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Friday, November 7, 2014

Mexico Gob claims calcination remains of 43 students found in Rio San Juan

chivis martinez for borderland beat

Ashes of students “found” in the San Juan River?
Supposedly, this information was derived from municipal police arrested for the murders of the 44
students.  The body of one student, Julio César Mondragón, (right) quickly appeared after the attacks on September 26th.  .  The new father of a 3 month old daughter, was brutally tortured to death by flaying his entire skull including his face, and gouging out his eyes.  The medical examiner reported this brutality was done while the 21 year old was alive.

There were no attempts to conceal the unimaginable work of evil, the body was not found in a pit, but rather dumped on a Iguala street out in the open making it impossible not to be found.

Why this one student, out of the almost 4 dozen kidnapped and vanished, why he was immediately tortured and executed, apart from the other 43, remains a mystery.  No detainee has given a reason.  It would appear that a maniacal monster fed his perversion, knowing all the students would soon die anyway.  
The photos of Mondragon’s dead body was then released to social media, where it was picked up and included in an early BB post. (  at original BB post at this link)

On September 26, Normalistas (students) traveled on two buses from their school in the town of Ayotzinapa,  to the city of Iguala. There, after transferring to two other buses, they were attacked and detained by the municipal police, who were sent on order of the mayor José Luis Abarca to intercept the normalistas,   because he believed they were going to interrupt a speech being given at an event by his wife, authorities said.

After the buses being attacked by gunfire, by municipal police, 8 people were killed in the balance, and 44 students were captured and detained by the police.  They were transferred to the police station of Iguala and from there led to a hill between Iguala and neighboring Cocula.

There, the municipal police handed over detainees to members of Guerreros Unidos (GU), who took them on a three-ton cargo truck along with another smaller vehicle, transferring them to a landfill, located in a ravine. (below left)

14 or  15 normalistas arrived at the landfill dead, having suffocated in the truck, according to the testimony of the detainees. Those who were still alive, they were ordered onto the ground face down.

They were interrogated, checking to see if they to see if they belonged to a rival criminal organization.  The detainees said they were then shot, and thrown into a ravine atop the trash and set  on fire.  It was not known if they were all killed or some killed while others remaining alive after being shot.

The flames, fueled with gasoline, tires and wood, lasted from midnight of the same day, to  the afternoon of the next day.

In this process of calcination, bones for the most part turn to a  ash.  The Mexican government claims this is what occurred.  However, the US National Center of Biotechnology, reports that some bone fragment, of the larger bones can produce DNA, and teeth burned at high calcification levels of heat.  Genomic DNA extraction is made possible by the protective dental armor sealing DNA within the tooth when exposed to extreme and harsh elements.  Teeth tested at heat levels of 800f , still provided DNA.

However, Mexico's Attorney General Murillo Karam says “although virtually impossible to extract DNA, he claims DNA analyses will be made at the University of Innsbruck, Austria.

Murillo Karam  said that the investigation remains open to identify all the human remains found in the dump and the Rio San Juan and until that happens "we will  continue considering them missing".
In a convoluted, confusing theory and explanation, Murillo Karam attempted an explanation of the search for the remains, attempting to explain how the remains were found.   At the conference, Karam, in an ultra insensitive move, displayed  hundreds of fragments of bones and charred teeth, which he insists were recovered from the landfill, and River where suspects say the remains were bagged and tossed into the river.  

"I know great pain will result from the information that we have obtained, a pain that we share with all in the family," said Karam. 

It is the most complete count offered to date on enforced disappearances. At the press conference, Murillo Karam showed confessions recorded video of those who allegedly killed the students, and those who made a huge bonfire with corpses, and tires, wood and fuel along of the San Juan River, in Cocula, village near Iguala, where students disappeared.

He also confirmed that some human remains found in a clandestine mass graves discovered after the disappearance do not correspond to the students. It is believed such graves there in women and people killed in August. 

However, there were 32 bodies previously discovered in fosas in August, already reported by regional newspapers and Borderland Beat as being those kidnapped and killed persons. 

Mexican authorities also told family members of students missing on Friday that they had found six bags with human remains not identified on the banks of the river.

"They told us that they found six bags with ashes and it is a new line of research," said a Sr. Martinez, who is also the guardian of two of the missing students, after a meeting with Murillo Karam in Chilpancingo, the State capital.

Martinez said that authorities advised them, that the finding occurred thanks to the confession of two criminals that led to the police and forensic experts to the banks of the River, located 22 kilometers from Iguala.

Family members, who described the meeting as "tense", rejected the information provided by the authorities and do not accept any identification of human remains until a group of forensic Argentines, collaborates with the research.

State and federal government agencies have barred the Argentine group of scientists who specialize in this field of anthropology. 

Also released to the press was a photo of Gilardo Lopez alias "El Gil", lieutenant of Guerreros Unidos,  who is charged with  claiming the group of students belonged to rival group Los Rojos. He gave this information to the now arrested leader of GU Sidronio Casarrubias.

Interrogation of a GU who gave information to a psychologist:
 ...They came in the bigger truck
                                    "El Pato and "El Guereque" said there were 44 or 43
"they were asked if they belonged to a group, they said no"
.....they all responded they were students
Well... ash and bits of bone
"here".....suspect led police to one of the dumping spots


  1. Wow so now they gonna come up with this bullshit? Lol Just what the pueblo needs to start something big.

    They just dont get it first they said they buried all the dead in fosas and now they expect the parents of the students to believe them that this particular time they burned them till they dissapeared? It just makes no sense.

  2. The butchers of Atenco and Acteal, hellbent on keeping the disappeared disappeared...
    --Next they will be saying those comunistas are in hiding just to give the government a bad name...
    --pena nieto is saving mexico one massacre at a time, with the help of his maestro emilio chuayffet, the lebanese butcher of acteal in charge of educating the students in the neo-liberal arts of education according to bill and melimda gates foundation, the bill clinton initiative, and the jeb bush and mitt romney education partnerships...
    --instead of corrupt charro union leaders stealing the education budge, it will be "honestly" paid to private amerikkkan institutions, full of pious religiositry, what would God do without His defenders???
    --pena nieto, angel aguirre, emilio chuayffet, and the imperial couple of iguala have a lot of esplaining to do, they refuse to do it, and we may never find the victims, then we will believe in their innocence...
    -- enrique pena nieto's polizetas are kidnapping people like that, time to pay, no mercy...

  3. How can these monsters causally do this like it was nothing? Everyone involved has got to die. Prison is not the answer here, they have go to die. Satan and spawns of Satan they all are. Total disregard for any human life, they have go to be executed and rid off the face of the earth.

  4. Julio Cesar Mondragon's body was the first found because he spit on one of the kidnappers face, that's why they cut off his face and gouged his eyes. This was on Aristegi's interview of one of the surviving students.

    1. his two close friends said he took off from the group who stayed together on the street, after the first round of gunfire. he fled into the darkness after they pleaded with him not to go. That was on September 27th they told the regional press that.

    2. he didnt flee into the darkness.. learn your facts. moronic people like chivis who doesn't even look into things

    3. chivis why give these idiots posting space? He is obviously a troll trying to bait you. I applaud you for not caring what he writes, but most of us do care, we get pissed.

      about Mondragon. according to his wife, the friends with him, 4 of them agreed to stick together, but when the second rounds of gunfire began Julio spooked and ran. They called for him to not go, but he did not even look back. it is ridiculous to think anyone would spit at a huge group of thugs with assault weapons. Yeah, like that does anything. Stupid journalists printing anything. Thanks for getting into this story and reporting about the iguala issues and fosas long before anyone else out of the area. My grandmother and brother live there. My brother returned to Iguala 2 years ago to take care of her when out grandfather passed. My brother works in the mines and has been kidnapped once and must pay piso of about 15% to work the mines. I hope after you rest and have more time you will return to BB or elsewhere

    4. A lot of people do not know this. But just about anywhere you live in Mexico people are paying extortion to the cartels, crime groups or the police. The miners already work for low pay for hard and dangerous work. Then you get some lazy asses that want pert of it for nothing.

    5. @9:58. You are the stupid moronic fuck head. If you don't like chivis, why the hell are you on here. No one wants to read your moronic comments, you act as if anyone really knows what happened. Stupid. If you are so good at looking into things, start or own blog, and get off of bb.

      El Paso ro

    6. hahahahah!! OMG! love it Ro. xoxo

    7. Chivas, as a person with no connections to Mexico ( live in Boston), but read BB every day, want to let you know, since you may be leaving soon, your work is very much appreciated. Please do not even respond to people who are disrespectful. You are much bigger than that, they are not even worth a thought of yours. I couldn't believe your message the other day about BB, regarding budgets, etc. You clearly do this for your love of Mexico, and to better humanity through education and information. Perhaps you should have a donation banner just like Wikipedia, and people can donate to help BB keep going, and to pay salaries. I would gladly donate considering how much I read this site. Lastly, no other website or new organization, not even 60 minutes, does a better job covering the Mexican drug wars. Maybe not right now while things are tough, but history will treat you and BB kindly.

    8. Please donate to me!

  5. Was the soccer team bus part of the 43 ? Were they from the school ? I only read thier bus was attacked by mistake.

  6. No the team was another of the buses. I do not believe they were e attacked by mistake, it was a team bus. The team had had threats and prior problems. After the dead on the bus the police shot at those running from the bus, killing a driver and a lady in a taxi

  7. Mexico needs to pass the death sentense as soon as possible.

    1. What mexicans need is a president that is going to rule with an iron fist against the rotten apples not like the leprechaun of penia nieto messing everything up look at the mess his imcompetent governance has caused.

      It seems like he likes working with criminals like that fat rat of angel aguirre. A sht load of killings in guerrero where the fat rat was the governor it was his responsibility to keep order on that state. But no he was to busy stealing government funds and getting money from drug cartels to have done his job. what a useless governance that is

    2. So that next time the students can be legally executed? no thanks.

      It doesn´t matter if one is pro or anti death penalty, in a country as corrupt as México it is a very bad idea, period.

    3. So what do you suggest ???? The cartels don't do very well in counseling sessions. Usually they respect plata o plomo....otherwise they don't the way the mexican government is not in control.

    4. 11:04 Almost every one knows the legit mexican government is not in control, is the NARCO GOVERNMENT (drug trafickers, corrupt politicians) who are in control in most places of mexico.

      They did/do the integrity test to some authority forces but didn't do it to the rest of them like the higher in power governors, mayors, congress etc.. which are people that give the orders to authorities. Isn't that something?

      We all know politicians are immune to corruption right? funny..

  8. One of the most horrific and sad story I've read about Mexico and considering all the stories I've read on his website that's saying something.

  9. Absolutely abhorable. The devils themselves. There will be no absolution for the atrocities and there will be no mercy in God's world, How could anyone - I mean anyone, just brutally execute these students, or anyone for that matter without a second thought? On top of that how could anyone also just order to have these people eliminated?

    Mexico will forever go down as the graveyard of the world where mass murder is allowed with impunity. And if you are a lost US soldier or the Doc you are imprisoned for crimes of such a subtle nature. The priorities it seems of the government is to severely punish the innocent who do no wrong and to reward the heinous killers and rapists, etc. to further enrich themselves with absolutely no regard for right or wrong. To arrest a taco vendor with no permit or selling bootleg cd's, but to let mass killers roam freely in society to pick more targets to kill and rape even though they are on video, have witnesses, etc. Mexico is more doomed than one can imagine.

    The wave of such violence and disregard will never stop until an official objective to finish off the cartels is put in place, The rules of engagement have to change. The non corrupted military and police forces have to eliminate the cartel members from within their ranks and they have to be allowed to shot to kill on sight any member of a cartel. The government needs to implement the penalty of death for any cartel member, ANY. Any individual who participates or is part of a cartel the penalty needs to be death. No appeals, no sitting in jail or prison, judgment needs to be carried out....DEATH.

    1. I totally agree. an eye 4 an eye and a tooth for a tooth but in these cases a life for a life.n these cartel monsters have to be killed on the spot that i agree with. the only way to stop them is not put handcuffs on them but put a bullet in them. Society needs to be saved in Mexico. there are many good people in Mexico but now they are the minority its them against the cartel (which the Govt is included as part of). The Govt is the largest corrupt criminal enterprise in Mexico, the cartels are just branches of the Govt sad to say.

    2. All I hear is talk is something about it. Send some ammo or weapons to Mexico or better yet , take a trip down there and get some action. But again talk is post a video one of this days to show you guys whats up..

    3. The US just does most of her slaughtering in other countries, although the police are picking up the pace pretty well. The cops alone get over 500 innocent people a year and that's just what they know about. I'm sure there's a lotta unmarked graves up that way or stuff covered up by phony charges. And on and on...

  10. Naomi free on bail

  11. ey putos guerreros somos los mafiosos del viceroy . pinches putas guerrerios jotos

  12. The good thing about this is that it is hitting the international press and that is the only thing putting pressure on the Mexican government

    1. The Mexican government does give one shit about the world press. If they did there would not be massacres and atrocities committed and ignored on a daily basis. They could give a rats ass...EPN is only worried about tourism. The income for Mexico derives from DRUG TRAFFICKING and TOURISM, not stories in the international papers.

      The govt is not under any pressure, they just find quick scapegoats and brush everything under the rug then move on to the next set of victims and do the same thing. This govt is great at transparent corruption and cover-ups.

      If these inept peons would react to every scandal and atrocity maybe something would get done, but there is just too much $$$$$$ changing hands to give a fuck about any human life or massacre.

  13. BB/chivis has provided readers with the most comprehensive coverage of Iguala available , anywhere. Hats off to BB for giving us up to the minute details and historical accounts.

  14. Both will break under interrogation and torture. Mexicans have allowed two State Dept officials for interrogation observers in the DF and US intelligence is arriving with more info. Probably detailing locations for a Marina raid or assault. Searching Pacheco and Justo Sierra for safe-houses.

    1. there is abnormal movement here and heightened patrols. seems they are looking for someone. imo.

  15. another article about this massacre:

  16. Pena Nieto has proven to be more inept than Calderon. I can't believe that the people off Mexico have so far let him be free of culpability for this massacre. This will tarnish his image forever and if local politicians have no respect for their citizens let alone his presidency it says he isn't a respected leader. He needs to leave and vacate his post. Until the people of Mexico demand this nothing will change. They need to protest against him and all of his cabinet until a change is made. He knew this occurred very early on and hoped it would be brushed under the rug. Only because this incident has been well publicized did he make it a priority. He is a poor leader and his actions have proven it. The guy is a great bullshitter and that is what got him elected but he is out of touch with Mexico and it's realities of corruption and poverty.

  17. IDK why people still believe ONE PRESIDENT is gonna change everything. Chivis better than anyone should know this is a "social" problem. Be it inequality, poverty, or just plain STUPIDITY, it's a huge problem.

    1. so right my friend. Did you see me attributing the core of Mexico's issues to presidents? Narcos? But let's not leave them off the hook. They are responsible for their actions/decisions. For example if Karam/epn would have just sent a team of PGR investigators to Iguala in 2011 when the people begged for federal intervention. The normalistas killed in 2012 (people are ignorant to those killings), the ongoing discovery of iguala fosas, 8 social activists of 2013, and

      THE 51 KILLED ON SEPTEMBER 26TH (people forget there were not 43 killed but 51) if epn would have not said "this is a state ptoblem, not federal.

      then the people of iguala would have perhaps escaped the horror.

    2. Yes. On a place like mexico its more that possible. Cause he has the power to.kill and silence at any level and everyone behind him has dirt on it. No one its untouchable but the president #epn. Thats why hes enjoying china food as we speak.....

    3. @2:37 A president can do alot for a nation. they don't call it a president for nothing. Problem is most of them don't got a clue in how to do things right. In how to lead a nation the right way. not all the countries are the same

  18. Mexico needs to be made a parking lot for the rest of the world. It's never going to change its ways. If your not crooked you die easy as that.

  19. Find the animal that flayed the man's face, he's true evil.

    1. They all are. It may have been the actions of one but it is the intentions and thoughts of many. Everyone involved is a child of Satan. One is as guilty as the next, there are no exceptions. Someone mentioned earlier on BB that there can be no absolution for the crimes. For this I agree. It is a remembrance of the Nazi era in Europe. One atrocity after another and 100% pure impunity guaranteed by the government. The guilty are innocent and the innocent are guilty. Crimes of innocents will be punished under the Mexican constitution, crimes of the guilty will not be punished and their actions will be legitimatized. Thank you Mexico, thank you all you self serving corrupt backstabbing politicians and a big thank you goes out to PeeWee Herman EPN himself.

      EPN reminds me of Tattoo on "Fantasy Island", da plane boss da plane.... (but in this case he will play himself even though he is a pint sized pipsqueak)

      Then EPN responds with "My dear guests, I am señor Nieto, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island."

      This is a place where people could come and live out their fantasies, for a price. Their fantasies in modern time would be mass murderers, kidnappers, pedophiles, rapists etc. WHOOPS! But now its not a fantasy its reality where children grow up to be killers with no remorse, professional executioners, hitmen. All encouraged by family and friends Wow, what great careers...I can't wait for the next job fair! Would love to see those resumes.

  20. The amount of coverage this received by the world community was amazing, from the guardian to le monde the press was horrified by this and was first page all day ., except in the US where the stupid elections took over everything else. Having said that like someone else told me " the world will move on and forget" he is right, and it is fuckin horrific to think that evil sons of bitches will cintinue to torture, rape, kidnapp, kill as there are now thousands of these serial murderers lose all over mexico, I always suspected the cartels ti be behind so many dead young women, they also the ones behind all the dissappeared, them and their buddies in the narco state.

  21. Gouge-out the mayor and his wife's eyes, (while still alive). Then pour some crystal Drano into their eyes sockets while the family of their victims watch.

  22. All we do is talk and talk.....shit I'm send a copy of the anarchist cook book to my cousins in Guerrero. By the way the time to stop talking is over, man can't hardly wait for things to star cracking in michoacan again I'm go get me some action...

    1. By the way,you're full of shit,stop talking.

  23. Look at the number of people in the Zocalo square on the night of Nov 8th.

    Click the "Ver las últimas 24 Hrs" link to get better quality pictures on top of the hour for the square. Watch the people write out the message "Que se vayan todos." on the pavement.

  24. And to think that some of these people are being let into the U.S. illegally by the government, makes you wonder what the future plan for America really is.

  25. EPN doesn't get it. He thinks that bringing the perpetrators to justice will be the solution and case closed. This thinking exemplifies his insincerity in feeling empathy and the people have noticed. People want these type of atrocities to stop. The peoples voice is growing stronger and their expectations are higher. It's is no longer about just capturing the criminals, the Mexican gov't must change. They have to operate with transparency, checks and balances and provide their citizens with respect. EPN is not stressing this. I don't believe he alone can change everything and that it will happen overnight but he needs to start somewhere. The guy is so narrow focused it appears he has no clue about the big picture. Maybe they can bring in Giuliani again and pay him some exorbitant amount for nothing in return. I know it wasn't his administration that brought him to speak but talk about money flushed down the toilet.

  26. I can understand criminals killing other criminals over business or kidnapping innocent people for ransom. This stuff is mexico is jsut sickening,,,you have to be seriously mentaly sick to basically butcher another human for no reason. Heck even is someone killed my family I would still not freaking BUTCHER them jsut a few quick shots and it is all over. What the hell is wrogn with mexicans?

  27. Lets not believe these kids are as innocent as they are painted out to be. They committed terrorist acts as well and people died because of them.

    1. spoken like the true person who doesn't know WTF is going on, nor the history. Get off the rico channel of filtered news, and dig deeper. You are still in your box of limited knowledge I see....

    2. oh yes dumbass lets concentrate on protests, not torture and murder of hundreds. Yes, hundreds in one town.

      They really deserved the death sentences for their acts of protest. oh yes. oh yes..

  28. Kidnapping, torture, mutilation...all done to terrorize, usually done by the well off, through their sicarios...
    --To soften a people blow by blow untl you just come and take over, then you take your economic reward$$$

  29. Well, my friends buddy just rolled from D.F. to Acapulco around 2 P. M. today he said most of the toll booths windows were smashed out and the number 43 spray painted on them.Talked to the mother in law, She was stuck in her hometown (it is around Tlapa de Comfort) They could not leave for about three days. She was telling us that they stopped all commerce to the town, then went house to house asking for food.They finally got out of there last night at 3 three in morning, by bus. got to Chilpancingo, the bus got stopped there by students, they took all the diesel from the bus and asked for $50 pesos from each of the passengers..They walked and found a cab to Acapulco,which is about 2 and a half hours by car away.The rest of Acapulco is the same. The only problem today was the airport, three flights got cancelled, one had to go back to Houston, oh yea, besides the occasional Rocks and Molotov cocktails getting thrown.I will update more later. Things might get ugly.

  30. Acapulco tourism down sixty percent, costng millions and millions of dollars daily, that is all the guerrero government cared about, actions have consequences, chose yur actions wisely...

    1. You damn right. for those fools that go around doing whatever the f... they want. without expecting an outcome

  31. the only hope for Mexico is for the Mexican people to fully arm themselves
    form militias kill all the cartel (CIA supported0 and Mexican government officials and the ruling class super rich in Mexico then start a new government and constitution

  32. Why has the Mexican government barred using forensic scientists from Argentina (a group the parents want)…preferring instead to use scientists from Austria?


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