Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Iguala Mayor still has constitutional immunity

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

If you have been waiting to see the photos of the Iguala mayor, José Luis Abarca handcuffed and  in a blackhawk being transferred to DF….don’t hold your breath.

There has not been criminal action against the dubious municipal leader because he is proteted against prosecution by way of constitutional immunity.

Attorney General of Guerrero, Iñaky White says he has not called for the arrest of the mayor, for kidnapping and murder, because of the immunity.

For over a weeek congress has attemtping to suspend the immunity, “Until we can bypass the immunity, we can not proceed”, said White.

Law makers say they were hopeful that the mayors right of  immunity would be removed on Monday, now they are hopeful perhaps by tomorrow.  Meanwhile the mayor and his security chief are on the lam.

It should be noted that this crime is not a red herring, the atrocities against the students and citizens has a long history, and demands for a federal investigation unheeded, since at least 2011.  

White may want to pile the blame on the mayor, but he and every lawmaker has a hand in the the killings, directly or by inaction.

The mayors wife .María de los Angeles Pineda Villa, is identified as being a part of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel.  Her entire family, siblings, mother and father (above)are members of the criminal group.

As for the 22 municipal police suspected of being directly responsible for the killings, they are being  held at the Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation Corner No. 4, in the town of Tepic.

A criminal judge ruled this week detention order against detainees by the police shooting attack on the convoy of buses Ayotzinapa normal school, on 26 September.

In the attack, three students, a footballer and two others died.  This part of the story seems to have been lost in the media, especially foreign media, as they concentrate on the fosas, which number 6 according to Mexican media in the region such as La Jornada, which has provided the most accurate coverage of this event.

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  1. disgusting.
    It is no wonder these state/city officials do what the do.
    unlimited power sold to the highest bidder... with a license to kill.

  2. Constitutional immunity means committing crimes with impunity. It means that those with the immunity are above the law.

  3. A nation of laws cannot exist where the government leaders have immunity from the start from being arrested and charged with a crime. This law stands justice on its head.

  4. sweet jesus, was the daughter kidnapped? she is pretty but her parents are scary feo

    1. She is ugly like her parents in her heart.

  5. Why are the government officers invested and drowning in impunity? Because they all go into politicking to rob and steal and murder, they just help themselves to it, the people need to remove those impunity laws ASAP.
    That would help those pestilent popoliticians to mind their ways, i had no idea, pinchi inaki blanco needs to arrest the mayor and his security chief for theur protection, abd stop lollygagging.
    Immunity, that is what protects yarrington femat, marin, bertie boy, granier... all the politicans in mexico, makes me want to puke...

  6. I don´t get it, someone with more knowledge on Mexican law please clarify this, because in my country immunity, such as the one this mayor has, simply means he would be bound to higher courts instead of local ones, not that such person can´t be prosecuted, it only defines different procedures not literal inmunity, I thought that´s how it worked everywhere?

  7. It don't matter, because he will be murdered. That's all that matters..

  8. Im gonna shoot the mayor a couple times in the chest with the 50cal.. His wife, well she gonna get hog tied. Stab her a lot and then burn her to death

  9. WOW! Any cartel shitbag can get elected and massacre, murder and rape at will. Steal, extort whatever! Ahhh, Mexican laws at their best. Pure immunity and freedom to commit as many and any crime at all.

  10. A constitutional law by all practical purposes probably written by a PRI dominated Presidency and Congress. In other words these mayors can run their municipalities like a mafia with them being the capo.

    1. Just like US Attorney General Holder or the IRS whose emails top computer forensic experts can't find...yet they're all over Chapo's Telcel Blackberry. It's amusing to read the Mexico bashing when it's US money and policy that drives criminal profits beyond our borders. My poor fellow Americans are so myopic.

  11. Aside from the whole disgusting absolute immunity thing, there are products for those with money that help deal with unsightly sagging facial problems. Just sayin'

  12. Y la inmunidad lo ptotegera contra un linchamiento????

  13. What a shame!!! how can a government that protects "organized crime or organized government" can be still in charge of Mexico, They are willing to protect their organized criminals with any means necessary such as Human right in favor of criminal and against good people, immunity privileges, place the worst murderers and criminals in jail to protect them from any harm and later on release them, etc... WHAT ABOUT ALL THESE INOCENT CIVILIANS AND STUDENTS COWARDLY KILLED. The U. N. needs to intervene in Mexico because there is not JUSTICE nor HOPE for millions of Mexican citizen.

  14. Are you talking about the US or Mex. 7:07

  15. 7:07 obviously doesn't know anything about Mexico beyond the bad news he deaperatly seeks out and lives for; but he's also an idiot to state a false generalization a it fact. I'm in Mexico once or twice monthly and it's markets, government offices, banking system and good people are more productive than the government employees I deal with in HUD, OSHA, and their bankers are not complicit with the Mexican government in stripping wealth from saved retirees and enriching bankers with cheap money. Try and say something intelligent 7:07

  16. Immunity from prosecution? Never heard of such a thing. In the USA even Diplomatic immunity does not totally protect you when a murder occur. So is it safe to say cartel members can just become the Mayor of this place and conduct their crimes right from their office? Also the female mayor that was arrested for murder, why did she not have this supposed immunity? Is this just given to certain individuals? Someone please explain this. Rather confusing. What exactly grant him this right but not other government officials? Chivis could you please elaborate on this a little bit more please?

  17. in Mexico some political offices come with a perk of having this "immunity from prosecution." Mostly congressional positions have this. Not all mayor roles have this. However much like that of diplomatic immunity in the USA, a person can be stripped of this immunity. Especially if he or she is not currently active in the position much like this weasel looking dude. The only negative thing about it, is it allows the person time to go hide while higher government officials are doing the red tape thing to eliminate the immunity as well as his title as mayor. He will be stripped of it, due to 1) currently abondoning his position and not acting as the Mayor and 2) Murder is usually one of the crimes that eliminates the immunity quicker than other crimes. As for cartel leaders taking the position, they first need to be sure the position they are running for has this perk. Hope this help everyone better understand.

  18. I was going to post this and then got busy with the capture but here is an update

    A congressional committee has determined there is evidence to suspect that Iguala, José Luis Abarca Velasquez, is the mastermind behind the murder of six people, including three student teachers Ayotzinapa, and the disappearance of 43 normalistas during the night of 26 September.

    Therefore it accepted the request of the Attorney General's Office to remove the constitutional immunity that protects Velasquez.

    Impeachment proceedings have begun.

    The report HID / SC / 703/0994/2014, the EGF determined they will conduct a hearing against Velasquez Abarca and will "bring criminal action against him of qualified homicide ".
    The wording is less than precise, in place of directly responsible the term used is “crime by omission”.
    Moreover, it was also reported that on Wednesday the deputy attorney Victor Maldonado also filed an application for revocation of the constitutional immunity to the mayor of Iguala.
    In an interview, the president of the Instructor Committee of Congress, Omar Jalil Flores Makhoul explained that the request arrived on Wednesday and was ratified at noon on Thursday, so the Commission in charge has 72 hours to notify Abarca Velasquez on this hearing.

    He explained that the mayor will have five calendar days until today, to present evidence and thereafter MEPs (commission) has 24 hours to submit the final opinion to the full Congress.
    By Friday of next week it should be resolved.
    "No later than Thursday or Friday of next week we will solve it this recall election," he said.

    Missing in any action, was mention of the murders and kidnappings in 2013, of activists that witnesses testified that the mayor tortured and shot Arturo Hernandez Cordona.

    1. All these legal machinations just to get the guy arrested even after presumably sworn witness testimony and identification of the suspect? Sounds too convoluted to get a person arrested. Anyone know the history of this immunity law in Mexico? Why it exists? Government agents in U.S. have a qualified immunity and in theory not above the law. The Mexico immunity law seems to presume that the mayor is above the law and not subject to arrest or prosecution. There must be a historical basis to this law now being subverted by dirty politicians.

  19. That's great news, now only if Mexico executed these kinds of criminals.

  20. Mexico has always belonged to the Caudillos. The bloody past is the bloody present.


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