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Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Bodies of 11 Youths Found Abandoned In Guerrero

Translated by Valor for Borderlandbeat

By: Rogelio Agustín/ Víctor Hugo Michel/Ezequiel Flores Contreras

Ministerial Police found the bodies of 11 youths on a dirt road that connects the county seat of Chilapa with the population of Ayahualulco, very close to a security guardhouse belonging to the preventive police.

The discovery was reported this morning (November 27), even though there were reports of at least two different confrontations in the neighborhood of La Villa, near the preparatory school #26.  The criminal groups reported to be involved in the clashes are “Los Rojos” and “Los Ardillos”.  “Los Ardillos” are reported to be directing the brothers of the president of the local Congress, and the local PRD congressman Bernardo Ortega Jiménez.

The bodies belonged to men between the ages of 20 and 25, all of them receiving R-15 and AK-47 shots.  According to official reports, the victims were lying on the shoulder of the road, decapitated, dismembered, and burned.  Other reports say that some were doused in fuel but were unsuccessfully incinerated.

Even though the clashes were reported to be on the evening of the 26th, the bodies didn’t appear until dawn and had a message from one of the organized crime groups operating in the area.

The message read: “There goes your trash ha ha ha…Fucking Ardillos shitty turncoats.  Atte.  The big shot.”

Heading towards Santa Catarina, a military patrol arrested a civilian who was carrying firearms and grenades.

Sources:Proceso, Milenio
Photo on next page


  1. horrible, but I think calling men in their 20s 'youths' is a big stretch.

  2. no big loss just gangs killing gangs.

    1. Nice you get to be judge and jury. That's what the gobierno told you about the Iguala murders too !! If there was any law it would make no difference if the dead were criminals, it's still murder. But there is no justice so 11 bodies are a joke.

      You make me sick.

    2. people like you make me sick. idiots who assume that victims are automatically connected to cartels, yet there is many instances of innocence who get killed for cartel propoganda. go fuck yourself!

    3. I go by the report as given here by bb. So the ones killed were
      ardillos which is a known gang. So either the rival gang kills them or the military or the police or the autodefensas. What is the difference as long as they are eliminated. If by some wild possibility these 11 were not gang then i am as sad as anyone who values innocent lives taken in this senseless war.

    4. Mexico is essentially in a state of war. There is an internal conflict going on. In war time, you prioritize the human rights of civilians and the innocent over those of belligerents and fighters. IF it's true that these individuals were cartel members then they made a choice to take on the risk of ending up like this. Mexico has limited resources. Those resources need to be focused on helping the innocent, especially the poor and defenseless. It's true that the government could be lying about who these individuals are. We need investigations. However, it is also very true that across Mexico you have bad guys killing bad guys. Cartel members killing cartel members. So it is not surprising or shocking at all that these 11 could be cartel members as the government says.

    5. @7;06 You are damn right, 2:17 should worry when inocents are being killed not when cartel murderers kill each other, they extort, kidnapp, steal and kill stupid fool.

    6. Mexico is not shorthanded and it does have the resources. I took a friend to El Paso for two days. I said count how many police you see in the two days we are here! That time we saw just one. On the way back to Chihuahua, When we got to the Puerto de Chihuahua monument, I said start counting. By the time I dropped him off in the short drive to his house we counted 13 police of different agencies. The vialidad or transit police line the streets like plagues of grasshoppers taking bribes and giving tickets to people. Most of the streets have speed limits so slow and it is ridiculous. Periferico Almada has 5 lanes on each side. No houses and a speed limit of about 45 miles per hour. That is ridiculous. Why build a nice 5 lane highway and put a speed limit of 45 miles per hour. The police are hidden all along that short stretch and pull people over left and right that are heading from the North to Southern Mexico destinations. The police do nothing to stop corruption and crime. Just f'k over the people. The other police which also number far too many along with the federal police are more interested in fleecing and extorting businesses, and the general public. If they put these resources to work fighting crime, they and not fleecing the people a lot could be done. They actually know where most of the drug dealers, extortionists and kidnappers live. People can take you through the pueblos and city and point out the houses where they live. The ones they arrest are not giving the government employees a cut. It is well known that in the police offices that if a call comes in against someone they are in cahoots with, that no one will be sent to that destination. thus 93.8 percent of the people actually call the police when a crime is perpetrated against them. The criminals say, if you call the police we will be back to kill you, and they will. They actually keep lists of criminal enterprises that are hands off in many of the police departments. This is happening in all the big cities across Mexico as well. This is how people in all forms of government make the real money. Even Aduanas (border patrol agents) rake in the big money on a daily basis. People are lined up at Santa Teresa border crossing waiting to pay bribes that they were not expecting. They have more resources then you can imagine. But they choose to be criminals, and rape the innocent, and let the street criminals and gangs to their work. This is all government sponsored terrorism against the people. Why do some of these pueblos in Mexico have police forces in Mexico that do very little to arrest the criminals. They are there to extract money and use criminals to live a life style they could not afford with regular pay checks from the government. A transito cop can make $200 plus dollars per day and more just in bribes. The army is paid to escort shipments of Marijuana out of the mountains to the city. Those that do not pay for this service are the ones that get caught. How do you think that truck loads of drugs make it to the border on buses and trucks on few highways heading North. Paid for all the way. It is like a toll road for the drugs dealers and a straight shot to the border. All the border cities are paid (buying the plaza) so they can do business once they reach the border without fear of being taken in. I can not imagine how Mexico could change unless there is all out war from the people or an outside source coming into to fight for the people. I laugh at the mere fact that the USA pays Mexico billions to fight the drug war. That money actually facilitates the drug dealers and corrupt government officials so they can get more money. How stupid is the US government.

    7. Informative and common sense post brother,telling everyone how it works from experience and the reality...

    8. Most mexicans got not brain only bad poop in their chicken heads, if the autorities did their job right their agencies could collect plenty of more funds from the criminals just imagine all the drug traficking money, extortion, kidnappings, illegal casino gambling, illegal mining, the oil they steal, the money the crooked governors, mayors steal from the own gov. etc.. all of that dirty money (BILLIONS&BILLIONS of USD) that help criminals CORRUPT the mexican government could be recovered and put to use to get a better salary if that is the problem of not getting paid enough.

      Why not do the job rightfully and ask for better salaries instead.? But no they rather go for the easiest and moronic destructive way, taking bribes daily, weekly, monthly giving the criminals the power to do what they want, the license to kill and destroy while they get rich from WRONG DOINGS.

      If salaries were augmented specially with AUTORITY FORCES the corruption in law forces would go down dramatically. But then again what gov would want to pay higher salaries for dishonest fools disguise as police officers.? Maybe what they should do is clean the clowns with costumes from ALL THEIR AGENCIES and choose their officers more carefully!


    9. Have you heard about the salaries that those guys receive (politicians, chief polices, municipal mayors) they are paid well already my friend so don't talk shiet everything is happening because of those double face (Doble moral) llamado americanos, buying drugs and selling guns to Mexicans every money that get confiscated americans always rise their hands for the money because they say are dollars and every dollar belongs to USA what a joke right?

    10. 10:52 AM
      "everything is happening because of those double face (Doble moral) llamado americanos"
      I would put money that you are a racist hiding behind the anti-gringo crap,like most of you ?These fuckin idiots are part of Mexicos problem,the hate and racism pointed at imaginary oppressors,talk about unsophisticated?

    11. 10:52 AM
      "llamado americanos,buying drugs and selling guns to Mexicans"
      Awww those poor Mexicans,BDN is calling your lame sad ass..

    12. 10:52am Moron. The norte americanos don't force mexicans to sell the drugs to them. Nor force them to buy american rifles, guns from them. They do it all alone by choice pendejo. get it?

      @1:42PM You are damn right those type of mega idiots are the weight dragging mexico down.

  3. What does los ardillos mean?

  4. In case you're curious, this is how it's being reported in Australia

  5. It means, The squirrels.

  6. Yesterday, in front of an OXXO near LLano Largo, Acapulco, a Tortilla moto delivery guy was gunned down. What is sad , is that it seems that no one cares. I have noticed this same attitude with new workers in California. GRO. is a scary place!

  7. I didn't know a male is still considered a youth at 20-25 years of age. It must be a Mexican thing.

  8. It is not that they do not care .... The people of Guerrero and pick a state in Mexico do not want to get involved. Explanation.... In Mexico you have to mind your own business or else your life might be at stake. In the United States, if you help but cause harm you are a GOOD SAMARITAN, in Mexico now a days if you help you are getting in some one else's business. In this brief explanation that is how Mexicans in Mexico think.... Mind your business and live longer... Get involved life gets shortened by cowards... I go to Mexico.... If i could legally carry a firearm i would not fear no one and if you tried to kill, kidnap, or destroy my property or family... You would be met with all my rage and lead PLOMO,.. THAT is the fastest way to get rid of the violence let the people carry firearms legally, let the people protect themselves and each other..... I miss the Mexico of twenty years ago....

    1. Explanation.... VICIOUS MURDERERS REPRESS the good samaritans of mexico?....& who are the murderers? the same mexi-bestias. lol

  9. Amazing how easy fools get sidetracked from a story,by a comment.
    Apparently this is between Los Rojos and Los Ardillos?Both of whom we have heard of,Los Rojos,Morelos,Guerrero,once or still are a part of Beltran(armed)ran by an extended family with people in office,these are a well entrenched group,Leonor Nava Romero"el tigre" then José Nava Romero"el rojo"was leader(killed a while ago)remember the mother and daughter Nava-Romero,this family is hated by many,have a look how many groups are fighting in Guerrero?Unbelievable

  10. Instead of inaccurate drone-strikes in Pakistan -- although having the positive desired effect of eliminating radical jihadist Al-Queda murderers -- seems to have an unacceptable rate of civilian casualties.....which in my mind makes them completely undesirable and immoral. However, if on my smart phone I can pull-up Google Earth, and zoom in on the homes and training bases of cartel members, WHY ISN'T THE U.S. IN CAHOOTS WITH THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT HAVING AN ALL OUT COORDINATED DRONE ATTACK ON THESE FILTHY, COWARDLY CRIMINALS?

    1. it's already in cahoots with the cartels (think Zambada and DEA looking the other way, contras-crack-80s, etc) to make sure the drugs make it into US territory safely and everyone can continue shooting up or toking up. The filthy cowardly criminals are the two faced politicians who run dirty wars on the one hand, and with the other hand facilitate the operations of their "enemy" to keep justifying their "war." If you think collateral damage is bad in the stans, wait till they let loose some hellfires in Mexico, then you'll really see civillian casualties.

    2. Look at this 2 pendejos. They haven't commited atacks on the US like the terrorist from the middle east have done. Wait till some mexican drug cartel detonate a bomb on US soil then you'll see whats good. Then you all gonna see drone atacks all over the fcking sierras where ranchos and training camps are located. Haters..

  11. Los ardillos bosses direct bernardo ortega jimenez, local congressman and local congress president, both PRD members, like governor angelico aguirre rivero, and iguala mayor abarca, former PRI members, do not get misled by "narc" accusations, we don't know who the dead are yet, and accusing victims of beng narcs murderedby other narcs is just a tactic of the government, like, maybe mayor abarca did not do HIS murders after kidnappings, so nobody could have ordered the ayotzinapa incident either, And it is all a big misunderstanding where "other unknown criminals" are the ones kidnapping and disappearing young and old ''guerrilla narco criminals'' all over mexico...
    @1:02 @5:37 you could not help yourself, you have to always push the company line, you must be a paid agent of the criminal mexican government, make it greedy, corrupt, murdering mexican government doing its dirty deeds under protection of and subsidized by the UNTED STATES OF AMERIKKKA government, behind the backs of the real people of the US who do not know any of this, thanks to the american press suppression of the real news, for money...

    1. "is all a missunderstanding" what a joke

    2. Oh,shurrup,what are you getting hysterical about millie

  12. (put this by accident in the Michoacán story) - although the two stories might be related.

  13. The fingerprints of US amerikkkan operatives are all over the place, here is no systematic murdering enterprise on the whole world where you can't find the dirty hands of amerikkan operatives, even BB enjoys their dirty presence, and they don't like it, right mil massacres? I mean mil mascaras...
    --you and all the evil americans do not represent all of the US population, not even 1%, but sure are guilty of 99% of the worst problems in the world...
    --the ugliest and most murderous nazis of modern times, amerikkkan nazis,1%ers and their cheerleaders hiding behind the US flag and patriotism...

    1. "the ugliest and most murderous nazis of modern times amerikkkan nazis"
      Lame ass coward loser sittin in the US,,pussy.
      Loser racist,you bring no glory to Mexicans,its sad millie

    2. December 1, 2014 at 11:11 AM
      Dude,you really are weird?You call yourself millie,and then call everyone else it?You answer your own posts,rave about imaginary plots based on skin color,hate on the country you were born in and blame everyone in the universe for your life?You hijack posts with inane historical shit?Doesn't that sound strange to you?I guess in your precarious mental outlook it doesn't?

      Peace heeheehee

    3. Oh Millie you truly need to get back on your meds. I used to find your posts amusing but now they are just plain making my brain hurt.


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