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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Legal use of recreational marijuana wins big

Chivis for Borderland Beat republished from RT and Governing websites

Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form.

Four states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Alaska and Oregon will become the next states where recreational marijuana is legal after voters approved cannabis ballot measures set to become effective in 2015.

Voting on Tuesday saw recreational marijuana legalized in Washington DC and Oregon, with Alaska expected to follow suit. In Florida, a vote to legalize the use of medical marijuana fell just short of a constitutional 60 percent majority.

In Washington DC, the measure – known as District Initiative 71 – allows residents to grow up to six marijuana plants in their homes and possess up to 2 ounces of the drug for their own use.

Support for the measure in DC registered at 65 percent in favor (20,727 votes) to 29.5 percent against, according to National Public Radio. Medical marijuana was already legal in DC.
Over in Oregon, people hugged and cheered as the measure was passed – dispensing with the “medical marijuana” terminology. The Measure 91 proposal will safely regulate marijuana sales and possession at all levels, supporters say.

Oregonian legalization campaigners view the state with its already existing vigorous medical cannabis program as the forerunner in a crucial second wave of legalization across the US. 

"We have ended a painful, discriminatory, harmful policy that has terrible consequences for our state," said Anthony Johnson, a longtime marijuana legalization advocate, as he took the stage at the Southeast Portland club Holocene, where the Measure 91 party was under way, The Oregonian reported. He said the reform was “decades in the making” and “replaced a policy that is smarter, more humane… It’s a policy whose time has come.”

In Alaska, the measure to legalize recreational marijuana early on Wednesday led by about 52-48 percent with all precincts reporting preliminary results. Both sides said the initiative had passed.
"Marijuana prohibition has been an abject failure, and Alaska voters said enough is enough," said Chris Rempert, political director of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol, in a statement, Reuters reported.

The way Measure 91 was applied consisted of a mix of Washington and Colorado laws, financed for the most part by donors from outside the state campaigning for recreational marijuana.

The true power of the 'Yes on 91' campaign, however, is illustrated in the staggering difference in numbers: compared to less than $200,000 raised by 'No on 91,' the pro-legalization campaign secured $4 million in funding.

The measure will come into effect July 1, 2015, allowing adults over the age of 21 to possess one ounce in public and up to 8 ounces at home. The only thing still illegal would be to drive a vehicle and smoke at the same time.

Production and sales of marijuana will be regulated by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, while tax revenue will go toward public services – schools, addiction treatment centers and various other mental health services.

In Florida, the ballot measure gained the support of 57 percent of voters, but the measure fell short of a 60 percent constitutional majority required under state law.

Proposed as a constitutional amendment, it would have permitted patients to use marijuana to treat "debilitating medical conditions" such as cancer, glaucoma, hepatitis C, AIDS, HIV, multiple sclerosis and more. Additionally, it would have sanctioned marijuana use for “other conditions for which a physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks for a patient."
Source: RT


  1. What will be the next "industry" developed to pull the wool over the americans eyes?
    --Decriminalizing drugs for the benefit of the pushers by pushing the medical needs of some, may be good for business, not for the public...
    -- Decriminalizing prostitution by making it a part of women's rights, benefits only their pimps...
    --same way as pushing the needs of children to exact education contractzzz from the government...
    --Like promoting love and respect, and adoration for the american soldier, gets abused by american private warmongers and chickenhawks who go picking fights around the world to make a few bllion dollars for their flock, without exposing their precious babies to any danger...
    --if medicinal or recreative grifa is needed so much, why can't it be provided to the patients for free, any drug for that matter...
    --problem is, the middle man would not be making the stratosferic profits his heavenly gifts deserve fo his "business accumen", all the legalization comes after it has been getting known who is behind drug trafficking, and how they don't want to end up in jail or in the news, the chickenasses...

    1. You forgot allowing children to decide what gender they want to be.
      I say legalize all drugs. BUt you can't be on any governent assistance if you can't pass a drug test. It is unfair for the government to forcibly take money from the tax payer and give it to someone to support a bad habit.

  2. Time to tax that shit taxes you good to good

  3. Mostly liberal states but not all passed legal marijuana. I am for legalizing drugs just because of the people dying and the money being spent on law enforcement and prisons. They are going to use it anyway so why not tax it. Ironically I was just watching a show this morning with Robin Williams, where doctors were testing people driving and other functions while using different types of drugs. I see why they call it dope. Because these people that thought they were at the top of their game on drugs were actually functioning like dopes and saying dopey things. To each his own. By the way I do drink once in awhile and get a little dopey, but I do not too drink too much so that I do not end up looking like a fool. To each his own. But the country will surely be going backwards if these people are daily users. I would not want them working for me while high on drugs or alcohol.

  4. Jajaja now the usa is more dependent on getting high, us mexicanos can now advance at a faster rate cause the pot head , drug addict can never compete with a drug free, alert, smart thinking, high stamina mexicano jajaja keep staying high america don't worry we got all the jobs covered but don't cry when you start to noticed mexicanos reclaiming our tierra jajajaja

    1. Your an idiot....

    2. "Mexicans reclaiming our tierra"? If Cali and Texas and AZ and all the other states that were purchased from Mex were still part of Mex they woukd be piece of shit states like Tamaulipas, Baja Norte, Michoacan you pendejo. PA LO PENDEJO NO SE ESTUDIA VERDAD?

    3. Yes he is weed doesnt diminish anyones ability to learn it is the persons effert to learn that makes you smart after you figure how to do it you learn quick white brown green shit were all human and for sure yo so mexicano algun pinche problema

    4. Los indios don't agree with you. and the Mayans said white men were before them in mexico and central don't forget the Africans in Mexico,the Olmecs before you,ja,ja.don't be angry when the Caucasians and the Africans reclaim their land of Mexico,ja,ja.

    5. Er, you do know the SW US tribes were never defeated by Spain, yes? The Pueblo were never defeated by anyone which is why they are still on their ancestral lands. What makes you think you'll be "reclaiming" THEIR land? They don't speak Spanish.

      Spain defeated you easily; not them.

      Mexicans should work on defeating their criminals and corrupt leaders and maybe "reclaim" Mexico.

    6. Because "Mexicans" are doing so well with "their tierra" now right?

    7. I live in Mexico and in all honesty it is hard to get anyone to show up to do the work once you have made a contract. Sometimes they do not show up for days. Sometimes they just leave after and hour and you see them the next day. It happens in the USA also, but it is almost a guarantee here. The quality of the work down here is not the same as the work being by them in the USA, because the Americans are more demanding for quality. They actually get fired in the USA if they do not do things right. I took out the motor for my roof A/C unit and took it to a local man that rebuilds them. I picked it up, installed it and 3 weeks later it was not working. My friend came and looked at it and he did not install copper wire. He used aluminum wire and painted it with copper paint. Trying to get them to make good on it is not in the cards. My car was worked on here at the Toyota agency. I needed a new clutch. They did it and I picked it up 2 days later. The clutch went out in months. He said it was probably a faulty clutch. I bought a new on in El Paso and they installed it again in the Toyata dealership again. Three months later it went out again while I was in El Paso. The mechanic Daniel took it out and showed me that because the clutch was not installed right, and it also ruined my shaft going in to the transmission. He showed me that the fly wheel had not been turned on either of the two other installations. It was terrible. My clutch did not have a chance. The new fly wheel cost $45 and a third clutch and rebuilding the Tranny. A $400 repair the first time cost me $4,500 because of short cuts. When I got back to Chihuahua I went to talk to the mechanic about why he did not mention the fly wheel. Honest to God, he said I did not grind it because I thought you were in a hurry. I said you had the car 3 days each time. I knew I could not get refunded and I always loose money when I give it to a an attorney here. I will never let them touch my car here, and if I can I do the repair on my house. Nothing is done built straight or level here. Things here are slowly done here, and many times not done correctly. When I complain to my friends they say, hey you are living in Mexico. That is the way it is here. The mechanics in El Paso laugh when people say they are going to get the work done in Mexico. They just say they will be back to redo it later. I see people with money from Mexico getting their cars fixed in El Paso. By the way the 8 guys working on my neighbors house were all getting high on the vacant lot next to my house here while on their break, a long with a few beers. I could go on and on, but I get frustrated even talking about it.

    8. Friendly advice Jajaja Mexicano. Build that fence now. Cause when the day comes that you are right you are going to have a bunch of government dependent criminals comeing to live off of your government. Build that fence high my friend.

  5. "the paternal side of this strain is a Mexican sativa.Cannabis cultivation was once one of the country's major cash crops." The country is now focused on the proper way to refine morphine into heroin and not into inferior black tar.Arriba Methico!!

    1. Afghans have been processing no:1 heroin for decades now and the chinese for centuries.. focus well hermano,u need a millenia to figure out,i just home u dont murder eachother to the last man till then.

  6. Thanks for the map, it helps a lot to understand.
    Sometimes one picture tells more than 100 words.

    I just wonder when Texas will legalize marijuana :-))))

    The pro-gun people in Texas say:
    "Guns don't kill. People kill."
    The reply is:
    "Drugs don't kill. People kill."

    1. Why is it that whenever someone is strongarmed or their house is broken into it is by someone that is on drugs. We don't need to ban drugs. We need to ban drug users. Now that we know the problem. easy fix. For right now I will defend my house with my gun. I suggest you go next door when you are looking for money to support your habit.

  7. Well that's positive. Chivis , how would it effect the cartels if weed was legal in all of the states ? More meth ?

    1. oh wow, a loaded question so early in the day... :)
      as for cartels, I think it will have little impact on how active they will be. Cartels are comfortable changing product, remember CDG were once bootleggers in the prohibition.

      I am in favor on legalization, a position I changed in the past 4 years. My reasons are not about curbing cartel activity, it is the stress low drug crimes, eg recreational pot use, place on the courts, jails, and criminal records of people for using a substance that is safer than alcohol.

      That said, I have not been able to say I support legalization of all street drugs, but I am very open to that position, and am "leaning". The data is clear from countries who have legalized all drugs, that it has been successful for those nations, but I am not convinced that it will work in the US.

      One other point, cartels today are more often than not using the Zeta Criminal Org model of product diversification. Zetas maintain a 50/50 product. and their biggest consumer base is within Mexico, Intellectual marketing products, dvds, name brand knockoffs etc. also oil theft, extortion, kidnapping, sex trade and other crimes. I think a big impact of product change could result in either Mexico having an uptick in criminality and violence or US drug market being flooded with another product by making the price so low it will attract a different consumer base. As in Heroin. The reason heroin has had such an increase in usage, is because of price. Addictions to oxy and other pharmaceuticals, is very expensive, many users have switched to heroin because it is so cheap.

    2. Frickin A, I agree completly . Thank you for that consise explanation, and for being so early ! I feel like Cleopatra graced me.

    3. Chivis hit the nail on the head, great response!

    4. Prescribers are also very good at helping people get addicted to opiates. Most people can't handle being cut off hence they buy heroin to avoid withdrawal and to keep functioning.

    5. One possibility (drug cartel) if you don't buy my weed then I will make it up by selling your underage daughter for sex. Don't worry once she gets older I will sell her to another pimp who deals in older whores.
      Please legalize drugs, their are so many other ways to make money.
      If you truly want to solve the problem. You need to educate the young. Bring God back to the forefront of our lives and kill all cartel members where ever they are found. While we are at it, kill all corrupt polititians. Hold them responsible for stealing from us.

  8. No one here in California buys cheap Mexico weed. They usually move it to states that have yet to put legalizing MJ on the ballot.

    1. 300 bills for a pound of og Mex in cali. Goes for 1200 in the carolinas

    2. 300 bills sold to states with no medical weed gangbangers, their friends and family that smoke that crap, anyone can get a medical marijuana card all you need is a prescription like a pill bottle and then you get your card, only morons would pay 25 for 4 grams of 2% TCH when they can get medical marijuana 1 gram $20 with 25% THC

  9. That's why they gave the cartels war we don't need there dry ass weed was ok without the violence CIA doesn't like that

  10. Put this in your pipe and smoke it - NO MATTER HOW LEGAL mota gets in the states, Mexican pot will ALWAYS be cheaper and the MAJORITY of smokers will choose it because of price. There is NO WAY IN HELL legalized pot is going to affect the death and destruction down here in Mexico. Of course this reality is probably going to be moderated into oblivion.

    1. You make a valid point compadre, it makes sense,

    2. Very true in the ghettos of America cheap brick weed aka 25 dollars for half an ounce will always have a market and be sold. It's like cocaine and crack people could buy the high quality white powder coke,but because of the price especially across the ghettos crack will be sold. It's reality cartels will still move tons of brick weed to the American market.

    3. You're VERY WRONG. A true pot head will want to smoke the best weed not some dried up, wrapped in shrink wrap garbage that is brought from Mexico. EVERYONE i know here in L.A. or in Cali dislike Mexico weed. I'm in the inner city and have seen how weed dealers have had to step up their strain levels. The only folk that buy cheap weed are the older ones who are used to the low level strains. Why pay $20-$25 for a 1/8 of CHEAP weed that takes 3-4 joints / blunts to get you high when you can buy Kush for $35 a 1/8 and get high with half a blunt / joint ?

    4. True, legalizing won't stop the violence in Mx. It's just too lawless. The rotten people will just continue to kidnap, extort, carjack, and kill.

  11. Illegal MJ is still cheaper to buy then the legal stuff. So I don't see it slowing down on the border or the cartels taking a big hit on it.

    1. jajaja thanks readers for worrying...noticed "passed" not pass. long story, no longer have the property. I wish we did :( many good times there before trump etc came into town.

    2. buying Illegal weed in a medical states is like buying water down beer

  12. To the low life using the name cervantes. I cannot post your comments because it uses vile language and secondly offensive to my boss Buggs. I mean this in the most respectful way, please go to school, educate yourself, learn "big boy words" to express yourself. As for me, I could give a rats ass what you think of me, but talking about Buggs...your comment had no point, from what I could understand of it, most of it was unintelligible. as for TJ, I passed through TJ on my way to our home in Rosarito, for decades.

  13. I have met people of all ages that smoke pot. What I have seen consistent within all the different age groups is a tendency of being lazy. I am not pro legalizing nor am I against it. I have just seen a trend as pointed out earlier of pot users of being lazy. The majority of these people smoke up to 5 to 10 times a day. However, I have seen people that have great careers such as attorneys to name one, that are doing very well and are not lazy. You just don't see a lot of successful people using pot as an everyday thing. Just my opinion and what I have seen in people I have met throughout my life. Any feedback would be appreciated, I would definitely like to hear what other people think.

    1. I used to smoke weed everyday but cut back because I wanted to save money and focus more at my job. I am now 23, I flip real estate and have a salary paying job. I still smoke weed probably once or twice a week. I think it has more to do with your personality. There are plenty of people that don't smoke that are far less successful than I am. I just think I have more ambition than the average person though, and that doesnt have to do with weed. I just always loved business and I am a college drop-out

    2. I laugh as I lay here in my hammock enjoy the tropical breeze fiddling with my lap top. loading up my bong . been smoking 40 years now , please define successful people. I don't wake n bake any more but after a good surf season or working in my garden nothing like some good sensi . yes there is killer bud in Mexico.

    3. Totally agree with you.Seems more the blue collar thing maybe white collar guys cant get away with it except weekends or people in the office would smell it on them.Younger ones tend to do it more and a lot outgrow it and learn to deal with their problems straight and Id say 90% are male of the amounts consumed.Just my observations from having tenants over the years.

  14. Fucking rich people influencing government to get richer. Crazy right?

  15. Great now we should legalize meth. Did I tell you all the benefits of meth, its great you can feel better and it shouldn't be illegal. Anyone want to parade in front of congress. Everyone does meth.

    1. Good false equivalency.

    2. My dear reader....may I give you something to chew on? Not an argument, just a lil sumpin to think over.

      First is one of my fave Chivisims, one learned the hard way; Even when I KNOW I am 100% correct, no doubt about it... I keep an open mind, because one day, someone may come along, and prove me wrong.

      Now about meth. why do you suppose people take a drug mixed in bathtubs that has ingredients such as draino?

      Now do you suppose that people who become addicted to such drugs, ...for the most part have something within themselves, mentally, emotion fragility, environmental causes, predisposed, whatever that would have taken them to a source that would allow them to tune out? If not meth, alcohol, if not alcohol, if not alcohol, RX drugs...etc etc etc.

      Do you believe it is healthy for a society to criminalize addiction? congesting our courts, and prisons, and monopolizing valuable time and resources from police agencies, snatching police time and resource away from monumental criminality, even leading to hardcore convicts to attain early release because of over crowding.

      Just consider this, maybe decriminalization will go along way to eliminate crime from drug use. Not solely for the aforementioned reasons, but also other crimes that go along with the sale and usage of street drugs.

      Who am I to say what a person does with his body? If he can function as an addict all the better. But say they are not functioning, they are addicts that want only to become numb, high, whatever. I think it is sad. My brother was a heroin addict. I feel much compassion. My brother was a broken spirit, that no amount of love could mend.

      If a person wishes to get help, money should be spent, not in incarcerations, but in therapy, if a person does not want help, we should allow addictions as his personal choice, AS LONG, as his choice does not cross lawful boundaries. Drive a vehicle while high? same legal ramification as an alcohol fueled driver. Why would they not be accountable for breaking laws? that is silly, shallow thinking. What I am saying, addicts are not the boggymen. That is an archaic notion. and there will always be addictions. The drugwar was a failed journey at "go". Stupid really.

      I have not taken street drugs, not even pot, and I am a child of the 60s. I am not on some personal mission. I am a conservative, one that thinks for herself. I will never have a political party take my power to develop my own opinions.

    3. @Nov 5, 6:12

      meth is already legal in the states dumbass, it's called DEXEDRINE. Schedule 2 substance, used for medical purposes only

    4. Are you married? You could become Mrs. Anonymous.

    5. Methamphetamine is a legal schedule 2 drug in the US while Marijuana is an illegal schedule 1 drug with no legal medical use. You might have a better chance of legalizing meth based on the law. Ain't that some straight catshit.

    6. To Chivis,

      My brother was doing meth quite heavily. He was a high school dropout and could not read or write. He did not have the ability because of his lack of education to make good decisions. He would take his meth then hit the booze at the bar.

      We all had a feeling that he would not live a long life because of his choices. One night he did his same routine and while speeding and very high he broad sided a car without breaking for a red light. He killed a young married mother and her daughter. People said he was driving at a high rate of speed and weaving in between lanes with the radio screaming out loud.

      The problem is that many of the uneducated people that have already made poor decisions in their lives tend to make more that cost many innocent people their lives. They just do not think about other people and even less while heavily under the influence. I for one think it should be legalized, but in a way some of these illiterate people will take it as a sign that it is OK to drive under the influence. Many think they actually can drive better while high. My brother told me he could drive better while high.

      I do not take drugs, but drink on occasion and with moderation. I really think that many of these people in prison on stronger drugs will be causing more deaths on the roads and more crimes, because they are usually more than just drug users. They are the majority of the dumbed down people that already made poor decisions beforehand. I am not talking so much about marijuana, but they also feel they can do things better like driving also.

    7. I am sorry to hear about your brother's addiction Chivis. I haven't done any drugs in my entire life so I don't know the effects of Marijuana or Meth, etc. However, my brother in law argues that Marijuana isn't really all that bad and doesn't get you as high as Meth or Cocaine would. This argument stems from the fact that his mom tells him he looks like a dumbass when he is high and should stop smoking and driving to work high and things of that sort. My point is smoking Marijuana and driving would be a very bad idea correct? That's just common sense to anyone. Why in the world do I hear (almost everyone that I know that smokes Mary-J) that marijuana isn't addicting and doesn't cause impairment? Am I missing something here. I understand their argument that meth and coke have all kinds of chemicals in them and that Marijuana has it's THC but isn't as dangerous apparently. Someone enlighten me with some thoughts on this subject. I hope I made sense.

    8. Thank you for sharing, My sweet brother was dyslexic in an era that no one had a term for it. Your brother appears to be a tormented soul who zoned out? My brother was a functioning addict. He always maintained well paying employment, and home, he actually was clean for about 18 mos and married with a 3 mos old daughter, when he was murdered. People do not realize there are functioning addicts. It is when they are incarcerated for being an addict that they acquire a criminal record and almost impossible to successfully seek employment.

      An addict like your brother should never be behind the wheel of a car. He seemed to have a death wish, but no regard for the lives of others. Horribly sad. But it is no different than a chronic alcoholic driving with or without the benefit of a license. ...Paz

  16. I miss chapo!! Since his capture borderland beat has gone stagnent. No more action. Im sick of hearing about the fake ass cdg or the shit thats goin down in mich. In my opinion borderland beat needs to change its to to chilango beat.

    1. You say Chilango like it's a bad thing. LOL.

    2. you can "both" leave and get action at BDN. Of course since Lucy was chased out of Mexico BDN has new owners, they like to steal stories, but when slow action they make up stories. with lots of photos, for your little mind that can't process news that makes you use your intellect. What's that you ask? Google it.

  17. Chivis, I second your analysis. The U.S. purchased both hemp and heroin from Mexico during WWII for medicinal and other purposes. In Calif. marijuana clinics now call Mexican mota "trainwreck" but word is some of the Mexican growers have brought in some 'horticulture experts' to upgrade their product...same thing they did with chemists and chiva. That has still not born fruit from what I hear and read due to the primitive nature of the grow areas. For good reason, growers like to keep the processing simple. Things are going to change and labor, water, and land are still big ticket items when it comes to growing large. The mosca in the ointment may continue to be the importation and transportation that the federal government seriously frowns on. I know some folks are dancing in a conga line and singing kumbaya about the legalization fad, but few realize that there are some folks in the federal gulag doing life without parole for trafficking in marijuana. It seems that diversification is the name of the game. The cartel's unrelenting evilness and gratuitous violence will surely sabotage even the best efforts of budding capitalists mired in the cartel muck. Thank you for all that you do....your kind reader.

    1. Trainwreck wouldn't exist without Thai and Afghani.Get your facts straight.Why are illegal cartel grow- ops busted in National Forests? The best grow climate in the world is in the US that's why.You're right,they aren't stupid and have been diversifying as you say for far longer than you know. People growing weight aren't against spitting at you with the cuerno delpinche chivo either but whatever.Federal gulag? Is that Capital Hill in DC where that dirty ass devil weed was just voted legal? I bet you helped roll that red tide didn't you:)

    2. Thank you for the interesting comment!....paz, chivis

    3. Why didn't you post my comment? I debunked everything this person said with facts yet you didn't post it.I didn't break any rules and you say that you want to encourage debate but that doesn't appear true. Since you announced your departure this site seems to be nothing more than your fan club.I appreciate your efforts otherwise however not posting my reply to this was rather shady.Te watcho.

    4. What is your point??? Put down the bowl and tell me really what it is I wrote that bothers you. This kind reader is trying to understand your reply. What red tide? What 'chaps your ass' about trainwreck"? What did you debunk?? You sound like an apologist for the cartels. Gracias

    5. Thank you for posting my comment.

  18. This means the pangas will be sailing further up north!

  19. Wat this means coke china white black heroine and the loud Is wat people are going to deal cuz ther ain't going to b no profit in brick weed so violence is gona go up!!!! Phx az

  20. Chivis, I am truly sorry about your brother...more than you know. Addiction is a cunning and baffling disease and hopefully he will find recovery. As I wrote previously, in the late 60's I visited my friends in Sinaloa State Prison in Mazatlan. Of the 7 gringos doing time, 6 were heroin addicts. Most started while in prison (for minor or fabricated charges) as big H in the yard was a buck to slam your worries away. I will say that I do not agree with the 'personal deficit model' of why people use whatever drug. Research has shown that it is a multifactorial problem. From a public health perspective, if you saturate areas with alcohol or heroin you will see rising levels of addiction never mind individual psychopathology. My point is that generational forgetting leads us down the same path as our ancestors. Overall, legalization of all drugs will not solve our problems but neither will draconian sentences. Clearly, resources are more appropriately directed towards prevention and treatment but, sadly, it is a fear driven phenomena and politician receive many more votes from those who are frightened. The U.S. government funds 'supply reduction' in many countries but does virtually nothing to fund 'demand reduction'. Paz, Kind Reader

  21. Still won't effect cartel business too much as they will just sell it for far cheaper than everyone else.

    1. Wrong, I would rather get quality than quantity. Compacted, moldy, buds with seed. The good stuff from Guerrero, and Durango doesn't make it where I live. Nothing but that nasty michuacan that goes through Tamaulipas. They have no quality control, no imagination. The great minds in the business know it's no time to be doing business. So rather than sell it to villains the growers have stopped, some for the first time in 25 years.

  22. Cannabis has evolved the medicinal ones are the good ones. I don't belive they existed back then in 1930's back then they only had what the jamaicans call it bush marihuana that is the lowest of the lowest when it comes to quality, the high effect must had been bad for most of them makig them do bad stuff. Maybe one of the reasons why it got demonized back then when persons had little knowledge about it. But there is plenty of good and bad cannabis out there is just a matter of choice...

  23. Wow way too many pot heads on this blog banging theit drums. Marijuana aka pot was the gateway drug to the drugs that have killed so many family members . I am aghast at the future possibilities of addictions that lead to criminal behavior that lead to rapes robbery and death.

    1. You are complete wrong about pot being the gateway drug that conservative groups say it is. If any drug or substance is considered a gateway drug it would be alcohol and not pot. That mindset was put into play by those who want to control the population. There are no factual stats that back your claim. Alcohol is more readily available to those seeking a buzz but yet it is legal. More people die each year from alcohol involved accidents, vehicle crashes and homicides then any other drug. But yet it's still legal. The government will never back tract on statements they have claimed in the past even though they have been proven to be wrong by their own experts. Cannabis has been in use for hundreds of years and it wasn't a problem until the bible thumpers of the 1930's decided it needed to go. Similar to alcohol during prohibition there was a crusade against cannabis. Your comment just reminded me of the bullshit lies that were hammered into the brains of the youth when I was young. I just wish people would look up the facts before they spew assanine rhetoric from the past that has been myth busted.

    2. You are misinformed...Clearly, you're mind is a product of propaganda and after school specials. You sir are the embodied failure of this war on drugs.

    3. the rotting putrefied remains of my brothers plural x 3 eternally resting six feet under before they were 35 years of age is my rock solid proof. may you walk a few miles in my shoes. not gonna change the mind of the liberals and users, just hope i can get through to somebody who matters before it's too late.

  24. Got my medical card in AZ. It will cost you about $300 for dr visit and paperwork fees, but it's worth it. I've never used pot, but got my card because I can no longer take anti inflammatory medication for pain. Stuff works like a champ! Eat a gummybear full of pot oil before bed and I'm sleeping the entire night.

  25. Just read this on CNN.

    Phil Rudd, the drummer for legendary hard rock band AC/DC, has been charged with attempting to have two men killed.

    The 60-year-old appeared in a New Zealand court Thursday afternoon facing a count of attempting to procure the murder of two men, said Bay of Plenty Police District representative Kim Perks.

    He was also charged with threatening to kill, possession of methamphetamine and possession of cannabis, Perks said.

    I would think the meth and pot lowered his ability to think properly. Altering the mind can make one numb over time and they can not think correctly.

    1. If you know anything about tweekers (meth users) you would know most of them use weed to take the edge off. Every tweeter I have arrested had alittle bit of weed on them along with their stash of meth. One guy told me when he was tweeking hard the weed helped him level out. He also said it helped him sleep when he crashed. My info is from real users not my opinion.

    2. Not all people act like that. Meth destroys the brain and your though process over time. Does not matter what the weed cannot help somebody that has lost part of his brain. I have seen what happens to meth addicts first hand. They also loose their looks and their teeth turn into little digits. It is a horrible drug that destroys peoples live and many do not live a long time. Many of them will steal from family and friends just to get a fix.

    3. *tweeker....damn auto correct.

  26. IF México is so great, how come nobody wants to be there? They'd rather be with the "gringos" than their own. Screw a taco ... it literally means cursing in Spain. They make fun of Mexicans.

    Indigenous people in the US eat fry bread, not tacos. I'm actually from LatAm and I don't eat tacos, that's some white US shit.

    1. Are you hungry reader? Jeeze, tacos, bread..
      who wants to be in Mexico? 20 million americans travel there each year

  27. Dear writer, it is Washington State above (North of) the state of Oregon that made it legal, not Washington D.C. which is a little dot on the right (East) of the country. You might want to correct it in the article.

    1. thank you reader, but if you read the article you will see this election it was DC, washington state is green from the last election along with colorado

    2. Reread the article... last year rec weed was legalized in co and wa st...this year med bud was legalized in Dc

  28. A+. A++. A+++ Cannabis hard to find hard to get even in states where medicinal marihuana is legal. Has to be pesticide free if it has contaminants it could be the highest grade for example - A++++ but it still gonna be crap not worth smoking. There are 3 Types: Sativa, Indica and Hybrid, each one is different.

  29. As if you were not stupid enough...
    --drugs become legal to suit the profiteers, not to address the, imaginary or not, medical needs of any patient

  30. Chivis, how do you think that heroin got into the US in the 70's?
    --as a part of nixon's revenge for losing to kennedy, used the vietnam war to expand into cambodia and laos, to hijack the heroin drug trafficking and using AIR AMERICA of general richard secord, felix ismael rodriguez, dick cheney, george hw bush, oliver al...
    --Yes dear, there was heroin trafficking before there was iran contra and cocaine cowboys and the CIA invented crack fo the huddled masses of welfare clients, mainly black people who needed no welfare checks anyway...
    --sadly, may of those people are still in charge of misgovernation on the US, and heroin has been creepingly making a comeback since the afghanistan war started, the taliban hadit under control, but now...

  31. Legalization of marijuana erases the 49th parallel between Washington State & Canada by creating opportunities for the development of more Canadian criminal enterprises. It makes no sense to legalize it in one part of the country but continue to wage war against it on our southern borders. Either we legalize all of it and stop waging war against it or we criminalize all of it & continue the war. Justifying the recreational and or medical legalization of drugs for the purpose of removing the guilt associated with our self destructive consumption is both hypocritical & preposterous.

  32. Southwest indians and their pueblos were not conquered because nobody needed to export their adobes to spain or england, later they were conquered to bem for killing and robbing white people traveling by...
    --See MEADOW MOUNTAIN MASSACRE, and pray that brigham young keeps burnin in the fires of hell with his henchmen on the side


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