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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mireles Reaches an Agreement with the SEGOB in Regards to His Freedom

We are communicating to you that we have decided to renounce the legal defense of Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde
-  Talia Vázquez Alatorre and Salvador Molina Navarro

Dr. Mireles and his family have decided to accept the political agreement conditioned with the Secretariat of the Interior (SEGOB), in order to obtain his freedom.  In order for this to happen, they have entrusted Father Gregorio López Jerónimo to head these talks.  Such agreement does not include the more than 370 autodefensas who are still locked up in various prisons.  The pact marks the exit of Dr. Mireles to some; to some this seems embarrassing.

We deeply regret the decision of Dr. Mireles and his family.  We will continue to lead efforts to obtain the release of all of the autodefensas through the Amnesty Law that is already being discussed in the Senate.

Given that the causes that gave rise to the autodefensa movement remain in force, we are absolutely committed to the cause, and with the others that unite the people of Mexico in regards to the tragedy and impunity taking place.

The proposed Amnesty Law at the time will benefit Dr. Mireles, who we have a lot of respect for, and unfortunately, who we are sure that once again will be betrayed by Commissioner Alfredo Castillo Cervantes.


  1. Can someone explain why negotiating your own release would seem "embarassing to some"?

  2. Given the history of how Dr Mireles came to be arrested and the context of his activist story going back years (as chronicled in Borderland Beat ), I am convinced that the corrupt Mexican State "coerced" the doctor, family, lawyer to accept a "Plato o plomo" deal.

    I hope that eventually the truth leaks out on this whole deal. I also pray that the doctor is in good health mentally, physically, and spiritually.

    Corrupt Mexico, be warned to keep Dr Wireless and those close to him safe and secure as the whole world is watchin. Remember that in the French Revolution the peasants and intellectuals went after the rich and powerful unmercifully.


  3. Amnesty? For what crime? Protecting one's family from murderers? Self-defense is a fundamental human right. The auto-defensas should be released. Dr. Mireles is probably just doing whatever he has to, to survive currently. Lets hope that in the future hes in a position where he can rally the Mexican nation. We need new gun laws and security laws that train the populace to defend itself with arms, if need be, and form community policing groups. Bring back the death-sentence for those found guilty of the murder of individuals not involve in the drug trade.


  5. Watch "“El Gobierno no nos deja más opción que las armas”" on YouTube
    “El Gobierno no nos deja más opción que las armas”:

  6. No videos showing beheading and/or torture
    and no comments.

  7. Do we expect Mireles to give up his life?He is said to have been seriously ill,his supporters and counsel may well be disappointed,but,he is the one sitting in jail.The Mexican government would be happy to let him rot and die..
    He actually tried to make change and his health is not allowing him to carry the burden,at least he tried,many people may now condemn him?He started the ball rolling and needed help to keep its momentum,did he get it Mexico?

    1. He wasn't one in jail. 370 others got arrested with him. He will be the only one released.

    2. Which Dr. Mireles is more effective fighting to get those hundreds of AD's out of prison? A Dr. Mireles in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison, or a free Dr. Mireles??

  8. @1966tinman: " i hope the security forces massacre all the protesting anarchist criminals who loot and burn businesses and disrupt public order"
    And what do you have for the corrupt murderous mexican government and their judicious use of "american aid" to supress the mexicans who have no other recourse, no jobs, no food, no money and no other way to ask for better things?
    --Maybe you could show them how it gets done from your 7 million usd mansion.

  9. Hey mil mascaras i saw you all "clear and succint", you mention your gringo friends, all blackwater academi contractors i guess, preparing contracts on mexico for sure...on the forum, watcher massacres...

    1. Are you going to stick to topic,which is Dr Mireles or talk your race shit again.This guy is always saying hateful race shit and hijacking stories while sitting in the US?
      Answering his own posts?What a loser..Go get a job..

    2. The hated millie appears again talking about the US?
      You are one seriously hateful little guy,obsessively looking at every post to spew his race hate like a little sad weirdo.Go away...
      The mental midget here,dude,your seeing conspiracies on BB,get a life..

  10. Chivis not the hero you thought he was, only thinking of himself.

    1. He has spent as much time in the hospital then in his cell. I am very sad because he made a deal and how it will affect the AD, but from what I understand the gob also included the ad in the deal. my question is only that of the 360 incarcerated.

      I feel Doc needed to be free or he would soon be dead

    2. Yea, we all want our heroes to 'walk the talk'. Walk a mile in his shoes. Chivis is absolutely correct. The Doc might expire if he did not get proper care outside of the gulag. Don't we want him to live to fight another day? The real issue, until we know the facts, is the status of the other 360. Seems to me that this is again a case of 'ready, fire, aim'. Time to chill. Kind Reader

    3. When do you think he will be out,couple of days?Maybe all those protests helped.Wonder what he will find how things have changed in Michoacán.Is he in for a rude awakening or what?Im sure part of the deal means he has to be more lower profile.

  11. Amnesty is what el castillo de cagada is going to need, the auto-defensas have not committed any probable crimes, the H3, the viagras, la familia michoacana, ct, and miguel angel gallegos godoy are the ones who should be in prison, i'm sure now that many of the crimes chalked to the ct, were done by el micheladas allies to heat up the plaza for the ct, now he quietly enjoys his victory...
    -the AD need no amnesty, like the ayotzinapa disappeared need no marches or money for their loses, the michoacan autodefensas need trials, and the government is going to lose on any court not owned by them, where are the US inter-american or mexican human rights commissions, or tribunals???

  12. Truth be told, i don't know how you stick around, i'm sure it's not the money...
    Chivis, you can't put it in the bank, but thank you.
    You will understand my frustration, people are not saying anything about the professional butchers of Atenco, Acteal, Aguas Blancas, Tlatlaya, etc etc etc, they appear to be always the same teams with the same methods, and we all appear to still be lost on the separate massacres, one by one, all done by narcs, police or the military, but never by those at the top, never!!!

    1. you're starting to pique my curiosty your constant posts about the butcher of ... have made me want to investigate these massacres....keep it up. after the 43 were kidnapped i harped and harped on it to folks in my town until they stood in solidarity with other protesters....don't give up pushing the issue

  13. chivis you nailed it you said dec-feb he would be out.


    Doc agrees not to run for office until or participate in the 2015 elections.

    1. the agreement was made around the 10th.

      here is the article

    2. The government holding the doctor's freedom contingent on him not running shows just how corrupt the politics of Mexico has become. If the man meets the qualifications to run for office, he should be able to. Their greed and corruption show clear to all.

    3. Wow.Someone mentioned 5 months ago that the reason they arrested Doc was to prevent him from running for office.Bingo,there it is,the proof.

  15. Looks like rebellion is the only way. But who is strong enough to lead? An agreement that states he will not run for office in order to get out of jail. That's unheard of in any other country. Mexico again have reached an all time low.

  16. Well I think the goverment gave him a deal take money and get out free, leave us alone or stay here and maybe get killed, I think he had no choice bit to take the deal, who knows

  17. Where is TUTA??? Do not forget who are the real criminals and unpatriotic people who are murdering and misleading public opinion....They do not care about Mexican citizens just they want to control them so they can do wherever they want.

  18. talia is pissed because now she can't be the attorney of a martyr.

    he did the right thing, he was going to die soon, he is in bad shape.

    funny the only thing the gov wanted is the objective they had from the beginning and one chivis spoke of, they DID NOT WANT HIM TO BE he agrees not to run for office.

  19. That pussy Pena Nieto should be put in prison, little punk.

  20. EPN doesn't get it. He and his cabinet are defiant in their rhetoric against the protesters and their agressions. Is he really this dumb and not recognize that after years or better yet generations on corrupt political abuse by municipal, state and federal gov't corruption the people have had enough. He should be apologetic in his tone, admit the gov'ts past and present mistakes, vow to work harder to be better. What a poor poor leader he has been. The guy has no humility whats so ever.

  21. Can't have a radically honest man in a high government position which could lead to the overthrow of the traditional corrupt parties!

  22. Mexican Government stinks - the only way is REVOLUTION against the political and organised crime organisations.

    It happened already once - it can happen again any time. REVOLUTION

  23. Dr Mireles said he was not looking to bring down the government,or fight with the government, municipal federal or state, he just wanted the government to do its job, and he said he would not know about governing, that he was no politician, so i think it is a stupid conditon for his release, as stupid as his arrest, but juat can you expect from the scaredy cats ruinning mexico and its politics???

  24. Subcomandante Marcos has a few interesting things to say about emilio chuayffet, from Acteal to Chiapas, and about his disciples, PVEM running the government in chiapas, with the expected massacres too, remember la escuelita and the murder of comandante Galeano? All chuayffet and state gov, paramilitares...they all hate indians on chiapas, oaxaca, guerrero, and michoacan, if it had not exploded because of Iguala and the Ayotzinapos, they would still be doing te same things, right now the "president" and his cabinet de la mano caida must be preparing to go "all the way" for it, later they will blame intra-community conflicts or narcos, over some sand-bank...
    THE ACTEAL MODEL, that is the massacre school of chuaffet that cost him his job with zedillo, now chuaffet comes back with the same old tricks, and plenty of fall guys to pin the blame on, real slick, pena nieto is on the ropes, and the butcher of Acteal is hiding behind his copete


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