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Friday, November 7, 2014

Psychological Profile of Imperial Couple From Iguala

The Imperial Couple
From El Universal
Translated by DD for Borderland Beat

Psychology of Face

An analysis of the faces reveals that he likes to be the center of attention while she is being dominant.

The Imperial Couple from Iguala  share the ability to negotiate, are arrogant, are  ambitious and ' having them  as an enemy is not a good idea '.   He is carried by  instinct.  he likes to be the center of attention and looks for the success at all costs,  but she is the domineering one, she is practical, by nature irritaable, but in the end a calculating woman, that can handle his charm and  image to reach their objectives.

(DD note; she has been described as looking like the beautiful villain in a Mexican novella)

This is the personality of former Mayor of Iguala Jose Luis Abarca and his wife Maria de los 
Angeles Pineda Villa, stars of the stars of the criminal episode of the forded disappearance of 43 students from the Rural Normal School in Ayotzinapa, as interpreted in a psychological analysis of the faces by criminologist and graphologist Marina Pombar from the United States.

(DD note Marina Pombar is an artist and sculptress, author of the book "Psychology of the Face", Directorate of Training at the Criminology Laboratory, Institute National Criminal Science, and presenter at dozens of seminars and conferences over the past 10 years)

ElUniversal engaged the academic from the National Institute of Criminal Science to perform a Physiognomy outlining the alleged masterminds of the disappearance of the students, from their facial features as this discipline is based on the premise that the face is a reflection of the attitudes that shapes personality muscles.

From the photographs of the former mayor and his wife, Pombar says the couple have "a lot in common," such as bargaining power, suitable for sales "are hardened", know how to work under stress, and have a strategic thinking, smooth talking, and defined goals to ensure success.

Separately, the analysis reveals he is a "practical person, logical, but difficult for him to change or for him to accept that others think differently.  He is organized, with rigid views, tense, tough, arrogant, proud, with a hardened character." 

His square jaw "indicates a stubborn selfish man, schemes  to obtain a high position in life with the possibility of achieving it.  He has perseverance to survive hard times, and he has creativity and imagination that dominates, can be flexible and adapts easily, but takes criticism to heart.

The pallium (distance between the nose and upper lip) denotes that  he 'is somewhat pompous, theatrical, likes the elegance of dress and seeks to be the center of meetings, acts to attract admiration', like his wife, both reflect 'strong security in themselves', although Abarca needs you to recognize his power 'and can be rash and impulsive.


From the shape of his eyebrows "cannot give up easily, is ambitious, quick to seize an opportunity, believes himself very important, grand, arrogant, arbitrary, and considers he has absolute authority over every other person."

His ears, said the expert, "indicate that although very intelligent, he act by instinct, with potentially aggressive and unruly nature that does not hear the comments others make.

The expert indicated that his wife has many things in common, not suitable for enemies, and skilled in negotation, but the report highlights her domination of him.  She likes to dominate others to get what he wants.

Her square face indicates she is a practical logical and effect person.  It is difficult for her to change her mind or accept that others think differently from her; she is organized, stiff, hard, arrogant, proud, and has a hardened vision.

"Works well under pressure.  She is tolerant, a strategic thinker, a way with words and working with customers; focusing on work to achieve her goals.  She is also impulsive but controlled."

She has what is called in physiognomy a split nose that makes her prone to experiment  big goals, creative, but with ups and downs, indicates an irritable nature, prudent, angry and energetic. 

Her small mouth  shows she is introverted, stubborn, but with great desire for independence .  She can also be charming and hardworking, but seeks solitude.  The thin lips indicate cunning and malicious spirit",  "her glued back ears indicate she has managed to harmonize within her group without losing her individuality.


  1. The presumption that one can define a person's thoughts, motives, and personality traits from their facial features is ludicrous. Reminds me of many of the ignorant generalizations I read about Mexico by those whose knowledge of the country, and scope of news intake does not go beyond cartel violence and corruption. Laughable :)

  2. PROFILE RESULTS: Normal (for Mexican untouchable class)

  3. Interesting analysis of their faces.

    " ... difficult for him to change or for him
    to accept that others think differently."

    Well, it can apply to at least 50 % of people :-(


    1. You are right, this is not a Psychological Profile, its only based in morphological analysis, a.k.a pseudoscience, its a amazing how "el universal" publish this, if you want to read a real analisys just to use it to view differences just read i know thats is out of scope but hey!, its only to know the difference, ps. Mexican newspepers sucks! The will do anything just to sell!

  5. I am not to sure of this . Come on now....... A psychological profile from a picture ?
    I bet he does take criticism hard though . That's pretty much any egotistical criminal . Got a mailing address for this asshole ? I would like to taunt the evil murdering little prick. A devil like this needs to be punished by taking away his power by taking his ill-gotten money and locking him up to where he has no control over anything . Not even choice of foods

  6. These two are bad people, but yeah, this "facial" science is very questionable. Sounds like a Daily News or Onion article. Bring on the paid psychics next.

  7. Lo unico que queremos es que canten y les apliquen la justicia

  8. they are both idiots thinking their egos, money and positions were greater than the system as a whole. humility is best served cold and they will get what they deserve which is a long jail sentence haha

  9. What are their ages of this power couple?

  10. I'm no scientist, that lady looks like a mean BIATCH!

  11. I would like to see the profile of Naomi Berumen's face: wide spread eyes, nose and head all asymmetric. She's really creepy looking, too.

  12. My family is from Reynosa but I was born in the states. I was always taught that in order to get a sense of what people are truly like, you have to read their body language & study their eye contact & eye movements. People, especially criminals, have the ability to make their faces say one thing but what they do can be totally and completly different.

    1. 4:06 Thats true evil criminals are good at hidding what they really are. so a face picture can be just bullshit with no science facts

    2. Reynosa the place for drug trafickers bad crooked and corrupt mother f's

    3. The vibe that I'm getting from people in Reynosa, is that the mother of all narco wars hasn't even happened. There is a constant cloud of impending doom that the population can't seem to shake. The thing that makes me more nervous than anything else is that with the newly elected Republican majority here in the USA, the Reynosa plaza & every plaza in Mexico will heat up. Republicans have an frantically stiff zero tolerance policy when it comes border crimes. People seem to be concerned that there will be an increase in diversified criminal activity in Mexico.

    4. Listos pa la guerra. Al cien carbones.

    5. Criminals or white collar criminals? Lol very true

  13. Chapo snitched again

  14. Maria tiene cara de sartén.

  15. broly banderas is still hotter. no homo.

  16. Yucatan Times: (Thought this might be of interest, I'm sure it was written here the allegation that 3 of her Brothers were/are drug traffickers). (apologies if this was written up on this website already, you all do a very good job).

    "In November 2013 Nicolás Mendoza, who was kidnapped along with Arturo Hernández, declared that before shooting him in cold blood, Abarca told Hernández: “It will be my pleasure to kill you.” (People's World, this is obviously Marxist Communist type of info but maybe still interesting to read).

    1. it is not an allegation, the entire family are connected to GU and previously with BLO out of Morelos. Including the parents. They have all been arrested at least once, and two brothers, close to Arturo Beltran were executed for a BLO betrayal...fried..

      as for Hernandez, I posted that story over a month ago. I took the direct testimony and translated it.

      We have more coverage of Iguala going back one year. if you search IGUALA over at the right about 50 posts will come up on that word alone.

      and yes old news at BB. :)

  17. Hope all their wealth gets taken and given to the school and to the affected families

    1. It wont.They will be shaken down to personally enrich some of the government with promises of a lighter sentence but they will be the fall guys.

  18. They looked like assholes. Stupid asses.

  19. Once again, mexican bullshit, next time you nik a science, make sure its the right one

  20. This kind of pseudo science stuff is damaging to the Mexican public. They don't need to be misguided at this particular time in their history.

    BTW, We in the USA have lots of similar kinds of pseudoscience fare readily available in our supermarket checkout zone.



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