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Friday, October 31, 2014

Viagras now in control of Michoacán

Borderland Beat Chivis with Video information translation by Vato
Pricilla of Grillonautas interviews  Autodefensa Leader Jorge Vázquez  

Pricilla interviews Vázquez and questions him over points highlighted in the latest rant by  Servando  Gómez  Martínez ,  alias  La  Tuta sent on Wednesday via audio to social media. Jorge  Vázquez  spokesman  for  the  Michoacán  legitimate  self-defence  groups  (coastal autodefensas) says  that  the  alias  La  Tuta ,  in  audio  that  was circulated  today  -through networks

The video is very long at over 25  minutes, so we present an overview of the interview highlighting key points….notable on the Tuta interview is that Tuta said in respect of autodefensas, there are real autodefensas, and there are those who are organized crime, that hid behind the AD banner.

1. He agrees with Tuta that there are many ex-Templarios in the Fuerzas Rurales (FR) He does not believe that it is 50% or the rank and file, but he agrees with Tuta that 50% or more of the commanders of the FRs are either former Templarios or people very closely allied with La Familia and the Templarios, or are members of Los Viagras. He tried to get the names of all the FR commanders' names but the Fed Govt would not release the names, so Vazqez says he has to agree with the numbers given by Tuta regarding the commanders and their Viagra affiliations. He does not know of  Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion members who are in FRs.

2. Castillo has been told repeatedly that his commanders are ex-Templarios or current Vigras, but he won't do anything about it. Castillo does not have to appoint these Viagras as commanders; there are honest people for the job. He says that in his town's case, they have gotten rid of the commander that Castillo wanted to appoint, the Fructuoso character. When Interviewer asks for names, he says he only knows the ones from his own town, Aguililla, but all the Viagras are known and he will get her the names.

Priscilla asks if he agrees with Tuta when he calls Papa Pitufo el "lame huevos" of Chango Mendez? Vazquez agrees with Tuta on this. He says that Papa Pitufo is related to Chango Mendez, brother in law, or something. He promises he will provide Priscilla a "genealogical" chart to explain all the relationships.

3. He says that the seven Sierra Santana brothers, except the one they call the Ingeniero, are commanders with the FRs. He reminds Priscilla that Castillo had stated that the FRs would only have authority within their own towns, but he says the Viagras brothers must come from several towns because they act as FR commanders all over Michoacán.

4. According to Vazquez, Commissioner Castillo brought the Viagras to Michoacán. All that Castillo did was to substitute one cartel for another, which is not what the autodefensas were doing. He says, "We call them los Viagras, although they may call themselves something else".

He says that the Sierra Santana brother, the Viagra known as "El Gordo", appears with Papa Pitufo in the video, although El Gordo denied being a Viagra.

He says that the people in Michoacán cheered when the Viagras attacked the Caballeros Templarios, but the Viagras simply replaced the CTs, they never helped the people. But the Viagras quickly showed they were the same as the CTs.......

5. He calls Castillos stupid for asking people to make denunciations, i.e., formal criminal complaints, if they have information for him. But Castillo has appointed Viagras as commanders and the people know that it is dangerous to talk. Besides, the people knew that the Caballeros Templarios were working with the government. Today, the Viagras are Castillo's cartel. Castillo did not come to Michoacán to clean up crime, but to take for himself the money the Templarios were stealing.

6. Vazquez says that he referred a case to the SEIDO (federal agency specializing in organized crime investigations) in which Fructuoso and Castillo were involved in theft of mineral ore. Vazquez says that SEIDO told him that Castillo was too big to go after.

7. Vazquez asserts that the number of murders and other crimes has increased since Castillo came to Mich. He agrees with Priscilla that there have not been any large gunfights or massacres, but he says there are murders being committed, one here, two there, all over Michoacán , and that if you simply add them up, the number of murders is greater today than when they (the ADs) were "at war" against the Cab. Templarios.

8. Vazquez cannot give case by case details of the murders, but he said the manner in which they were murdered shows organized crime. He also points out that the murders are being committed in areas where the FRs are supposed to maintain order, which leads him to conclude that the Viagras serving in the Fuerzas Rurales are getting rid of the last of their enemies.

9. Priscilla asks, is it fair to say that the Viagras are now the lords of organized crime in Michoacán? He says, "Exactly...", but he would add Commissioner Castillo and certain government officials, such as Michoacán Public Safety Secretary Eloy Peralta, aka "El Yanqui" , Papa Pitufo to the Viagras. He says there are more government officials allied with the Viagras now.

10. Vazquez says that they will continue with operations despite what Castillo says. Castillo makes pronouncements for political reasons, and he gets quoted and interviewed by the national media. Vazquez says the national media will not interview him so he can tell the truth.

The ADs have to defend their lives, their families and their property, If Castillo truly believes that Michoacán is now safe, why doesn't he get a convertible and visit towns in Michoacán? Instead, he uses armored vehicles and surrounds himself with guards, uses helicopters overhead. He concludes by saying that either Castillos is stupid, or he is simply following a script and says what he's been told to say.


  1. People think that the king pins and big shots of organized crime are the chapos or tuta or zetas but the top guys that you don't hear about and really run the show are government officials. Government turned his back on tuta so tuta gave up videos of him with government officials to the media. Tuta is on the run because castillo has the viagras back so a lot of ct went to viagras/cjng who are aligned with zetas because Osorio chong has the zetas back. Cjng was the best armed wing of cds, beter than gn or the lame antrax.Zetas are stronger than ever now and people thought they were finished, They control more territory than any other cartel. I know a lot of chapo fans are not going to like this comment but it's true.

    1. Watch "Comisionado Alfredo Castillo armó su propio Cárte…" on YouTube
      Comisionado Alfredo Castillo armó su propio Cárte…:

    2. Hey posted a video regarding your ideas, I think that your right. Basically the caballeros templarios where a cartel , independently run by El mas loco, Chayo....and the government figured that a cartel that can be controlled like the Sinaloa cartel is better for political propaganda. So they allowed the CNG to take over, by basically using Auto defensa to literally do all the dirty work. It makes sense look up --memo Valencia - on you tube the ex Municipal mayor of tepecatepec... so that way you see what I'm talking about. ..

  2. Fucking CASTILLO is a punk bitch. He has been, and still is one of them fucking pig cartel scum buckets. So blatantly corrupt one cannot trust any one in Mexico.

  3. EPN is a joke or worse.He appointed Castillo.Pathetic. The only real honest leader remains in jail ? Free Dr Mierles.! Wake up! Nothing will change.Just get slaughtered.

  4. Tuta released a new video where , he says he not part of ct and the wants to work with "tena"

  5. I was arrested by this viagra nicolas for ten long ass days but it was pretty much like if he had us kiddnapped cuz all that time we were in a house in cupuan del rio and we got fed once or twice a day, i was coming from nueva italia with my compadre and 1 of them that was a ex templario said that my compadres brother is a puntero so we got pulled over and tokk us with our shirts over our head and sum bastard hit me with the tip of the rifle on my head and ot hurt but since i was there i went with them too, they had other 8 from tumbiscatio, they are mean they do jack what they can, i seen from spoons to a strolloer to even a pig, they are mean and rude people as soon as i got realesed i got on a plane from GDL to FIA and i said goodbye to tumbiscatio las cruces los chivos soccoro oh just to let sum know la tuta never fu@ked up the people in all those lil towns or our ranch all the people and children talked good stuff about him nothing bad but when chayo got killed he got all the heat and mess, im not lying either, i dont find a point of making up storys dnt make no money just my lil story of ehat i went tru in michoacan

    1. Listen I don't know if you are willing to email with me but I have a lot of photos of the brothers and I have many identified but I have some of who I thought was nicholas but then a friend said he did not think it was him. I also have of 4 or 5 of the sibling standing, I think 2 girls I don't think either of them is Bety, but one could be.

      I need help identifying the fotos. I could send to you. Or figure something out. Thanks for sharing your story. Doc M said Viagras were more brutal and ruthless than ct.

    2. Ok I rec you comment, and I understand. It was not nico I was thinking about of course I know who he is. This is a younger looking guy, lighter skin, one of my photos is him in a chaise lounge I think wearing a straw hat, red shirt, khaki shorts and vans type shoes. Have you see that foto? If so who is that? and if you know, is there 3 sisters? But Bety is the one super involved, right? Sorry for so many Questions. I have so much info and fotos but never posted them because I need to connect names etc. anyway, thanks.

    3. "just to let sum know la tuta never fu@ked up the people in all those lil towns or our ranch all the people and children talked good stuff about him nothing bad but when chayo got killed he got all the heat and mess, im not lying either, i dont find a point of making up storys dnt make no money just my lil story of ehat i went tru in michoacan" I keep telling borderlandbeat chivis the same but,social media sinaloans guadalajarans news agencys tv newspapers etc etc make TUTA look like a super devil or something.tuta would never mess with innocent civilians unless you're harming his family

    4. Watch "John Ackerman: "Orden para encarcelar a Mireles v…" on YouTube
      John Ackerman: "Orden para encarcelar a Mireles v…:

  6. are you guys doing a report on the new audio video released by La Tuta on the web?

  7. sorry guys never mind you already did it..

  8. So what is La Tuta going to do? Is this a sign that C.T. is throught for good?

    1. fuck la PUTA TUTA. all he wants is publicity that rat looking fuck. He just likes to hear himself ramble on like he rules the world that loser SOB. Nothing more than a coward and he for sure will not go out fighting. This punk is scared of his own shadow,. Hopefully Christmas cheer can be spread with a early gift of someone chain sawing and fileting that worthless rat and dumping his guts in the sewer where he belongs.

  9. Unbeleivable whats gone down in Michoacán.Does the shit ever stop hitting the fan for those poor people, Canadiana

  10. all this happen in mexico, all the cartels the killing is because the american people is a big drugs consumer, every body sorprice an reject whats going on in mexico but no body quit doing drugs,
    stop your adiction so the drugs cartels will desaper.

    1. Is it the fault of the people of the United States also that the cartels rape, extort , kidnapp and kill their own paisanos ? You know how they do that ? Fucked up on Coke and meth. Did the EU also make your gobernment completly corrupt ?

    2. when the zapatistas first rose up against corruption...the US military and Israeli Defense Forces helped train mexican soldiers to weed them out and kill yes, the United States helped make the country completely corrupt...shit that's one reason why Iran hates us, they had a democratic election and voted in someone that we didn't like, so we replaced that person with someone of our much for democracy huh?

    3. Why are drugs legal in your country? Porque las drogas estan legales en tu estado? Why can't narcos run dope in peace? Porque son usadores y no vendedores.Mejico has more drug users per capita than the US I would guess there is just more money here and smarter corruption. If the Mexican dollar was worth more would so much be exported? Why is it the fault of the US that your country is in narcoland? Quit blaming others for your problems.Quit thinking that Dios is going to save you. Do something or live on like a coward.

  11. The templarios, los is goin on down there. Why cant these putos jus movr drugs in peace. No mas que pinchi mamadas!!..gentebque no vale dick!!!

  12. I heard viagra and cialis are at war.. Also levitra is about to invade on their territory

  13. The US government does what they do best, corrupt foreign governments and teach them how to get away with murder, with the help of a few foreign banks, and the CIA, they help latin american banana republics satraps to stay on top of their game...or yield to the chinese, or the hindu's, the canadians, the french, spain, everybody with their little diry bankrupt economy, hoping to make a killing to go back to saving their own little banana republics...
    The us hs blame to share!!!

  14. One of the first things the devils do is DEMONIZE their target...
    --The pharisees and the philistines demonized judas, and the evil romans...
    --mitt romney demonized the "USSR"
    --the rinos demonize obama...
    --castillo and co. demonize la puta tuta, full time now that they have Dr Mireles safely asegurado, see? "mexican insurance"...
    --emilio chuayffet and el punetero mayor demonize the victims of their massacres, Acteal, Atenco, Ayotzinapa andother, always the fault of the victims...
    --and so on and on and on and on...

  15. Yo descubri a alfredo castillo robando... by jorge vazquez/you tube
    Mr vazquez presents official documents, signed, with alfredo castillo and miguel angel osorio chong signatures, and accomplices testify to the authenticity of the documents requesting the transfer of the iron ores to the new place, the yards of the new mining corp, (most probably inside some chinese ship)
    --When asked if he is a lawyer, mr vazquez says "no, i am not a lawyer, but i eat lawyers for breakfast" and apparently he is right...


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