Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 13, 2014

"El Mayito Gordo" Zambada Captured in Sinaloa

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

The morning of Thursday 13 November, federal authorities of the Semar agency reported catching
Ismael Zambada Imperial , alias "El  Mayito Gordo " in Sinaloa. 

The  son of "El Mayo" Zambada, was captured yesterday, the result of  an operation conducted by  the Army and Navy  in El Dorado and El Salado in the state of Sinaloa, well known as the hub of El Mayo and his family.  

He was arrested with at least two accomplices, unnamed at this time.  The federal operation also included teams dispatched to search four homes. 

It was learned that after the arrest, Zambada, who is designated as one of the main bosses of the Sinaloa Cartel , was transferred to the Office of  the Deputy Attorney Specialized Investigations of Organized Crime ( SEIDO ) in Mexico City . 

Zambada , is a brother of Serafin Zambada Ortiz, who was arrested in November last year at a
checkpoint on the border with the United States. Previously another brother Vicente Zambada Niebla, was arrested by the Mexican Army on March 18, 2009, later extradited to the United States and sits in federal prison.  

El Mayo fathered 5 daughters in addition to his sons, one of which died earlier this year in an electrical accident.

Mayito is wanted in the United States on trafficking charges.

Unconfirmed is that Eliseo Imperial, alias "El Cheyo Ántrax" was one of the others arrested with Mayito. 

 The house above, is a photo published in Excelsior as the capture site, which is still guarded.  It was off paved roads in a dirt road only area.  Neighbors report the raid was early AM Wednesday, and over quickly.  Trucks pulled up and two helicopters flew in.

No shots fired.

El Mayo's sons below and above

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  1. Replies
    1. Chapo sniched bla bla bla jesus people chapo its a criminal when you are a do not.have morAls okay of course you snich lie kill betray steal and whatever you have to do in the illigal buissness of drugs soooooo stop saying and crying that chapo is rat he is a fucking criminal.of course he is a rat he has to be a rat if he wants to be in buisness in a illigal activity

  2. 3 of Matos sons captured, 2 in the U.S. and the other one going over there next thanks to his brothers and chino anthrax for snitching on everyone. Mayo is next. Sinaloa cartel is done, all the other cartels switched to the zetas. I ain't no fan of none just stating the facts. Real

    1. We have to analyze the situation a bit. Just think about it, if these guys were truly captured to due hard time in prison don't you think they would have just went all out and fought to the death rather than get captured? I mean it's obvious these guys have some type of agreement with the DEA and Mexican Govt. Vicente Zambada will be out by 2018 I mean it looks clear that they want out and cut a deal for the whole family to remain untouched and live in the US and avoid being killed in Mexico.

    2. Your "facts" are pure fiction. Your obviously clueless so quit making up misinformation. The so called CDS is not just Mayo and its firmly in place at every border crossing north of Eagle Pass to Tijuana. I'm in Culiacan 2-3 days every other week and the city is so flush with dollars for los casas cambio are paying14.7 pesos to dolar. Zetas only have disputed control of Tamulipas, Veracruz, NL, Tabasco, and Zacatecas. Even LFM and CT move more than Z b/c CDS owns politicians and militar from DF to DC. in Mexico we hate Zetas porque Z are in the biz of terror, sequestedores, extortion etc and CDS just moves weight and keeps plazas tranquilo and everyone understands weight going into US isn't gonna stop.

    3. 10:54 is exactly right. Both Chapo and Gordito have deals. Gordito will be out after some time and have billions waiting for him. When it's not planned and prenegotiated they go out like Alfredo and Coronel; but just as Salinas brother and Quintero did, Gordito will enjoy his billions just as Chapos family will for giving himself up.

    4. Yo send me some of that weed your smoking must be some dank

    5. Yea, I analyze they would never go out fighting the soldados. Just like chapo, los anthrax, and all the ones that people hear in corridos of how brave they are and how they have heavy artillery for peopleout to get them and they ddon't fire a single shot. It's just a scare tactic for other cartels that figured out they just talk and give orders but they don't do shit. Lazca , coronel and a few others talked the talk and walked the walk. The only deal they got was for the ones that snitched first. El vicentillo is insolsolitary confinement and the only way to get away was to snitch and give the government 1 billion dallars.

    6. @ 1:53 You have a good point I mean there are rumors of Coronel being alive or whatever but they are just rumors and not confirmed. But these guys went out fighting because they knew they had a tough road ahead of them. I think most people would go down fighting if they knew they had no chance to negotiate something before hand. Other than that if you have an agreement you tell them ok I am going to be hanging out at the Beach in Los Cabos alone come get me and guarantee immunity to all my family members and I will due minimum prison sentence and get out in 5 to 10 years and enjoy my billions.

    7. Lol just because they have corridos about them having heavy artillary dosent mean they don't and I haven't really heard corridos about them talking about going balls out against the military they obviously make the most money for a reason

    8. Ya pinche Bola de pendejos. Parese k saben mas k todos y nunca van a mexico.

    9. The fact that you ho to culiacan every week doesn't mean nothing, except that your from there so you cheer for that cartel. What I wrote Are facts, your going to tell me people are not jumping from sinaloa cartel to zetas. Just like I said, im not a fan of none just stating facts.

    10. Were are the facts? @10:32am

    11. 11:40 - Nunca van a Mexico jajajaja. Tu como sabes pues? Lo unico que yo puedo comentar sobre este tema es q el mayo es un cerebro tiene mas de 40 años en este negocio por algo

    12. No van porque no tienen papiros hijo lol yo Tampoco no se aguiten

    13. Mr.Nacho Coronel decided to retire before his "term" was up...He was old school n kept down low...he didnt want nun of this bullshit thats goin on right now..Hes in a fat ass rancho chillin like a villan with no worries...Trust me..everyone knows bout them "retired narcos" in Guadalajara n shit..

  3. Looks like EPN is truly trying to gain 100% control of all drug trafficking in Mexico. Or maybe all the big Capos are getting "captured," in a negotiated surrender in which they avoid extradition? The possibilities are endless, however, El Mayo Zambada is one of the biggest Capos out there people don't even realize this guy is much more powerful than Chapo Guzman. Who knows what is going on in Mexico with all these cartels.

    1. Lol it's not epn it's pan pri and prd

    2. It's EPN he is the student of salinas de gortari he is getting rid of all the high ranked cartel leaders throughout mexico and leaving only a few select capos to negotiate with them. This is all an agreement all of these Capos made with the Mexican govt. Why in the hell would they all be captured left to right. Like Chapo, Hector Beltran, now mayito gordo, and the list goes on and on.

    3. EPN is from el PRI. I guess the point is the Mexican Government is trying to take control. Who leads mexico? EPN so there you have it.

    4. Chapo is probably going to be released epn is a puppet just like Obama.

  4. It wasn't his daughter who died it was a son in law of el mayo who died in an electrical acc

    1. You are the person who will witness a building blown to pieces and argue about the color of the door.

      Mexican press and AP says this is the oldest son. I know Vicente will be 40 in March, so I doubt it...but who cares? Not me Personally I don't care about any of the Zambadas

    2. WARNING: not feeling well today folks. My surgery scheduled for yesterday was postponed again because of watch out

    3. Ay Chivis...I'm atheist but I'll still be be keeping your health in my thoughts when I meditate today. Cuidate and don't forget to bring your attention back to your breath whenever your stressin!


    4. jajaja thanks Baja, it's ok, just frustrating, I can't fly without the surgery and we have tried for a month. :( It will be fine.

    5. Hope all goes well with your surgery Chivis. Muchos Saludos.
      - C

    6. Lmfao.. I'm sorry chives that was hilarious. . U see u dunm ass quite paying attention to lil shit. The point is the guys caught not what he was wearing.

    7. Chivas I don't know what your surgery is but your in prayers of mi hijos and I. I mention mi hijos because they are on better terms with God - pure with no past :) Que Dios esté contigo

    8. It is nothing serious, but important to "fix" because I can't fly until it is.
      I am just frustrated....keeping my fingers crossed for next week, thank you for the good thoughts...Paz

    9. GOD speed Chivis. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please just rest up today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to be good next week as well.

    10. "argue about the color of the door"


    11. Aliens are the gods open ur eyes people

  5. Wow. #epn really needs to turn the attention from the #43*43

  6. Any Photo Of His Capture???

  7. 10:50 high profile zetas, enrique pena nieto, enrique francisco galindo ceballos, miguel angel osorio chong, bertie boy moreira, fidel herrera beltran 'el zeta 1', javier duarte, manlio fabio beltrones, alfredo castillo, manuel cavazos lerma, ricardo and david monreal, angel aguirre, coincidence, all the politicians with their paws on the cake... saving mexico for themselves, one massacre here, one massacre there...

    1. You forgot AMLO boy

    2. there's room for 40 thieves, the greatest and most murdering rats, just to start, post your candidates, then another 40...

  8. Herd eliseo imperial was one of the ones captured with him any info on that?

    1. I herd the same. That supposedly El Cheyo was one of them arrested with El Mayito.

    2. i eluded to the rumor in the is unconfirmed

    3. He's talking to himself

  9. He got caught with a bunch of bodyguards. No que muy Ferras Gomez pinches Antrax.

  10. Hope they got all their needed search warrants, paperwork and ducks in order. If not everything will be thrown out by a judge who needs more money.

  11. Exactly the mafia keeps going there's newcomers New family's it's a never ending cycle.

  12. It's all part of a plan!

  13. All pieces of human shit and waste. Hope for Christmas the whole family is eliminated either in prison or on the street. Mass murdering family....putrid scum is all they are. Half snitch rats when they get busted. I am surprised the old man has not been whacked yet. Soon though as we all hope, soon he will be executed by someone.

  14. El Mayito has quite a large forehead. I would hate to get in to a 'topon' de cabezas with him.

  15. How about all the independent traffickers that are sinaloa? Why don't they go down ? And los lic and chapitos ? Are they snitching on the mayos?? Very weird. There so many family clans in sinaloa that do that not just illegal drug business but corrupt sinaloa politicians who run things behind the scenes not to mention the legit business men that have there hands in the pie also.

    1. There are obviously informants giving the govt. all these people's locations. I feel like the Mexican Govt. Officials have finally learned what the Corrupt US Officials have been doing for many years and that is control the drug trade themselves. Just think about this when have ANY BIG US Drug Lord ever been caught? When have you heard of any Capo from the US taken down? I am not talking about a Frank Lucas and people of that sort. I am talking about a Chapo Guzman of the US type of figure. We haven't because they are either DEA, CIA, or Senators, etc. It just doesn't add up.

    2. Thank you for the insight I'm glad someone has there eyes open.

    3. Yup Big Meech from Atlanta he was huge in the states. Google him. Black Mafia Family = BMF. They moved tons and tons until his brother got sloppy and discussed operations over the phone.

    4. Meech was pretty big in his prime dumb tho should start legacy real cartels never falls dnt matter who gets captured

    5. Big Meech and his crew were mid level guys. Moving a couple hundred kilos a month. They weren't on level with say the twins from Chicago. There connect was a sinaloa guy from LA.

    6. He wasent from sinaloa I think it was El mago de l.a eddy de Durango he got busted Already recently.

  16. The picture Chivis put up shows Antrax,Vicente next to Mayito(beard)and many Antrax members some now dead,El Guero Bastidas(bottom right)Pancho Arce(giving v sign)El Cheyo Antrax(next to him)Frankie Antrax(bottom left?)El Chuve Antrax(white t?)Roque Antrax(far left not seen?)and a few others,some are open to conjecture?

    1. I was going to guess but thought you guys could do better. I liked the foto because it has the three brothers

    2. Quien te entiende chiva u said u dont care for zambadas. Ahora ke te gusta la foto

    3. 1:50
      And el mayo taking the pic.

    4. Its only two brothers, cheyo is their cousin. Next to mayito Gordo is Fernando meza

    5. Its only two of the brothers. Vicente and mayito, serafins not in the picture.

  17. 1:23 pm like ur style!

  18. todo parte del plan del M grande de tratar a salvarle la vide a sus hijos. Los a convencido a entregarse, cooperar con el gobierno por una sentencia minima mientras el a cada uno les a enterrado por hay 20-30 millones a cada uno. Abran los ojos y vean ke el Mayo no toma un paso sin guarache, el sabe lo ke le espera pero antes de eso traicionara a todos los que ocupe traicionar pa que vivan agusto sus hijos.


    1. Damn homies been ran a cds train on him

    2. Tell that to Vicente locked up for more than 10 years part of the plan. Pues que plan mas PENDEJO.

  19. It's funny how people idolized these stupid drug dealers like they did something good to them or their family when in reality they are some of the idiots that ruined mexico and made it violent for control of territory. It's funny when I hear people talk about chapo and there's always someone saying " there is no way that was chapo that got arrested it was a clone" funny but pathetic

  20. Everything has its ends. But that drug traficking thing is not going to end soon. But the lest of them out there, the better.

  21. Este guey le va poner dedo a su camote (damaso)

  22. White Collar = The people orchastrating the shit. These are the people as guilty or more guilty than the goon they pay 200 pesos to cut of someone's head.

  23. Bunch of spoiled brats that think they are something big because most of the people they harass and prey upon are unarmed.

  24. Funny thing about this is that the press conference in which the government makes the official announcement on capturing this guy was just cancelled and it doesn't appear it will be rescheduled. Mayo must have dropped a LARGE sum of money to get his son out of jail before it goes viral

  25. @ AnonymousNovember 13, 2014 at 11:15 AM
    Ok Hollywood. How about no good business man does not have an exit strategy.

  26. I think he was already released because there no pictures of him at all,like how supposedly el m2 was captured but no pictures of his arrest ,but with hector and Vicente they have pictures of them

    1. But authorities have confirm this arrest, however I have been looking for photos all day and nothing, supposedly he was transferred and gave his formal statement, so where are the pics? or at least mugs...

      maybe tomorrow

    2. Thanks for the response i didn't see were they confirmed it, who do you think will take his place I think it might be el chavo Felix

    3. El Chavo Felix And Samuel Fuentes

    4. I heard they did show him in mexican news but not here. Weird.

  27. I'm a very casual reader who doesn't follow the narco news that closely. Can anyone clarify what is going on with all of the CDS leadership arrests? Is the CDS in decline? Fracturing? Also, is the Gente Nueva cartel allied/a part of CDS, or rivals?


  28. I see someone saying"white collar"Mayito.I would say don't get it twisted these guys are not mugs who cant go to violence.Remember Seraphim showing a decapitated body lying on the floor? Vincent actually led sicarios in Tijuana,Mexicali(Chivis might know more)when they were going for the plaza,thats where Chino Antrax appeared as well all eventually morphing into Antrax,he is the one who sent in the clown R13 who topped Francisco Rafael Arellano Felix,to show who owned the plaza and not mess around? Vincent and Chino have sanctioned enough murders

    1. dude, the sons of the CDS leaders are but a bunch of good for nothing, pampered idiots. they are not war people. they inherit plazas, they rarely fight for them. same as the antrax, they showed many times that they were good at taking selfies, but when it comes to wars and defending their territories, they failed badly.

    2. Put Chino or Vincent in the same prison cell as Z40 and I bet you Z40 is the only one coming out alive. Sanctioning murders for daddy versus doing them yourself is two different things. Don't get me wrong the CDS is a kickass narco syndicate but fighters they are not.

    3. Dude,i agree to an extent thats why i was surprised to learn Vincent Zambada was supposedly in TJ and places directing his crew of killers in early 2000s on,cause much of what you say is true,but you know also that you cannot be a pussy amongst dudes who go out and kidnap people and kill them.You have to get involved?

  29. There are no deals. Nobody turns themselves in. Where do people get these absurd ideas. Sinaloa cartel has lost its protection and el mayo seemed to be the top dog, but this proves it, EPN or one of his friends is the real boss now.

    1. If that were true then we might hope to see the govt. kill of the Zetas. That would be great but I doubt it.

    2. enrique pena nieto and all his PRI, PRD, PVEM, narco-governors police and politicians are ZETAS!!! they get called elite zetas, behind the naco/rancho zetas who do car washing, or sell tamales and paletas. not for nothing chapo isidro is working tijuana to recover it for the grupo atracomulco, jorge hank rohn and family with blo afo and zetas, while castillo recovers michoacan and chuayffet and pena nieto teach mexico a lesson one massacre at a time, with their pompadour at the front as a flirty shield above their big eyelashes... nothing against gay, but why do we have to pay so much tribute to them? THAT HAS BEEN THE REASON PEOPLE HATES THEM, THEY GET CRAZY WITH POWER.

    3. Zetas can all go hang themselves the politicians play both sides the government is dirty trust me there not all zetas there's some federation pri and pan politicians if zetas really had that power then they would dominate the dope game and dominate in everything else get your cabezas out your culos.

  30. Mayito gordo is powerful but lets be honest if driving on the street he came face to face with chapo isidro or H2 this guy would be eaten alive along with his bodyguards.His dad Mayo gave him what he has,chapo isidro or H2 who is in charge of all criminal activity in the whole state of Nayarit without anyone daring to dispute him both earned the respect and position.

    1. true. this may sound bad, but i have more respect for the guys that actually fought for what they've got.

  31. Total distraction to 43

  32. It will never end trust me the American mafia is still around they rat on each other just like the cartels but there still around just like the actual Sicilian mafia or camorra clans or ndrangheta just like the Colombian cartels there all still around it never ends it will forever always be around.


    1. LIKEEEE OOHH EEEMMM GEEEE!!! Pinche vato maricon...te mojaste todito.!!!..LIKE TOTALLYYYY COOOL.!!

  34. I have been watching PGR website also, and nothing there

  35. Where's the anthrax at... pinche pendejas.. make a corrido on how bad ass they r letting all these peras get caught. .

  36. What a good trick so all mexico can forgot a little of whats going on with the students that got kill pinche peña nieto nomas pa taparle el ojo al macho


  37. Fake. Its just a distraction and hackers will be blame for it.

  38. All these Sinaloa's would get eaten alive in michoacan tbh.

    1. In Michoacan? By who CT or Auto Defensas? Because if you talking about La Tuta and CT you got to be joking. Those unorganized drugged up uncivilized thugs are poorly military trained. Guys like CJNG, BL, Chapo Isidros, CDS, La Linea & OG Zetas will eat those junkies turned sicarios alive. Now dont get me wrong there are some down ass people in Michoacan but they are on ADs side. Most CDG factions, Some Z factions, current LFM, All Templarios and Guerreros Unidos are made up of junky street thugs with guns who can only hurt innocent civilians but would immidiately get ripped into pieces by other groups of sicarios that have military style training.

    2. La riegas morro. Ponte analizar.Michocanos wanna be like Sinaloans.

    3. Yeah if you say so tbh!!!

    4. phuck michoacan nothing but a bunch of lames just look at the AD and CT

    5. At 1:13 I been saying that for years michoacanos talk shit on Sinaloenses but they want to be like Sinaloenses in everyway but Sinaloenses are all about bussiness and there are smart why shot it out and die,They do a couple years and there out making money again, michoacanos take advantage of the poor and they fucked up their state

    6. you vatos arguing about who's better, are some big losers for cheerleading for other vatos...ya ponganse una minifalda y aggarense de sus pom poms...pinche vatos culeros y ojetes...too scared to be in it, and still thinking your macho for cheerleading

    7. pinche cartelito vale vergas cuantas veses an cambiado nombre y desecho...ahora el viejo joto chillon de la puta ahi pidiendo k se agarre parejo. Jaja

  39. Replies
    1. Best comment Ive read in the past couple years Ive been lurkin here.!!!!..You made my day...hahahahahahahaha..Thank u sir..

  40. You all think these guys have back up plans and all the holly wood bullshit ... they get caught just like any other criminal the only difference is they get reduced time because of the political connections .... they are not super human they are regular people just with some political back up "but sooner or later EVERY BODY gets caught " this is quoted from Miguel Treviño himself

  41. Pena nieto just taking it all back for the zetas, it worked , killing a lot of people put el PRI back in power!!!

  42. Money, chicas, champagne and fast cars done.

    1. 12:33 AND IN PRISON, all the bulls...done

  43. Chapo didn't snitch! He has been out for a couple months now. People are saying that vicente fox is hiding him



    1. What Cholo ?? There is no Cholo in los antrax I know about.

    2. His prob stuck on the sinachaloa corridos , hes talking about el 50 hemano del 90 , corrido by jesus ojeda,i swear these people believe everything they hear in a corrido lol

  46. Pinche vato alucinado hijo de papi mantenido.
    Que bien lo protejian los antrax ni un tiro tiraron, valen puras vergas.
    Quiere andar de hablador, creido y enseñando cara pues andele pendejo bien cojido quedo.

    Unas linias dell nuevo corrido del "Mayito Panzon"
    Compuesto por El Ferras de la Sierra

    1. neta que si. pinche marrano que lo unico que sabe hacer es gastarse el dinero del papi, ha y tomarse selfies and culon.

  47. he got released shortly after it's all a dog and pony show for all you cop lovers

  48. Mayo is getting old, has money out the ass, needs someone to take over when he goes out, Vicente is looking at 20 to life...mayo gives up his sons and chino they will probably get a slap on the hand and a clean slate, Vicente only gets 10 for all that and when they're all free they are set for life. Brilliant!!

  49. Man what's up with this cds cheerleaders saying that it's part of the plan to turn him self in or that he was let got after, jaja. Get out of the corrido fantasy land. You guys are some lames if you believe that. Mayo's plan is to have 3 of his sons locked up so he can be free. At least chapo went in and his kids are being left alone for now.

  50. Cds tacuaches are funny pinche coriente alusinados people laugh at u fukin chumps!!!

  51. Eventually all of the CDS heads will feel the pinch of the Feds for their treachery and needless blood shed over the years. Was it necessary for Chapo to be so greedy? No. All of the narcos could have existed without so much death and destruction. Chapo's greed is what transformed the Zetas into a much bigger force to protect the CDG's plazas. So those of you who hate the Zetas so much can thank your daddy Chapo. Good job papi'!!!!!!

    1. the zetas had the backing of the priista governors, to make sure people got bored of the PAN and get the government back on PRI hands, not for nothing all the gulf states were zeta controlled, including pederasta heaven, cancun

    2. That's b.s the federation has way more money than the zetas

  52. hey would be nice if you also informed the cds fans on how last week el chapo testified against el teo,that he controlled operations,etc for the cds in baja funny...chapo knows ghe will die in prison ...and he still is snitching!!! take care,Chivis,god bless...

    1. Ha ha ha yeah and santa claus is real!!!! Ha ha

  53. Wait so did El Azul die, o que pedo? Because there's already songs about his death, not that it proves anything.

  54. Gato negro is fukin lame just like all the cds they old news they done!! Pinche snitch as tacuaches corientes!

    1. Just like you and the cartel you cheer for they all got snitches/informants and cry babys

  55. Check the same page Chivis, theres another video... Cheers

  56. greed is good, but snitching is better, greed turns you into a fat ass, snitching saves your ass!!! frankly, i salute snitches...

  57. Hail el mayo n el chapo fucked up individuals who ain't these day they conduct business great if these guys ran mexico they would bring them outta debt 😂😂😂😂😂

  58. Mafia dead hahahahahah

  59. There has to be a mole tipping off the cops in the cartel and most likely he has a high ranking position. What else would explain all the arrest and/or killings of their cartel leaders since Chapos arrest.

  60. Mayo has very smart kids, looks like one more negotiated.

  61. So im guessing chivis is gone because who ever is using her name i know it is not her by the way tgey write and the things they say chivis would not say or write things back like thst!!!!!

    1. You look nice with your tin foil hat. Really, suits You, sir. :)

    2. Maybe Chivis is human,know what i mean?An maybe she gets pissed off having to deal with fuckin grown ass men acting like little girls on a playground.Shit man,some of you i wouldn't mind fuckin slappin.

    3. Thank you, and yes my filter is ragged and I thought "if not now, when?" But I think a few good people were honestly taken aback. A nice person in Indonesia a reader of 3 years wrote asking if it was me. I am guilty. I will try harder to not be tempted.....:)
      try is the operative word. JK

    4. I know,as many here know,that generally you do not use use profanity and do not appreciate it,but Chivis you are human and we are all grown ups.Cuss words kind of show us as human and most definitely are used when a point is to be made and usually when your patience is being tried.We all need to let off steam now and then,im sure our Indonesian friend understands.I love Asians anyway,still a kind of conservative family oriented peoples..Don't stress on people here?

    5. thank you so much for the nice reply. Honestly I did feel badly, not because of the troll, but that a reader would not be offended but really thought it was a person impersonating me and I was gone. He is a kind reader who even made sure I knew what was happening by wiritng to me. I was like, ok chivis this is another fine mess you manage to get yourself in. I fessed and apologized.

      But you are right, I am human, and this trollito wrote more than what I posted, I recall two additional comments that were not suitable to post.....anyway I appreciate your comment. :)

    6. I kind of liked the "BizarroChivis" comments. Alittle off but funny.

  62. Mafia will never die go check out them American gangsters Colombo gambino bonanos even though they say some are rats there still around taking plea deals they will be out in a couple years just like the zambadas don't jump in the game if you don't have the smarts kid a bunch of high level mob bosses have been released since that big sting happend in the east coast back in the streets like nothing happend.

  63. Somebody tell these babosos how Salinas de gortari has family married into chapos family

  64. Is he in custody or released?

  65. K escandalo cuando vamos a ver a los hijos d los politicos tras las rejas por desfalco o alos presidentes corruptos k son bien ratas

  66. Puras werotas cuerpudonas y en medias ahi en Sinaloa pinches Chaputos!

  67. HE HAS BEEN Transferred to Penal Federal de Occidente, Jalisco

  68. All of u are fucken idiots why would el chapo snitch that would cause so many problems

  69. I just thought about it. It's possible that the capo is preparing an end game for his sons. I mean once they serve their time in prison, they can start a new life with money plentiful. However, they will have a bounty on their heads for life from those they have done ill.


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