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Monday, November 24, 2014

Cartel Maps: Cartel Territories of Mexico and Guerrero Cartel Territories

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
Below is a video of mapped cartel territories operating in Guerrero.  Missing is Los Viagras, who have an alliance with Mencho (CJNG).  The alliance was initiated one year ago.  Viagras are based out of Huetamo, Michoacan and are the first and only splinter group of Caballeros Templarios.  Supposedly the Sierra Santana brothers, founders and leaders of Viagras,  split  from CT to overtake areas of domination by CT in Michoacan.  Mencho is said to have good control of federal police along Michoacan-Guerrero border areas, and they are a part of the payroll.  Mencho also had alliances with groups operating as "autodefensa' but are not true autodefensas but in reality,  organized crime (example H3).  Raphael Caro Quintero is reportedly supplying the AD groups with weapons and vehicles, despite his whatsapp communications sent declaring his retirement. 
Viagras are operating along the upper Guerrero Coast and Michoacan.

Mr. Sanchez sent me this map yesterday, It is not in his article so not in the video, but Sanchez also created it. 

It is Sinaloa presence in Guerrero.

Video is HD and plays well fullscreen..

Below is Stratfor's latest cartel map-I don't necessarily agree with the analysis especially in southwest..lets hear from you.. click on image to enlarge


  1. Replies
    1. Wiped out of view

    2. Deader than a door nail!!!

    3. That map is not 100% accurate not even 85%. Only way to know for sure would be for some entity to go state by state, municipality by municipality, gathering info on drug cartel gangs (criminals type of census) which would take months maybe even years. Not an easy task to do mexico could do it but with the help of the United States.

  2. Much better than the cheap ass map bdn stole from milenio

  3. CHIVAAA!! You all by yourself?
    Nice to see...

  4. This is the same inaccurate map Stratfor has been using for years lol. I'm so glad the cartels notify Stratfor which areas they control. Hilarious

    1. Willie, I have maps from statfor going back 5 years, no map is the same including this one. cartels notifying Stratfor or anyone else? how old are you 12? you are an idiot.

    2. Guess some people are to stupid for sarcasm

  5. So according to Stratfor Sinaloa Cartel took over Tijuana and Juarez.
    As long as there is a demand for drugs the cartels will exist, I just hope citizens not involved in the drug trade wont be extorted and kidnapped anymore.
    How about Mexico City? This map doesn't really show anything, other than Beltran-Leyva. Is Mexico City an important place for drug trafficking?

    1. Any city with an airport with a lot of regularly scheduled cargo flights to and from South and Central America is important. Also, Mexico City is a financial center for money laundering. I don't know how important Mexico City is as a plaza. It seems big enough with enough transportation connections that moving drugs through the metro area without paying 'piso' (tax) shouldn't be too difficult.

    2. Yea, it's bs. Sinaloa does not control that much territory, mexico city is controlled by ct, familia michoacana and smaller factions like mano con iños even zetas are in Mexico city. Zetas control more territory than that too

    3. Ct dosent even control michoacan baboso your a retard no sabes nada pri controls everything all the politicians do.

    4. @3:56
      I would think Mexico City has a big local drug market given the population. Plus they do have many flights coming out of there. I find it hard to believe that few cartels have a presence there as it says on this map. And I think Amado Carillo Fuentes used to have a grip on Mexico City...

    5. El bamboo egress tu mejor informative primero!

    6. @ 10:08
      Por favor aprende a escribir antes de comentar.

  6. I think this is pretty accurate except. . CDG... I'm from N.L and those basterds r here as well. Just saying. .

  7. The green line from Torreon to Chihuahua. What does that mean?

    1. I believe it represents a transit corridor (air route maybe?) controlled by the Gulf Cartel, but otherwise surrounded by Sinaloa Cartel territory.

  8. So Beltran-Leyva controls the Sonora coast, part of Sinaloa, part of Colima, and the Mexico City metro? Even after the arrest of Hector B-L? That seems dubious. I assume the former elements of the gang work independently now or are contracted to other cartels? Anyone have any solid info?

  9. Southern Sonora is run by the Trini family, and Salazar family not BLO

    1. Who writes these map.. no disrespect chivis I know it's not ur fault ur basically just writing an article. . But ya los Trinis do run Hermosillo. . That I assure you. . And CDG NL

    2. I doubt seriously CDG runs the entire state of NL.

  10. La Familia Michoacana hasn't existed for years and is not the same thing as the Caballeros Templarios.

    I have serious doubts about whether Los Caballeros Templarios, Los Beltran-Leyva, and El Cartel del Golfo still continue to operate as major independent cartels. Los Caballeros Templarios are pretty much destroyed, even with La Tuta running around releasing videos. So much of their territory and operations were either taken or destroyed, and much of the senior leadership killed or incarcerated. It's going to be near impossible for them to bounce back. CDG has all sorts of internal conflicts between different factions. However, CDG has been said to be on the ropes for years and survived, so who knows. BL have lost their senior leadership. They were always made up as a collection of smaller, semi-independent regional gangs (thus their geographic spread). I suspect they may sort of disband into regional operators without their old senior leadership, but I could be wrong.

    The map should differentiate between "Disputed Territory" and "Areas Without Considerable Narco Presence". Guerrero lacks any color, putting it in the Disputed Territory category, while Campeche is marked red for Zetas. That might lead an unfamiliar reader to conclude that Guerrero is safe while Campeche is not. In reality, Guerrero is contested by a number of gangs and is one of the most dangerous states in the republic. While Campeche might technically be Z territory, there really isn't much going on in the way of violence of disruptive conflict there.

  11. Wheres cartel de juarez lol they have like half chihuhua at least here they are none existent.. xD this map is obviously wrong

  12. Sinaloa only controls about 1/4 of Chihuas not the whole state.

  13. That's pretty right on but Sinaloa jefes have been in, and will always be the big money in Guadalajara. They send family to live "legitimate" and safely from Culiacan and they run high dollar clubs, restaurants, construction, hotels, and other business to clean money.

  14. Los Zetas are the biggest cartel in Mexico but this map is still wrong ... they should add a little more red to the west coast

    1. Biggest in what sense? Definitely not in terms of revenues. Even with all of the busts, for now at least, CDS greatly out earns the Zetas. The Zetas may have more foot soldiers though. I promise you Zeta foot soldier quality is rapidly declining though.

    2. Don't get mad because they're overpowering your cds no matter how much money they use to have they re losing ... you think the top bosses still have a shit load of money well your wrong wars cost money so does political protection in this country and others... the way they have been using the money that they have buying cars big houses and all that other stupid shit they are bound to run out at some point .... every empire must come to an end everybody knows this .... and if they do have money left over its not going to be for their cartel it's going to be for their families to live comfortably they can care less about all the low level soldiers

    3. The most important thing in a criminal organiZation other then money is numbers in people they have because the foot soldiers are the ones who fight the wars and from the looks of it the zetas have way more fighters ready to die for their territory and the soldiers that sinaloa has aren't ready to die .... that's why they are losing ground in all their plazas if they still had a lot of power the zetas would never be in sinaloa like they are now

    4. Zetas are full of dumb indios motha fackers. THAT ARE ONLY GOOD FOR MURDERING. those dumb animals would kill and die for ONE PESO. all drug cartels are garbage.

  15. Fucking Zetas. The most hated group in Mexico and look at all the territory they control - and what is depicted isn't even all of it! Any government that annihilated those bastards would be viewed as liberators. Guess there is too much money to be made from being their lapdogs.

  16. I wonder how strong La Barredora are?Another offshoot form Beltran and Barbie i believe?
    CJNG were fighting them and trying to wipe them and looked as though they won,but who knows..

    1. Barredora are the barbie/beltran defectors who went to jump ship to sinaloa. They are all but extinct in Guerrero.

    2. Yeah,were many of these Mano Con Ojos,Resistance,Barredora,the groups that came out of BLO/Barbie?Its crazy to think about it,if some of these groups had the connections for big loads of coke etc,imagine how strong they could become?The break ups makes things worse,these guys start to mess with clean people and chiseling in every way to make money

  17. Nuevo Laredo and Veracruz is under complete Zeta control. While Saltillo, San Luis Potosi and Veracruz would be at least %75 Zeta. While Zacatecas is about %30 Zeta with the rest split between the various Gulf and Sinaloan cells hat operate there. Mazatlan, Culiacan, and Agua Prieta all have various cells of Beltran-Leyva with Zetas cells supporting them. Same thing with Juarez, Presidio, and Chihuahua City but the Juarez Cartel controls at least half of those cities with Zeta cells supporting them. Also Reynosa and Tampico both have Zeta cells operating there with Reynosa having more Zetas than Tampico. Alot of suburbs and ranches West of Reynosa are under Zeta control. Puerto Vallarta belongs to the Beltran-Leyvas. Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Torreon are the only correct ones I'd say. Cancun and Manzanillo are all neutral turf. Anybody got questions feel free to ask!!

    1. I want news of the last original founders still active zetas
      example: el erotico, daniel enrique aguilar rejon "el chocotoro"

  18. Sounds good to me. You should create a map for BB with your info. I think a lot of readers would be interested in seeing it. Or maybe even collab with another reader(s) that have expertise in other parts of Mexico. Just a thought.

  19. This map is hilarious not saying the names of the top cartels that control most of this territories cities plazas but i assure u that they ain't mad at u boys they happy the info is wrong more confusion to realit. This map 100% wrong in any way u wat to put it even if USA gets in the war to stop cartels they wount succeed lets not for get of that well known group called........... that came from USA marines training one of the best in USA military training but ok that's already more that wat i should speak get ur maps and stories right false info is not tolerate...........


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