Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, November 10, 2014

Rumors of CDG Los Rojos and Zetas alliance

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

This is the rumor.  I have no clue what it means, if it is factual,  details or where this originated from..
I am putting it out there and see what BB readers think, or have heard.  Supposedly, this resulted now that the troublemakers are dead or arrested.

What is rumored?
CDG and Los Zetas, have made a pact.   El Kelin and El R1 have joined forces.  Supposedly mantas are appearing, which I can confirm they have for the past couple of weeks, communications from El Cartel Vieja CDG (Old School CDG)

Their stated Goal?
Peace of course, and to eliminate the “bad guys” extortionists, kidnappers etc

Signed by? 
“The New Alliance of “La Paz” Cartel Del Gofo and Zetas
Signed Comandante R1 CDG and Comandante Kelin Zetas

<!--[if gte mso 9]>
From MenyTimes Blog, translated by BB reader “JK”

Factions of the CDG of Tamaulipas remain in debate over whether they should abandon kidnappings, extortions, and other crimes which affect the general population, and return exclusively to their origins; drug trafficking.

The debate increased following the latest massacres in Mexico, which have impacted criminal organizations.

One of the factions of the CDG proposes a return to the "old school." At the same time, they have begun to eliminate and denounce members who refused to abandon the crimes perpetrated against the general population.

To this end, one of the factions of the CDG that operates in the "Frontera Chica" announced via social networks an alliance with a division of The Zetas.

"The CDG and Los Zetas are no longer fighting amongst ourselves, because we are more united than ever in our desire for peace in Tamaulipas," said the communication signed by commander R1 of the CDG faction known as Los Rojos and by commander Kelín of Zetas Unidos.

"Those who would continue the war will be killed or taken prisoner, we come to restore order, CDG and Zetas old school are here and are no longer making mistakes and will try to purge from our ranks people who desire to work with 'panocheos' (not sure how to translate that :) ) and liars."

"Do not worry, do not be paranoid, this will soon be over."

"This is a turning point, soon will come an end to the extortions, kidnappings, to earn our keep there will be peace. Zetas and CDG will live in peace."

"The new CDG and Zetas Alliance. Att. Commander R1 of Los Rojos and Commander Kelín Zetas Unidos," ended the communication.

Commander Juan Reyes Mejía Gonzalez, alias "El R1" operates in the region of La Ribereña, while Rogelio Gonzalez Pizaña, alias "El Kelín" is attempting to retake control of the group in Reynosa and Nueva Laredo, after leaving prison.

One of the primary measures taken by the faction of CDG that operates in "Frontera Chica" was to 'fire' and pay a settlement to sicarios (hit men) in the region of Camargo.

However, factions of Los Zetas in Ciudad Victoria and CDG groups in Tampico have rejected the idea of abandoning kidnappings and extortions, such as the large scale theft of oil, as it has become one of their most lucrative activities and provides immediate profits

Last week's Manta:

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  1. What about the Metros?

    1. That is totally absurd. How can two rival cartels that chopp each other all of the sudden become allieds? smhh.. ......that is how whores like acting one day they are with these guy, the next day they be with the other guy. (no conduct of ethics) ......and how does it work? cause it's supposedly happening in reynosa with the two criminal groups that operate there? ......but what about the rest of the criminals from other towns like nuevo laredo, matamoros, tampico, ciudad victoria, ciudad madero, altamira...etc....I doubt all of the criminal groups are going to agree with uniting with the enemy. fwcking cartel pendejos parecen prostitutas. ......and you never hear of the big ratas los meros jefes. only hear of the smallest ones like the "comandantes" and their sicario shits. y los jefes en donde estan??......why aren't they mentioned in those mantas??...... im talking about the top heads of each cartel.

    2. CDG doesn't have a "top head" as you call it. There is no supreme leader just warring factions and comandantes. Zetas has the manpower and CDG has the Tamaulipas drug routes. If the rumor is true then the other factions might want to rethink their next step.

    3. I see lots of narco cheerleaders below. when are mexican fools going to understand.? NARCOS = CORRUPTION. CORRUPTION = IMPUNITY. IMPUNITY = LAWLESS ANIMALS. LAWLESS ANIMALS = DESTRUCTION! The current state of mexico at these time. estan mal..mal..mal.

    4. You must not know about La Compañia. Los Zetas where CDG at 1st. R1 is not death. C1 & R1 & Ciclones, Cardenas Family have made a truce with Los Z. They want to eliminate CDS & Metros. Los de Juarez, Bletranes, Zetas, CDG are allied. La Compañia have been reborn.

    5. Strictly Business, nothing personal.

    6. Quien es el mero jefe de todos los zetas?

    7. La compañia is reborn. That sounds stupid as shit the cdg has nothing to gain by working with the zetas you retard.

    8. The truth is all the cartels but cds are clicked up with zetas. Cjng/"mata zetas", ct/viagras/fm, beltranes, Juarez cartel looks like they got tired of getting snitch on so there against the cartel de sinaloa.

    9. CDG & Zetas were called La Campañia back in the day's. Z42 & Metros faction are not part of this truce. Z50 aka Los Talibanes & Rojos & Ceros & Ciclones with the Cardenas Family have this Truce going on. Los Metros are pretty much screw. Because CDG de vieja escuela have a truce going on with CDS el mini Lin. Zacatecas belongs to F1 faction which they are not ally with Metros no more they jump ship to Rojos.

    10. Cardenas family.. ..those pecuecas of the colombians might have something to do with this shisness.. ..los terroristas de los talibanes en carteles mexicanos.. ..haciendo dinero sucio prra sus.. ..malditas pecuecas

    11. I know not much about zetas and golfos snd so on but one thing is for sure THEY ALL NEED TO DIE!!!!!

    12. OMG this ignorant gringos. Taliban is a game word for Z-50 which translates to "Some Ivan" not the fucking muslim group...

  2. Looks fake to me. Manta doesnt sound like a mexican wrote it. Spelling is all off

    1. Echo, anterior mente, ya no ay...

      The manta is one big run on sentence. The spelling is actually spot on for a typical rambling Mexican cartel with a thid grade education. If a pocho wrote this, there would be a lot more words that looked out of place.

      At least they didn't mix up the Bs and Vs or LLs with Ys, like other mantas we've seen throughout Mexico.

      Ejemplo: Bamos a chingar les muy gaucho. Lla estamos cansados. PD: Chapo puso el dedo gueyes.

  3. Ay rumores que otro comandante del Golfo que la jente pienza que esta muerto, no esta. Dicen que el cuando se aparto de los metros se fue a jalar al DF por el CDS. Los metros pendejos pienza que se murio. Se oye que va regresar con el R1

    1. Que tan cierto es ese rumor? El comandante era de reynosa?

  4. Plus the second half of the manta is from some other pamphlets back when cdg n cds first made n alliance

  5. I thought r 1 was dead. I dont believe hes alive or that kelin is a sellout and wld make any peace with the zetas. If u want to be a better cartel for the people of tamaulipas stop extorting businesses especially the smaller business and stop abusing the innocent. Making peace with the zetas is a bitch move on behalf of the cdg.

    1. Pendejo do your research first before you comment. El Kelin is one of the original Zetaz. He was the first civilian in the ranks of Osiel's private army. His moniker is Z2. How would he be a sellout if he was the #2 Zeta? It's survival of the fittest and Los Rojos is the smarter of all the cells. Peace allows them to last longer than the rest. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Don't get mad it's inevitable that this would happen since CDG was the reason the Zetaz even existed in the first place. CDS better start looking for friends in low places to keep up.

    2. R1 was rumored to have been killed but there are also rumors he was only wounded. He allegedly escaped to Texas to recover from his wounds. I might add that it was the Metros that set him up in an attempt to assassinate him.

    3. El pendejo eres tu wey todos saben ese jale que el kelin era el zeta 2 estupido. Pero eso fue hace 10 años atras cuando los zetas eran golfos ahora la cosa cambio. Los zetas estan acabados. Para que hacer la paz. Acaben con ellos de una vez.

    4. Why would cds look for aliads if nothing can stop them people are stupid basing shit of corridos there is a lot hardcore bosses that nobody knows about keep living in fantasy to finish them off the goverment has to get rid off corrupt officials in all of mexico i dont see that hapenig so quit trying to fool everybody with ur stupidass coments because people that are in the know sabe como corre el agua Jajaja ni sabes ke vergas ese kelin nomas va acer gato del higjo del tony tormenta Aka axel va kerer recuperar la plazas ke tenia esto se mira ke van por los metros y duespues por los zetas de nvo laredo porque dudo que los cuarentas quieran tregua con los golfos hojala sea cierto pa que haiga pax en tamaulipas

    5. There ain't anyone for CDS to aligned themselves with in the first place. CDS ain't shit in Coahuila, Zacatecas, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas for sure. That's a damn fact. No one is listening to corridos. CDS better stay on the west side of Mexico where they can hide in the sierras. Zetaz have always been a thorn in the CDS's side. It's only going to get worse. No fantasy it's a fact. If you think El Kelin is a nobody because he isn't Chapo then you are mistaken. Time will tell. Usted sólo tiene que esperar y ver.

    6. Just so you all know. Kelin was NOT of the original Zetas. He started Zetas Vieja Escuela and got Z2 and his name. The Z-2 of the original Zetas from the Golfo was Antonio Lucio Morales Betancourt. That's the Z-2, who began with Decena and Lazcano.
      Sorry it took so long. Haha

  6. Mientras se dediquen al negocio de las drogas y no se metan con la gente inocente esta bien. Ya estubo bueno de tanta injusticia y tanta masacre del pueblo.

  7. I've heard of the possibility before. When Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel separated in 2010, many members of Los Rojos went with Los Zetas (since Los Rojos were part of the original group close to Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, just like Los Zetas). This means that Los Rojos is probably the only group within the Gulf Cartel right now that can make the easiest transition to an alliance with them. It is likely that they had family members on both fronts, including properties and businesses intertwined. In addition, I've read that Los Metros grew increasingly angry at Los Rojos in 2011 for considering that they were going "too soft" on Los Zetas.

    The rumors of Los Rojos allying with Los Zetas is not a new thing. But if this is confirmed, then it is big news for northeastern Mexico.

  8. it is not the manta. The mantas are like the one a posted about a week ago

    1. This is going to get confusing as hell for people who don't follow the drug wars closely. El Chive and what's left of Los Fresitas are now known as Los Rojos with Chive using the R1 alias. Old school CDG placed a manta in Tampico threatening them. I was told by someone that El Sierra is one of the old school bosses attempting to rid the sur of Chive. Good stuff ComputerJA! I as well remember hearing about Los Rojos going soft on Los Zetas. If I'm not mistaken there were also rumors that R1 flipped to the Zetas around the time he disappeared. I don't any of this as I'm almost 100% sure R1 is dead but if it is true Kelins Zetas have nothing to do with Z42 and most of the Zetas of the last few years. We know for a fact that there is a faction that were not happy with 42 as leader so that's who would most likely side with Kelin. I would also Los Talibans could also be part of this pact as I have heard their name mentioned in Tampico lately.

    2. Just an observation. I find that people interested in CDG, because of its complexities or as I say "schizophrenic nature", people who closely follow golfo are not schooled in other organizations, case in point, Zetas. Zetas structure is unwavering since it implemented the tiered structure which allows some autonomy but alliances would have to be approved at top tier level of the 5 leaders. I am not sure where your information comes from, but 42 has been a leader that easily hit his stride from july 15th 2013....

      can you share info of omar not being an accepted leader? His style along with 40 is to quietly conduct business. It was Lazca who was the showboat and actually the more brutal leader.

    3. Nobody respected Fredo

    4. Chivis, if there is one thing people can't do it knock Z42 since taking over the cartel. He has done a very good job at refocusing the cartel on making money and eliminating unwanted attention. I was referring to what's left of 50's people Los Talibans or Sangre Z in Nuevo Laredo, SLP, and Zac.

    5. Chivis, if I'm not mistaken weren't the CD Zetas not happy with leadership over the appointment of Regino Gutierrez Moreno? I believe they even hung mantas asking why leadership appointed someone from Nuevo Laredo boss of Ciudad Victoria. I'm not sure if that manta was geared toward 40 or 42.

  9. It's not the first time they've worked together since the initial break. Z50 appeared to still have ties to his old friends in the cdg. This is a civil war after all is said and done it's all one big family. Perhaps it's time to get money and work toward a common goal. It's preferable to the current state of affairs. I guess without the beltran leyva organization to supply cocaine to the zetas they reached out to their old patrons.

  10. Here is a link to an article from Houston, TX >>>> ZETAS AND GULF CARTEL TRUCE

  11. A couple of weeks ago the Sedena killed 19 CDG membersf between Matamoros and Reynosa. Could be true since members of a faction of CDG at odds with a rival faction could of taken some serious hits. The question I have is what does the Ciclón faction of Matamoros has to say about this. And since when does Kelin speak for Zetas or for that matter the Ciclones faction. Many questions to answer before this can be believed. Puros cartelitos.

    1. Eso! Arriba Sedena!! ... abajo los perros de los carteles.

    2. Sedena doesn't take somebody out for the sake of taking them out. A estos les dieron piso porque alguien los puso. Les dieron en la madre x hacerles el favor de una faccion para debilitar a otra. La Serena están corrompidos por el crimen organizado.

  12. Thanks for uniting, but you know, when the police comes asking for their plata, and for the government boss plata, you will have to "diversify", or it's your ass...
    --cdg and zetas together? We have seen it before, retarded chapulines will not last reunited, not with pinches zorrazzz trampozzzazz and raterazzz azzzezzziinazz...

  13. I told u in the other post that I saw a manta here in reynosa. .. El kalien is actually cdg because he was a zeta when they were cdg. But I guess he had connection with both and is bringing every one together.

    1. no se pero aqui en zacatecas se la van a pelar con esas mamadas! tenganlo x seguro!

    2. Which CDG faction is in control of the Zacatecas plazas? If it's not Los Rojos or Ciclones then you are probably right. The time will come when that faction will either fight or join. vamos a ver qué pasa

    3. Zacatecas is mostly zetas, what are you t az liking about! ?!

    4. Zacatecas is cdg el f1controls only fresnillo is z

  14. So Javier Garza Medrano (arrested in February) was an old school narco and he was backing La Sheyla and Los Dragones in the war for Tampico against R1 jefe of the Fresitas right? There may be some old school CDG members that are taking on R1 (+Fresitas) because of their rivalry with Sheyla.
    However, as suggested in the article this is the REALY big time R1 who head the Rojos and this could be massive.

  15. They say its bullshit in nuevo Laredo

  16. If Rojos are with the Z's then the Metros will be thrashed and this does make some sense because the Metros have been taking a lot of hits lately especially the 'Panochitas' who was supposedly their jefe. With this alliance the Rojos would have no choice but to keep their agreement with the Z's after the ousting of the Metros because there wouldn't be anyone going at the Z's and they too would be over quick. The only way that the Metros could keep up with this alliance is with another cartel coming in to back them up. CT would have probably done just that but of course not now and CDS is probably unlikely to do so after they broke off with Metros last year.

  17. I do not condone or support illicit business enterprises but I do hope that this is true. People on both sdes of the border are tired of the violence. Don't give los pinches Republicanos on the other side the satisfaction of a continued war. Do the exact opposite & let's get back to the way things used to be.

  18. this makes business sense, do their drug business, get away from the kidnapping . I can remember when the ol school cartels left us regular people alone. extortion of small business not good for Tamps. either. Juan always left us alone did his business. Everybody got along. I don't want to be in their business, let me do my thing and take care my family. I won't get rich, but money is not everything in my family's life. God Bless Mexico

    1. You sir are wrong alliance with the zetas only is good for the zetas not for the cdg.

    2. K clase de panocheo es este a la verga con los zetas y con quien kiera trabajar con esas perras sea quien sea y el mismo kelin quire paz con esos panochones ojala se lo cargue la verga tambien.

  19. unification is the only way to survive the old timers new it and thrived back in the days now if they all would unite that would be for great mexico.

  20. That lying reporter at Brietbart actually said the flyer was "an exclusive" for him!!!

    and his story went up hours after everyone else including BB

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. El kelin has major pull bro hell u mean

  23. Chivis love the work huge fan of BB

  24. Free el chapo guzman

    1. These posts make me laugh every time I read them.

    2. "Free el chapo guzman". It's just a trip to see them everywhere that's all.

  25. Gimme a break. The number of false flags, deceptions and outright lies would make Machiavelli roll over in his grave.

  26. You know it could be possible I mean look at the beginning golfos and sinaloa were once at war killing eachother and all that but ended up uniting together so it does seem likely for a truce and uniting to happen its juat another move in the cycle these guys live

  27. CDG and Loz Zetaz are one of the same. It took 5 years of fighting for both sides to understand that. If it weren't for the Zetaz CDG would not have withstood CDS's push for CDG plazas. Loz Zetaz learned how to diversify their operations and make money from the CDG. A truce was bound to happen regardless of the bloodshed between the two cartels. If anyone has the ability to unify the two groups it's El Kelin.

  28. All the money the mexican cops extort from the cartels forces them to fight among themselves, recruit halcones and their own mexican drug-addicts, and to "diversify" into kidnapping and extorting...
    So it is not over and not so until the mexican state says so...
    --Chivis, how do you impress the most brutal murdering showboat?
    Being even worse than him?
    --Why would el chapo say el lazca was a gentleman?
    --and how the trevinos end up with all those millions of dollars and property and racing horses if not from being worse than lazca himself?
    --Finally, who are the secret bosses of the cdg and the zetas? Should we ask manuel cavazos lerma? Or the US, the US always knows, but waits until they can extort something for not doing anything about it, like ranches, horse, oil, cash, cars, prisoners, millions of dollars from prisoners...(especially, they do not have to launder them) trade agreements...

    1. Is chapo your guide to truth? Hmmmm...ok.
      well I would assume one killer talking about another means little to most people, but What chapos means is the word of Lazca. If he has an agreement, or says something he would stick by it. I have no clue and it means little to me, a person who saw up close and personal the brutality of lazca. I am by no means saying 40 was not a bad guy. But the boiling of babies is a myth. but the killing of hundreds in coahuila towns is not. when the split happened, I could never again function with confidence or security. directly because of the men under lazca.

      you skim the top for knowledge. Come live in my world for 10 years.

    2. You are right Chivis El Lazca was stone cold and brutal. There will never be another like him. He raised the violence level and cruelty to an all time high in Northeast Mexico. If any narco could have killed Chapo it was Lazca. Not a hugger, but the dude was scary.

    3. Excellent reply Chivis,
      What's funny is, you have a lot of individuals that could be consider book-smart. Spending several hours reading from other outside sources. Then you have your grunts Like "Yourself" or other reporters who gather the info by physically being in/around the hot spots of Mexico. This might be irrelevant, but I have been living for the past 5 months in Tijuas! I have always lived in S.D., and living in Tijuas has been quite a learning experience. I'm ready to go back to Diego Jan-15. Bottom line is, as the saying goes: You talk the talk, do you walk the walk? SALUDOS BB, AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK.

    4. About Lazca, was it just because he was titled as the Zetas boss that all the CDS and CDG mantas talked about how Z40 was just trying to impress Lazca who they say was a real Zeta?

  29. 10:13 that is the deception manual of don juan maquiavelo de ranchos, trying to seduce some virginal pendejos to a trap, with mantequilla...


    1. You will never get piece with PELA Nieto and his PRI Party around...

  31. GREAT job chivis, as always. saying it is a rumor, saying you want feedback, that is a sign of a reporter making clear, "this is what is being talked about, I do not know the significance or if it is factual, but it is persistent and I feel I owe it to readers to present it." willis' be damned. you know they are bloggers from other sites who are jealous that BB is in the top blogs in the US...

  32. Talves el kelin y quique r1 van a platicar con el Gaby Sierra quien esta en Matamoros libre, para que el gaby hable con los ciclones y cdg en matamoros para que paren esta guerra.
    El Gaby anda mas tranquilo que antes, antes andaba en porsche boxter y ahora anda en un ferrari amarillo, un viper azul, un mercedes antiguo, un hot rod, un boxter azul y un porsche 911.

    O talves Abel Briones R-2 quien trabajo con Quique sea el intermediario, R-2 tambien anda libre en Matamoros.

    1. ya salio sierra que no lo avia agarrado en Jalisco?

    2. Gaby Sierra esta libre?

    3. En jalisco a todo maleante con dinero dejan libres. Las autoridades de jalisco estan controladas por mafias. nadamas busquen a cuantos criminales gordos an dejado libre. empesando con caro quintero.

  33. this is all a bunch of big stinky BS. to begin with, a manta announcing a truce that significant, would be well written, and its not. it would include bigger names such as 42, erotico, coyote, varo, etc, and it doesn't. kelin is not significant to neither golfos o zetas. that he once number 2 after decena is meaningless, lazcano was destined to be jefe of all.

    1. The significance is that El Kelin is the glue to bind together the viejos with the new breed. He was Osiel's number two enforcer for a reason. Z42 is a man of few words and if this truce is legit then 42 was involved in the planning. The fighting needs to stop and it's obvious that the smarter narcos will understand. I can't wait until La Puta Tuta tries to get on board. Lol!!!

    2. I hope if that ever happens, they set him up and toture him then kill him. Then they go public with the video and show the people that they ain't f@#king around with extortionist

    3. All of em narcos can go to hell dumb, smart it doesn't matter. They all get rich from the suffering of others.

    4. that is what im talking about, if this supposed truce was true, it would include the zetas most visible leader, which is 42. it is of public knowledge that the zetas de coahuila, veracruz, most of tamaulipas (specially nuevo laredo) all are loyal to the trevinos. so, with that in mind, i would expect that something this significant, would include his name somewhere.

  34. well get ready everyone because they called a sources and i am from south texas say that they realize that if they cooperate the they can beat the higher powers....the govts. of mexico and the usa....not only do their numbers swell that will matchthose of any rmy but their resources have just escuela vieja conducted business as gentlemen and the citizens protected them and respected other words divided we fall , united we stand will once again be the if my predctions are correct the rest of the cartels will jump on this alliance and run with in any business, organization and peace among the ranks is cant make money amid chaos and death

  35. Does anyone have time to translate the menytimes blog post about this?
    he has 3. one addressing the flyer and the other the pact and another newest one

    I may have time tomorrow for one of them. but I thought I would see if anyone wants to at least translate one or more or the meat of each?

    if so send to
    hey trollito, yeah you with the big mouth today complaining about the translation, impress us.

    1. PS sorry here you go. His writing is not the best, but you can paraphrase

  36. Just seen a documentary about Mexico and in it they were stressing how important it was for the Guadalajara cartel to work through a unified understanding. This sounds hopeful but in all reality I don't see this happening Mexicans are to passionate to not want revenge for blood spilled and we all know theirs been an uncontrollable flow of that.

  37. No mames. Est. 1919

  38. The manta may be real but the information is clearly fake.

    This is probably meant to stir shit up and get the other CDG factions against Chive.

  39. CDG & Zetas were called La Campañia back in the day's. Z42 & Metros faction are not part of this truce. Z50 aka Los Talibanes & Zetas from Cd. Victoria with Los Rojos & Ceros & Ciclones with the Cardenas Family have this Truce going on. Los Metros are pretty much screw because CDG de vieja escuela has a truce going on with CDS el mini Lin as well. Zacatecas belongs to F1 faction which they are not ally with Metros no more they jump ship to Rojos.

    1. And who is cdg vieja escuela exact ?? Why are they saying they are pacting with zetas when you know dam well zetas don't get along with cds ? That doesn't make any sense be more clear or 're write what you said or don't say anything if you have no idea what your talk about.

    2. You are right, cds and vieja escuela are allies. If this is true z seek alliance with cds. Here in coahuila el panal de las abejas està agitado. Gates no cesan de patrullar dìa y noche.

  40. Even if the truce is real and it very may well be, cartel truces usually do not last.

    They'll more than likely be fighting each other again in a few years. Maybe less.

  41. Replies
    1. El Ferrari. . He's from nuevo leon

    2. Nooo!! The Ferrari is in jail and is zeta. The a FL is cdg big commander is the boss of zacatecas estate El es el encargado de los f's, talivancillos, azidos, c.u's y todos los golfos en zairo.

    3. 2:46 am El Ferrari was raped in the Altiplano Prison, and he is in protective custody.

    4. F1 is the boss of the whole Zacatecas faction

  42. the fellow who says they need unit and have a Truce to make$$$$$$$$$$$ is right, plus family of the Cartel can quit killing each other ( Brothers killing Brothers.) The most interesting news in years. Hope it works

    1. This one is funny... real "brothers" don't go around beheading each other... & yeah give the devil more power see what happens when real authorities try to tame them... when things get ugly again... it's a normal cycle with cartels there is always that animal that want to have total control of the organization

    2. Fuck a truce the zetas have done to much damage. They shld be exterminated. And to all the dick riders on kelins nutsack that stupid motherfucker got busted because he wanted to chill at a strip club and to prove how dumb this asshole is he burn hes car and one of hes men with an incendiary granade before he was cought I remember they showed him all busted up before they hauled him away. A true case of all balls and no brains. I think that all cartels are pieces of shit but the zetas are the worse and any cartel thats willing to work with them is just as much of a piece of shit as the zetas. The cdg should finish them up for good theres nothing to gain for the cdg by working with the zetas. Grow some fucking balls and finish them scumbags and take over their plazas and regain the territory the cdg lost to the zetas. And stop all the abuse and extortions and the unesesary bloodshed bring peace to tamaulipas stick to slanging and smuggling drugs and gain some of the respect you once had. Anything else is just plain fucking stupidity.

    3. If CDG could have finished the Zetas then would have but it's obvious that they could not. They imploded and ran off the backing of the CDS with their craziness. You have no concept of cartel business and your personal feelings about Kelin and Los Zetas do not matter. What matters is peace and everyone goes back to making money versus fighting up a storm.

  43. CDG & Zetas were called La Campañia back in the day's. Z42 & Metros faction are not part of this truce. Z50 aka Los Talibanes & Zetas from CD. Victoria & Rojos & Ceros & Ciclones with the Cardenas Family have this Truce going on. Los Metros are pretty much screw. Because CDG de vieja escuela has a truce also going on with CDS. Zacatecas belongs to F1 faction which they are not ally with Metros no more they jump ship to Rojos. F1 was M3 right hand man. R1 & F1 did jobs together for CDG before the whole BS started.

  44. @ Nov. 11

    Who the f@*k is Abel Briones and El Gabe Sierra?

  45. Para MI esto se me ase puro cuento.

  46. on instagram there's a carteldelgolfo_tonny he's account looks legit. somebody comment a pics of his a recent one if there was a union he response was there's no union

    1. Because he's a metro. The alliance is supposedly with the Rojos

  47. The thing about this level of organized crime is that the people pulling the strings, the true jefe del jefes, are not the ones whose names you know. They are not the people who are sung about in corridos. Pay attention! The real bosses are quietly operating in the background & are the reason the Cartels can operate so openly.

    You may be surprised who is actually, the true boss. Is it El whatever or the Mayor's wife? Is it La Tuta or Casillas? And on and on ...

  48. I know that Kelin was the one that enrolled El Chuta and the CDJ celula sureste of Cancún into the zetas. Is he still commanding that group? Because Kelin had the coke connections and chuta had the men power and lanchas to move them...

    1. No el chuta was an original Z this guy is not the original Z-2 the original Z-2's name is is someshit Betancourt he was captured before Z-1 was killed thats how Z-3 became boss after Z-1 but anyway the media is confusing everyone saying that this is the original Z-2 when it's actually not! you can look it up yourself google it and as a matter of fact I looked it up for you his name name appears near the bottom it includes higher ups from C.D.G. and the original Zetas

    2. No, el Chuta was part of Vicente carrillos celula del sur este in cancun lead by Alcides Ramón Magaña. Magaña gets capture in 2000 and el Chuta is left in charge of the cell and gets absorbed by the zetas when he mets with el Kelin and another oldschool golfo Beto in 2001. And that article says he deserted the cartel but that's not accurate since he qas still in charge of Cancúnairpot in 2011.

  49. Desde antes que agarraran a z40, habia escuchado que r1 y z50 abian hecho un grupo llamado cdg nueva generación o sangre zeta y dias despues z40 le mato jente a z50 en st luis. Con esta union los z de Zacatecas se unieron al cdg y au que acada rato decian que r1 estava muerto no se comprobaba. Ahora sale esto, y hojala que sea para bien. C1 esta enojado con los metros porque le mataron a su hijo c2 y quisas fue por la union de c1 y r1 el de mier. Tambien se descubrio que x20 fue el que mato a m3 y despues mando matar a gringo por que gringo fue el que le dio la entrada nuevamente a r1 en Tamaulipas. Que todo mejore.

    1. Oye quien o què facciòn controla coahuila? Se dice que gates son cdg otros dicen que ya son zs. Entonces que pasarà aca, es cierto que las abejas andan calmadas pero estan alertas.s2. Por cierto ahi te halla lo de la nota, no quedò nada claro.

  50. the thing that is wrong and nobody see's it that we lost our freedom.the cartels are the new governers and tyrants of mexico and it's people......cdg and zetas la misma popo.

  51. Hi, everything is going nicely here and ofcourse every one is sharing
    data, that's genuinely fine, keep up writing.

  52. R1 ya no pertenecia a CDG, luego de la muerte de Metro3, el Coss acuso a Reyes Mejia R1 de ejecutarlo, pero quien lo hizo fue Mario Pelon X20, el Coss temia el poder del Metro3 y R1, citaron a Metro3 a una reunion y fue ejecutado. R1 fue culpado y los metros se fueron contra el, se decia que los ejecutaron pero Reyes mejia se unio al CDS y su "aka" cambio a "Rey de Reyes" Estuvo peleando en Ciudad Victoria y luego se quizo pactar la tregua con el CGD pero fueron traicionados ( R1 fue enviado junto con "El Azul") en matamoros los emboscaron y casi los matan, el R1 logro salvar a El Azul y volvieron a ciudad victoria, cuando capturan al Chapo el R1 le dice que se va retirar de toda la guerra, el chapo de la el permiso como agradecimiento por lo que hizo con el Azul, la poca familia que tenia R1 fue saliendo hacia un pais lejano y al final fue el quien se fue. El R1 nunca se alio con el kelin para pelearle la plaza al CDG.


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