Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 10, 2014

CDG: Panochitas Leader of Los Metros Arrested in Texas

Chivis Martinez with information from "AC" 
Juan Francisco Saenz Tamez known as Panochitas or Metro 103 was captured in the US border of Texas, by the border patrol. Panochitas is the current leader of Los Metros (jefe de sicarios)  and had the reputation of being a violent individual. 

Panochitas is responsible for the murders of various soldiers during shootouts in Camargo, Tamaulipas.

The arrest was in the border town of Edinburg Texas.

Saenz-Tamez is wanted by federal authorities in Beaumont Texas. A grand jury indicted him on drug trafficking and money laundering charges last year. 

After the arrest the district court judge ordered Saenz be transferred  to Beaumont for Federal processing.

a reader commented:
Comandante Panochitas was the current leader of Los Metros, and various soldiers have died in shootouts against his estacas. The women in the picture is Nidia Tamez the mom of Panochitas and because of this woman various families have lost their ranches in Camargo, Tamaulipas. In other words whatever Nidia wants her son Panochas will do it for her
I then found this information from VXT from earlier 2014

Juan Francisco Tamez, is the jefe de sicarios for los metros, but it is his mother, who calls the shots.  She is  Nidia Tamez who's who in the photo next to him, she was one of many mistresses of Galdino Cruz Mellado who she had a great influence on.  Various crimes conducted to appease the whims of the lady, if she wants a ranch, it becomes hers, what she wants becomes hers taken from the rightful owner.  Her uncle was given the office of mayor  his grandfather as manager, her aunt as president of the PRI  her father as responsible for public safety.

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  1. Replies
    1. Finally!! It was about time they shoulda started cleaning a long time ago! Teach them to not mess with the LONE STAR STATE! Dont mess with TEXAS bitch or you'll get it. This is not mexico.

  2. The wheels are starting to fall off the wagon. Little by little the factions once united under the CDG banner are being dismantled.

    1. The panocha is a fat rat. rat. lol

  3. Dismantled.....what falls ten more are ready to take their place

  4. Comandante Panochitas was the current leader of Los Metros, and various soldiers have died in shootouts against his estacas. The women in the picture is Nidia Tamez the mom of Panochitas and because of this woman various families have lost their ranches in Camargo, Tamaulipas. In other words whatever Nidia wants her son Panochas will do it for her. Also, Nidia used to be the lover of Galdino Mellado "Comandante Mellado" who was killed by the marines in Reynosa. Mellado also committed crimes because of Nidia Tamez. The Tamez family has many businesses in Camargo including casinos, and if I am not mistaken the uncle of Panochitas is the mayor of Camargo. Although I am not sure about this, but what I do know is that the Tamez family owns Camargo. Hopefully with the fall of Panochitas the whole Tamez family will also fall.

    1. Arrest that woman too then!

    2. The moms aint that bad looking she aint no spring chicken but she is a nice cougar.

    3. Her security must be an issue now that her boy is arrested, and the public knows it. Bet her face is hard to find out on the streets nowadays.

    4. Dear jail classification officer,
      put little puss* in a tank full of Z.
      Regards, concerned citizen.

    5. Some one get that fuckin puta and make her pay for what shes done.

    6. Internet people worry me

  5. Is Panochitas related to Ponchallantas? Or is Ponchachitas related to Panollantas? Because this guy sure looks like Panzallantas.

    1. You Dear Sir, are hilarious!! That was good.

    2. You Sir/Ma'am, are hilarious!

  6. Panochitas jajajajaja

  7. You done f'd up coming to Texas. Part of the promise land includes a less corrupt judicial system than what you're used to.

    1. "You done f'd up coming to Texas. Part of the promise land includes a less corrupt judicial system than what you're used to."

      God's Country!!!

    2. 3,000 people killed by their own people (sigh).... Gods country

    3. If you mean 3000 convicted of capital murder by a jury's sentenced to death, (and only a jury's make this decision), then following a lengthy appeals process, then yes. You may disagree with the law, but at least there are laws enforced as opposed to the impunity found just to our south. Take a trip down there, and go enjoy yourself and the "rights" that common folks share.

    4. Hell yeah don't mess with Texas!

  8. They gonna enjoy your panochitas in prison.

  9. If was so violent and chingon why didn't he get down krazy with da border patrol he just a bitch ass pussy that's why he panochitas

    1. Its easy to hide behind a computer and talk tuff when you know you will poop on your self if you saw anything in person.

    2. Tough, not tuff.

      Just pointing out, not an insult.

    3. Assino. De. Burritos

  10. Getting caught is starting to be the cool thing in the business

  11. I told you all that they are not going to last long they are getting wiped out one by one Tamaulpaiz belongs to Los Z's ...

  12. Good one Jay Leno!

  13. With all these narco capo's falling lately, it seems EPN is trying to shake the heat from the Iguala slaughter. Just like the Casino Royale fire killing 53 they just start busting drug lords to appease the general public. All the govt is doing is tossing bones and trying to tie up loose ends (I mean loose lips). For Tuta, they need to kill him he knows all. Tuta the fortune teller knows and tells all. hat makes it so insanely funny is that anyone but the govt can locate Tuta and go one on one like a Barbara Walters special. Mybe Oprah has him on speed dial. Pretty soon he will be on all the late night talk shows....ladies and gentlemen......heerrreee'ssss Laaaaaaaaa Tuuuuuuuuta! Then the shows band goes into a narco corrido like the Paul Shaffer band on Letterman. Hilarious! Tuta sitting thee shooting the shit with Letterman or whoever with that greasy stinking baseball cap on talking about all his charity work.

    How he feeds the poor and clothes the homeless. Takes care of the womens shelter and throws holiday parties for the children and elderly. Hahaha but what he doesn't mention is he killed and stole the money to begin with raped the women and butchered them then threw the party with other families stolen gifts after he massacred the family and took their belongings. La Tuta's charity work, how he gives back to the community after he has taken so much (of their stuff he stole) so God will forgive him after doing all the charitable work and making contributions (of your stolen money) back to the community.

    He actually looks like a rat with the beady face and rot mouth with dentures that don't fit to good. Bet that hat smells like pure shit. Hahaha

    1. That post dear sir is priceless

  14. Edinburg misspelled in story. It's THE center ALL immigrant extortion/murder cases in south Texas since 2012.

  15. 6:45
    That's his mother?? Dang...
    good info, thank you

    1. Yeah Nidia Tamez is the mother. Many VxT users have said that Nidia has gotten many plastic surgeries and stuff like that.

  16. All these fat losers. Guess being a narco was the best they'd achieve.

    1. Poster child for greed and gluttony. You should be proud mom of your panochancho.

  17. Does anyone knows if this guy is from Tamaulipas or Nuevo Leon?

  18. Create a void, their reolacement is waiting. Endless supply. You cannot get them all. No demand, no supply!

  19. Panochitas! the names keep getting more funny...we have El Mencho we have La Tuta, El Polimenso, La Perra, n now we get El Panochitas...god damn! Any other funny names out there?

    1. There saying they call his mother "la motosierra" (chainsaw) porque no deja ningun palo they

    2. 8:56 I'll sign up for that!

    3. Hahaha we have a winner!!! 8:56 that is classic :)

  20. Momma is good looking!!

  21. If he was the leader of the metros, then why he was running?

  22. El panochitas?? Why kinda of joke was that

  23. Many Mexican moms don't give a damn that their children are involved. Greed kills but they like fancying around with plastic surgeries, big SUVs and a man with Sombrero. Hope she will be killed.

  24. The family that plays together lays together. Sick demented killers. I thought the USA and other countries have sadistic sickos but they pale to all the lunatics in Mexico where everything seemingly is accepted and overwhelmingly over 50% of the population are mentally deranged and killers. Whole families who massacre whole entire families or villages. Even the Hatfield's and McCoys weren't that bad.

    Mexico needs new rules of engagement:
    1. Verify if cartel member
    2. Execute the vermin on sight

    End of story....between the government and cartels the demise of Mexico forever is eminent. Crime rages, politicians profit, innocents die and no one freaking cares but the non combatants. The cartels could give two shits who they kill and what they take and the government could care less to what they do. They are only worried about arresting and detaining the good guys, the citizens in the autodefensas who are looking out for their own and for their ability to stay alive. These cartel scum fucks think they are God but are the devil incarnate. Who gives them the ultimate decision to take a life and then the audacity of these putrid pieces of shit building churches and mausoleums like they are Saints and the raping, torturing and mass executions is acceptable and they are in the right. They were born without a conscience and need to be put to sleep like an animal in a shelter.


    The Mexican govt does not need new strategy, what they need is balls and to get the yellow off their backs. Mexican Marinas training in USA for airborne assault in mountains. "Death from above" 101st Airborne Division

    1. Oct 11@9:26am

      You wrote "they pale to all the lunatics in Mexico..."

      You have no idea (you sound naive and young) of what has happened throught out history and what happens now in the world. If you're not young it's best you not know.

    2. Funny how the USA is involve in soving the problem theyve created.


  26. Is he related to comandante diamante?

  27. This scum is what has destroyed Mexico. Mexico is a failed state and should be considered a rogue country. Mexico is as dangerous as places like Syria only the media does not cover it. How many people have been kidnapped, killed, extorted, wounded, etc? Forget Ebola or ISIS, the real threat to America is our next door neighbor.

    1. Like always, man just shut the fuck up with your non-sense propaganda. Like it or not they are our neighbors, shit if they would want , they would allow the middle east to come through anytime. Instead of focusing in your southern neighbor, watch our for the northern one where its less secured.

    2. Actually I think it's the opposite I think the TV in the media try to blow it up to make worse

    3. 10:57 You watch too much Fox News!

    4. Yes close the borders b/c ISIS and Ebola are already here don't you see the news, we have to protect our neighbors to the north and south.

  28. I hear rumors too of the mexican military marinas, only the marinas as i guess the other feds can't be trusted and usa special ops training for night time helicopter assaults so maybe they are getting ready to go in after la puta tuta. if it is the 101st doing the training then tuta is as good as dead if he is hiding in the mountains. maybe a rumor maybe truth to it but there is activity to a joint task force and they are wearing marina uniforms and tactical gear and there are usa military advisers there unless they all americans in navy gear. only time will tell, maybe nieto thinks it is time to reign in all the leaders as everything is spiraling out of control.

    I know the usa conducts airborne teams over latin american countries without permission and broadcasts explicit warnings on the airwaves in case a govt attempts a shoot down or intercept.

    But honestly, what are they going to send after Black Hawks and Apaches? A crop duster or hot air balloon.

    1. Yeah they going to send your imagination to help thrm out. Rumors rumors its just all the movies you watch and dope you smoke are getting to you!!!

  29. Con ese nombre que le pusieron de principio no le teniamos respect.. panocha? Que pendejos. Tenian que ser cdg!!

  30. Find the mother? Once she is in the hands of the enemy he will sing.

  31. My parents have a house in Camargo and know the Tamez family. They do own the town and all the way to Comales. They have several businesss through out the Rio Grande Valley and Houston. Ms Tamez lives in Monterrey after she was accused by local Camargo people for the disappearence of two young men that tried to save their parents land from being taken over by the Tamez family. Most people from town have moved and their are very few businesses opened all owned by panochas and mom.

  32. to the reader the sent the comment about General Niño and the nvo manta. is it ok to post your comment or not?

    I know about this, and have a photo of the manta sent by a reader but I have had so little time with all the iguala news and the big captures. but I will see what I can find. send me a link because right now I looked and could not find the post you spoke of at vxt. i think it was like a week or so ago? thank you

  33. Fuck him and his bitch of a mother

  34. El comandante phoenix libre!!!

  35. This website has a grip of info and news about the cartel de golfo, Por que? They are a cartel that never evolved. They still just move weed and perico and that's it, they never diversified. They are unimaginative, weak, and have lost much of their territory. Yet borderlandbeat continues to post tons of articles and the forum is filled with updates of who is the 88th person to take over a plaza that cannot still be making money at this point. Los metros, los rojos, who cares?

    1. I heard they diversified by pimping your jefita.

    2. LoL must be a Sinaloa Cheerleader but son CDG they have tons of money thanks to OIL you must not know a lot.

    3. 7:45 Don't tell the US about the oil!

    4. Sinaloa has even more the whole state is lider en alimientos that means they not only move weight but also tomatoes, shrimp, corn ect. So they get money all kinds of ways.

  36. Ok so you care because? Just be happy he got caught and take care of your own house fool!!

  37. At the rate of capos jailed / caught / killed, I'd appreciate an update the Capos list:
    And thanks for keeping the BB site up! You are doing an invaluable job!

  38. Zetas own Piedras Negras what happened to CDG??

  39. With el mellado on their side they went places, the zetas shat in their panties for a long time, it was so good that big mama panocha was never mentioned until now, maybe those in the know can tell us why.
    --After threatening with assassinating US government investigators invesigaing his company, blackwater got over 200 hundred more million dollars in militay contracts from the same US givernment, and they keep starting little wars all over the world, the arab nations, latin america and ukrainia, private america military contractors only have to pass the bill to the US government, to be paid by american taxpayers, who are not to be confused with american war criminals...

  40. Y cuando va ser jefe el R1????

    1. R1 no le importa ser el mero jefe porque mi compa esta bien pilas con la Familia Cardenas. Los Cardenas y Ceros al 100 contra los putos metros

    2. Horale, entonces R1 reyes sigue vivi? Que los ceros no eran grupo de los metros? Me acuerdo de una foto de un hombre con una chamarra que decia M3 gruoo ceros. Los ciclones estan con los metros??? Y Gafe con quien esta?

    3. Eran pero los metrosse tronaron al hijo del c1 , comandante cortez se abrio de los metros pa venganza , los ciclones estan con lo ceros , yel gafe es lider de reynosa y sta con los metros

  41. Comandante Paquito and Gafe took over Miguel Aleman and killed second in command Salinas.

  42. R1 esta calaco, si te refieres a Reyes no a Caro.. Pura gente chismosa la que habla que R este vivo.. Lo torcieron en Jalisco, la gente del Mencho. Panochas es una y mugre con mencho, y les hiso el paro con lo de R....

  43. @ 8:07 your disgust with La Tuta is understandable. however, just saying something is hilarious, doe snot make it so....don't quit your day job to be a was a tiresome read

  44. "Funny how the USA is involve in soving the problem theyve created."

    Funny how there is always a whining bitch straying off topic and boring everyone's ass off with the same tired old shit.Haven't you noticed that Mexico has its own huge domestic drug market?No?Your probably in the US thats why

  45. "Comandante Paquito and Gafe took over Miguel Aleman and killed second in command Salinas"

    Chivis,,hes still alive in hospital isnt he?El Chiricuas was involved as well but it looks like El Gafe has the power,Miguel Alemán, Mier, Camargo and Díaz Ordaz ? Pictures Comandante Salinas in Nosa hospital ...ValorPorTamps

  46. Anyone know anything about this ?

    "pero no se ve un grupo de los Zetas fuerte en San Fernando, como para hacer una incursión continua"

    A strong group of ZetaZ in San Fermando making an incursion,excessive movement of CDG on outskirts of Mata(they steal cars off the people to use)also fighting in Valle Hermosa but who it is?Some saying Z,or CDG fighting each other again ?

  47. October 12, 2014 at 2:34 PM
    Millie alert.. Por favor compartir

  48. 2:34 PM
    Here it is...
    Millie monster hijacking posts again.Ever heard of repeating yourself ?
    Dios mío what a bore...Por favor desaparecer,,marcharse

  49. Update Comandante Salinas is alive at a private hospital. Comandante Toro is Salina's cousin and was a Z himself. Toro has kept to himself but this might trigger more infighting.

  50. "R1 no le importa ser el mero jefe porque mi compa esta bien pilas con la Familia Cardenas. Los Cardenas y Ceros al 100 contra los putos metros"

    Keep hearing that.R1 with familia Cardenas/Ceros,steppin Metros?

  51. "and killed second in command Salinas"

    Commandante Salinas?This dude is 7 foot tall you could not miss his big ass if you tried. I aint joking neither,his FB has many pictures of him,he is fuckin huge,giant huge,and one uglllyyy wey...

  52. "You Sir/Ma'am, are hilarious!"
    Definitely a Sir friend

  53. "Y Gafe con quien esta, M3 gruoo ceros?"
    Gafe is main man,,Miguel Alemán, Mier, Camargo and Díaz Ordaz.
    Most of this is Metros infighting,and someone above said right,El Toro long time cmdte is primo to Salinas.M3 is long gone but still respected,he was a big jefe and many more grupos and subgrupo exist,Cortez=Ceros,its crazy confusing

  54. Comandante Panochitas y Comandante Panochuda.

  55. Commandante diiverticulosis with his oily discharges, always a shill for his beloved charity, amreican private contractors demanding corperate welfare from the US government the despise so much...
    --you will go first always, one name and a mask at a time, a few other BB commenters agree, you can only answer your own posts, as usual, AnonymousE


  57. Sundays laredo morning times reported that panochitas was the leader of the Gulf cartel after Mario pelon, X20 was captured. It said panochitas was arrested while shopping in Edinburg at an Academy store. I will find yesterday's paper so I can make a post of it.

  58. Now his TIO Blas Lopez is the mayor of Camargo, his grandfather Francisco Tamez is the boss In Water public utility. His aunt Laura Lopez (blas lopez's sister) is the chief of P.R.I a Mexican party. His mom lives in Camargo and actually is a hooker. His wife Alma Garcia " La pelaquillas" has the money that Panochitas left. His brother in law Jose Luis "pelaquillas" is still sending weed to USA. And his father "El pelacas" is one of money counters.


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