Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thousands participate in nation wide marches, in support of missing and killed Ayotzinapa students

Borderland Beat posted by Lala
Depending on whose figures one chooses to go with, fifteen to 20 thousand protestors marched in support of the students of Ayotzinapa, the rally was held at the monument of  the Angel of Independence at  the Zócalo in Mexico City.

Several colleges such as UNAM and IPN, human rights organizations, along side people outside any group showing up to lend their support.   

Thousands more marched in the Guerrero Capital city of  Chilpancingo, and many small towns of the state, Oaxaca City had an impresive turnout. Other states:

Coahuila, Chiapas, Jalisco, Michoacan, Queretaro, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, Quintana Roo, Morelos, DUrango, San Luis Potosi, and Puebla.

Protestors chanted phrases like "You are not alone!" and "We ask for education and are given bullets."

'In the Zocalo held a rally in which parents spoke of missing pupils and students. The actor Daniel Giménez Cacho and vocalist of Café Tacuba, Ruben Albarran, read a statement signed by many organizations
Brown University Rhode Is.
The Universidad Iberoamericana issued a statement in which The institution sympathized "with the community of the institution, with the families of young people victimized and missing.

"It also demanded the prompt clarification of the facts, prosecution and punishment of those responsible, and the administration of due process of integral reparation and non-repetition of "these heinous acts."

EZLN Zapatistas Silent march


Report Arturo Sanchez (Arturosji)

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  1. It's becoming very apparent that the murder mayor will never be seen alive again, he has too much dirt on the people above him! I have a little hunch he was taken out by higher ups!!! He will be the fall guy!!! Case closed!!! How fucking convenient, back to business as usual as soon as all of this blows over!

  2. The governor needs to resign. Or get took to jail.

  3. Whats the use of walkouts,marches,rallies etc... it does not change nothing...people should riot...kill them all n let god sort them out!!

  4. God bless the people of Mexico that are fed up with the MASSACRES of innocent people! The people who stand up, who risk their lives protesting! How many more massacres have to happen in MEXICO for people to realize there is honestly a huge problem.

    1. Aver y paque las marchas? nunca se ase nada todo sigue igual nada cambia. O NO?

  5. Whatever happened to RACISM? Lol

  6. *knocking @ cartel members doors* you in there we are coming for you and were sick of your horse shit

    attn: people of mexico

  7. Who will first talk about it: President of Mexico or ... Tuta.
    Both have access to TV :-)))
    This is Mexico.

  8. Penanieto,
    El mensaje no puede ser mas claro!
    Guerreros unidos,
    Cometieron el peor eror. No se metan con la guente innocente. Ustedes pasaran al pasado. I.e.. caballeros temp...

  9. Proud Mixtec and indigena marching for the cause. excellent!

    1. Indigenas han sido abusados por todas las admistraciones ,nadie hace nada para parar este abuso.Si se quejan son comunistas o un peligro para el sistema.Diputados,presidente municipal,governadores y presidente de la republica solamente se aprovechan cuando andan en campaña politica.Faltan lideres que con la frente en alto para cambiar el rumbo del pais.

  10. Good for the people of Mexico! The cauldron begins to steam, not yet a boil. The government best handle this correctly or see that a full blown revolt happens. Maybe the people will actually rise up having been sick of the violations of human rights and the growing gap between the rich and poor.

  11. lol lol lol lol boy you are so funny

    someone is an idiot, that would be you 8:57. how little you know, or want to know. these groups organized mostly under the banner of groups comprising of marginalized people. Darker skin, mixteca and so on.

    go back to cnn and get your information from the other idiots who know nada, Longmire and Valencia

  12. the devil lives in mexico.

  13. this makes it bad for the president and local mayors..

  14. Demonstrating does nothing .If they all had guns , then someone would listen otherwise soso.

  15. Someone post the picture where it shows the students lying in the floor naked prior to being murdered. Godammit, between binding religion and corrupt government Mexico is slowly decaying....AC

  16. Demonstration and public pressure is the only thing that worls in Mexico. since 2011 People in Iguala have begged for investigations from the feds, it did not happen until everything exploded in the streets and press

    1. Any news is better than no news, and lately this has made international news! It has drawn attention to the corruption and government complicity in Mexican politics!

  17. No words can describe how I feel about the mexican government handling this incident. I hope the people of Guerrero find justice for such atrocious crime. Our prayers are with the victims and victims family.

  18. So why is Dr M. Still in jail if demonstrations work?

  19. Cencorship alive and well on BB

    1. 10:37 Tell us why you say that.


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