Borderland Beat Posted by Lala and Pepe sources-proceso and sinenbargo
Update 10.5.14:authorities announce 28 bodies retrieved so far, detainees admit they are the missing students. SOme bodies are whole, others dismembered, some burned
The sources preferred to wait for state and federal authorities to announce it on their own terms. This could happen in the following hours. The sources did not announce the conditions under which the bodies were found.
The Attorney General of Guerrero, Blanco Iñaki Cabrera, confirmed the location of the graves as they searched for the student teachers that are officially still missing. The four mass graves were found Friday in the town of Iguala, Guerrero.
In the Iguala colonias of Parota, Pueblo Viejo and Jardines del Sol, elements of State Civil Protection, Federal Police and State Police are working. So far it is not known how many bodies are in the graves, so we can not confirm that they contain all the 43 missing normalistas.
Friday night, September 26, three students from the Normal Ayotzinapa were killed and at least 43 were reported missing after being arrested and taken into city police cars. At first there was talk of 57 missing students. However, in past days it was confirmed that 14 students were located. Leaving 43 unaccounted for. But that is the governments tally, the student group says it is 38.
The discrepancy exemplifies the government is not working with the parents and student group.

Update 10.5.14:authorities announce 28 bodies retrieved so far, detainees admit they are the missing students. SOme bodies are whole, others dismembered, some burned
The bodies found in four mass graves located yesterday near Iguala, Guerrero, correspond to the normalistas missing since Friday, September 26.A detainee gave authorities the information on where to search.
Sources close to the investigation confirmed this afternoon to Sinembargo that there is sufficient evidence to believe the bodies are of the missing student teachers, but the authorities prefer to wait for the DNA tests to fully confirm it.
The sources preferred to wait for state and federal authorities to announce it on their own terms. This could happen in the following hours. The sources did not announce the conditions under which the bodies were found.
The Attorney General of Guerrero, Blanco Iñaki Cabrera, confirmed the location of the graves as they searched for the student teachers that are officially still missing. The four mass graves were found Friday in the town of Iguala, Guerrero.
In the Iguala colonias of Parota, Pueblo Viejo and Jardines del Sol, elements of State Civil Protection, Federal Police and State Police are working. So far it is not known how many bodies are in the graves, so we can not confirm that they contain all the 43 missing normalistas.
Friday night, September 26, three students from the Normal Ayotzinapa were killed and at least 43 were reported missing after being arrested and taken into city police cars. At first there was talk of 57 missing students. However, in past days it was confirmed that 14 students were located. Leaving 43 unaccounted for. But that is the governments tally, the student group says it is 38.
The discrepancy exemplifies the government is not working with the parents and student group.

Mayor wanted for murder and has fled (in photo at right)
The Guerrero Attorney General of Justice (PGJ) has identified the suspects in the killing of six students of Ayotzinapa , that transpired on September 26 in Iguala.
In press conference, Guerrero Attorney Iñaki Blanco Cabrera, announced that today the names of the alleged perpetrators will be announced.
At the same time, the Governor Ángel Aguirre Rivero, reported that he will request to the local Congress, a trial to remove immunity for the Mayor of Iguala, José Luis Abarca (PRD), for his alleged responsibility in the disappearance of 43 students of Ayotzinapa and the violent events in which six people were killed and 17 more were injured.
The Mayor is accused of homicide, injuries and abuse of authority, arising from acts of violence reported last weekend, in which six people died.
That operation, he said, involves elements of the army, Navy and Federal Police, State and 1,800 bureaucrats who joined this Thursday, October 2.
He also indicated that he will request an order of apprehension against the Secretary of local public security, Felipe Flores.
However, both officials are fugitives from justice.
While looking for additional information I found that in 2014 at least 3 other fosas have been discovered in Iguala in previous mass killings, each grave containing 8-15 bodies.
Up until yesterday the PGR has refused to become involved, citing "it is a local matter".
Up until yesterday the PGR has refused to become involved, citing "it is a local matter".
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A mother's anguish over her missing son-below a father |
This is fuckin bullshitt they just took this shitt to a hole different level!
ReplyDeleteYou are correct in every I see it mex is us control like afghans and iraquis and soon to be syrian. If they nukr
Deletethis is so ignorant, the mayor didnt kill anybody! just tell us which cartel did it.
ReplyDeleteBut he did!
Deletethe people from the star have blamed the mayor and the wife. they say they are a part of GU and was put in office by GU. They extort and kill. they killed many times this year. Hope they are punished
ReplyDeleteIf I didn't read BB I wouldn't know about this, why did the world, including Obama rally around 22 baby narcos being killed and ignoring 43 teachers?
ReplyDelete"If I didn't read BB I wouldn't know about this, why did the world, including Obama rally around 22 baby narcos being killed and ignoring 43 teachers?"
DeleteIt's because the baby narcos were executed by soldiers who are suppose to be "good guys". It's obvious that someone got wind of the story in the Obama administration. I doubt he would know about the incident on his own. The kidnapping and murder of innocent civilians by the narcos happen everyday in Mexico. It's nothing new or shocking to those of is who pay attention. But a public execution by the military is harder to explain to a country who sends billions of dollars of aide to your country.
Your country? Are you assuming the author of the previous comment is a mexican national? Lol
DeleteU wrong at 10:14, i already counted to 10 as to not to offend u... the cops, not cartel, took these students... the cops, not cartels. ....... Oooooooh, i see your point!, they the same, ok u got me! I apolagize u right.
Delete9:41 if I am correct the police might have taken the students but there is no reporting of them being publicly executed like the baby narcos. I don't think there are "witnesses" to execution of the students.
DeleteWhere's my money
ReplyDelete3l hh
This is inexcusable. And I agree with 5:18, if it were not for BB, I would be compleatly unaware! This is bull shit is an understatement!
ReplyDeleteMexicans need to stand up and have a civil war or at least over throw the president. The USA might be your daddy but you guys are old enough to fight for your own rights amigos
ReplyDeleteBecause Americans fight for their own rights now?? Lol.. what a dumbass
DeleteWhere did you get that idea did you get it b/c the US wants to over throw Obombma!
DeleteMexicos had many revolutions and as a consequence now weapons that can actually cause damage to the enemy are illegal. Revolutions through pistols might be too difficult BUT it has already begun, #michoacan #autodefensas it's on the rocks right now, but revolution unfortunately IS right around the corner.
DeleteWhat do u think these students were trying to do? Exactly! Look what happened to them!
DeleteThe attack, no, slaughter of those innocents is an attack on the very heart and soul of Mexico's future. The children have been attacked by destroying their educational opportunities both present and future. How difficult will it be to replace these brave and idealistic student teachers? It is time for us to clean house. These are crimes against humanity and cannot go unjudged and unpunished.It is time for all good men everywhere to join the fight against this slaughter of innocence.
ReplyDeletethis is not even beleavable for mexicoi no in usa some nuts kill school kids but this was the mayor and cops.and criminal working together.who would follow those orders.
ReplyDeleteMexico is in some deep shit. It's disturbing to know just how complicit the local mayors/politicians are with the cartels. Working hand in hand for the benefit of drug money. This is coming from someone who lives in Mexico, BTW. To say that only the bad guys are getting killed would be ignorant, as we all know that is not the case.
ReplyDeleteJustice needs to be served to the victims families. Mexico is a living, breathing nightmare. Hopefully the scumbags who are responsible for these horrible acts will be caught.
Now someone tell me again why the US is more dangerous than Mexico.....
ReplyDeleteThis made the TV news on the west coast of Canada!
ReplyDeleteIs there any good level of government in Mexico?
ReplyDeleteWhy are the cartels interested in killing students?
ReplyDeleteFailed extortion attempt maybe?
DeleteThat's exactly what i'm trying to figure out... It almost seems as id whoever did this, simlpy wanted to cause alarm, anger and frustration. It's a message OR someone is trying to brew up some war
DeleteSo 30 police, Mayor, chief of pubic security being directly involved with the killing of 50 young people , students and soccer players doesn't reach the same level of outrage as soldiers killing 22 baby narcos?
ReplyDeleteway off on that one. read again 50 teachers, students and soccer players killed by police.
Si vos pacem a glaring example of "insidiousness"...
ReplyDelete--blamimg the mexicans, the stun and awed mexicans for the mexicans problems is wrong...
--saying innocently that the murdered, missing, injured and disappeared were students of a school of guerrillas...
-- that was attended by a guerrilla kidnapper...
--in the opinion of he corrupt government that has failed, extorted, murdered, and robbed all of the state of guerrero..
--IS at the very least disinformed and irresponsible, and smells to high heaven of opportunism, we have seen a few incidents of "insidiousness"
--You could research lucio cabanas, and genaro vasquez rojas, murdered by the mexican government, after being used to heat up the terrain for others political gains, or about the kidnappingoftheyoungwifeoflucio cabanas and her getting raped by some big general, and about her recent assassination, also federal "senator" ruben figueroa kidnapped himself to egg the government on to luco cabanas, figueroa even took along a secretary who upon getting rescued was foundto be pregnant with figieroa's baby.
--You could research ruben figueroa alcocer's family tree and find out who are the criminals on the state of guerrero, before "insidiously" casting aspersions about people that probably did not even know they had it coming...
-- to 10:14 the queen of stupid...the billions the US pay to some mexicans, to keep them shut about cocaine laden CIA planes caught on the operation mayan jaguar, on the yucatan peninsula...were offered by the US government to US middlemen and weapons merchants who STOLE more than half of it, and the rest was stolen by new millionaire US resident genaro garcia luna, protected by the US government...
--the government will use any means necessary to subdue dissenters, be it juersaz rurales or gente nueva, official explications of government and some pri are not needed or wanted, they lie all the time, and we do not believe anything the government of mexico has to say..."innocent insidiousness"
La ley de Erodes style.
ReplyDeleteMass grave found near Mexico town hit by violence - Business Standard
ReplyDeleteVoice of America
ReplyDeleteMass Grave Found in Restive Mexican State
Voice of America -
Police in southern Mexico have found a mass grave, raising concerns that the site may contain the remains of more than 40 students missing since a rash of violence last week.
Only Satan could do something so horrific to innocent people. Makes me utterly sick that the USA won't step in and stop the slaughters. Then when these genocidal maniacs are caught or if they ever are, they are released on some procedural default like their "right's" were violated. What about those poor defenseless frightened people they chop up, torture and murder for no reason?? These criminals need to be executed as soon as possible. They need their lives to be ended not incarcerated. They will just keep raping, torturing and murdering. Enough has got to be enough.
ReplyDelete@Oct 5, 2014 6:15. Because the Mexican federal government doesn't want the US involved. The Mexican government could care less about normal citizens. If it were the children of the elite being killed then you might see the Mexican government ask for help.
ReplyDeleteThe whole story makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteWhy mayor would kill children ?
I'm the Government of Mexico doesn't clean up it's act the people will rise up and put their heads on sticks!
ReplyDelete10:50 the cartels deliver lessons from their masters: the caciques in charge of the plantation, all the way to veracruz's jounalists, to keep the turf quiet, to advance their political careers...
ReplyDelete--the more they are tolerated, the worse their behaviour, like the nazis who dragged the german population with their nasty ideologies and tactics to WWII in spite of their better judgment, or the US to vietnam, iraq, iran, south america, afghanistan, ukrainia, etc etc etc...
Who ya think which cartel did it??
ReplyDeleteThis is all mex government cartels don't need this type of heat!!! They need to keep throwing this info out ther in people's face so somone can do something about this! !!
ReplyDeleteI second the question @ October 4, 10:50 PM. Anyone have any idea?
ReplyDeleteBBC is running a report this morning on the graves.
ReplyDelete@10.14 pm, but this massacre wasn´t just perpetrated by narcos, it was the municipal police following orders from the local government who shot the students, several witnesses saw some of the missing students being arrested by the police to never be seen again, Hitmen did the shooting where the students were talking to the press and protecting the scene from the previous shooting by the municipal police where some students had been killed, the Mayor has ties with GU, the State Governor backed the Mayor up until the press started reporting on the killings and then he issued an order to arrest the Mayor but, surprise surprise, the Mayor was warned and had the time to request a leave, say his good byes and flee just 10 minutes before the ministerial police arrived to arrest him. These students were massacred by the local government and police (the ones who are supposed to be the "good guys") with the help of some hitmen working with them.
ReplyDeleteThe teacher´s movement in Mexico is highly politized, specially in Southern Mexico, in states like Guerrero and Oaxaca, their protests are also a bit radical (highjacking buses, blocking roads, etc.), but this is the norm in Mexico, I mean, nothing new there. I think the Mayor wanted to give them a lesson, knowing nothing would happen if a handful of students got killed or tortured (and sadly we have seen that´s true, no one batted an eye at first) but by unleashing the local police and his hitmen friends with a "carte blanche" things went too far to be silenced.
I don´t know enough in detail about the situation there to guess what other motives might be behind this, but the situation in Guerrero is very messy, whole communities have been burnt or evacuated by force by narcos in indigenous areas, there is also a strong community police movement in indigenous areas, and that´s where many of those students came from, where their school is.
I hope JESUS comes soon!!!
ReplyDeleteHe's coming to save those who love Jehovah and as Chief Executioner for all those who do not.god will send him in charge of an army of powerful angels to physically destroy these evil humans,cleaning the earth during arrmegeddon,which is gods war against will save all those who want to live in peace.choose the side you want people.
ReplyDeletePolicías e integrantes de dos cárteles se llevaron a los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa
Police and members of two cartels they took the Ayotzinapa students.
(Authorities) manage the investigation with secrecy, since there are state (Guerrero) officials (as well as local officials) implicated with the criminals.
The 43 students from the rural, teachers college of Ayotzinapa could have been deprived of their liberty by local police and members of two cartels, Los Rojos and Guerreros Unidos; two cells that split from the BLO cartel. This information came from officials that are in the Mexican Security Cabinet (National Level).
Later, I will try to find some time and finish translating the complete article.
And to think earlier this year, Time Magazine had a cover story declaring that Enrique Peña Nieto was "Saving Mexico."
ReplyDeleteListen up, World: NOTHING has changed in Mexico since Peña Nieto came to power. You could argue things are worse.
The corpses are still piling up at the same rate, or higher. All the data show the economy is growing slower since Peña Nieto took office.
Dr. José Manuel Mireles tried to bring about REAL change in the state of Michoacán. Peña Nieto's unconsitutional commissioner locked Dr. Mireles up in a prison hundreds of miles away and shaved his head to humiliate him.
Mexican prisons are full of human rights activists. Please pay attention, World!
If I see anybody try to pull this crap in America, my 45 is gonna take care of them quick. And that's that, these stinky Mexicans cartel think they're so bad we will see when they get to hell how bad they really are.
ReplyDeleteWhen they get to hell let us know 9:37!
DeleteStop lying they would find you under your bed!
DeleteEveryone knows these burned bodies are the missing normalistas. The Mexican government is manipulating the media so that the confirmation (that it's the normalistas) is a separate media event than the discovery of the mass grave. The impact of this horrible crime will be lessened if it's split into two news cycles. That's how these bastards work.
ReplyDeleteplease release the 22 soldiers, I want to give them, a medal of honor.
ReplyDeleteThe mayor has a pencil neck and most likely would get it snapped if in a fair fight. I'm sure that he and his wife think that they are a part of upper society. Wrong! If anyone ever expresses pleasure toward killing anyone, he is not human. I would put him out of his misery as a favor to him and society but not for pleasure. I hope that neither he or his wife captured alive.
ReplyDeleteI do, I considered myself Christian, and this is the first time I want this motherfuckers captured alive by the victims relatives. That would be a good story, this asshole captured alive by the towns people.
DeleteJack I found you in spam today. welcome back. behave and you won't have an issue.
ReplyDeleteabout the articles. they are just breaking since yesterday but say nothing at all, big whoop, like an copy of AP RSS.
no one is investigating as we have. largely ignored for over one week.
UPDATE: authorities announce 28 bodies retrieved so far, detainees admit they are the missing students. Some bodies are whole, others dismembered, some burned before buried
ReplyDeleteGenerally, I'm a conservative. I think institutions should be preserved, because, usually, radical actions wind up causing something worse.
ReplyDeleteBut, when it comes to Mexico today - a revolution could only help.
These bastards now ruling Mexico are worse than anything in Latin America. And you know what? The international press loves them.
Who did this or what cartel did this
ReplyDeleteOf course mainstream media picks up this nightmare of a story after all those brave students can no longer be aided. Shameful is certainly the correct way to describe this whole situation Chivis. I knew the Mexican government was corrupt and basically broken, but I had no idea it was this blatently, pervasively brutal. Should Mexico be considered a failed democratic state? It appears the whole country functions as a tangle of feudal narco principalities where serfs are abused, extorted and murdered on the whims of anyone with power. Thank you everyone who reports for BB for providing us English speakers with such a truthful and brave account of this horrible narco war.
ReplyDeleteyes and no,,,9 days ago was the attacks on the student teacher buses, and the soccer team bus, and the killing of others. in full view of many including reporters. some of these 38 or 43 ran from the shooting and were rounded up and killed. like the teacher who was found with his face skinned.
there is no excuse and we should not give media a pass. I listed the mass graves founds in the past 7 months in this town of 120k. they are over 100 people. think about that, and what is found is the tip of the iceberg.
check out Taxco, the next city over. same thing. they found 33 or 34 just a few mos ago, and previously 66 thrown down a mine shaft. including the prison director. the shaft was 50 stories high. many were alive when dumped. some decaps and they never could find the heads. that was in 2010. and it has not stopped.
someone far more talented and connected than I am, needs to tell the world so mexico will be motivated to react. they won't otherwise. it's theater, but at least it is something for the people.
The politicians and their sicarios are many times worse than the narcs and theirs, the narcs kill each other, some times for nothing, politicans, police and their henchmen kill innocents for greed.
ReplyDelete--It is traditional on the US to get the coach, IF you have won a big game...
--it is traditional on the US to get some pretty boy with a cream pie on the snouth right when they are talking on the news, acting like pretty boys...
--In mexico there is hazing in schools, universities and even on the military college, where there is no need, but hazing occurs, and taking buses and colections on the streets is normal and part of the fun of being a student in a superior institution, mayor abarca was just NOT in the mood for any student demonstrations on top of the problems on other areas, like a CACIQUE, now that pena nieto will not "get in the middle", it is time to kick the prd government in the nuts...
4:33 so, the mayor is innocent, we know, because you found out, thank you.
But others say the mayor, his municipal security chief, their police and their sicarios did it...
--Some on BB will say they had it coming for pushing things too far..
--Politicians from both bands will say both sides are at fault...
--Others, who know about the value of a dollar will offer the mexican government their "private services", hoping the plomo has been enough, time to get PLATA, MUCHA PLATA!!!
5:18 the reason Obama mentioned the 22 baby narcs, was because it happened first, he may not mention the students from the teachers college now because it is a sensitive diplomatic issue of foreign relations, AND the mexican politicians' special needs "sensitivities" may not like the "optics"
ReplyDeleteMy comment didn't get posted. Thanks for the sensorship. I didn't even say anything bad.
ReplyDeleteLol. I think you did!
DeleteChivis, you are cool.
You should allow all comments posted immediatly. Not having to wait for approval. If you see something wrong just delet it. BUt let us actually have a conversation here.
ReplyDelete3:35AM sorry. I am not able to get to all the comments, I need a couple of clones. I really am doing my best but when I story like this is ongoing back to back on a big capture, it is difficult. hundreds of comments per day.
ReplyDeleteif it doesn't get posted try again if it is important
ReplyDeleteI am assuming you are the same person as 3:35...
that will never happen. You want to register and post comments? that is what it will take
we delete as many as we post of those we read. If you think some of those posted are bad you should see what we delete.
Wtf is a student teacher?
ReplyDelete@3:35 &@3:36 your lucky day, you got posted twice and some enchiladas and a doggie bag to go, keep trying, please, it is fanny...
ReplyDelete--It looks like some skeletons have been buried for a longtime, like some say the area has been under siege for a long time, and hey may be finding older burial sites, which would what?
--DOUBLE or TRIPLE the numberof victims, some from far away areas, let's hope it doesn't go like coahuila's investigation, where nothing was found to prove anything oher than the people abandoned their houses, ranches properties, jobs, etc etc etc, to probably emigrate to the US to incriminate the poor zetas, the friends of the moreiras, bertie boy's other golden mine.
--the zetas are the coahuila mexican military sicarios taking over the drug trade for them, from the tamaulipas turf, property of the polecia judicial federal, since they could not mess with the CIA/DFS turf he CDS were and are running for them...
student teachers in mexico are the same as US, students studying to become teachers.
ReplyDeleteif you ever went to school, sometimes young college students will intern with an established teacher part time in the classroom, those are student teachers.
got it willis?