of the world, using the army, marines and police to help the criminals, by looking the other way or helping them openly, hiding the bad news in the zeta style from coahuila so that when the news finally come out it is too late.
    We have seen these kind of actions when the cowardly government and military threw the game in coahuila to the zetas for their murdering rampages, and the federal government covered it all up because it was "too late to help the victims" and the panistas were too outnumbered overmatched and bought and paid for...
    --We'd like to know, how many more "incidents" are we suppossed to take?

  2. Chapo losing ground everywhere

  3. That's a place where there is no law and if you don't subdue to the narco law you will get wacked. Guadalupe y Calvo was heavily influenced by Chapo and his Sinaloa associates, but I hear rumor of a Chavez family in that area who is moving a lot of weight and controlling the area.

  4. Hmmmm, the powers that be in Mexico are oppressing the indigenous people. Who would have thought that a country that was oppressed themselves would turn around and do it to the native tribes. And what about the migrant Central Americans traveling thru Mexico to get to the US? They get exploited even more so.

  5. It's fucked up to say but the only way to fix all this is for the government to put good capos jus like the good old days that use to do ther things but also help and take care of the people in the towns and kick out all the people that ain't from ther or they are really gona loose control it worked back in the day it will work today ther was peace and didn't hurt the people until outsiders came that makes problems!

  6. It's fucked up to say but the only way to fix all this is for the government to put good capos jus like the good old days that use to do ther things but also help and take care of the people in the towns and kick out all the people that ain't from ther or they are really gona loose control it worked back in the day it will work today ther was peace and didn't hurt the people until outsiders came that makes problems!

  7. Thats, wen chapo started invading other people's turf wen the problems started how u think people are gona give that up if they have always bin ther?

  8. Juarez needs to take control of juarez sonora sonora arellanos tijuana cdg always bin ther and quintero sinaloa and help take out all the small cartels because ther the ones making mex hell leave all major cartels make a pact work together and respect each others territory and don't make mex hell like chapos did cuz at the end it's all about the bread!

  9. Juarez needs to take control of juarez sonora sonora arellanos tijuana cdg always bin ther and quintero sinaloa and help take out all the small cartels because ther the ones making mex hell leave all major cartels make a pact work together and respect each others territory and don't make mex hell like chapos did cuz at the end it's all about the bread!

    1. Chivis you are posting comments twice!

  10. Things were good 7 years ago but thenchapo arrived and messed it up. Carillo fuentes always had chihuahua peaceful but then the midget showed up and created this kaos. But now guadalupe y calvo has been regained by cfo.

    1. Yeah..... carillo held peace lol... But what about the women of juarez being killed under the cfo watch? Before Chapo came in.explain that Bitch!

    2. Everybody knows chapo started the violence in Mexico. He tried to take over many places in mexico that's how the zetas were created, I think people from sonora, and Chihuahua are cowards for letting people from sinaloa take over there state and killing inocent people and oppressing them. While the whole time their bumping there stupid fake corridos of how they help out people. Pendejos

    3. People from Chihuahua never let themselves, most linieros are Chihuahuense and right they are killing Gn in the sounthern areas where they enter Chihuahua. Also a lot of gn are Chihuahuenses. People from Sonora cant do anything cause they dont have their own cartel they just go work for the Sinaloas.

    4. Bullshit! Chihuahuas all ways kiss sinaloas ass. The bosses of the Juarez cartel is from sinaloa so what does that tell you. Mensos

    5. @12:53 I believe it all comes back to money. There are no such things as morals in this business. In my opinion many of las mujeres de juarez were killed by sickos that paid chicken dick assholes for the experience. Drugs aren't the only vice lil chumpo aimed to monopolize. Fuck tj, The Zoo is amerikas underground playland.

  11. Drugs is a baby's game now, while it is still worth it, it has never made the big bulk of money for anybody other than the big capos, the reason it is all so bad now and includes another go at the mexican indians is that the property rights and ownership of everyting is at stake, and indians do not need to own anything, other than a puesto de semillas...
    Maybe the mexican indians could defeat the racist mexicans with their bows and arrows, or slingshots, or the education that some other countries can afford to give to them as charity, IF they convert to their religion, or sompin'

  12. that damn midget did this! if the narco leprechaun chapo didn't get so greedy, this would never been happening. i bet they put chapo in a dog cage because thats midget prison for dwarfs

  13. I can not figure out how you people still talk about the cartles like if they something good there nothing good about them.all they do is destroy young lifes and family apart you think that good.and don't blame it on the addicts cuss if there is no drugs.NO ADDICTS who is to blame.

    1. @12:39 Mexican addicts are just as numerous as the US addicts.

    2. 1:30 wrong 90% of the drug are going to the US. Cartels were created 2 cater to the Americans.

    3. Yeah but you still have a lot of drugs staying at home with the locals.

  14. Mexico getting destroyed to pieces, So sad... Chapo has fucked up so many citys with his greed and power hungry people.

  15. I know that the soldiers were helping a big grower in one of the communities. He is associated with El Chapo. They would actually help him with soldiers during the harvest and other small duties when needed. They provided the grower escort to Chihuahua, paid for all the way. The weed was them dropped with the new buyer. It was then up to pay his own way North to the border. These big trucks loaded with pot could not get to the border without payoff's. It would be so easy to catch them at the revisions on the way. Revisions are just paydays for the soldiers and police that give them safe passage. Those that do not pay often get caught. They take a risk. Would I ever report them or say anything. Not in my life. Nothing would come of it anyway other then maybe my death. This is not new news anyway. Everyone knows the score here and how it is done.

  16. I always here how they say what a shame that Europeans took the Indian lands in the USA. I live in Chihuahua, and I guarantee you that I would rather be an indigenous in the USA then in Mexico. Not even a good comparison. In Mexico they are walked all over. It is really sad.

    1. My dad went to michoacan a few weeks ago and when he came back he told me that indigenous people from there were smart because the sold many things hand made, flowers and such. He said the Indians from those regions lived better than most people here in the U.S.. I think the reason is they are united and don't let anyone fuck with their people and they look out for each other. I read here on bb that they don't let cartels or government in their community cause government and narcos work together so they govern themselves.

    2. They are walked all over in the U.S. too. In Mexico they actually have survived in considerable numbers in comparison to the U.S. In Mexico the indigenous cultures are embraced as evidenced by the reference "la nación Azteca". As opposed to the U.S. where the only time embracing is done is when names are needed for military equipment or sports teams.

    3. Hahaha 2:43 good try but you are completely wrong. There are many tribes in the US who run their land like a boss. They have casinos making billions for their tribes. I will use the state of New Mexico for example. There are several casinos that the Navajo, Hope and Mescalero tribes control everything on their land. 40% of the state New Mexico land mass belong to a native tribes. There are other states that give soveign rule to the tribes. Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Florida just to name a few allow similar rule in their state. Many of these tribes live better than the average American household. The native tribe counsels take care of their people and they rule their lands as a soveign nation absent of the US government. Try again on kicking facts about the US versus Mexico.

  17. Guadalupe calvo is a weed growing town formerly aligned with the cdj,as was the surrounding towns like balleza etc.the violence started when cds came in and took control of these towns,killed off the former bosses and destabilized the region.who controls dat region now,its hard to say as im not from those towns but i live in parral and only those that live there can tell u.

  18. This is la linea that is taking out cds in these communities. Cds is surrounded by blo in the south zetas on the east. Unfortunately the tamahuara indians are caught in the middle.

  19. Know one is glorifying the cartels we just saying it is wat it is!

  20. Wats happening in mex is real it's always bin going on government and the cartels since day one no one is saying it's good but ther has to be control that's the only way the violence will end!

    1. The only thing that went wrong in mex was greed and probably the US goverment had something to do with all this mess imafeing how powerfull the cartels would be if they were one like when caro had shit on lock

    2. Again with blame game. If you continue in the same direction you will have the same results. That is Mexico's problem. The government continues down the same path expecting a different result.

  21. Any word on the supposed release of el sargento finix of los antrax from prison

    1. Yea any conformation about that ??

  22. Wow! Are all the comments from one person??

  23. Does anybody know if CDJ/LA LINEA N AZTEKAS just taking over N expanding getN rid of the basura cds

  24. I have never seen an Indian family in the USA sitting in the middle of the street on an Island with the while family begging for money. Not even one. Here in Chihuahua they are in the hundreds. On many of the corners. The children run in and out of the cars looking sad begging for money. They are not forced into running drugs across the border like the Tarrahumara Indians that can run long distances. They are not being forced off there lands by drug dealers as the government protects them. You do not see the indigenous fighting the government all over in Mexico and protesting. You do not see Indigenous having to give birth on the lawns of hospitals in the USA. You do not see them freezing to death in the USA. They have opportunities in the USA that indigenous in Mexico could never afford. No it is not perfect for the Indians in America. But nothing like in Mexico. Everyone embraces their culture. It is what you do with it that makes the difference. They are loosing land rapidly to the Narco's. They live in fear in the mountains of Mexico, and many have moved to live a life on the streets. I know Indians here that are getting paid $3 a day. Living in caves and under over passes. They rarely own vehicles. It is a very bleak existence for them whether you accept them or not. Indians in the USA are actually revered. You would be surprised how many people love to hear about Custards Last Stand and his defeat to the Indians. They still route for the Indians.

  25. See what happens when stupid ass sinaloa tries to run shit? All they do is fuck up people's lives... I say bring back the old PRI, the one that knew how to run cartels the right way, divide Mexico's drug routes the way they used to be, and that's that.

    1. You have to, the US is not going to give up its drugs!

  26. It's funny how the same guy posts different comments to make his rationale appear to be the opinion of many. .. even so that doesn't make it into facts. .. CDS is not losing ground in mexico definately not in chihuahua.... they've been in chihuahua for decades since caro Quintero was running things. .. please don't pretend like the sinaloense culture isnt embedded in our state

  27. Mexican movers and shakers have to sell their pay-in-species, basuco, grifa, or whatever by the gram, for pesos...
    The real money is in moving it to the US and dealing there, by the gram, for dollars, but the business has owner, and wants no competence...

  28. Doña Marina would never think of accusing the spaniards of biological warfare, not because Don Hernando was so good looking, but because the concept did not exist 500 years ago.
    Today, 500 years later, the dark forces of the inquisition keep trying to make us believe their divine comedy...
    --Not happenin'!!!

  29. Us Chihuahuenses have been fighting the sinaloa pussies for nearly a decade. Not just them but their papi the fed government, the military --- 10,000 + soldiers and feds --- & the CDJ traitors that chapo bought off. That’s why Juarez was labeled the most dangerous city in the world & Chihuahua one of the most dangerous states in Mexico. (It’s the sonorans that let themselves get stepped on) The people here have had enough of the sinaloa pussies and their greed.

    Those idiots turned Mexico into a battlefield with their failed attempt at trying to control the drug game. They failed to take TJ & Tamaulipas back in the 80s – 90s & the pendejotes failed again even with all the advantages they have…lol.

    You sinaloa culos will pay for your stupidity. I hope every last sinaloan in Chiwas gets killed even the ones that just come here to work the fields or just trying to pass through. Because of them there are thousands of dead people, thousands of missing people & thousands of orphans!

    This shit is gonna end in a blood fued, arabs vs jews type of shit.
    Pinches traicioneros hijos de su pinche puta perra madre que los mal pario.

    Puro Chihuahua!!! El Estado Grande Vive!!!

    1. Get off sinaloas nuts bro estas pior Que Una vieja

    2. Here we go again with the tenthousand plus soldiers commentary ey wey get over it pareces disco rayado with the same comment

    3. Chihuahuenses are rising from the ashes like the Phoenix. La Linea will cleanse the state of the snitches left by Chapo and his minions. Sinaloa had their time on top and it's time to step aside. And just think CF was supposedly dead....LOL!!! What a difference a year makes. Cheers to Chapo for all the treachery he brought to Chihuahua. It was good while it lasted and one for the history books. Now go back to Sinaloa and battle the BLO so you can actually have a place to call home.

  30. "Custards Last Stand and his defeat to the Indians. They still route for the Indians"


  31. I’m gonna keep talking about the 10,000 soldiers & the u.s/Mexican feds that helped you sinaloa culos & you still --- Failed! --- That failure & stupidity cost thousands of Mexican lives & affected millions of others because you fucking indios started believing your own fantasy music.

    1. Calmate con eso de indio haz d ser menonita ,jajajajaaja lo que es.muy poco probable con la manera d que t expresas ya wey superalo la neta a que dejar que se partan la madre entre ellos

  32. at 2:33 PM
    "In my opinion many of las mujeres de juarez were killed by sickos that paid chicken dick assholes for the experience.The Zoo is amerikas underground playland"
    THE MISOGYNOUS MURDER OF WOMEN BY LITTLE MEN,who see all these young women working which somewhat emasculates said little men in gender roles they don't like.Who killed the women of Juarez?Mexican men.
    Whether it be cartel,Juarez,La Linea,Barrio Azteca,jealous husbands,police,bus drivers,boyfriends,they were committed by little men who couldn't handle women being self sufficient and independent of them..

  33. Killing, raping pillaging etc etc etc are well known vices of the nordics, and the vikings, and their heirs, the pirates, and of the nazis, the CIA's puppets at the DFS and the school of the assassins trainees, they used to rape not only nuns in central america, but they would rape the priests too, before disappearing them in unmarked graves...
    --the disciples of klaus barbie keep very busy all over mexico now, too, 70 years after losing the WWII, the nazis are comng back hard!!!

  34. @ 11:46am
    dude enough already.. get it through your thick skull.. sinaloa won here in chihuahua, and to your misfortune most of the Gente Nueva were in fact chihuahuenses fighting for sinaloa cartel's interest.... your train of thought shows just how ignorant you are ... the cartel war has NOTHING to do with state pride... any one in a cartel gives a damn about state pride and community... please give it a rest kid... this war is about one thing and that is green money.. not whether or not your state is winning.... there are many ppl working for the Sinaloa cartel that are not from sinaloa.. heck alot are not even mexican or of mexican decent... La Linia del bikini has many sinaloenses working for them and you should know that since apparantly you've slept with many linieros... Sinaloa has had a strong presence in the state of Chihuahua since the 1980s... i was around during that time and I doubt that you were even born prior to that... Y te digo esto porke soy 100% Chihuahuense de la mera sierra compa.... Puro Madera Chihuahua

    1. @8:04 I might add that most of the cleansing in Chihuahua are the traitors from Chihuahua. La Linea has a mission and as you can see the remnants of CDS/GN are living in the shadows in Juarez and most of Chihuahua. A modest shadow of what they use to be. If you know more than I please enlightened me on who is winning. Please give me evidence and not just your opinion. Maybe your sources are better than mine.

  35. September 13, 2014 at 8:04 PM Oh… you’re from Chihuahua ---- “dude” --- I don’t believe you ----- “dude” ---- I think you’re a sinaloa fanboy, in fact you probably have their stupid “ropa marca ferrari” music on you’re smart phone don’t you “dude”. Si deveras eres de Chihuahuahua deverias de saver que decir “puro sinaloa” en Chihuahua va causar problemas pendejo hijo de tu puta mongola madre que te mal pario! El senor de los cielos respetava Chihuahua el y su gente nunca decian “puro sinaloa” imbecile! You have probably lived in the u.s a while now “dude” Let me enlighten you “dude” A lot of Chihuahuenses have died fighting your sinaloa budies + 10,000 soldiers. A lot of foreign investment was lost embicil therefore jobs where lost therefore Chihuahuas standard of living has droped you sinaloa fan boy…entiendes “dude” sinaloaenses que chingen su puta madre culo &you too “dude”

    Puro Chihuahua!!! Live from Delicias!!!

  36. @ 3:47.. pues yo creo ke lo ke el compa de Madera dice.. you soy the Batopilas y te puedo decir que en toda la sierra de Chihuahua los de La Linea siempre van a mamar... aqui nadie quiere a esos mugrosos rateros disque narcos y son puro pinche cholo pendejo no mas robando y levantando gente inocente para hacerse creer los muy malotes.. es bien sabido que la gente de Chihuahua siempre a trabajado con la gente de sinaloa por muchos años.. incluso el cartel de Juarez trabajaba con el Chapo Guzman hasta que el joto del viceroy empeso a reclutar pendejos, huevones y mantenidos... tiene razon ese vato de que en esta guerra no importa de que estado sea el cartel.. lo que importa es cual afloja mas billete .. jajajajaja... me da risa que segun tu conoces muy bien a Amado Carrillo que hasta sabes que el nunca decia arriva sinaloa... tu ni existias cuando Amado mandaba pinche lepe pendejo... ya deja de discutir mamadas... que la Linia enfrento a 10,000 soldados... porfavor si cuando llego el ejercito a juarez los de la linia se fueron... dime tu cuantos enfrentamientos hubo entre los linieros y el ejercito.. si las pinches cucarachas de la linia se escondieron nunca dieron la cara.. hay si 10,000 soldados.. no mas eso dices tu .. pero la verdad es que nunca quisieron combatir al ejercito... y la neta mi amigo te dire que tu pinche rayita y los zetitas mandaran a ya en juarez y en chihuas tal ves pero aqui en la sierra nunca van entrar .. aqui nos dan asco los pinches cholitos resistoleros , rateros de ropa... vayan a mamar a los zetas...

    Y PURO CHIHUAHUA... Arriva el Triangulo de ORO!!!

  37. La linea controla más sierra en chihuahua que los chapitos. Yo soy de Parral y los chapitos andan escondidos de la linea.


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