Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 13, 2014

Government buildings in Chilpancingo are burning

RioDoce (October 13, 2014)

Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

October 13, 2014: Guerrero Government offices in Chilpancingo are in flames.

Chilpancingo municipal president, Mario Moreno, reports that teachers and student teachers have entered the Palace of Government in Chilpancingo where Governor Angel Heladio Aguirre has his offices, and they are burning down everything in their path.

"The photographs I'm being sent show three buildings in flames, which is a serious matter because they represent an institution. There are police weapons inside one of them", he said in an interview with Raymundo Riva Palacio, on the news program Al Instante, transmitted on Radio Capital.

One of the seven buildings which make up the government headquarters is totally engulfed in flames, and the firemen have not yet gotten there.

The office of the governor has been totally destroyed.

"There are 800 State Police personnel in those buildings", added the municipal official.

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  1. Burn baby Burn, Disco inferno! Sorry ,bad joke.

  2. The beginnings of a revolution have started!

  3. things like this are what needs to happened in Mexico for it to change .... i think.

  4. Let the Revolution begin.

  5. is it related to the Iguala Massacre ?

  6. From Forbes....Following the mass disappearance of students in Guerrero, which has exposed how deep state-sponsored violence and corruption runs, Guerrero has been making headlines around the world. In Iguala–a historic town with a population of 110,000, located 120 miles South of Mexico City–43 students teachers were allegedly taken by corrupt local police after a day of protest. The students, some as young as 17 years old, were last seen being pushed into police vans on September 26th. It is suspected they were massacred by criminal gangs.

  7. "There are 800 State Police personnel in those buildings"
    And how many of those are cartel connected?800?What exactly do they do again?

  8. I don't believe the teachers did this.maybe a rival cartel trying to get rid of the governor.

  9. It was the protesters who did this

  10. GOOD!!! And el palacio nazional is next fucke'en all...
    It hs ben the prerrogative of the mexican governments to corral students and protesters, mny times led to the traps by their own student and revolutonary councls, by leaders who later find some cozy jobs with that very same corrupt and murderous government, case in point, el tragabalas, PRD leader jesus zambrano grijalva, who survived the wars against his liga comunista 23 de septiembre to come to head the ass kissing campaign of the alliance to kiss pena nieto's ass and help selling away pemex and whatever el sinor presidente wants to sell, steal or give away...
    The campaign to murder students clearly reflects the sick ways of the figueroa dynasty angelico rivero worked for, including the last figueroa governor, who had to resign because of exactly the same heavy handed tactics of murdering the rabble, (but he used GAFES) like his daddy ruben figueroa who used genaro vazquez rojas and lucio cabanas to further his political ambitions and then betrayed them, turning them into undesirable "communist guerrillas"...
    AND the ederal government is up to their ears in this shit of murdering young narco-guerrillas and students from the teachers college, first depriving them from subsistence at the intern, treatening toclosethe school, forcing protests and the taking of buses and collecting funds to finance their activism, which now is misconstrued as extorting or kidnapping by the narco-government, and a national problem that required correction by the paternal hand of the narco-fascista PRI government, delivered by its sponsored criminals, PRD "politcians"
    By the way, what is joan sebastian's brother and his son juan manue figueroa with the former figueroa governors relationship?

  11. 800 state police....hmmm and since they are all members of the cartel getting free government lodging posing as police that is why there is no security or protection. The cartel would have to hire the real police to protect the buildings where they reside. Jajaja what a double standard and fucked up government. BURN BABY BURN!!

    Let the uprising begin...the people who want freedom and peace against the government, I mean cartels (then again they are one in the same). Take to arms and rise up for a civil revolution and destroy the cartels and form a new elected government. One that wants what is right and just for the people, one that protects and serves the people.

  12. Some group other than the student teachers may be responsible on an effort to bring down the movement or to shift blame and focus onto the same. If it were the student teachers, this will not help their cause, and only lowers them in the court of public opinion.

  13. I don't think the people did this. this was probably ordered by the governor to: 1. get rid of evidence and 2. blame the people who are protesting...

    1. Would not surprise me, they tried doing the same thing in the shootings of 68

  14. they just unleashed the sleeping Tiger
    que Viva Mexico!!

  15. on a separate note, it sucks that a second shooting of students happened in Guerrero, and i feel for the poor kids shot up. But hopefully the fact that two German kids were shot up while riding with a few other foreign students from Europe, brings more world attention to whats happening in Mexico. Lots of German people in power are asking for Germany to not sign accords relating to police cooperation between the countries. I think it would send Mexico a message if the EU refuses to deal with them.

    After the murders of the student protestors, I contacted all the Mexican-American organized groups i could locate to see about organizing a protest against EPN at the State capitol, since our governor has been seen with him promoting increased trade between Mexico and my State. Not one group responded to my request. It kind of angered me that these fuking hypocrite groups claim to be about promoting the beauty of Mexican culture but aren't willing to stand with real Mexicans, in Mexico, fighting for a better Mexico. I guess their sorry lame groups think being Mexican is all about listening to Mariachis, promoting different tequilas, and ballet folklorico. Just cause a mothfuka posts pictures of Zapata and Pancho Villa on their websites, don't make them an asset to Mexico. Just cause pendejos have tattoos of Aztecs on them, don't make them an asset to Nuahas and Purepechas (half don't even know the history of them). Just cause some fools own a lowrider, don't make them more down than a nerdy looking Mexican who dresses well and is an activist fighting for social justice. Just having a big mustache, don't make you a mexican revolutionary. Bunch of tapados is what they are.

  16. I wish they had burned the governors mansion luxury cars

  17. They had everything under control and everything was going right for them but this should be a lesson to all politicians and narcos that when you fuck with the pueblo you can expect the begginning of your fall.

  18. ... Very Stupid To Go About This In A Terrorist Fashion... No Better Then The Enemy Cartels Actions... Time For The Ass Kicking From The Government... Watch And Learn As Blood Will Be Shed On Both Sides, But The Citizens Will Take The Most Casinlualties And The Buildings Along With Governor, Will Be Replaced... Nothing Changes... Sad, But True...

    1. It's never a good sign when there is civil unrest! But the corruption is too deep usually when stuff like this happens especially with people that hardly have any weapons to defend themselves it exposes the corruption! And show that the people are so down and humiliated that they have nothing more to lose!

  19. "It was the protesters who did this"

    True enough,but man have they put up with provocation and contempt.
    I would argue that they have the right in the face of this disgraceful episode.
    Burning Guerrero Government offices in Chilpancingo is symbolic of an edifice full of shit and corruption.People have the right to change through whatever means after this kind of treatment.They understand violence,they know it works like an electric current...

  20. There is a video where a blindfolded man being interrogated claiming he worked for a UPEOG leader who carried out hits on people on orders from gov. Angel Aguirre. It looked authentic and could really add credence to the accusations to cartel ties by the gov.

  21. We don't need no water.

  22. Teachers are criminals too.They want a life time job, while Gro.has the worse education system in Mexico. They are constantly closing highways , burning busses, asking for money.They don't want to qualify for there job.

  23. A wonderful to behold!

    Si no hay justicia para el Pueblo que no haya paz para el Gobierno!!

  24. I have been living here for about 10 years, so some may say that I should shut my mouth, but this tragedy in iguala does not seem to be drug related. I am tempted to see it as abuse of the indigenous Mexicans, as I understand it these people are not registered by the INE, and there for do not exist!!! just another side of the problems of Mexico

  25. Why do I get a feeling this will happen here in the states.. it seems to be happening all over the world. . All u need to do is Google it.. people are starting to get feed up with all bullshit government

    1. Cant compare the US with mexico

  26. I travelled thru Chilpancingo on Sunday....masked men and women had taken over the toll booth at one part and were collecting 50 pesos per car, they did not appear to have weapons...the price the collected was less than the actual toll...they even gave us change....the real employees and armed security of the toll booth were sitting about 50meters away doing nothing as I think they had been overwhelmed by the was weird...we asked why they had masks on, they said to avoid being filmed by press and recognized...

  27. Grim. I will be in Ig in a week or so. Thinking a big hat and dark glasses. Somehow I hope Mexico can pull themselves together. It is about 100 years since 1911?!

  28. Well, I guess this crime appears to be against the government, giving them a piece of their own medicine so to speak. Must be embarrassing for the leaders of that state. I guess they weren't able to hide or sweep this one under the carpet like the corrupt Mexican government usually does. The world is watching you scumbags. Btw, EPN since Dr. Mireles is already locked up who are you going to blame and lock up now? Are you going to rush "el lambe huevos" Castillo to investigate or try to cover up this one too?

    1. Don't worry, EPN will save the day!

  29. They should have rescued the weapons. At least they (the weapons) do their job!

  30. They took over the toll both!! Right on!! That pista del Sol is a RIP OFF!! $70 dollars in toll from D.F. to Acapulco.

  31. la gente ya se canso todos estamos cansados de esto juntos somos mas que los corruptos y asesinos ay que cambiar a Mexico por las buenas o por las malas.

    1. Asi es cada kien tiene ke poner de su parte para resolver ese gran problema ke no les deja vivir en paz hagan algo.

  32. Derecho al infierno se fue. Solo por unos pesos va a pasar la eternidad en el infierno. Hijole...

  33. 4:06 the relationship is, drug traffickers and dirty politicians scratch each other's behinds, to help each other do the dirty work for their puppetmasters.
    --The fairy tale of narcs paying police to look the other way, is just that, is just a fairy tale, it has been proven time and again, that it is always the pharisees and the philistines behind all the judases of the world and the police just doing their job, in mexico and on the US...

  34. 5:24 if you are insinuating something, you are right mister...
    --100 years since the mexican revolution war started, "officially"
    --200 years since the independence war, "officially"
    --500 years after the conquista de mexico...
    This season's murdering started going big time with the PAN arriving to the mexican presidence with their christian beliefs on top of their bibles, especially the most pious one, that privatization will save us all, privatization of everything by a few, backed by a few corrupt army generals and a lot of police and intelligence bosses...
    --it has been a provocation after another, to make the mexican revolutionary wanna-bes jump into it, prematurely...
    --now the el PRI has come back, a bigger privatizing PRI than ever...

  35. " Just having a big mustache, don't make you a mexican revolutionary "
    Too much dude.
    Applaud what you tried to do though

  36. @ 9:50 i heard back from the mexican student group at the University and they want to collaborate and not let this pass without some sort of acknowledgement from their counterparts in the USA

  37. @KG
    hear is your link about the teachers taking over the toll booth, and only charging twenty pesos.

  38. Governor angelico rivera may have something to do with burning the government 'palace', especially if there were a lot of records that needed 'disappearing'...
    --Municipal president of fresnillo zacatecas, governor of the state, federal
    senator and congressman ricky retardo monreal had the palace burned too,
    to help records disappear too, and blame it on the rabble...

  39. @ 10:45 AM
    Good on you dude..
    Dude,surely both,Mex-Amer,US and their Iguala peers would be up for some sort of collaboration.As you rightly say anything that gets publicity and exposure into this travesty would help.I,m pretty sure Chivis right here may help if she can if you needed information.From what i have been reading and seeing there is an element of race involved leading to second class citizens who don't particularly have a voice,hence they try and protest for more rights and are called revolutionaries and thugs and are expendable?
    At least your trying brother and no-one can fault that.Let us all know ?

  40. The people will not burn the other government building with the Diego Rivera murals. At least I hope they do not.


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