Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 16, 2014

EPN promises "next week" to answer questions of ethics on wife's 7M mansion

Borderland Beat republished from Reuters

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said late on Saturday the government would next week give answers about a luxury house acquired by his wife that has raised questions about the ethical standards of his administration.

Days after the government canceled a $3.75 billion rail contract won in an uncontested bid by a Chinese-led consortium, local media reports identified the property as linking one of the Mexican partners in the group to Pena Nieto.

Reports about the house have swelled a recent tide of public anger about the government, which has been under heavy fire for its management of the disappearance of 43 students in the southwest of the country in late September.

Opposition lawmakers claimed the rail deal had been fixed. It was won by a consortium including a company called Grupo Higa just before Pena Nieto went on a visit to China.

Reports stated that one of Grupo Higa's subsidiaries had built a $7 million house for Pena Nieto's wife Angelica Rivera and that the property was still in the company's name. The government said a week ago she had agreed to buy the house in 2012, but details of the deal were unclear. The government said she would become owner once payment was complete.

Returning to Mexico late on Saturday, Pena Nieto said his office would provide documents and information on the house in the coming week to clear up "imprecise and baseless assertions" on the matter. He did not offer further details.

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  1. Yea right, next week after he has every angle scrutinized to cover his butt! he is like all the cartel scum, same make and model - lying thieving trash.

  2. I heard from family in Mexico that Peña Nieto is planning on giving new plasma tvs to the people next werk in efforts to ease the ppl. Doesn't surprise me one bit, this man knows no ethics.

    1. They gave out hundreds in my Puebla. It lasted all week and every where you looked people were heading home with boxs that were clearly the TVs. Now they all need cable because they don't work with antennas.

    2. This has got to be a joke! Funny but I just can't believe the government gives out free TV's?

    3. @1:51 not a joke man, its what goes on in Mexico

    4. The price for people's dignity is a large screen TV? Why not just throw in some bubble gum for their freedom!

    5. The price for a vote is a credit card for Soriana super market with $7.50 on it. That is what Pena Nieto did.

  3. I'm curious, is Pena too big a target for the cartels? He must have upset more than few capos by now, and I'm wondering why no-one has tried to bump this little thief off?

    1. EPN and Obama both work for the same cartel, the Beijing cartel AKA Cartel de Hecho en China. Beijing makes EPN give up mineral resourses for meth precursors. In exchange, Beijing makes Obama come up with ridiculous policies that favor EPN. When one of them really screws up, they summon him back to the home office and make him wear a stupid purple star trek suit. You'll know homeboy EPN really scewed up when you see him cruising down 3 ring road in 北京looking like Lt.Uhura.

      As far as cartels, their impunity is given by the host government (Mexico). They can't whack EPN because he's the one giving them their impunity. Also, EPN is Beijing's boy, so if a cartel puke did something to EPN, they'd get repurcussions from Beijing without the benefit of even going to China or sporting the stupid suit. Hope this helps....

    2. Which polices? Everytime i see obama try to pass something he gets cockblocked by congress. Doubt the cartels would be interested in a man that cant get a grip on his own government.

  4. He is only delaying an explanation until next week because the script writer from Televisa is on vacation this week.

    1. jajaja , right? However Televisa already gave their scripted answer...

  5. Nice House, how do u become President of Mexico. Wow
    Why the Mexican people put up with this guy I do not know.
    People poor in Mexico and he builds 7 million house. No wonder there is a protest in Mexico

    1. Why do "Americans" put up with Obama? In Mexico presidents are put in office by people in high places...just like in the U.S... or did you actually think we the people chose them...?

    2. everyone in congress hates obama why would they keep him there 8 years. all they do is bitch about how terrible he is.

    3. "In Mexico presidents are put in office by people in high places...just like in the U.S"

      Dude,a lot of people actually believe we have democracy?As you rightly said,these people are groomed and millions are spent on them by power brokers in behind to keep the status quo.We don't get to choose who to be president?We get told here are the candidates,vote for one of these suckaas in your little poling office.We get a choice of about 3 people,and they are fuckin idiots Fuckin hilarious.

    4. "Racist aholes!"

      What the fuck are you gibbering about?Who are these trolls who come out shouting race about everything?What are you talking about?
      Are you hallucinating or some shit?Go back asleep..

  6. El Cartel Del P.R.I

    1. El que tiene mas sangre en sus manos que todos.

  7. So far, EPN is looking a lot like another Salinas de Gortari, robbing everything he can. Disgusting. I didn't agree with all of Calderon's policies, but he seemed more sincere in his desire to make the country better for average people.

  8. He probably organized a concert so that people could forget about the issue.

  9. The Mexican gov. released a statement saying Gaviota bought the house that is worth 7 million. Do they really expect people to believe that? Gaviota has never won an Oscar, plus she has only done stupid novelas. I just cannot believe she has that kind off $ to afford the house. #FueraEPN

    1. Meryl Streep (Oscar) 5.2 Mill house. Charlize Theron (Oscar) 3.5 Mill house. Natalie Portman (Oscar) 2.2 Mill house. Angelica Rivera (Premio TV y Novelas) 7 mill dolllar house. Only in Mexico

  10. All pena nieto needs is a japanese sleeping shack.
    The dish on Bijan's store with pena nieto 's name and the mexican flag, for spending 2 million dollars there, was fair warning about the kind of judas who was about to become mexico's president while trying to save mexico one massacre at the time...
    --while calderon tried, all his men had sold out and given in to corruption, or running their own scams like genaro garcia luna, and all his governors were doing their best to ensure the comeback of el "pri"

  11. (PRI) Puro Rata Imbecil

    1. Y si, así es como debería que llamarse su partido ese.

  12. The people have spoken. Now the less begin. I'm just waiting what other people will be also involved in the coverup? Hmm, Let's just see how long Mexico will be in the international media spotlight! It's getting a little harder to hide their coverups!

  13. You may want to cover this story. The police have been suspended pending investigation into her death.

  14. Chivis, can you please do a story on the speech that Pope Francis gave at the Vatican last Week. I hope it will broaden the story of corruption in Mexico and put pressure for the much needed reform that Mexico truly needs!

  15. I will take a look...can you send a couple of links? thanks!



  16. Blood red interior symbolize blood money.


  18. if anyone knows where presidente nieto and his wife live in key biscayne miami florida thank you

  19. China says "you cancel our contract we release the details of your house!" Fuck EPN and China.

  20. no es nada nuevo estos ratas politicos siguen robando al pueblo mexicano en las narizes de todos,y se siguen saliendo con la sulla,el rico es mas rico y el pobre mas pobre asi es el mexico de hora en con el sueldo de angelica rivera ni el de pena nieto son sufisientes para comprar una casa de 7 millones de dollares,siguen robando y como sin nada hay anda carlos salinas robo al pueblo como nunca y sigue feliz dirigiendo al pan,otro es el joto de moreira comprobadisimo que robo al estado de coahuila casi lo deja en bancarota y ahi anda como si nada,se burlan de la jente humilde y trabajadora.

    1. perdon quise desir,que sigue dirigiendo al PRI no al pan .

  21. donde en miami angelica rivera tiene 2 condominios cualquiera sabe que yo creo que es en Key Biscayne por favor proporcionar información si se conoce que he leído en algún lugar del 2 condominios valor cercano a los 7 millones de dólares que no es tan grande en la actuación en el que el dinero provenía de trabajador mexicano personas que piojo

  22. 42°F


    Pope offers thoughts on missing Mexico students

    By: Matt McGovern Email
    Posted: Wed 2:33 PM, Nov 12, 2014
    Home / Headlines List / Article

    The Pope also invited people to pray for all Christians who are persecuted because of their faith.

    VATICAN CITY, ITALY (NBC) - Pope Francis offered his thoughts and closeness to the families of 43 students who went missing in Mexico in September.

    Speaking at the weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis condemned drug trafficking and criminality in Mexico and offered prayers for the missing students.

    He said he believes the students were murdered.

    The Pope also invited people to pray for all Christians who are persecuted because of their faith.

    Mexico's government has said evidence suggests the 43 students were handed over by corrupt police to members of a local drug gang who then incinerated them, but it has yet to officially declare the students dead.

    How does Lared


  24. Bertie boy moreira? He used the money to finance pena nieto's campaign, of course he stole more than half of it fo his own presidential campaign after epn, all he needs right now is to get some mass murders and massaces to prove he is a qualified and viable candidate...
    Oh shit, i am late again, like all the greatest statesmen, bertie boy moreira has under his belthis homework, all the massaces his zeta compadres did under his watch, and not only in coahuila state, tamps, nl, zac, ver, tab, mexico state, ags, dur, juarez, etc etc etc, maaan, bertie boy will be another great president of mexico...

  25. 3:50 the chinese speak chinese language, " you cancel oul contlact, we lelease letails of youl house...enlique...
    --but seriously, how do you think the chinese own mexico and half of america? They have not been playing straight, have you seen mitt romney's houses? With elevators for his cars and everything, and he never touches his absconded billions, i mean offshored, unless he needs to buy an election or another...
    --Last time, he did not buy enough voting machines, and nobody prosecutes or investigates mitt, no way jose... the lds cheerch, really makes miracles...

  26. Tht mansion was purchased wit the money EPN, P.R.I., the Mexican military, & the C.I.A got frm each capo & underlings tht has been captured or killed since EPN has been in office!!! Some of bosses & capos captured or killed were millionaires & sum had billions!!! We knw the Zeta bosses were caught wit millions!!! But the Zeta leader Laz Laz was killed!!! Neva said how much $$$ dey got frm him!!! Caught a billionaire named EL CHAPO!!! Neva said how much money dey got frm his capture!!! EL H & EL VICEROY captured!!! Neva said how much money dey got frm their cature!!! Yet all these cartel leaders were reported as millionaires & sum billionaires!!! So not only is the Mexican & U.S. governments. & militaries lyin on these individuals who their in bed wit!!! Dey also robbin the fuck out of these cartels, the capos, & underlings!!!

    1. So they Republic of Mexico gets free 7$ grocery card and big screen TV to shut up and the Crooked politicians and Capos share billions! Is that what It's about in Mexico?


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